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Everything posted by WescottF1

  1. Guy posted an AMA on Reddit about his recent experience at a marriage retreat that was also attended by Boob, Mooch, Smuggar, and Anna... https://www.reddit.com/r/19KidsandCounting/comments/55nyoa/spent_this_past_weekend_with_the_duggars_jimbob/?st=ITURI36H&sh=a40fc7b3&compact=true
  2. YES! We had a Shakey's here when I was a kid. The building currently houses a really scuzzy bar. Looks like now it's mostly out on the West coast/Pacific Northwest with one store still in existence in Alabama and one in Mexico City (!).
  3. My friend (named Jeff) knows I have a bit of a crush on Hayley Orrantia. He screencapped the big where she's going "Geoff! Geoff! Geoff!" and texted it to me with the caption "Jealous?" HAHA
  4. If you're a fan at all of the show The Office, and have a way to watch past episodes - watch/rewatch the one called "Dinner Party", babe.
  5. Here's a little anectote about that. I worked for a fairly large insurance company during the nineties. We had a policyholder who would call up and demand his Viagra be covered because his policy didn't specifically say it was not covered. He had held said policy since the mid sixties, so obviously yes there was no specific verbiage to that effect because Viagra was still 30 years in the future. Unfortunately, the company eventually got tired of going back and forth with him on it they eventually caved and started paying his claims just to shut him up.
  6. All this waiting for an announcement either way from TLC is causing the leghumpers to get extra vicious on a few Facebook pages - especially I Dig the Duggars.
  7. Last time he was here in Rockford, a woman I work with was 99% sure she saw him at a local donut shop but couldn't figure out a way to discreetly snap a pic. The donut shop isn't too far from the RU men's pris-.. erm, I mean dorms so it's quite likely she was right.
  8. Those of us who find it amusing to troll the Duggar pages even have a bingo card meme with all the predictable bullshit excuses the Duggarites use to defend them. They all seem to post in the same "style" (if you wanna call it that) - massive run-on sentences, poor grammar/capitalization/punctuation, assumptions that everyone is Christian and therefore has to follow their rules... sad, really.
  9. Christian Rap sounds about as enticing as a root canal sans anesthesia.
  10. Two of America's most punch-able faces, right there.
  11. My sister nearly died a few years ago as the result of medical malpractice. Long story short she was in a coma for three days after suffering a stroke caused by the doctor injecting her with the wrong substance that went to her brain and caused the seizure/stroke. Medical records were sent to Harvard for review and they agreed that it was pretty much going to be a slam dunk and she'd win. They opted for a jury trial. After a three-day trial and a day of deliberation, the doctor was exonerated and she got nothing.
  12. IMHO, I think it was just show him trying to get back into his old "honorary white guy" lifestyle only to find that just about every caucasian man in the room aside from RK was the hired help.
  13. If I remember correctly, the time I tried the Arby's gyro it was just their regular roast beef with some magic seasoning dust on it to make it taste similar to the real deal. Probably similar to the stuff they put on the gyro flavored Lay's potato chips last year.
  14. I actually unknowingly talked to Fred Goldman on the phone once. In the nineties I worked for a large health insurance company and Fred was a policyholder. He called to make some changes and I was so focused at the task at hand I didn't realize who he was. After the call ended, I looked at the name and since I had a bunch of his information, I just cross-referenced a couple things on Google and sure enough, it was him. I do remember him being quite pleasant as most of our callers were usually pissed at the Devil Insurance Company for something. Not sure what I would have said to him had I recognized him off the bat, but hopefully would have found tactful way to compliment him on his tenacity in the face of what happened.
  15. Actually, it was used here and there in shows as far back as the early 80s. I distinctly remember hearing it on NBC - once on Hill Street Blues when a SWAT sniper did a guy in and said, "Got you, you sonofabitch!" But you are definitely spot on as far as how ubiquitous it is nowadays.
  16. Don't bring any of the boys around Brandy or Dave will have to replace, "Yuuuuuup!" with, "Niiiiiiike!" Lots of buzz on social media how "flipping" cars for profit is illegal in all 50 US states. Whoops!
  17. It was a long time ago! He was just a kid hisself! They aren't victims and forgave him so you should, too! You're just jealous of the Godliness of the family! There's a great bingo card going round Facebook with all the Leghumpers' stock fallback answers.
  18. I worked in a CD-only music shop from 1990 to 1993. One of my co-workers did the same scam with Columbia House - he sub-divided his parents' house into apartments and signed up for 3 or 4 memberships under various pseudonyms. We bought/sold used CDs so if the store already had a disc in the used bin for sale, the boss didn't have an issue with us paying the customer for the second copy out of pocket and keeping it for ourselves. Easy way to amass a good collection for $2-5 per disc.
  19. Shamelessly copied from Facebook. Sing it, people! Here’s the story of a long-haired lady Who liked spurging lots of boys and girls Each of them trained up - by their mother Who really loved the Pearls Here’s the story of her man Jim Shady Who just loved a bit of mullet on the bone And their oldest boy – he was a pervert Who preyed on kids alone And then one day Mr Shady met the cameras And he knew it was much more than a hunch That TLC would buy his Fundie family That’s the way he’d feed the lazy Shady Bunch Jim’s Shady Bunch Jim’s Shady Bunch That’s the way Jim Bob sold his Shady Bunch
  20. Boob and Mechelle's hairspray fund isn't a viable charity!?
  21. The posts on the Good Morning America Facebook page are quite refreshing. Instead of being a silly echo chamber for the leghumpers to trip over themselves trying to see who can outdo the others licking Jim Bob's boots, the responses are quite critical of TLC and ABC for giving them more airtime. It's enough to almost restore my faith in humanity. Almost.
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