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Everything posted by Skycatcher

  1. Jokes on him. I don't do social media, so he can twitter away. I'm safe. Didn't anyone watch BBAD last night? Isn't there anything to report??????
  2. Thanks, Jo.....but.....nyah. Not worth the aggravation to me.
  3. Agreed. He'll be oh so gracious about everything. It wasn't until his control began to wear down under 24/7 cameras that we saw the real FG. Remember, America was so impressed by him in the beginning that they voted him onto TA. So he's a pro (literally™) with creating a short term impression.
  4. Oooohhhh, I would love a real-time forum for the finale to share snark as it happens!
  5. Absolutely. When Gibbs snuck up on the far side of the truck, I thought "How's he gonna kill that guy from there????" Bishop was actually an equal part of the team and relatively tolerable, given that, you know, she's Bishop. Yeah, that too. But then, we knew that was gonna happen the instant we heard it was a virus chip. And we knew the team would get around it, too.
  6. (lifting a morning cuppa coffee to Wings) Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me, little one. Can't wait for reports on last night's BBAD, and the (big whoop) twitter Q&A.
  7. It's interesting. Granted, Christine's constant wrap-around with Cody, and her mean girl personality weren't proper or pleasant, but she's nothing compared to the HGs of last year. While I remember some of them having a difficult entree into the JH, I don't remember as much actual shunning as seems to be happening here. She wouldn't have lasted a minute in the chummed waters of last year's shark tank. Then again, perhaps we merely scratched the surface of her mean girl-ery, and she'd have fit right in? The fact that she was so poised with Julie in spite of the booing suggests that she's been there before. Learned a new concept on another show forum! There's "shit", and there's "shitastic". The show was described as being shit, but so much so that it became shitastically entertaining! Last season was, for us boarders, shitastic. We all burned these boards up. This season? Merely shit. I was curious how many pages last year's BB live feed forum had, compared to this season, but the forums have been removed from the TwoP site. Wonder if Julie realizes she was using a trademarked phrase - "at the end of the day"™ I'm thinking I might, just might cross over to the Dark Side and watch a little of Survivor, just to hang wit choo guys some more. I just can't get enough of you jamokes!
  8. I'm going to be doing a lot of Jedi hand waving, but I really liked the show and will stick with it. I especially like that it'll fill the (for me) dead hour between 9 and 10 on Monday nights. I agree though, why don't you tell me 700 more times that these people are geniuses? Even the kid? REALLY?????? Honestly? However did I miss those little nuggets that you pelted me with for an hour?
  9. Kinda sounds like entering the BB house for 12 weeks. Except for the "speed of light" part. We all know nothing in the BB house happens with any kind of speed at all, especially now, at the end.
  10. I think all this blather about honor and loyalty is hysterically absurd. While I think for some HGs it's heart-felt, even with them, there's some obvious posturing going on. If these people were truly loyal and honorable, once their word was given, they wouldn't be able to vote any of their alliance mates out - ever. This game is not about honor and loyalty. It's about being the last person standing, by any means possible, and winning $500+K. That's one of my pet peeves about these reality shows - they reward "bad" behavior, and punish the more honorable behaviors. But I can't envision a (successful) reality show that promotes good behaviors, and rewards honor and loyalty. ETA: How did they figure it out. Who figured it out? When did this happen?
  11. Peachmangosteen forgot to mention the $50K Team America award Derrick would get if he won. That's how Peach's figures jump from $525K to $575K.
  12. For Derrick NOT to take advantage of them would be as idiotic as they are for handing their games to them. I could almost see Derrick saying something like, "Are you sure you want to do that? It's like you're asking for me to win." Yeah, right. Yes, exactly! While I admire Derrick's strategy, perhaps he has sucked all the fun out of the season. However, I also blame the HGs who so easily played into his game, rolled over for him and begged for him to scratch their bellies. Cody and Victoria are only the last of a whole litter.
  13. I dozed thru it too, but was amply rewarded by the Cody/Skittles fuss, with production responding, "You're the reason we can't have nice things!" It was such a nod to us! I cracked up, and then went to bed. I'm not aware of any moonshiners in my family, but our huge apple orchard yielded some wicked apple jack. Whew! And we were far enough out in the country that nobody cared how old you were.
