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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Half way through season 2 and I may bail. Very disappointing. I just watched the ep.I want your cray cray and I am spoiled for the rest.

    I was barely hanging on so far, neither the Jeri story nor the monster woman story nor the Trish story really had my interest. Of the three, probably the storyline with Trish was the most interesting

    But the stuff with Jess' mom just seems ridiculous and awful, and I guess it.takes on a bigger role for the rest of the season, so I feel like Im kind of out.

    Would've preferred they kept the focus on Trish and left the whole mom angle out. 

    Not sure if I will try Season 3, I always take a break in any case.

  2. I'm with those that would have much preferred Weed stay on rather than Marcus. Actually the best part of Marcus is his mother and her friend- a road trip with them and Weed I would be into.

  3. I'm on Oct 1993. Sadly seems like a huge drop off in anything interesting.

    The Coopers, Lucy included- meh.

    Bridget's obsession with Hart- meh.

    Fake Billy- meh.

    New Alex- I like Marj Dusay (I'm an SB fan) but the Alex/Mindy retread- holy smokes enough is enough with that.

    Nick and Mindy snooze.

    Blake and Ross backburnered.

    I am curious about Tangie as I'm an SB fan, but I gather ot goes nowhere. And I am looking forward to Roger and Jenna losing Spaulding.

    But other than that kind of meh.

    I HATE baby storylines with a passion so the upcoming Peter custody thing- I'm not sure I'll be into it.

    I knew a drop off would come, still disappointing. But there are still some good bits ahead I'm sure.

  4. I've been watching Columbo and Janis Paige is in an ep called Blueprint for Murder. It's good, good ep and she plays a good character

    Also been watching Murder She Wrote (both shows calm my anxiety for some reason) so far Marj Dusay had been in two eps and the guy playing Craig in one.

    The Columbo ep with Paige is the best one though so far.



  5. In the shade, but no noise canceling headphones 

    Ah well. I am probably hyper sensitive about these kinds of things atm. 

    We usually sit by the open/raised bullpen so there are always kids here hanging iver the rail.

    The families that get me are the ones who leave early. So you pay a minimum of $100 a ticket for 2 to 4 people and leave after an hour? I don't get it.


    • Like 1
  6. I don't have kids but is it weird to bring a teeny tiny infant- like tiny- and sit in the front row of right field where all the home run balls go?

    Or am I being too judgmental? 

    She is super cute but super distracting lol.

    It's also the inevitable drunk crowds that would make me nervous. Like getting in and out of here is stressful for me, as couldnt imagine it with a tiny baby 

    • Like 6
  7. I've been watching Season 3, only on ep 3 but so far kind of meh. The biggest drag is Matt pretending to be dead, like just meh. So unoriginal. I mean that's a daytime soap storyline done to death.

    Mainly watching for Fisk at this point. 

  8. I'm really enjoying this show. The cast, the way it's filmed, the pace. I agree the side characters could be fleshed out more- the pilot. Della and her partner.

    I'm reqlly enjoying Alice's story. 

    Could definitely have done without the suicide. Not sure that seems in character. He could have just resigned.

    • Like 3
  9. I was actually just watching part of the Laurleton story. I basically watched the Lucy scenes and some at the end when they figured out it was Kevin.

    Question- I've also been watching the Sean and Monica thing and it just seems tedious and awful compared to when she was cheating with Rick.

    Is it worth continuing? All this stuff about Alan faking his own death. Meh. Sounds awful.

    My other focus next up will be Anna and Duke and Mr.Big which I've never seen (yes I know it's Ramsay).

    All in all this year of the show- 1986 - is awful. I'm kind of wondering if the rest of the 80s are any better. I'm determined to get to where I first started (92? 94? I originally started when Karen/Jagger were on) but holy smokes it's been hard. I ff a lot 

  10. Well I dunno if anyone us around but I'm just watching this now.

    I'm enjoying it, but I dont think Krysten Ritter is a very strong actress, so that distracts me.

