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Everything posted by Skycatcher

  1. And.......... we all know what happened. I just realized, though, why Frankie was so adamant that no one push the BTB. HE'S The Star of the show, therefore HE's the only one who should push the button! He wasn't concerned whether or not the button got pushed, but that he be the one to get the "pushee" spotlight, that he be the one "featured" doing the pushing.
  2. I think......if the BGB resets the week, then Frankie will no longer be HOH, which would make him vulnerable.
  3. I don't care about strategy. I don't care about looks. I don't care about personalities. I just want Nicole out so I don't have to listen to her DRs! Her DR voice is beyond awful. I don't quite understand because while it's not exactly pleasant in normal conversations, it's tolerable. But get her into the acoustics of the DR - the paint on my walls peels, the grass in my yard wilts and dogs for miles around howl! She could be St. Teresa, with a passel of "special" children under her wing, building 17 schools in Upper East Swangalli, AFP of the Decade, with a solid lock on winning and I'd still want her gone just so I don't have to listen to that whiny screech that passes for her voice. Aaarrrrgh! [/end rant]
  4. LOL - Did anyone else catch Caleb's remark about beating someone, that he was the Coyote to her (?) Roadrunner? I think he needs some tutoring in remedial cartoon.
  5. Derrick (and his photographic memory) threw last night's comp. I wonder if he's been throwing all along, and could emerge as some kind of comp beast when he needs it.
  6. The honey badger video was cute, but the narrator's voice was just too DR Frankie for me.
  7. LOL - how about....he is so 80s, and America was over him two decades ago!
  8. Nyah, wings707. Even the most pathetic performer needs an audience. If we offer only indifference, not showing up for the performance, all that will be left for him is to crawl back to the foetid swamp from which he slimed and sink back into the dark waters. Or, in the way of swamps, he'll be eaten by something bigger and badder and end up as shit sinking into the mucky ooze. Actually, that happens a lot in entertainment. People like Frankie, too stupid and self-involved to ever be a real player, end up fueling the bottom feeders. You only have to look as far as last season's Andy to see how quickly it happens, even though Andy wasn't in entertainment.
  9. I can't get worked up about these guys. Hate takes too much energy. Hate implies that I care one way or the other. For me, all I have for them is supreme indifference. As Frankie has claimed, if you don't love him, hate him. But indifference......ah, that would wound so deeply! A week after these guys get out of the house, all they'll be hearing are crickets. And that's the sweetest revenge we'll have.
  10. This sounds like someone who's lived his life looking over his shoulder at family, desperate for family approval. It makes me wonder if Frankie's family has always considered him an embarrassment, and now a liability, especially compared to his princess sister. Her support of him in BB has been tepid, at best. When she attended the live audience - even before the worst of his antics - she looked as though she'd rather be having a root canal. His OTT antics are classic attention-getting actions. "Do you like me now," has devolved into "Do you SEE me now?" I'm hearing "Do you EVEN see me now?" Doesn't excuse his excesses, but makes them somewhat understandable. Of course, it's all only conjecture on my part.
  11. I know we'll never see a response from CBS. The only thing they care about is the $$ bottom line. Any uproar over this just adds to their media presence - the idea that even bad publicity is good. I'm not tech-savvy, but there ought to be a way that anyone who feels this filth is out of line could make a clip like the one on TMZ and post it all over the various personal media accounts of these sick hamsters. Post it over and over again, with remarks like "Unacceptable", "How would you like this to happen to your....." Just flood them all.
  12. Glad to hear this! These people AND CBS need to be held accountable for spewing this gratuitous vicious filth. And not only Frankie, but anyone involved in the conversation. Any one of them could have stopped it, and chose to participate instead. Ariana? Sadly, a publicity grab that weakens the righteous indignation of the demand.
  13. Two different audiences - feed watchers/readers and broadcast watchers. While Derrick can't snow the feed watchers/readers, he certainly can throw a blizzard at the broadcast watchers and they'd be only too happy to build snowmen for him.
  14. Manipulation is not an exclusively cop behavior. Nor is it exclusively male or female. Just sayin', ya know? Sorry I left my nerve out there for you to step on (wicked grins).
  15. If Frankie is this obsessed with the TA "Overwhelming No!", think how miserable he'd make the jury house with his obsessive analyses of being back-doored, if it happened. First it's gotta happen, and sadly, we wouldn't get to see it.
  16. We've all seen hammies go into the DR with their minds made up, and come out with an entirely different plan. So we know Production works on them to change their thinking, their plans, in ways that benefit the perceived entertainment value. If Derrick says, "I plan to do XYZ," and Production has other ideas, they'll lean on Derrick to make changes. WE don't know HOW Production changes minds, whether there is any pressure, or is it all "friendly" persuasion. Derrick's smart, and his profession proves he's not easily lead. I'm sure he caught on to playing Production's game, and then doing what he thought best. We've seen him lie his way out of all sorts of sticky wickets on the show. I'm sure he's just as slippery in the DRs. LOL - He could be giving Production fits! And for that alone I applaud him.
  17. It's been suggested here before, that he's lying in the DR to keep Production's meddling out of his game. Smart move.
  18. Recently read an article stating that they're finding it to be a genetic trait, something actually in a person's DNA. Can't tell you where I saw that article, though.
  19. And if we're lucky, we'll never hear of him after the show!
  20. I'm wondering.....with or without the beard! I was hoping he'd get to shave it off in the JH. LOL - you get an "Amen" from me on that. I looooove RuPaul. No, Frankie, America just doesn't like bad drag.
  21. First The Glades, now Longmire. Guess it doesn't pay to be a success on A&E.
  22. I think anyone who came into the house with such a Gomer Pyle "Go-o-o-lee" speaking style, especially with a Duck Dynasty beard, would be immeasurably handicapped. I too am surprised that Donny has lasted this long.
  23. ETA (sort of): I had another Survivor-esque idea. Suppose one of the perks (?) of the HOH was that he/she was required to select only half of the house to compete in food comps. Of course he/she would probably favor friends/allies. But wouldn't that stir the pot with the anticipated lobbying and subsequent resentments. IMO things like that would be so much more compelling than this season's double HOHs or inane BOB comps. ETA: OMG, Christine looks like a man in the clip above. And that sick little smile she gives when Cody spots her. Damn, she's one unnerving woman.
  24. Thinking about the ease of this season, and how boring it is with everything provided, I wish CBS/BB would go Survivor on the hamsters. Make it a real competition instead of a three month paid vacation! Send them into the house starting on slop. Make everything a luxury comp. You want food? Earn it. You want your luggage? Earn it. You want towels? Earn them. You want blankets? Earn them. You want exercise equipment or a pool table? Let the house earn it. Make most of the comps individual with only a few winners. If there are only a few food passes each week, it'll get pretty cutthroat. Perhaps in addition to comps, give each hammy some kind of personal goal (exercise? cleaning?) that will also earn stuff. Maybe if the house keeps up with the cleaning they can earn a pool table. Give the hammies a reason to get and stay competitive. Also, make the HOH room off-limits to anyone but the HOH. If he/she wants to strategize with other hammies, put a time limit on it. ETA: If we can't have nice things, neither should they! ETA: I probably should have said "old school Survivor" because they've gotten cushier there, too.
  25. Heh - reminds me of the commercial - I forget which product - where the cowboy - "I'm a loner, and a loner needs to be alone" - rides off and gets knocked off his horse by the "The End" sign. He must have been a Beastmode Loner Cowboy!
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