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Everything posted by Skycatcher

  1. I agree that sometimes a person goes along just to get along, but I'm sure we saw Paulie's real personality. And I'm sure Natalie knows it.
  2. Don't they forfeit any stipend if they DOR? I thought I read something like that in previous seasons.
  3. Can anyone tell me why Paul is so attached to that pool toy? It's not a good look.
  4. Gasp, wheeze, choke, anyone got an extra keyboard I could borrow?????
  5. It will be interesting to see if there is a sweetheart edit, and for whom it's done.
  6. You may be right Marie80. As I said I'm old enough to be out of the loop. But if I were hiring, and I found that kind of thing on the 'net, it would tell me that the person I was considering had shown a serious lack of judgement. Yes, everyone has sex, but not everyone has their sex-capades featured on the internet.
  7. No way, Josea! I am so out of any season that's stacked with the Paulie/Derrick crowd! It's been a disaster.
  8. Z may deserve better, but whatever reputation she brought into the house is shredded because of her antics. I'm old enough to be completely out of touch with what is and isn't acceptable in potential relationships today, but knowing she's had multi-media sex with a guy who doesn't even like/respect her is most likely to bring her rep way down. What she and Paulie have done is about thisfar from porn. I know there are guys for whom this might be a turn on, but they're not the ones she needs to be dating, not as fragile as she is.
  9. Do I have time to run out and buy some earplugs? I've always hated her voice.
  10. I'm a bit concerned. If "America" gave this care pkg to Nicole, isn't it possible that "America" doesn't know the real Nicole, lurves the Nicole/Corey thing, and might give the next one to Corey? I think based on what's shown on TV that "America" might be thinking "Isn't she sweet," discounting what's been said about her as sour grapes.
  11. Get outa my head!!!! Horrific thought. Suppose the "right" person wins HOH, but the evictee (fingers-crossed Paulie) had the RT ticket! I see posts about Z having it, but it would be awful if Paulie had it and bounced back into the house.
  12. Any woman who doesn't like/nail them? Heh - I don't really know if a woman can "nail" a guy, but it was the nicest term I could come up with.
  13. I've skipped the last couple of episodes, but after reading everything here, I'll be tuned in tonight. I've been this excited before, thinking the douchebag's outster was a sure thing, and then exactly the wrong person wins HOH. So I won't breathe easy until the HOH comps are over and done, and the douchebag has actually been evicted. I wonder if the casting office has a sign on the door that reads "Douchebags R Us"? They certainly seem to find a lot of them for this show.
  14. Casting has a great part in this, but then........ look at how many millennials people are out chasing Pokemons. Look at how prevalent PC thinking has become, to the point where comedians like Jerry Seinfeld won't do college campuses any more. Look at how rabid candidate support gets to be. I've seen interviews of some supporters where the interviewer asked a pointed question, and the only response was how great the candidate was and that they would know what to do. (I could give specifics, but that could devolve into a political conversation - mine v. yours - and that is not my intention) In other words, as long as a person doesn't have to think, and picks the winning side, it's great! I'm very much afraid that for many people group-think is the norm, as long as they're on the "right" side of it. ETA: I too miss Will and Dan. Ahhhh, the good ole days!
  15. Not good. But in this case, as a group strategy, effective. The boys, as a group, will "win" in that they'll eliminate all the girls. Then the game becomes whether or not the alpha can survive and win, or will the rest of the group bond and pull him down. Geez, it's starting to sound like a wildlife special! LOL
  16. Nothing......except band together, find an alpha, and follow. For example....... If the women could have done this, they might have had a chance. They started well with a girl's alliance, but quickly fell apart in the rush to find a shomance. And as is typical with most women I know, once there's a guy in the picture, female friendships are definitely put on hold, unless they can bond over the guys in their lives.
  17. But, weak as their strategy is, they are playing the game. The guys and gals are playing the same strategy, based solely on physiology - "Do you have a penis? Check! I want you." It's an incredibly weak, grade school kind of strategy, but in this house, with these girls, it's working. As has been mentioned, the gals must have thought they were cast on the "Bachelor" because none of them are playing this game. I agree with The Real T - It's casting. To get what we're looking for, they'd need to cast real men and women instead of jocks, life-losers and bunnies. Kids who, BTW, have the kind of lives that they can blow off several months playing a game. But real men and women (read that as "mature") aren't going to carve several months out of their lives for this game. They're too busy working, raising a family, etc. Altho I didn't particularly like Derrick, IMO he's more of an average man than any other I've seen on this show. He took the measure of the other HGs, and devised a successful strategy that netted him $500k. None of the current crop has or, IMO, are capable of that. YMMV - and I'd love to hear about it.
  18. Sadly, the boys are ruling while the girls are drooling over them. As much as I hate this, it's accurate. In a game of strategy, however weak, the girls are getting just what they deserve. Not the verbal abuse, of course, but every one of them has handed their game to the guy of their choice, and deserve to be picked off one by one.
  19. But a buyback would require that the eliminated HGs to have been sequestered, and I haven't heard anything about that. If they do a new twist, it'll have to be an in-house thing, like the RT.
  20. Given that I "watched" last night from behind a good book waiting only to see if D had the RT ticket, I guess I'm out for the rest of the season. It's going to be a sausage fest, limping to the end (pun intended).
  21. This? Makes me shudder! The only social experiment is TPTB seeing how many jocks and bunnies they can gather together to reenact the same shit, season after season. Lather, rinse, repeat. There are very few qualified folks who make it through the selection process, and sometimes they even win, if they're not culled from the herd early in the games. As for it being "how it is out in our world", OMG - so untrue. Oh, maybe in fraternities, or in sports, but for me and my group of friends, none of these vapid, vacuous jocks or bunnies would last 10 minutes before they'd be shown the door. And I do mean Bunnies, BB Bunnies - Bunny Brigitte, Bunny Z, Bunny Nichole, Bunny Natalie and wanna-be Bunny Michelle. Most of these women are like Ski-Bunnies, or Surf-Bunnies, groupies gathered around the alpha males of any sport. Said males put up with them for one reason - and you can fill in the blank on that. In BB, that's about all their participation amounts to. And when they are rejected, or used up, they turn into Bunny Boilers, taking their own failure out on their fellow Bunnies. ETA: In the article (below) Grodner picked Paulie or Michelle as the possible winners. Article
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