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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I found this season a disappointment. Too much of the relationship merry go rounds. And too much 'undercover' for 30 mins.

    Jackie, her mother, and sister really brought something the first season and just going to straight standard good guy/bad guy wasn't that interesting.

    The criminal stuff didn't even make sense. They arrest the mayor. They have no evidence she knew what was coming in on a plane. We know she did, but there is nothing to back it up. A good lawyer would have her out in 40 mins. There was other stuff that didn't make sense earlier on.

    Not sure I would watch another season if it was the same. 

    The actors are good, it has potential, so I was mainly watching out of hope it might improve.

  2. You know what gets me is all these baseball pundits are completely enamored by a player that hits and pitches, and yet most of them also hated the NL style of play. Like pick a lane. 

    And now I'm starting to hear them wax philosophical about how well this or that pitcher might hit or did hit and I'm like y'all have been bitching for years about pitchers hitting. And expanded the DH. So what do you want?

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  3. @SlovakPrincess yes it was a good story, Im really enjoying it, at least the Robert and Holly parts.

    Everyone else in the town just accepts his return though. I think John Stamos is annoyed for about 5 minutes.

    Also upon watching this show from the late 70s now on 83 I'm surprised how much I dislike Bobby. That is partly related to her attacking Laura and then Holly. 

    I never would have guessed bc I did like her in the 90s- I was definitely team Bobby when Carly came on the scene.

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  4. Not sure why Ross Kettle left. He grew on me quite a bit. 

    Eden and Cruz at Pebble Creek- I'm a C/E fan but I'm not into a lot of sentimental stuff so I've never managed to sit through that wedding. So I can't really picture the dresses etc. I'll never forget some interview LD did where he was like yeah so I had to memorize these long soliloquys/speeches and Marcy and A would just have to make goo goo eyes at each other for 20 mins lol. 

    I feel like I should say something positive lol- Mason in the convent storyline is ok. I also still find the Keith/Gina wedding stuff amusing in small doses. 

    I am looking forward to Bunny, I never saw him on the scene from the beginning. 

  5. I continue to sludge through 1988. 

    I really dislike the Kelly/TJ stuff, it's totally OOC and ridiculous for Kelly to suddenly be into TJ. One episode she's like he's a gigolo and the other she's into him. I'm assuming TJ has mad skillz.

    And I guess they do it by throwing Jeffrey under the bus. 

    There was enough conflict with Pamela being in the middle of the marriage, they didn't need to go down the path of Kelly realizing Jeffrey is an asshole or something.

    Kelly is my least favourite character but I actually came around on the pairing with Jeffrey and grew to like him quite a bit. So I just find it annoying they're going to throw it away on TJ. 

    Tori, Cruz, and Eden- the writers must have really hated KS. She's going to move and not even give Cruz a forwarding address? 

    And then it moves into Eden and fertility story and I'm not into that at all.

    Whatever that mess is with Cain, not into any of it.

  6. I didn't think this week would end with me being a Giants fan but here we are. For multiple reasons lol. 

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  7. Tbh in spite of my complaining I would've maybe considered it but they chose a west coast game and usually I DVR those bc I just can't stay awake that late. But with the streaming you can't do that. 

    Oh well time to get caught up on my other shows.

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  8. Has anyone watched any of the Apple games? I'm not, they can kiss my ass. But I'm curious of people liked the broadcast, bc I assume it's different announcers.

    So it's free but you have to create an Apple ID if you don't have one.

    I assume Apple is trying to figure out how many people are interested in watching so they can see of its worth pursuing as a fee based stream. 

    And of course Manfred and the owners DGAF as long as they get paid.

    I'm so glad I cancelled MLB TV. I would be steamed if I had paid for that and it was blacked out.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm watching Luke come back in 1983 after everyone thought he was dead and man what an asshole. I'm not sure I can stomach watching everyone drool over him.

    Someone on YT wrote something about how Luke is extremely harsh and unforgiving if he thinks anyone slighted him, but meanwhile he thinks everyone should just accept whatever bullshit he decides to dish out.

    Also I just realized- like I've watched the Cassadine story in the 90s when Nikolas came on the scene and how Luke treated Laura like a piece of garbage over it. 

    And so I just realized when they (Cassadines) showed Laura a newspaper saying Luke was dead- I guess it was like supposed to be a newspaper from after this avalanche? So just like with Holly part of it is his fault.

    Anyway Robert is a million  times the man Luke is.

    I actually thought in some scenes Luke was more jealous of Holly being with Robert than the reverse. Like that he wanted Robert for himself.

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  10. Aw thanks! I seem to be inept at finding good avatars I like but I somehow stumbled over that one. Can't even remember where. But yep it's my favourite. 

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  11. I was someone annoyed but it was more- there was coverage before the season even began about how he should be/would be the MVP this year. 

