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Everything posted by Sandman87

  1. Better yet, maybe he's the shape-changing leader of the demons.
  2. I'm thinking more along the lines of breeding stock.
  3. Here's a picture of the two little monsters dining. It's the only time that they bunch up and stop moving long enough to get both in one shot:
  4. Norman puts on his best stiff upper lip and marches off to become a demon delicacy, but we haven't seen a corpse like we did with Conny and Krone. I suspect he's not dead yet.
  5. Again with the damn ostrich. A giant armadillo falls in love with Naruto at first sight. Because he's just that amazing. He'd better be careful - armadillos sometimes carry leprosy. Also Naruto and Bee take turns tormenting Guy. Kabuto resurrects Deidara so he can do some goodwill building with Madara. En route to Naruto's last reported location, they tangle with the Tsuchikage. It looked like the old guy got killed by an excessively "artistic" explosion, but I doubt it was that easy, especially since his two bodyguards didn't join in the fight. And Madara has an army of clones.
  6. The new guy with the trap powers doesn't seem to grasp the concept of teamwork. Asta seemed a little louder than usual this time.
  7. It's just too easy to do dirty jokes about this episode. The guy who's conducting the exam needs to find another job. He could at least pretend to care.
  8. Maybe. We'll see if I can catch them and get them to the animal shelter. In the meantime they're awfully cute, and it's hilarious watching my cats trying to process these tiny grey thunderbolts.
  9. I thought that was the final episode. Sure looked like it. So it's going to drag out for one more...
  10. We are currently in the midst of a kitten crisis at my house. Well, at least my cats think it's a crisis. A pair of grey kittens set up housekeeping under the kitchen deck a few days ago, and one of them looks something like this: (For size reference, the thing sticking up behind the pink gas can is one of my boots.) The other one is slightly smaller and more shy, but they both have made mad dashes through the kitchen door to swipe a mouthful of cat food and then run back out. Catsby isn't sure what to make of them. He manages a half-hearted hiss from time to time, but mostly seems perplexed. Calypso, on the other hand, is thoroughly intimidated by these tiny terrors, despite the fact that she outweighs both of them combined. I'll call the local animal control and humane society tomorrow, but I suspect they'll tell me that I'll have to catch the kittens myself to bring them in. For now they're getting fed and watered so my cats can eat in peace.
  11. I certainly forgot about it. I don't think the characters have, because otherwise there'd be no great need for the Titans to capture Eren. And speaking of things I forgot about until now; I wonder if Levi still has the hypo full of Titan juice that Kenny gave him.
  12. How unsportsmanlike is it that the kids break out all of their ninja skills to go fishing? That's roughly the equivalent of using dynamite.
  13. The earrings are cheating, I don't care what Zeni 1 and Zeni 2 say.
  14. From a local ad: "I'm announcing this now because the timeline for these deals are uncertain." Yes it are. Seen on the back of a truck: "Driver's wanted." I took it to mean that the driver is on the run from the police. It makes me think of the liquified chicken restaurant from Invader Zim. "Are you thirsty for chicken?"
  15. I'm curious to see what the Faux Purple Dorka dude has for a magic power. Whatever it was left the real one half-embedded in a wall.
  16. So Alice is on the verge of an eyesplosion, and Eugeo will apparently believe anything if you say it nicely enough. It worked for me. Better pretend to be ashamed, just in case.
  17. Kira's death is the funniest thing I've seen all month; run over by the ambulance that's coming to take him to the hospital! How did the Posey Cat manage to survive? it was inside Deadly Queen last time I saw it.
  18. I suspect that in the future the kids will be thinking more about how to kill Isabella. After all, she's showing them how to be ruthless. It's funny that they went to the trouble of showing us that Krona had combat training, but then just had her flail wildly at the demon.
  19. I'd much rather watch One Piece than Loo-peen,
  20. I don't know if this episode was canonical or not, but it had "filler" written all over it. Nice to see that Inojin isn't quite as hyper-competent as he usually seems.
  21. Nice!Setting up Eren as a decoy that can't be ignored even though it is an obvious trick. I seem to recall that there's a military term for that, but can't remember it offhand. Just after the Beast Titan smacks the ground to signal the small ones to attack, there's a shot that includes one of the big ones with his hands on his hips. I dub him The Fabulous Titan. Unless the fans have already assigned the name to another one. Watching Titans run is always amusing. I expect that at some point the Eren Titan is going to grab a handful of thunder spears and pound them into another Titan.
  22. Watching, yes. Commenting, no. I bet Bakugo's room has at least one embarrassing item in it, like a Midnight hug pillow, or something. Still trying to figure out who, if anyone, is the traitor at the academy.
  23. A sword that traps you and grows flowers as it drains your life? Dude, Bleach called, and Yumichika wants his secret shikai back.
  24. Kira is too focused on using his new air-bombs in creative ways. He could have taken care of all of his problems instantly if he had just turned the house into a bomb.
  25. Lately the bumps during the breaks have seemed pretty weak to me. My imagination, or an actual thing?
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