    I'm on season 1, the ep where Kilgrave goes to the cop station to profess his love.

    Making the cops laugh like it was a joke at the end- for some reason that out of everything really brought it home how awful he is. There is something really horrific about violating people and then making them laugh/,enjoy it. It was a good way to illustrate. 

    I don't know the back story about Trish's mom. Kind of a drag with these shows I feel like I have to look everything up. I feel too lazy to do it this time, so I hope they explain in show if it matters.

  11. Agreed with the comments re LD and NLG. Partly the character/story, but LD just seems tired, no energy. 

    I'm rewatching old SB and old GH, so best of both worlds.

    I FF the scene with Anna and Jason. I just assumed it was in the category of Thing I Never Want to See. I can do without Anna kissing Jason's ass or whatever that is.

    So I catch GH on demand- I find it kind of hysterical that even with commercials the cable company has it at 36 mins. And even that is hard for the writers to make compelling, I gather.

    When does that new show Gates start, wonder if it will be any good.

    • Useful 1
  12. Well I had to watch LD's scenes, even though they were kind of boring. 

    So as a viewer that hasn't really watched GH since 2003, I find the new hospital and Q setting fugly. I mean I guess they had to modernize it, but the Q mansion is a) unrecognizable and b) awful. It just seems cold and sterile. 

    The hospital is slightly more tolerable, but still unrecognizable.

    Maybe partly I just prefer the 70s/80s aesthetic.

    JE looks well. LD really needs a haircut. I have a feeling based on the interview he gave he wasn't really into getting too tidied up. 

    • Like 1
  13. I'm a late viewer to this show. I enjoy it, but find the twu wuv stuff bw Mike and El irritating. It was even more irritating last season. Agreed with another poster who said Lucas and Max were being handled much better.

    I cannot for the life of me figure out why Max and her step brother are together and what happened there, nor do I see why I should care.

    What I really came to say, though, was I much prefer Steve to Jonathan. Steve at least has something of a personality, while Jonathan is just a moping outcast who gets the girl he mooned over and stalked stereotype.

    That sounds harsh, I don't mind Jonathan, I just think it would actually have been more interesting if Nancy had stuck with Steve who seems to be trying to grow as a person. It's just more interesting than a mopey stereotype.


    • Like 2
  14. Man how long did PM last? I only loosely follow the news bc I don't watch current GH, but the news about PM and LD had me at least considering checking it out. But I guess not lol.

    So weird, and yes unprofessional, it really makes the BTS look like a shit show.

    Ah well. I will continue with my YouTube watch of old eps. Lucy just entered the scene. I think she's up to something heh.

    • Like 6
  15. Well the Yankees may end on a high note here today. 

    I give Eric Swanson a pass, his kid was hit by a car in Florida in spring training. The little boy is recovering but it was pretty serious. So Swanson has been through a lot.

    • Sad 5
  16. I haven't watxhed many games until the last couple days. 

    I dunno if it's just me but I still find these uniforms awful. I can see the outline of their shirts tucked in and whatever they're wearing underneath plain as day in some shots. Also seeing a lot more sweat, to the point where some of it just seems gross. It's not even summer yet. Wait til these are soaked straight through.

    Billion dollar industry and they can't figure out the balls or the unis. 

    • Like 7
  17. Didn't the translator give an hour long interview to ESPN with an Ohtani spokesperson standing by, saying that Ohtani loaned him the money? Beforw the lawyers pulled it back?

    That is what gets me. Something like that doesn't just happen imo. The interpreter wasn't meeting ESPN in a back alley. I find it hard to believe that interview was set up without Ohtani having any knowledge, given how tight lipped he is with media. 

    Also how stupid would this guy be to brazenly lie like that to an espn audience of millions?

    I dont buy it myself.

    But I believe they need someone to blame, they will blame the interpreter, and that's that bc it's Ohtani.

    • Like 3
  18. I could be wrong, but I think it was an illegal bookie/gambling operation. I believe the feds are investigating, but I may have those details wrong.

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