    Last year there was media saying that he should automatically win MVP bc of hitting/pitching even if his numbers were mediocre simply bc he was doing both. Follow up question was- based on that logic Ohtabi should be MVP every year of his career simply bc he is pitching and hitting, again even if the numbers were kind of mediocre. Answer was yes. 

    All of that is completely absurd imo. And so what I get tired of- like if he is playing well and hits home runs- then I understand the coverage. But the hysteria simply over his existence that comes and goes is a little over the top.

    But I agree since the season has started he hasn't gotten much attn, which is kind of ironic bc the Angels are doing well.

    He seems like a fun, likeable player from what I saw last year at the All Star game. 

  12. With like 3 exceptions the Rays players all seem completely unmemorable to me. Like I feel like I've probably watched some of these guys for a few years- Diaz? Margot? And when they come up to bat I'm still like who the fuck are these guys? They're always like vaguely familiar but I have no idea who they are, if they're good players.

    I know Kiermayer. I know Arozarena from the WS. I know of Franco but I couldn't pick him out of a lineup without help lol.

    I guess lack of media.


  13. Yep was just coming to post that.

    Just a neverending creep. It's ironic recently I was tossing around the idea of watching some News Radio eps but now probably not. I bought the DVDs years ago so it's not about not supporting him (though I certainly don't want to) and more that I'm not sure I can stand looking at him for 30 mins.

    The last time I watched it was probably 10 years ago and I found it creepy then. 

    • Love 12
  14. I didn't like any CC but Jed Allan. 

    1 hour ago, Bali said:

    Kelly slugged TJs new girlfriend Buffy and lands in jail? Kelly doesn't hit people. A few episodes ago, Sophia slapped Kelly. No. Just no. 1984-88 Sophia would never ever ever slap one of her kids. 

    Yeah I decided I will be ff the stuff with Kelly and TJ. ITA that Kelly hitting people and sleeping with Jeffrey is insane and not at all in keeping with her character. 

    I actually buy it more from Sophia- the slap and sleeping with TJ, but overall 1988 is just a descent into garbage.

    I did like the Hal Clark storyline, that's about it. 

    So everyone finds out Cruz is Chip's father and no one comments on HOW that actually happened bc IIRC it wasn't common knowledge Tory raped Cruz. And I know the soap would never call it that. But even that there was any activity- I remember Ted saw them, told his wife. 

    Again as far as I can remember Cruz didn't remember and Eden didn't know. 

  15. SB was definitely my obsession. I think I was 13 or 14, just the right age for a soap obsession.

    I thought 1991 was improving but it didn't seem to recover from MW leaving. It sounds awful lol.

    Casting CC - I dunno what the issue was but I hated all of them but Jed Allan.

  16. No problem, it's nice to share- I wish more people were watching bc it's fun to talk about.

    That youtuber with the 1-300 list should keep you going for a while then! Although the beginning- all the crappy CCs you have to get through before Jed Allan lol. 

    I started watching as a preteen in 1990/91, so basically near the end. It's only been the last few years I've watched the whole thing. Well up to Marcy Walker leaving and nothing that happened after that is canon to me lol. 


    ETA actually it's 1-200 i guess.

    • Love 1
  17. @BingeyKohan hopefully I can post the links here. These are mostly Youtube.  

    1.       The first three YT links here are the same person- he is a good source but every several months YT purges everything he posts. And then he starts over lol. So there are a few eps here, but not a lot bc they did a purge recently. But his eps are good quality and he is pretty dedicated to it.

    ·       Kelly Eden Capwell


    ·       santabarbara8493


    ·       Capwell Sisters


    2.       I came across this person recently on YT- they have ep 1-300 posted in English. It’s in 2 separate playlists- this is probably the best place to start if you want to start at the beginning.


    3.       I know of a few other YT channels but they are all either tailored clips- Cruz and Eden. Or just random episodes.

    As for me- I have my own episodes, almost the whole series. About half I got from YT several years ago before a purge (I just spent a lot of time tracking them and downloading them) and half I bought from someone. She used to have almost the entire show available. If you want her info pm me (she has a website), but she lives in Eastern Europe and I think it’s possible she has been affected by the war and might not be making eps available right now.

    I think someone else may have another non-YT source but I don’t know the details other than that.

  18. Sure people can change their minds. Or she is just being gracious and trying not to make a bigger fuss bc they were going ahead anyway.

    In either case I thought it was handled poorly- she never had a choice as far as I know. They were never going to take her off the ballot. So no matter whether she changed her mind or not it was going ahead. 


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  19. I'm aware ballots had gone out but all they had to do was instruct the voters to disregard. Or that they would disregard any votes cast for her.

    There were options but they just carried on. She will be/is being gracious about it bc they didnt really give her a choice.  but it doesn't make it any less shitty imo.

    Anyway it's done.

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