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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Year of the Ump.

    Was Manfred booed at the draft last year, or did I dream that? 

    Looking forward to it happening again.

    • Like 3
  2. I didn't watch but it looks ridiculous. I really think giving the umps a bunch of complicated rules, with a bunch of complicated discretionary exceptions thrown on top for good measure, will be a disaster. 

    I'm not sure how on earth Manfred thinks they can adjudicate these clock stop start rules fairly with all the discretionary exceptions. If he cared.

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  3. So watching April 1990. Seems like I'm coming to another bad stretch. 

    The story with Tawny and Ric? Is that any good? Weird they would do a sibling thing and then again with Cassie and Warren. Not sure how much of it to watch

    Cruz and the shaman thing and the guy wanted Eden to join his dozen women or whatever. Not sure I can get through that.

    The stuff with the orphans and Cassie- I am interested in her story, but I don't think that's for a while.

    Man, Amado was smoking hot. Too bad they really tamped that down and stuck him in a boring relationship with Laken. I would've just come up with story after story where he had to run  around in a ripped tank top heh. Yes, shallow lol.

    ETA I really like Craig. Shame they never gave him a decent story or love interest.


  4. Yeah, agreed. I didn't quite get what the big deal was. To be clear, Ohtani is impressive to me in general. But I've never understood the hype about Trout and and all the boohooing about his own desire to stay with a losing team

    People were calling him a master of the sport yesterday. Really? Has he ever been in a playoff game? Maybe one I think. I don't know how you can call him a master of the sport when he has largely not participated in one significant aspect of it, and to some extent by his own choosing. 

    I also read he was going to try to convince Ohtani to stay with the Angels. I have no.idea if that's true but if it was- dude, c'mon.

    ETA apparently it is true lol. Run away Ohtani. 

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  5. It's episode 201, he says that if she gets pregnant by anyone else he will basically hint to CC that it's not his child, so that CC would do a blood test to check. So if she wants to get pregnant, he is basically blackmailing her so that it will be have to be with Mason. 

    I dunno, to me those scenes play really sleazy and gross, and even the first scene where they sleep together the first time, it's played that way- that she is not really consenting, she is doing it bc Mason says he will tell CC if she gets pregnant from anyone else. 

    So I guess I consider that blackmail. Then like I said, SB goes the route of most soaps - it's not played as very serious, and the woman inevitably ends up liking it. But it did not start like that. 

    And I do think they dropped the sleazier aspects of Mason after that.

    Although there was also a scene when Eden was with Kirk and Mason was teasing her about hearing them have sex. Which wtf. I have 2 brothers and if they thought there was the remote chance of that happening they would be running for the hills as fast as they could. And if they did hear that accidentally they would drop dead before commenting about it. 

    But that one I blame more on the writers. But it's really weird scene bc it's like did you sit there and listen to your sister having sex? So weird. At least that would be weird in my family lol. 

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  6. I can't remember the details but it was definitely blackmail. He basically said if she didn't he would tell CC she wasn't pregnant. And then of course, like most soaps, it turned into she liked it. But initially that was what happened.

    I remember bc it was so gross lol. I think I might have even commented somewhere here on it.

    Oh also @Bali I'm just getting to it now, but I would've been fully on board with Kelly and Craig.

  7. I'm actually enjoying 1990 okay, although I still can't get over how much they changed Kelly. But if you pretend she is just a different person, it's easier to tolerate. 

    Gina, her mother, and brother are ok. Not a replacement for Keith but mildly entertaining. I'm kind of into the story with Laura trying to set her up/burning the house down.

    I'm enjoying Augusta more this second time round than I did initially. The story with Mason and Julia trying to get rid of Sasha is entertaining, although again you have to almost imagine Julia as a different person bc early Julia was a champion of the system and would've called the cops.

    Cruz and Eden with the adoption stuff was a weak link for me and I bypassed a lot of it. But the drug storyline coming up is more interesting to me.

  8. Nm. I'm going to get sucked into this WBC in spite of myself. This 5 or 6 hour Canada game may make me a fan of the pitch clock.


