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Posts posted by cleo

  1. It's cool and I like the song, but I just keep thinking what a drag it would be if the dude blew a save after all that. You would have to be super confident I imagine.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Not sure if it was Christopher Norris (the actress) or the writing, since, before SB, Norris spent many seasons on the prime time show, Trapper John, MD.

    Yeah fair enough. the writing didn't help. Also it could just be me- the actress drove me crazy, I don't know why. I mean I don't think she is a great actress but probably I was a little harsh lol.  And then the storyline was just not my thing. 

    ETA oh re my opinion on 1989. The stuff with Kelly and Ric, Cruz and Ric was ok. Just didnt go far.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bali said:

    Frank Runyeon deserved better than the show gave Michael 

    100%. I skipped that whole Laura/ murder storyline. That was the one where there was nver actually a body, somehow they just woke up one day and assumed someone was murdered. Or at least that was how it seemed to me. 

    I'll tell you right now the only thing I thought worthwhile in 1989 was when Robert came and even that starts kind of slow. The rest is a hot pile of garbage imo. 

    ETA the actress playing Laura was terrible imo. Just a terrible actress, yes FR was so much better and could have done so much more. Also she just seems like kind of a crappy person. But that is my impression in bw many many fastforwarded scenes lol. 

  4. Well I'll be interested to hear what you think of the storylines with Robert. It does start slow. I made it to Nov 89. Then I missed most of 90.

    As for 1988- lol thanks. I'm past the rape happening. I'm almost at October. So the end is in sight!

  5. Yeah that's not really what I meant. You were complimenting him I gather. He's fine with that. You know why he blocked me? I said, and I quote:

    "He's a great pitcher but not right for Toronto right now."

    Not exactly a brutal insult. He literally sits around looking for people to block on twitter for the tiniest slights-  his blocking is legendary.

    He's all rah rah team HDMH but every once in a while something nasty surfaces where he let's it slip that rah rah stuff is all BS and really it's all about Stroman. He markets himself as this positive team guy, and over time it's obvious it's bullshit.

    I mean yeah he is a good pitcher and showman but he's as fake as they come with a huge streak of self centred-ness.

    Would take a genuine person like Espinal over him any day. 

    Anyway yeah agree to disagree lol. I do hope you enjoy the game, I won't be watching lol.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah I wish they had taken it further with Eden and Robert. I also HATED him with Kelly and I just don't buy it- not based on how he was presented for the longest time. They changed his character to accommodate the fans. The only way it makes sense to me is imagining it as Quinn.

    I don't necessarily think the E and C split should have been permanent but it was obvious there were worried about fan reaction and that affected how the storyline played out.

  7. Man this show. If they stick the landing, it'll be the best sci fi I've ever seen (not that I've seen a lot). But BSG was very good and just a nonsensical ending that made no sense, like all of it, Kara Angel and all. Kind of ruined the show for me.

    -anyway my one main comment is the protomolecule as it was originally and on Wros just seems vastly different than the ring and this station. For one thing, they don't really seem alive and Miller kind if said that too.

    So it was a leap from Eros/Venus to this. 

    But anyway- like many I'm not into Melba and characters who hurt other people bc mommy and daddy were shitty are a hard pass with me usually. My parents were also shitty, that is not hyperbole, but I managed to get therapy rather than kill people heh.

    Not into the Belter stuff at all

    The guy killing himself- kind of weird but it also kind of really helped sell the impact and import of what was happening and how overwhelming it is. 

    Melba- when she cracks her tooth or whatever it is it literally nauseates me, the whole cracking clicking eyes changing whatever sequence.

    • Applause 1
  8. I'm pretty sure Baltimore is going to end up knocking Toronto out of the playoffs. I've thought that for  the last month.

    Jays were hanging out with some Leafs players a couple months ago, so I knew it was all over.

    • Hugs 1
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  9. I'm almost at the end of season 4- just finished the second last ep.

    I enjoyed it more this time than last, but by the end reminded why I hated it. I dislike the story with Tami, dislike Tim's story ending in jail, dislike Tim and the girl being romantic. 

    Not commenting on Tami's story much but politics aside it was just dreary watching her be attacked for something she didn't do.

    Tim did participate in the chop shop but he should not take the fall. His brother is just an ass and one of my least favourite characters. Partly bc he never learns so Tim suffers jail and then sooner or later the dumbass brother will.just be in trouble again anyway. 

    Tim and the girl- it was fine when she was a lost kid and he was offering friendly support. Making it romantic just seems off not only bc of the age difference but really bc they just don't seem like a good fit. Two.people that come from shitty backgrounds getting together bc they're lonely and what else is there to do?

