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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I will probably give it a try, but I'm not sure when. Sometime later this year. Mostly bc I think that and OLTL are the only other two I have any interest in. If available. 

    I'm just starting 1993 and I'm struggling with a lot of the storylines other than Blake and Ross. I read 1993 and 1994 aren't very good.

    -I hate baby storylines, (and I hate Nadine), so the stuff with Nadine pretending to be pregnant isn't of much interest. I'm looking forward to Billy dumping her though. 

    -The storyline with Jenna and Roger- the thing with Henry pretending to be her father just seems beyond stupid, but this seems like it will get better so I'm paying some attn to it. 

    -Harley and Mallet- meh. This is probably a UO but I find Mallet unlikeable at the best of times. The actor isn't great imo, and the character doesn't help bc all he does is bark and bitch and fight, and I'm just not into it. 

    -Alan-Michael/Eleni/Frank- I'm sort of watching off and on, but again baby storylines don't interest me, and I kind of think Eleni is an idiot.

    -The stuff with Ed cheating on Maureen- I probably should pay more attn to this than I have.  

    I don't mean to be so critical lol! It's the way of soaps, they have peaks and valleys, so I'm still into it, just being patient.  


  2. I was skimming this this thread and realized I posted back in 2018/2019 as I was watching the early 80s of the show.

    I'm now up to 1992 fall. This is the first time I've seen this. Holy smokes the storyline with Blake and Ross, and then with the two of them and Holly and Roger is riveting.

    Just a great story story, with the whole history built up. 

    However, I am assuming it will start to decline overall as the 90s progress.

    The rest of the storylines- I'm not a fan of Harley and Mallet, I just don't like Mallet as a love interest, all he does is bark and bitch.

    Not into Eleni and Frank, Elena not telling Frank why she dumped him was stupid imo.

    Jenna was interesting as a jewel thief, but I'm.kind of half in and half out on this story with her trying to find her father. 

    (Tbh partly I can't pay attn to these other stories bc I can't tear myself away from the Holly Blake Roger Ross thing.)

    I read ATWT was a sister soap to this. Anyone have an.opinion about if it's as good as GL?

    I'm thinking of which soap I will watch next (assuming I can find eps). I think it's down to ATWT or OLTL. (Have watched GH, SB, have zero interest in Days, AW, or Y&R).

  3. @Carlos Abad most of them are on youtube, especially the beginning. 

    5 hours ago, Shirlaine said:

    Cleo, it would be nice to read your comments on the early episodes if you want to write them here. I have to check where I am in 1984 and start watching again.. I've had enough of Hallmark for this year.


    I can try to do that a bit but won't always be able to, and also I'm not sure how interesting my comments will be. Also note- so I'm starting a rewatch and I'm playing around with trying to do an expedited rewatch, so I've tried to identify key stories/eps and am trying it out. This is just a work in progress.  

    So I'm at around 45 ish. 

    -as I have said ad nauseum I dislike Kelly and most of her storylines, but the first story with her and Joe and Peter and Dominic is interesting, so I skipped some of that at first, but should've watched more. 

    -Ah Mason. Skipping almost every scene with Santana. But still nice to see him. I liked in Eden's first ep Mason is immediately pissed off bc she showed up with a plane to give CC and overshadowed Mason getting Lockridge land for him. 

    -Also liked the ep where Laken stays overnight and Mason's just dripping with disdain at having a Lockridge in the house. 

    -Eden's entrance- I could do without the plane entrance. But man almost instantly the first scene she is with Cruz, those two weren't even talking and they had chemistry.

    -all the bad CCs I have to suffer through :(

    -for all the casting woes they really nailed the 4 capwell children

    -I skip almost everything related to Ted and the teens, Joe and his family, the Lockridges I watch off and on. 

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  4. Well I couldn't take anymore 1991 so I started over. Man so nice to see LD. He was truly irreplaceable.

    I didn't mind GT in the beginning, but I found the whole storyline with him and Cassandra once Warren came back kind of sick. He was making me hate Mason.

    I did like JW's portrayal of Warren, he was also much more attractive as he got older imo.

  5. My aunt died of lung cancer and it was 3 weeks from diagnosis until death. What I recall learning at the time was that was not uncommon, that symptoms often didn't present until stage 4. This was 10 years ago though, and I know there has been work done since to identify earlier (at least in Ontario they were working on it bc it peripherally came to my awareness as part of my job). 

    Not a health care worker though, I just worked for a health care organization at the time where a lot of research was done 

    --- Such a shame about Matthew Perry but I'm still a bit confused about how to interpret that. Either way, a tragedy.

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  6. Well I'm finally almost done watching 1991. Just trying to figure out where to stop. 

