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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I'm assuming (alright hoping lol) the Rays will do what the Dodgers always do- have like a +100 win season and then crap out in the playoffs.

    Not that I think the Jays will do much better- I think they will have the same result as last year. A good team, not a great team. The only difference is I think the GM's job might be on the line this time.

  2. Thanks @SlovakPrincess!  I am watching some of the Beatrice murder story bc Robert and Holly are cute lol. 

    I did see the beginning of Frisco and his brother so I'm following that.

    I am really interested in seeing Sean start and Anna.

    So I think I'm through the worst of 1984 and it's picking up a bit. I'm very slow watching right now bc I watch a lot of baseball lol.

    @GHScorpiosRule I thought it was  someone else- the guy that was on SB and AMC. Callahan? Im terrible with names.

  3. Yes, I wish they would stop reporting on him. I feel like there is this undercurrent of just waiting for him to come back to MLB.

    Apparently he's already annoyed some players or fans or something. I would be sympathetic but Bauer being a gigantic asshole is no secret, so they knew it before they signed him.

    • Like 6
  4. So I finally finished the full 1984 eps that were on YT.

    Man did this show ever decline. I really found first half of 1984 awful- Robert basically being an ass to Holly, the spa blah blah, Celia and Grant- I didn't mind Celia until real Grant showed up but what a bitch she became. GA is better off without her.

    Beatrice blah blah hated all that.

    So now trying to figure out what to watch- maybe the Beatrice murder story? On the fence about that. And the Mexico clips with L&L I will try but I find L&L boring. But it seems to feed into another story? 

    And then the Aztec story ?

    So I've seen a bit of Frisco starting, hoping it will be interesting, not sure yet.

    • Like 1
  5. That's a good point, except they basically  contradicted it in that season where they went to the planet. Like yes some struggled and some died but they had the desire to at least try. It's like the desire for something better/more which was presented in that season is just erased.

    Last season Marco or someone said they would lose their essential Belterness or culture or something- and there could be an interesting thing to explore bw those who want to change and have something different, and those who are afraid and/or want to stay with what defines them as Belters- living in space.

    But the show for the most part takes it for granted that they are all happy with status quo and pretends that season where they were willing to die just for a chance at a planet never happened.

    Just bugs me, but I get they can't address everything deeply.


    • Like 1
  6. Late to the party but I still find it jarring and unrealistic that the Belters aren't trying to colonize some planets. Not Marcos, but the rest of them.

    Esp after that other season where they went on and on about it. 

    But even without that- you have worlds of planets with potentially boundless resources (boundless until humans inevitably fuck it up) but to stay in space and potentially starve bc.....? Why again? 

    Talk about small imaginations. Marco can't think beyond running some space stations and throwing rocks when there are literally whole galaxies of planets open to them.


    • Like 1
  7. There is no objective standard for how much rosin is too much. That seems problematic.

    I keep wondering how big gambling is now and how long they can keep allowing umps to make these subjective calls.

    Or maybe the gambling companies don't care, but like I wouldn't be betting on games Cuzzi is umpiring. Or Angel Hernandez. And so on.

    • Like 2
  8. Astros are sponsored by Oxy. Is that not a drug? Does nobody vet this stuff lol? Giant patches and all over the field. I mean maybe it's oxy clean but that is not what comes to mind.

    Would've pegged it for a Florida team tbh.

    • LOL 4
  9. In his quest to ruin the game, Manfred is testing some new rules in the Atlantic league.

    One of them- if the pitcher exits early so does the DH. WTF. I'm not even sure how that would work. Also so much for trying to be conscious of pitcher health.

    Can't stress enough how much I hate this guy.

    • Mind Blown 1
    • Sad 1
    • Fire 2
  10. Also what are the ages the 4 Capwell kids supposed to be?

    Kelly and Ted were too young to be a killer, but Mason was old enough to be drinking. So--- 14? I would guess 14 or 15.

    Kelly said she was 5. 

    They never suspect Eden. Just Mason or CC. Why not Eden? 

    Yes, I'm thinking too much about this lol. Normally I can ride with gigantic potholes and ridiculous stories in soaps but this supposed murder plot has got me thinking.

  11. So I'm watching the ep where they show the redesigned Capwell mansion. I really like the new set. I started watching towards summer 1990 so this was the only set I knew, so maybe that's why I like it best.

    Funny to think I probably watched less than 12 months originally, but it had a huge impression on me.

    ETA except I'm not sure this storyline with Cassandra makes sense. Like I know she was alive but they don't. 

    So they think she was killed in the shed and her blood is there on gardening shears. But really she was in the tunnel with Mason.

    And then there was no body. So she was actually mysteriously kidnapped or whatever. So how did her blood get in the shed?

    It just irritates me bc I assume they're not going to really explain anymof this.

    Also I am beyond ready for GT. TL is a great actor but he is just not right for this part. I find myself wishing GT was in all these scenes.

  12. Yes I think I've said before I'm a pessimist through and through. It's always nice to be surprised though.

    • Like 2
  13. This is the biggest issue I have with all the clock stuff- it rests on the ability of the umps to do their job correctly and fairly. They have a lot of discretionary power with it.

    Balls and strikes are a lot more clear cut and they can't even manage that very well.

  14. You are correct about RW. Really irritates me and I'll be honest I dislike RW bc of it. I hate that pretentious attitude, some of the comments she has made about it were pretty obnoxious imo, but she wasn't too good to take the pay cheque.

    • Like 1
  15. I don't like the Rays but it is impressive. I think I can safely say that anyone thinking they will finally face a good team when they come to Toronto this weekend is mistaken.

    We have a good lineup but our pitching sucks.

  16. See I didn't think Augusta thought that until after. If she thought that all along and let an innocent guy go to jail, that's pretty shitty son or no. 

    Anyway that storyline was just just not for me. I found it all awful. But thanks for trying to make it make sense! You probably did a better job than the writers.

  17. I think it was more the plot I didn't get. She didn't want him to come to town and was against him, then she wanted him around....I can't remember the details now. 

    Just early in some of the characters were so contradictory and poorly written.

    Also though Dane Witherspoon is just not appealing to me heh. So that too.

  18. I get too caught up in it, I was yelling at my TV heh.

    I wish our GM would get decent pitching. It's been a problem for years. Two or three good guys and a bunch of crappy guys doesn't cut it. Jays aren't going to get double digit runs every game.

    Maybe if we get swept by Tampa next weekend he'll wakeup. 

  19. Yeah I liked Ric a lot.

    Haven't gotten to Cassie yet but I'm maybe 20 eps away? I've never seen when she started.

    I'm going fairly fast, I'm skipping a lot. I just can't watch the stuff with Cruz on the island with Kirk, or much of the stuff with Mason and Julia being haunted by Sasha's sister. But it is mercifully coming to an end.

    If I were the writers, I would be ashamed about completely ripping off a story from GH (Heather trying to kill whatsername) and then still doing such a poor job of it.

    How much I watxh right now depends on whether the Jays are good or bad heh.


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