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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I feel really turned off the whole series. I can't accept the idea that Azrael is a hero when he knowingly murdered a child. All for the greater good? Right. Maybe the greater good isn't so great if it requires innocent kids to be killed.

    Also are the witches powerful or not? Seems like not so much. I feel like all of the scenes with them and Scoresby were basically filler. I actually feel like most of the season was filler.

    Why couldn't the girls just walk up the hill to where the adults were on their own?

    Why did the specters leave the adults on the hill alone? They clearly had no issue leaving the city.

    The torch being passed to the young hero is a common trope in fantasy and usually done better. Again it seemed kind of pointless. They met and what? Will already had the knife.

    Also and I can't stress this enough, I am really tired of watching Coulter's demon be abused. I know it's not real, but I don't really enjoy watching animals get abused for entertainment.

    Anyway I probably won't watch much of season 3 but if they make it I hope everyone who is enjoying the show likes it. 

    ETA I can't even comment on Lyra in a trunk bc by then I had tuned out.


    • Love 4
  2. I enjoyed this episode but I'm afraid I'm missing alot, like I think I can't hear every line or something.

    Like I didn't hear anything saying to Mary she would be protected, or that Lyra would be tempted by her (Eve and the Serpent I guess?) What scene was that?

    And the Magesterium want to kill Lyra? 

    I also don't get the threat when the Cardinal was talking about the prophecy- if dust is sin, isn't it already there? It's not like they are in some sinless paradise like in the Bible.

    But I don't know very much about religion.

    I did start the books but I am a very slow intermittent reader so I bet season 3 will be out before I finish them.

    Loved Moriarty. Such a great actor and love the character.

  3. I find this pretty bland. I think the main character doesn't appeal to me and the stuff with the dog just seems phoney. Like did they even bother to research how it actually works with dogs in policing? This dog is pretty much like Lassie that somehow magically gets everything.

    I prefer that show with Jason Priestley. Better actors and characters. I'm kind of surprised this has lasted 3 seasons.

    I remember when I was a kid and teenager CBC had such good and original programming.




  4. So I started season 6. Just finished episode 2. I didn't expect this to get so bad so fast. There is nothing in L/Ls scenes to indicate there is any connection between these two people. It is just awkward and painful to watch. 

    And I don't like Rory so I'm not into her scenes. 

    Why am I watching? Really need some light TV where I don't have to pay too much attn or concentrate- (stressed and exhausted). 

    So one thing on this rewatch- one goal for me was to see if anything was salvageable in these epa for me. So far 1 and 2 are a hard pass, won't watch again.

    Also too much TJ and Liz.

    • Love 3
  5. NB's statement just made me feel kind of sad bc he has so many personal struggles and still seems like a guy that needs help. I didn't particularly need or want him to say anything.....I just mean this idea that all the cast have to have some kind of comment for the sake of it. I just feel like with him, any time he is in the public eye there is a certain segment of the population that reacts cruelly. And it was a non statement and all I got was this guy still doesn't seem terribly ok. 

    Anyway I don't know how he is doing or if he has stopped drinking but I hope he is doing better.

    • Love 5
  6. Agree with the stuff about LMM. Just doesn't seem to fit in the role, and a grown man going on and on about his undying love for a child he spent like what a day with, is weird. It doesn't quite cross over into creepy territory but it just doesn't feel earned. It just feels like magical main character so of course everybody likes/loves her. But it's really over the top with him.

    I am a bit spoiled about his fate.

    I'm enjoying this season a lot but at the same time kind of bittersweet bc I don't know if or when there will be a season 3. I know it was renewed but nothing seems certain with covid.

    • Love 1
  7. I had an abusive boss and after I quit I stayed in touch with her for professional reasons. You do what you have to to survive. Nor did I ever tell any of our colleagues any of it. It happens, it is very common that people get out of the situation  and then just drop it/play nice. Why? Bc unfortunately it often would blow up in their face otherwise.

    • Useful 2
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  8. Yep. I am not into this season at all and that is partly why.

    On another note- if the Mets do get Bauer I can't see him and Stroman in the same clubhouse without a lot of drama sooner or later. Politics aside, they are both prone to mouthing off and throwing tantrums, and both have a huge ego. And I actually like Stroman, but I just cannot see those two getting along at all.

    • Love 1
  9. @Moose135 yeah thanks for the info. I actually couldn't read all of the Athletic article, so one point I was fuzzy on was whether he was still with the Mets or not.

    • Love 1
  10. Made it to episode 4. Read the spoilers for the rest. Just ridiculous writing and nothing in it to compel me to go along. 

    Someone earlier mentioned the Fall- so much better than this.

    Glad I at least checked it out though.

  11. I dont know what was up with the original actor but I thought RN was on a break from GL....there were periods he wasn't on GL and this was one of them. He didn't take the break to do SB, I assumed he just reached a point where he needed a job again. And then went back to GL.

    I soo much preferred RN's portrayal to the original actor. RN was more attractive, more charismatic, and brought actual menace to the role. 

    Also why the hell couldn't the Dobson let Kirk go. From 1985 on they kept dragging him back back as a 'bad guy' only he was just a sad bore. The character not the actor.

  12. The writers couldn't manage anything outside the primary Capwells, characters or stories. It's a real shame.

    I liked the Kirk/Eden/Cruz storyline.

    I watched a lot of Kelly's storylines once and then never again. I just found it boring. Maybe the one with Peter I would watch again.

    At least when Robin Wright was in the role. They practically created a different character for CG.

  13. I was talking about different events, specifically around how indigenous children were treated historically, especially by the church. Taken and put in residential schools and taught that their culture was evil and sinful and that they had to denounce/lose it to be 'good', lose their souls in a way, to devastating effect. I'm familiar with the history and saw some parallels. And I guess same thing with the sex is bad message at that time.

    Obviously it's a book, so it's just my interpretation. I haven't started season 2 but hope to soon.

    • Love 1
  14. @alexa I do think that is the best way to watch. I decided when I rewatch 6 I will only watch until the kid shows up. I like to snark, but I'm  really not into hatewatching.

    Then s7. I dont remember it at all, and I'm actually kind of curious to give it a chance and see what good bits are there.

    • Love 2
  15. I thought it was jeebus man. I just watched season 1. What a fantastic show.

    Highlights- well the last ep was great with Madeline dying, I didn't see that coming. Also with Guillermo being related to van Helsing..

    All the stuff with Jenna was hysterical.

    When it started I really didn't see the thing with Jeff ending as it did, but I really enjoyed the whole subplot.

    At the beginning, I wasn't into Colin Robinson but he grew on me.

    The ep with the werewolves was also great.

    Such a great show I can't believe it isn't more popular. All of the actors are spot on, I think Nadia is my favourite character though.

    Going to rewatch a few seasons 1 eps then start 2.

    • Love 1
  16. Ah the rage. I remember it well. And the final nail in the coffin ending.


    I feel like Lorelai sleeping with Christopher was worse than Buffy sleeping with Spike. And alright I admit I liked Spike, but I know how most people reacted. And Lorelai sleeping with Christopher was worse than how those people felt about Spuffy. 

    I haven't seen Season 6 in a decade and I still remember that shot of Lorelai's face. Was it in the morning when she woke up? The expression of a woman that completely degraded herself. 

    And of course Christopher was more than happy to participate.

    • Love 5
  17. Thanks for the heads up. I'm giving it a try, I just watched the first episode.

    Tbh though, I'm not sure how far I'll make it. Subject matter isn't typically something I would watch- I get too easily affected. So I'll see how far I get.

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