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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Yeah it seems like that's all they do. Inhave found this season a bit of a slog and I was close to bailing.

    They really lost something when the two sisters- the drug dealers when that storyline ended. Including their perspective really balanced the show and also had some of the funniest scenes. 

    The show felt unique and original....now it just seems like a mediocre cop/drama. 

    Also finding the 'quirkiness' of Sam so repetitive and one note.

  2. Yeah I watched some of the episodes recently. 

    So I'm normally really OCD about my tv viewing, I don't bounce around a lot but last night I indulged and watched the first half of the Capwell dinner with Marj Dusay. 

    It was interesting seeing how she played the character vs how she played her in 88 which is where I'm at now. It actually seemed really different. I had never seen most of SB's original run- I started sometime in 1990. I'm not sure exactly when but MD had left. 

    Right now I'm watching 88 for the first time and the only thing I like about it is the storylines with MD bc the stuff with C/E is crap, not into Scott, etc. 

    I guess I've been trying to see the flow from how she was in 88 to her being crazy in 91, though I still haven't seen all of 88- I'm only at the part where Kelly finds out she's pregnant. 

    Anyway other thoughts- 

    -Lisa is present. I loved this storyline (except the ending) as a teen. But like it or hate it, I just feel like MW is a phenomenal actress. There are scenes where she has no dialogue, but her expression just changes subtly and you can tell she has changed. I was totally captivated by MW as a teen lol. I also didn't like my mother so that's probably why heh.

    - GT- I know LD is one of a kind, and he brought a vulnerability to the role that I don't think GT could. But GT was a very good actor, and I'm fine with his version of Mason. 

    Does anyone know who would have written those episodes, the Capwell Dinner? I'll probably watch the second half tonight. 

  3. If they bunted more teams would stop shifting in a hurry. They don't have to hit homers the other way.

    But they don't really teach hitters to bunt anymore bc of the home run worshipping. 

    They bunt a little more in the NL I guess.

    I've also read other suggestions, around limiting the constant pitching changes, that I like more than limiting the shift. 

    But I also don't mind the game as is so I don't have an issue with the shift.

    Different subject - I find it funny in the midst of these negotiations and a lock out they're announcing shit like exclusive deals with Apple TV.


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  4. I still don't think there will be a CBA anytime soon in spite of all the breathless tweets from reporters. 

    But am I the only one that hates the changes they're talking about? 

    Banning the shift- hate

    14 team postseason hate

    I could live with a pitch clock. Larger bases- I dunno. Neutral I guess.

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  5. I prefer Miller to Holden. I don't know what it is, but Holden just doesn't resonate with me at all. His whole display and weepiness about shooting the med ship- whatever. 

    I don't know if it's the actor or character or what, but he just seems like a stereotype. I can't even articulate what it is. 

    But man great episode, I was half holding my breath. I thought someone would try to get into Eros just to see. 

    It's a shame the Mormons will (I assume) lose their ship for nothing.

    I thought Miller wanted to die regardless of whether they could stop the bomb or not 



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  6. I'm a couple eps behind but I don't like the mother. Not sure why TV writers think shitty relatives are cute and funny. They're not. I have shitty relatives and I don't speak to them lol. So maybe I'm biased. I also think it's kind of unrealistic that she would have wanted her grandson to get back together with Jackie- far more realistic that she would have judged her negatively and blamed her for him getting into trouble.

    I thought the fight between the two women was kind of contrived. 

    I'm not enjoying this season as much as last. 

  7. I think I skipped a lot of that- all of the Christmas stuff although I did see the pie scene. I used to skip a ton of Gina's scenes, I've just started watching a bit more but 1988.

    No sympathy for Pamela, but that kind of act with the pie seemed really out of tone for the show. I guess very early on there was the fight between Sophia and Augusta, and Eden throwing paint at Gina, but those were like the first or second year. 

    All I had seen of Pamela before was the infamous dinner in 91, so it's interesting seeing her whole story. I don't know if they always intended her to be batshit crazy but it's not hard seeing the continuity - she never seems fully mentally stable, at least not once MD came on.

  8. Yeah it's funny before the pandemic I was considering buying a ticket package for the first time instead of just one offs, which would have been  a lot more games.

    Not now and not ever probably. 

    I don't think the owners are that interested in growing the sport or having new fans, although they pay lip service to it.

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  9. Almost everything Manfred says is a calculated lie imo. Or if you want to put it more mildly- PR spin. Nothing he says or does in public is genuine.

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  10. I guess this is a UO but I prefer season 2 to season 3. Yes the murder, but I thought the storyline with Landry and Tyra after it happened was well done.

    And at least the rest of the cast was together.

    Since 3 is this weird year with the team disrupted- Smash and Jason leave and the slow decline with Taylor leaving. 

    It's not all bad, Matt's storyline is interesting and so is the dynamics with the McCoys but it's hard to enjoy the latter seeing the ending of Taylor with the Panthers coming.

    I can't remember how I liked season 4 and 5 but outside of the always awesome Michael B Jordan, I don't recall being impressed.

    Diff topic but somehow Buddy has become one of my favourite characters.

  11. Having watched more of it, they really kind of destroyed her character. Like her sleeping with TJ in CCs bed yuck. 

    - Scott seems like an awful character. I ff through a lot of his scenes but he always seems pissed and judgmental. 

    - Cruz and Eden's story since end of 87 is just garbage, I couldn't sit through it.

    This had always been the problem with SB. They have characters in stories just completely divorced from everyone. Before it was always Kelly. They couldn't integrate the stories.

    Like when GH had action/adventure stories they did a much better job of integrating it.

  12. I don't think so. I never thought so, but I'm a pessimist.

    So this would be what the third shortened year? I can't remember when things were normal anymore.


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  13. Cancelled my MLB TV subscription. Honestly I stopped using it as much as I did, the only reason I didn't cancel last year was laziness, and also bc it was pro rated or something across the 2 pandemic years so I gave in to the laziness. 

    But it felt pretty good to cancel right now, for reasons I won't go into. 

    That said, I really miss baseball. :(

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  14. I'm on 891. Totes agree Sophia would never have hired someone to cause trouble like that.

    If I look past that and also her being angry at CC for some inexplicable reason it's not a bad story.

    ETA would have loved a Sophia CC Lionel triangle.



  15. I'm watching all these late. I guess I'm in the minority but I don't like the doll and never have. It just irritates me.

    Similarly I'm really tired of the focus on Nadja and Nador fighting over the vampiric council. It's just repetitive and not funny anymore. 

    I do like the pairing of Lazlo and Colin, although in this episode I was kind of meh on their story.

    I think this season has been much more hit and miss for me than the others. I suppose that was bound to happen.

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  16. Yeah so far there isn't much in 1988 I would ever rewatch except for maybe Marj Dusay's scenes bc I like her so much.  

    But I'm only on Feb. I've never seen 88 before.

    NLG said in a recent podcast that she and LD didn't talk for like 8 months and no one knew it bc they did some of their best work ever.

    Trying to figure out what she thinks their best work ever was. I figure it can't be the baby contract stuff leading up to the affair? Maybe.

    What's after, Sonny Sprocket? Find it hard to believe she would think that was their best work.

  17. We're almost at the same spot! I think I've just got an ep or two before she sleeps with TJ. 

    The divorce stuff with Mason and Julia and Victoria got old fast.

    ETA Bali I think I saw one of your posts on another soap site. I'm registered there as Kari or something like that. I don't post very often.

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