    I'm past the part where Eden goes iver the cliff. I'm ff thru all the Suzanne garbage. Much as I like the Lisa storyline, the ending with Eden going over that cliff and never really coming back was a complete betrayal of the character.

    I'm really only watching some of the Cassandra scenes but even those I will only go so far. I wanted to see a bit of the stuff with her and Warren, bc I don't remember it.

    But even that is getting irritating, mainly bc the writing for Mason and Cassandra is all over the map. Does he like her, not like her, using her, not using her, seems to change by the ep.

    I hate the retcon that Warren isn't Lionel's. 

    So basically I will start again soon in 1984, just not sure when. For sure by the end of the year. Hey maybe I can make it a Christmas treat.

  7. I'm pretty sure that happened within the last couple years- a female guard helped an inmate/her boyfriend escape from jail. I remember reading about it.

    The last 10 mins with Boyd was better than the entire series.

    Leaving Mansell alive in the man cave was so stupid and just unrealistic. I thought they were going to crush his head with the door. That I would've believed.

    Also, there was NO reason to take Raylon. Just dumb, lazy writing. 

  8. Pretty much agree with the various disappointments above. At the end of the day it feels like a run of the mill cop show, and there's a reason I don't get into those.

    Raylan seems old, which I guess is somewhat realistic, but not sure that is the intent.

    It doesn't even really have the feel of Elmore Leonard. The cops, the bad guys, are all pretty generic.

  9. Maybe it's me, I find the broadcasts themselves usually chase me away. I just don't like most of the people in the booth and and the way they call the game.

    I think I mentioned before, I have access to the American broadcasts and the intl one and this year I thought the intl one was notably better, at least imo. 

  10. They're playing in Feb on a Monday night.....not ideal, but it's a possibility. Yeah I would like to see them, so thx for the suggestion. I haven't checked Bucks or Celtics yet. 

    We may go to a couple, so I would like to find something earlier in the season as well. Just haven't gotten to it yet.

  11. He was a fan favourite as a Jay. To my knowledge he has not said/done anything as gross as his brother has.

    He is very particular about his hair and spends a lot of time on it lol, even when it's not purple. So he said in an interview. Well I'm paraphrasing.

    There was a behind the scenes video thing he did with the Jays where he talks about it, it's on YouTube 

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  12. Ok thx, would like to see the Spurs, will have to check the schedule.

    Maybe I should get back into basketball. The Raptors can't be as soul crushing as the Jays and the Leafs lol. 

  13. Are there any Raptors fans here? My uncle wants to go to a game this season and has asked me to pick a couple of games. 

    I haven't followed since 2019, so I don't know what's a good match up anymore. (Actually the one and only game I ever went to was one of the finals in 2019- sadly the one they lost before going to SF and winning).

    Anyway any suggestions welcome, we prefer a weekend game. Otherwise I'll just go for what Cavaliers? Celtics or Bucks maybe?

  14. Sorry @ebk57 . What an amazing season for the O's, however. I imagine these young guys will learn from this and be better next year.

    In my corner of the world, I'm hoping the Jays GM is fired this week, although I'm not sure he will be. It's a long story, but if you Google throwing everyone under the bus to save himself, there is a picture of Ross Atkins.

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  15. I'm immersed in 1991, which I know is unpopular.

    I'm on 1660. Just watched the Capwell Dinner. I am looking forward to going to the earlier eps again but it will probably be a couple months.

    There is a fun FB page that is running a competition which was worse storyline. They are on quarterfinals. Wish I had seen it from the beginning.

    Called Santa Barbara Blog.

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  16. I'm watxhing this late, but I agree with the comments re Edi. I haven't enjoyed this season as much as the previous two, but the one plot I did enjoy was the one with Judy and BJ.

    Also I must say I would love to see Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers lol. I know they can't fit everything into a season but watching a season where that got green lit, and Baby Billy working towards premiere night, has potential to be hysterical. And then a few eps of it filming for good measure. 

    I would've enjoyed that a lot more than the backwoods crew.

  17. Congratulations @AimingforYoko. I was the lone Blue Jays fan that was more worried about the Twins than the Rays.

    I mean the series isn't over, but I'm from Toronto lol, the home of epic and spectacular post season collapses, in multiple sports. I'm still scarred from that collapse last year. 

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  18. I never saw the Affleck movie.....I watched to the end of season 2..... I actually ended up liking Karen and Foggy alot more, and definitely found them more interesting than Matt and Elektra.

    It was an OK production overall, it kept my attention but I wasn't wowed by it. 

    I'm not sure I would watch any other adaptations of it.


  19. Did they clinch the division? Congrats. They earned it. Tough team. 

    How do you feel about the 5 day bye? I really dislike it. I don't mind the third WC as part of the new format, but I'm really not into that 5 day break. Not that I have to worry about it with the Jays.

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