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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I hate the Rays 'ballpark'. A ball hits the roof and it takes them half an hour to figure out where it hit, which matters bx some parts of the roof are designated fair and some foul.

    Why wouldn't you have a camera aimed up so you could check? Instead of wandering around for 20 minutes going- I didn't see it, did you see it? 

    • Love 7
  2. I'm continuing my practice of just fast forwarding through every scene April or her mother is in. It is making it more enjoyable. Also fastforwarding a lot of the scenes with Rory and Logan. I would ff through Lorelai's scenes with the POS but then I would be done the whole season in like 15 mins.

    Rosenthal should just have just done what soaps do and just have April off screen and Luke could just occasionally mention her. 

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  3. @bilgistic yeah the funny thing is she was just at the vet yesterday before this happened. So they checked her blood sugar. It was a bit high but other than that she seemed fine.

    She goes every 3 to 4 weeks right now bc we've been trying to see if we can get her off the insulin but I don't think it will work.

    She hasn't been on pain medication for the arthritis bc it generally doesn't seem that bad yet. She can't jump but other than that she can walk around ok, she is alert and happy for the most part. It's just these weird episodes. I think she fell twice last year and maybe had two of those weirder episodes. Last time was probably last summer.

    But yeah I want it addressed now whatever it is. I did notice I think it is lasting a bit longer.

    I'll let folks know if we figure it out. I thought I would see if anyone else had experienced it.

    She is so-so today. Eating and drinking and can walk but a bit subdued.

    • Love 2
  4. I'm having a really weird frightening thing happen with my cat occasionally. She is 15. She has diabetes but other than that is very healthy. She has had problems with her back legs for a year or so. Like she can't jump. When I first mentioned it to the vet he said arthritis but the symptoms are so weird and I didn't explain it to him very well.

    So in the last 13 months- twice she has literally fallen over. I think she was walking both times and went over. There was no cause. So I thought okay her back legs and hips are weak, it's like arthritis flare-ups. And she would be fine after. So I built like little steps for her to get up on the bed and sofa ok.

    But 2 times it has been weirder. Both times she was laying down and out of the blue acted- like as though something scared her badly and she was scrambling to get away from it- but not up and walking just scrambling somehow. 

    Like just now she was lying down on the couch, freaked out and somehow half pulled herself off it, half fell and scrambled like somehow pulling herself on the floor and her back legs work too, they must somewhat- but she doesn't get up. 

    Very scary and upsetting, over very fast like 3 or 3 minutes, and now she is sitting somewhat calmly. 

    I think it must be pain in her legs? Like suddenly an onset of pain and she freaks out and tries to get away from it but can't walk.

    She is calmer now and I went and sat with her and she got up and walked a couple steps so seems ok now. 

    I think this has happened 2 or 3 times in the last yr? It hasn't happened probably in 6 months or more. Maybe 8 or 9 months.

    I know I need to tell the vet more about it. I read diabetes in cats can cause some problems with the limbs.

    So upsetting. I don't know what to do for her.




  5. Well double post. Just finished ep 3.

    So I made it this far, was feeling good, was thinking it's not as bad as I thought, liked some of it, pretty much on par with other seasons. And then Lorelai called the POS at the end of the ep. 

    And puke lol. It just seems like she is degrading herself. It's worse than the Buffy and Spike dumpster sex.

    Sigh. But for the rest- I do enjoy there has been more focus on the town and inn and less on Luke's sister and TJ.

    The thing with Lane is awful- I didn't realize that must have been David Rosenthal's idea bc ASP was gone at this point. How horrible.



    • Love 3
  6. They want the pitches to be less effective so the game is more 'exciting'. They should just ban pitchers with an ERA under 5. That would be exciting! Or fuck it, just change it to tee ball! Then they could save some salary too.

    Ya I'm grouchy lol.

    • LOL 8
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  7. The DH thing I read this morning in a blog by Craig Calcaterra. He's usually reliable but I haven't seen it reported by others yet. I can't link he emails it out. 

    • Love 1
  8. As far as I can tell practically everyone is wearing their mask under their nose. I notice it particularly with all the various coaches in the dugout.

    So Manfred's latest experiment in the Atlantic League is whenever a team pulls the starting pitcher, they also lose the DH. Seriously WTF is wrong with this guy?

    Also moving the pitcher's mound back. This is less rage inducing but all I can think is it would result in more injuries and pitchers already seem to be injured more often than not 

    • Love 4
  9. So finally started season 7. Thought I would kick it off by saying what a disgusting piece of trash Christopher is.

    Anyway. I haven't seen this since it aired and I was too upset to be objective at the time lol. I thought it started with Christopher and Lorelai married but nope had to watch the morning after.