    I do.like Vincent's storyline and really it was Jordan that saved season 4 and 5 for me.

    • Love 2
  10. @Ms Blue Jay I think he's blocked half of Toronto by now. He's very good at creating a persona and marketing it but under the surface is a different story imo.

    Anyway I know he's popular, as per usual I have a UO lol.

  11. On another topic, I'm on board with a pitch clock. I never used to be, but some of these pitchers are so slooooooooooooow. 

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  12. I wouldn't call you a dinosaur! I admit as someone whose team is in the AL East I don't mind one bit lol.

    Since I'm here- Stroman returning to Toronto on Tuesday and I'm already nauseated by the worship and fawning from some fans. I really dislike Stroman. So glad the Jays moved on from him.

    • Love 1
  13. I've read spec that eventually that will happen. Possibly even renamed, like in the NBA-  East/West League or something.

    • Sad 3
  14. -So LD acting as Sonny pretending to be Masin is really good. Dumb story but it really shows his skill.

    - such a shame they decided to destroy the characters of Jeffrey and Cain. Two good characters and they just threw them under the bus

    - Re Critter. This is before the rape. I don't get it- he took Eden hostage at the station and then after she said it was all an act and he was lying?

    I didn't think I skipped any of those scenes but I couldn't follow what happened.

  15. Do you watch every game @mojoween? Just curious. I watch a lot, but sometimes whej theyre on a streaming platform it gives me an excuse to catch up on other shows.

    There is too much tv lol. I feel like I have to quit my job to keep up with it all.

    Although I was actually thinking of taking a week off in October so I could watch playoff games day and night lol. But I WFH so probably not necessary.

    • Love 3
  16. I feel like I should get $5 off my cable bill for every game blacked out. 

    Apparently Peacock's subscriber numbers have been flat the last few months. Oddly enough having random baseball games on at 11:30 in the morning on Sundays didn't result in a rush of people signing up. 

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  17. Yep and FYI Yankees and Jays on Friday is Apple TV. I'll be honest, I didn't want to watch it but a friend of mine was planning a night around it, like dinner and drinks and watch the game for a few people.

    Then he realized it was Apple so nope. I mean we'll have dinner anyway but the game is out.

    But it's just a good example of MLB alienating people from the sport with this shit.

    It wouldn't be so bad if it was consistent, but like figuring out which of 5 platforms on a given night is bonkers.

    Also since I'm here- people coming out of the woodwork to defend Tatis and say it was no big deal.and big bad MLB is being mean to poor Fernando the face of baseball are just making me respect the guy less and less. 

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  18. I dont believe his story. That's what they all say. I have zero respect for him a) taking PEDS and then b) lying about it. 

    He had everything and threw it away. JMO.

    Remember Colabello? Same BS. 

    • Love 2
  19. There is a rumour around they are going to have a hologram of some player who has died, I can't remember his name- Harry Caray?

    A few people are hoping a) they will and b) that it will be a train wreck.

    I'm not into the whole concept either. 

  20. I don't really think Cruz and Eden were the same. I mean yeah there was the usual soap angst but there were days and days and days of sappiness in bw all that. Nauseating sappiness tbh. In fact I remember LD making jokes about it, hoe Marcy and A would get these easy scripts of just making googly eyes at each other lol.

    There are other differences as well, I mean I think the overall length of time together was more. And the later stories- the infertility, kidnapping, rape- they were stories they went through as a couple while a lot of M/J was them not being a couple or being apart- bc of Victoria, or Sonny, or the convent thing, etc.

    But jmo. I know a lot of people hated Eden and Cruz as a couple and Eden as a character.

    ETA to me, the influence of LD on the storyline is clear, bc he was really opposed to being in a long term soap couple AFAIK. It's kind of a shame that he didnt think that could be interesting. Whereas I think Marcy and A were ok with it.

  21. I feel like most of that relationship was misery. First the endless saga with Julia/Mason/Victoria. 

    Then move right into (I think)- the convent thing and he disappears/dies. Then he comes back as Sonny and that is angst. Then the alcoholism and he is gone for long periods of time bc of Robert.

    I like NLG, I think she is a good actress, but Julia's constant angst wore me out. 

    I will say I thought Mason was really written out of character in 89....like the cheating with Sasha, I don't know. I just didn't buy it. 

  22. Interesting, I never noticed a Jays hat. That is pretty obscure though.

    No I honestly don't think Matthew Perry had anything to do with it or endorsed it, I think the administration account  was joking. 

    I mean Simu Liu was actually here and threw a pitch, they could have promoted Kim's Convenience.

    Anyway it's just not my thing, but it makes slightly more sense now at least.

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