  14. If that's all you were, you were downright calm about it! I'd have been raving, stomping, throwing things, using language unbecoming to a........ well, you get the picture. Thank goodness you can at least see the ep. on CBS, I think. He needs to sit them both down together and say, "Now, repeat after me. This is Derrick's game. I am here to play Derrick's game for him. I have done everything I could to support him, and since the win is already his, it doesn't really matter what you do or who you vote for. I will continue to do my best for you in the jury house, in thanks for letting me play for you. Thank you again, Derrick, for letting me play for you."
  15. So, it looks like Cody will evict Caleb, and Derrick won't have any BOHH.
  16. If Cody already won POV, who were the noms? Somehow I missed that. Went back and read Jokers and they too mention Cody getting the POV, without mentioning noms. It's late, and I'm confused.
  17. Gotta admit, CBS's manipulations have worked on me. I've been skipping episodes all season, but tonight's a must. Then I'll probably watch Weds, and skip the next week.
  18. I wondered that when I first saw the postings. Yup, God may be in the bathtub, but He's got his fingers on the remote control!
  19. Aren't you glad we live in the Eastern time zone? We get it three hours ahead of the West Coast! ;-P
  20. I think to have to leave because of her religious responsibilities would break her heart, and if her family couldn't be there because of their responsibilities, or would have to ignore those responsibilities just because CBS changed the schedule, that would be a horrible choice for any devout person to make. BTW - I am not such a devout person, but I deeply respect those who are. Constantly wrapping himself around a married woman and accepting her attentions exposed his character long ago. Since then, in my mind, there hasn't been any question of his lack thereof.
  21. Rosh Hashanna - While I certainly wouldn't require anyone to make room for my beliefs, I think, given that CBS changed the dates of the show, it would be only good PR to go a bit out of their way to accommodate Victoria's family in the ways suggested in that link, especially since the Temple is so close, and they know the family is Orthodox. What effort would it take one of their PR flacks to make the arrangements? Trust me, they do that kind of thing all the time, no biggie.
  22. But there's a pretty ironclad contract involved. I've been wondering too, and feel badly for her being put into that spot without warning.
  23. If it came down to Cody/Caleb, I'd love to see Caleb take it, in spite of his misogynistic ways. Cody spent most of the season doing nothing but being wrapped around Christina. At least Caleb is amusing - I'm still snickering about "Judy-chops". Drifting into imagination...... Now, there's a woman for him! She wouldn't take any of his misogynistic crap! She'd just live up to her nickname and Judy-chop him in the mouth!
  24. If the feeds go down, and BBAD is pre-taped, how will we know that Frankie's out tonight? Or will we have to wait until Wednesday to know for certain? I can't wait that long. Anyone know someone who knows someone who's neice is dating someone at CBS? People! I'm gonna need spoilers! Seriously! Literally™! Hey, finally found out how to do the ™ symbol. Hold "alt" down, and press, in sequence, 0153 and enter. You're welcome :-]
  25. Isn't it wonderful that its Dr. Mayim Bialik. I know this is off-topic, but given Frankie's supposed fan base, I think it's important. I love the juxtaposition of Bialik's accomplishments with the HGs. At the end of Blossom, she chose to attend UCLA, although she also had been accepted to both Harvard and Yale. Her doctoral dissertation was "an investigation of hypothalamic activity in patients with Prader–Willi syndrome, titled, 'Hypothalamic regulation in relation to maladaptive, obsessive-compulsive, affiliative, and satiety behaviors in Prader-Willi syndrome.'" All of which I had to copy from Wikipedia because I understand about 30% of it. If I had a 12 y/o I'd want them to know and admire Bialik and Danica McKellar (UCLA, BA Math, summa cum laude, and author of many books on math for girls), instead of the Grandes of this world. And I totally agree with her comments on the Ariana Grande billboard. All of which leads me to wonder why I'm wasting my own time with this BB dreck!
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