    Eh I get why Lorelai did it to pull the bandaid off but it still gets to me when he comes back the next day and wants to marry her. I wonder if she hadn't slept with the POS maybe it would have been OK.

    The scenes with the townspeople all felt good and sharp and not really a missed beat without ASP. 

    The raquet ball seemed dumb and didnt really make sense. Just seemed stuck in there as filler.

    Going to have to start ff Rory's scenes again. Um Rory if you are worried or confused about Logan you could, you know, use your words. I'm team Mitchum.

    • Love 3
  10. Agreed the stuff with Sarah M is really funny. She does a cameo in season 2. 

    I'm in Canada so maybe ahead. I watched all of season 1 and really enjoyed it.

    Season 2 was more hit and miss for me. There were a couple episodes I only watched bits and pieces of bc I found it so awful.

    I feel like the storyline with the mom is well done.

    I cannot figure out after 2 seasons who the young woman is and how she is related to them. Can't remember her name, it was a while ago I watched. 

  11. Well late to the show. I don't know whether this show is good or bad but it is entertaining. 

    It is way over the top and half of it seems like it's written by someone stuck in 70s feminism.

    The other half seems more current lol.

    I'm enjoying it, the school stuff is totally boring, agreed. 

    I like the evil teacher, love Ambrose. I mean damn. 

    I don't like the one aunt being mean or whatever. Just the whole dynamic with her and the sister is off putting to me. Don't enjoy it at all. It's also like- if she was genuinely evil, Sabrina would have noticed and would not treat them the same. 

    Also I just find Kiernan Shipka's acting very limited. She has like 3 facial expressions/tones of voice and just recycles them.

    The religious aspects on either side don't bother me bc I don't believe in any of it so to me it is all just fantasy. 

    • Love 1
  12. I like the home run derby but I find the ASG incredibly boring. Every year I check it out bc it seems like it should be cool or fun and I usually only last an inning. 

    • Love 3
  13. I'm in Canada (so not watching ESPN) and they're doing it on broadcasts here. Not today but all of last season. That's what was so distracting for me- I was watching games set in the US and then on the mound they were superimposing ads for Canadian companies that don't have a presence in the US. And it stuck out to me like a sore thumb lol. And then they would change it every inning which made it worse.

  14. I notice some of the ads being superimposed last yr. It was crazy distracting. I would rather they put it on their shirts and be done with it 

    • Love 2
  15. I watched Balalaikas and will skip the next eps and watch the episode where they all fight. Then I'm done with 6 and will jump to season 7.

    I liked the subplot with the soccer girls.

    In general I found Logan and Rory both more tolerable in season 6. It is really the whole Yale thing with Marty and the LDB in season 5 that I have zero interest in.

    ETA Rory being slightly tolerable lasted like 5 mins. 

    Rory- I'm so grown up I can get my daddy to pay for school and I won't even take responsibility and tell my grandparents I'll just let them send in an unnecessary cheque that will be rejected and they won't understand why.

    She is honestly the worst. And I know she was ticked at them, but as the saying goes- it's not about them but about her and being a grown up.

    • Love 4
  16. The gynecology stuff with this show is weird. First of all, Jamie having Mark as her gynecologist is just weird. He is her husband's friend. 

    Then Jamie is pregnant and everyone wants her to see Paul's sister's partner. Again someone in her family essentially. Weird.

    Not to mention it is unprofessional of both doctors to go along with it- I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to have personal relationships with patients, even if it is a platonic relationship. 

    • Love 2
  17. Yep to all of the above. Victoria Lane- felt bad for the actress, she got a ton of hate mail. I don't really like her storyline much. 

    I think you're getting to Mason and Julia, that is a good storyline.

    I'm watching 1987 and Santana is just gone and it's great. 

    Speaking of 1987, it really is a shame Elena didn't interact more with CC. Wolter was such a great actress. The moments where her crazy slips through are great. 

  18. Agreed no actress could have saved s 6 and I feel bad a young actor got stuck in a pile of crap.

    Watching the ep where Rory does the USO event. I know the takeaway from season 6 isn't supposed to be Rory would be suitable as a society wife but that's pretty much my takeaway, much better than a journalist.

    So far Paris is one of the bright spots in S. 6.

    ETA I love Paris going from- I want to work- to Karl Marx in like an hour.

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  19. How long before Manfred suggests they play 5 or 6 innings in the regular season? They could do two games a day and get to the $playoffs$ faster.

    • Love 2
  20. That's good to hear. Stroman is all about self-promotion, but outside of that I will always have a soft spot for him. 

    I'll tell you who I side eye on the Jays team is Grichuk.  It's just an asshole vibe I get but he is smart enough to keep it under wraps mostly.

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