    • LOL 1
  9. I don't comment much on YT either, more bc I think my opinions are unpopular. It seems most people hate Eden.....she is what drew me to the show, although I skip all the mushy stuff with Cruz lol. Or a lot of it.

    And I simply don't get the absolute Kelly worship a lot of people have. Eden was a much more complex and interesting character imo, and much more active. Kelly was a typical rich, spoiled princess imo.

    A lot of times I feel like I'm not watching the same show.

    Mason.is a universal favourite I guess.


  10. This is why banning the shift or trying to is stupid imo. A team's job is partly to try to prevent the other team from scoring. They will keep doing whatever works to do that within the bounds of the rules. They're being penalized for doing it too well.

    I feel like Manfred is just a few years away from having the defenders face the other direction bc hey it will lead to more action! More athleticism! 

    ETA I'm not sure that defensive alignment will work very well, but over time I bet they will figure something else out sooner or later. I would bet there are teams of analytics people working on it.

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  11. Scoring across the league seems a lot higher. I feel like they've gone from one extreme to the other- low scoring games with little action to these double digit scoring games when players are just racing around the bases like jackrabbits.

    I could live with the clock if they maybe added 5 seconds. I keep thinking about those moments when every pitch really matters- playoffs, or bases loaded in the ninth. I'll miss that tension and the face off of the batter and pitcher.

    On the broadcast here they have continued to have a red timer counting down on the tv- separate from the scorebug. I've had to find something to block it bc I find it really distracting.



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  12. Alex dying whatever. I felt bad for the actress stuck in the same monotonous scene with him for almost the entire season. What a tremendous waste.

    I thought right to the bitter end Filip was going to kill his father. Don't think he can be redeemed at this point.

    I was really opposed to Clarissa being around but she really grew on me. Reminds me of Buffy where some of the gang were mass murderers lol. But reformed so it's all good.

    I enjoyed it better than last season, but I'm bummed only one season left especially bc it seems there is more story to tell.

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  13. I was actually thinking of taping a piece of cardboard over it lol. But I think I can cope with that on the score thing. Maybe. 

  14. I started season 2 but will probably bail. It's too dumb.

    Lydia partners with Gail but then decides to steal money from him AND a burner phone and then start taking calls from it?

    The character isn't supposed to be that dumb.

    The older parents- the mother continues to be awful. She wants to retire but her husband doesn't andnshe refuses to consider that and basically forces him to do other things he doesn't want to. Like why? Let him work if he wants to.

    Then what really stopped me- they're brining Crystal's.mom back and she's abusive to her daughter and just miserable and I just don't need to watch that.

    It's a shame bc the characters are mostly good, but the stupidity of the plots, and some of the abusive behaviour makes it hard to stay with it. 

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  15. It bothers me that they're making these guys play with the new rules for a couple weeks in spring training, then back to the old rules for WBC, then back to the new rules.

    I would rather they just take the spring training to adapt to the new rules.

    I can't get into the competition aspect, the games are meaningless to me and how many of the teams are actually competitive? 

    I also don't like the Olympics lol. See above re being an old grump heh.


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  16. Fans didn't really like Tori so it's safe to say the actress got a deluge of hate mail after that story, but my understanding was the actress got tons of hate mail throughout her run. 

    Like even towards her, you know it's a shame when some fans can't separate the actor from the story. 

    I actually thought as an actress she was okay, but man just awful stories and writing for her. They did not give Tori much personality at all other than getting in the way of others' happiness.

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  17. Are people really into the WBC? I feel like an old grump bc I kind of wish they would just stay in spring training, finish it out, and start the season like normal.

    Like I probably won't watch it. 

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  18. Just started season 3. I really dislike Des. He just seems like no value add to Mary. She didn't want to do the hospice. She made it clear she wants to treat different kinds of people.

    He insists, wants it his way. She caves and them he's pissed bc she still does want she wants.

    I do think Mary could use a partner that grounds her a bit but Des just seems like an asshole that wants to have control.

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