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Everything posted by Sandman87

  1. That's it. They were transporting it rather than driving it. Imagine being stuck behind the Rickmobile in traffic. That cold, cynical stare.
  2. The day before yesterday I saw a flatbed semi driving north on I-5 with a giant fiberglass or plastic Rick head & torso on the flatbed. I assume it was going to or from one of the AS party/festival/whatever things that they've been advertising. Is there one in Oregon or Washington about now? Anyway, kind of a surreal sight.
  3. No. The kittens eventually get distracted by something ("Ooh, a bug!") and jump up to go investigate. Catsby is big enough that wrestling against him doesn't really work. I'm continually amazed at how well Catsby and the kittens get along. Name update: Mom gets to name one kitten and I get to name the other. Mom decided to name the shy one...(wait for it)...Shy! The other one's name is still pending; rejected names include Mortimer, Vlad, and Poop Monster.
  4. Forgot to mention - Loved that they were transporting Cassidy with the Hannibal Lecter mask & hand truck setup. And that he's obviously going to use that angel's feather for something, just like Hannibal would. Masada is in Israel. They haven't shown him making any border crossings, other than being at the airport at the end. That scene came off as Jesse reenacting the latest John Wick sequel. Of course, maybe the fact that his opponents were mostly wearing costumes that restrict movement and/or vision helped him a little.
  5. Jesse invades the most decadent brothel in Israel to rescue a little girl who earns a helluva lot more per hour than I do. He manages to kill almost everybody...including the little girl. Oops. Tulip gets some basic psychoanalysis from the Grail's only non-asshole character. He determines that she has issues. As the kids all say these days: DUH! Eugene and the cowboy are still plodding along is a generally Jesse-ward direction, with a stop for lunch and some public restroom lovin'. Cassidy is bored with all the physical torture, so he tortures himself mentally for a while, then has a quick sing-along with the angel who's been hanging around like a holy ceiling fixture. Words I never thought I'd type: Yay, Hitler's back! And he's apparently in Israel for a conference (gosh, who could he be meeting?), so he takes a few minutes to give Jesse a pitch about the excellent job benefits available to his unholy minions.
  6. Looks like they collected a bunch of post-episode omakes together to make a "special"episode.
  7. Any episode that opens with 100 mph car sex has to be good. It figures that even the secret bad guy base at Masada has a Starbucks in it. At least I assume it's a Starbucks. They're everywhere! "The Holy Bar and Grail"? Groan. I will never get tired of the "elevator music in the elevator" gag. How can Featherstone be dumb enough to let Tulip finish climbing the cliff, yet smart enough to have one of those glide-suits built into her uniform? So many questions about Starr's new ear: One would think that the...bits...that the doctor used would still have a little of Cassidy's blood in them. Is Starr going to turn into a vampire now? If he's not going to turn into a vampire, will sunlight set his ear on fire? If he rubs his new ear, will it get larger? Can we consider the conversation where Cassidy talks about foreskins being used in cosmetics as foreshadowing? Or perhaps "forskinshadowing" would be more apt.
  8. Tomorrow's the big day when Mom comes home and gets to meet the twins. Maybe then we can name the tiny terrors. Progress has been made! The Shy One will now allow me to pet her occasionally. She also forgets to be afraid of me when I'm feeding them. Summer is definitely here (a few days ago my work van's thermometer measured 111 degrees.) Definitely a good time to spend mornings in the shade out on the deck. When it heats up in the afternoon, the kitchen step-stool is positioned right in the breeze from the cooler. I've been giving them their "dessert" (canned food) in/around an old pet carrier to get them used to being in it for trips to the vet. Naturally Catsby wanted to check it out. I'm afraid he won't quite fit.
  9. From the time I was 3 years old until I got into college I used to watch a show called...Creature Features(!) on ch.2 out of Oakland. Bob Wilkins was the host, a deliberately low-key nerdy guy who always had a cigar going. He was always on Saturday nights, with movies ranging from the classics (Night of the Living Dead) to pure schlock (The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant). For a while he was doing a double feature on Saturdays, then switched to one movie each on Friday and Saturday. He also ran the old Flash Gordon serials before the movies, and did interviews with various actors and celebrities. Eventually he left the show, and it was taken over by John Stanley, who wasn't half as good. Incidentally, the original theme music for the show was "Gotham City Municipal Swing Band" from an album that was put out by Neal Hefti, the guy who did the theme for the old Batman TV series. ------------------------------------------------------------- For a few years there was another show that ran on ch. 44 in San Francisco called The Ghoul. It was a syndicated show from Detroit. Mostly the host just ran the usual assortment of movies, with some commentary and an occasional bad comedy skit.
  10. Fire Force strikes me as what you might get if a bunch of management types tried to write a supernatural action anime. Watchable but bland.
  11. I'm disappointed that the recaps showed Kakashi giving Naruto the 1000 Years of Death, but didn't show the part where Naruto used it against Gaara during his rampage.
  12. 18 can't fool me. She really sacrificed herself because she wanted to get frisky one more time with Krillin behind the bleachers, just in case Universe 7 gets destroyed.
  13. Especially after he bites off Ha-Ha's head for bothering him while he's on the toilet.
  14. As far as I'm concerned, nothing that was revealed about the history of the Titans is believable until it is shown to be true on the screen where I can see it. For example; that "deal with the devil" bit sounds like a metaphor for the Titans being created by reckless scientific research.
  15. A person could make this episode sound really, really dirty. Meat rubbing! Honey! Too salty! And so on. That's exactly what I was thinking while watching it. Northeast, but yeah. Pretty rustic.
  16. Todoroki and the wind guy ought to be a powerful combo once they get past the "I hate you" thing. Fire + wind = blast furnace.
  17. Made me laugh. He's the Zoidberg of Universe 7. Of course the robots combine Voltron-style. Everyone else seems to have found a way to combine (or feed each other power), so why not them too?
  18. Nope, but I didn't complain because it was Samurai Jack. Didn't see any promos for Fire Force last night. Just gen:LOCK.
  19. gen:LOCK looks like it could be an ok show. The visuals look a lot like the cutscenes in the Mechwarrior video games. Shouldn't be on Toonami, since it's not anime, but it looks ok.
  20. Kyoto Animation fire: Arson attack at Japan anime studio kills 33. Kyto Animation are the folks who put out Full Metal Panic, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, K-On!!, and others.
  21. I'm going to guess that the Administrator successfully transferred a copy of herself to the real world, possibly having done so before her fight with Kirito, Alice, and Eugeo, and that's got something to do with all the shooting. Maybe it's going to get all Summer Wars out there.
  22. I hope the barrage of shonen anime cliches will let up soon so the story can become more interesting. The mangaka who created it collaborated with a celebrity chef named Yuki Morisaki.
  23. I get the impression that the opening theme they're using is starting partway into the song in the English version, like maybe they chopped off the intro. "Are you my mother, or my father?" was hilarious. It makes a little more sense if you've watched the original Japanese versions of his various appearances in the franchise, because O-chan tends to refer to himself with sexually ambivalent language. Even here he refers to himself as "parent", rather than "mother" or "father." One could argue that he's mellowed with age, similar to the way that Hinata's father has. Or maybe he's just being his usual snakey self.
  24. Asta hams it up. "Oh no! I'm completely at the mercy of this noble! How could I ever doubt the power and intelligence of such an obviously superior being?" Hilarious that the guy was defeated by an ordinary hole in the ground. Yeah, back when he used her in the fight with that diamond guy. I forget exactly what it was though. Maybe he'll get some more screen time to show off the spirit magic.
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