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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Andrei has never been shown as anything other that completely awful. This is yet another example. Think about your life; would you prime parents to HATE your in-laws once they met them? If they are really awful, keep your mouth shut, they'll know. Parents going to Moldova? Their fingers are too broken to google this country before they arrive? They are so ignorant they think getting off the plane to insult every single thing they see? Yeah, I don't see this at all. If they have passports, this is producer-driven-ugly American BS. Try again.
  2. I agree with you. I'm Ramona's age and joined the USAF in 1980. Many years later, I was at a spouse event and I commented that so many other women were nurses or teachers (I had retired at that point) and one of the women told me that was their expected career path. Teacher or nurse. I don't know if Ramona gets a pass because her childhood was "difficult." Aren't they all? I'm thinking twice this season people are speaking to her and she decides she can't hear you. Tins at the restaurant asking her to come sit down to eat and then when Dorinda was raking her over the coals. She looks completely stupid. My mom's advice when I was getting married to my husband? "If you get divorced, it is your fault." We're going on 38 years but how is that for advice?!? Thanks Mom!
  3. I wish I would have quoted an earlier poster who wondered if these people even liked each other because I was thinking the same thing. I don't follow SM so I can't believe Dorinda is trashing Ramona. What's up with that? Okay, Ramona got off easy. She has always been a shithead. Keep calling her out on it. Don't forgive her for being nasty. It only goes to her head and probably 50-60 of her best girlfriends. Dorinda, people are at your home so they are going to go easy on you. You're a shithead too. You're cold and cruel and you're losing your fan base. Lu, seriously, what made you snap? Jeez, Sonia has always been the "Tins didn't thank me enough, you don't pay me enough, don't you know who I am?" sort of person. You couldn't find your equilibrium to laugh and say the audience loves you and you're always fun but let's talk business during business hours? To Ramona (I don't remember her starting it but she probably did--it all happened too fast for me), she could have laughed and said Sonja and I will discuss this next week. Ramona, you're a business woman and I'm sure you'll respect this. Lu stomping out with the "you're fired" to stomp back in to say "you're fired" was quite a bit. That was hair-trigger anger. This is why she shouldn't drink. Same temper tantrum she displayed when she was arrested. I guess Dorinda paraphrases her mug shot slam to Lu and she stomps off next week. Goodness, who would have predicted Leah was becoming the sane one in the bunch!?!
  4. I swear these people need to go to etiquette class or something. First, Kyle should have called Denise the next day to discuss how abruptly Denise and Aaron left Kyle's BBQ. Denise was clearly done with the discussion but this particular group of women can't let anything go. They could have "made nice" in the telephone call. Second, you go to Sutton's event and Kyle has to bring up how quickly they left her event? Time and place, people, time and place. Third, Erica, you weren't discussing anything, you were starting a fight. Your husband doesn't even let YOU talk to HIM that way. I believe you are a tough broad but you have zero class. None. How in the world did you think that conversation would go? Seriously, did she think Aaron was going to apologize to her for his comments? These women are becoming tedious.
  5. I want to know more about Carole and Maxwell. Oops, I just realized I'm in Tinsley's thread. I wish only great things for Tins.
  6. I think the table decorations were tacky. I would expect, and prefer, minimal decorations so the food shines. I would be interested in knowing how their wires got crossed with the lunch at the beach. I would think they would know tarps and glass containers weren't allowed at a public beach. At least I think it was a public beach.
  7. I"m not sure this is the correct thread but I do not believe the show will come back as we know it. I'm not on social media but I do not believe we've heard from anybody else over the firings but we've heard Jax and Brit have had some fall-out as well. You know LVP abandoning Stassi is major; I'm sure the others are laying low and quaking in their boots. Lisa will save Lisa so the Toms are probably okay but in a different format. The title Vanderpump Rules is out so it will be interesting to see what they come up with as the new title of the re-vamped show. Heh, Re-Vamp Rules? Sometimes I make myself laugh.
  8. It will be interesting to see how she acts/reacts once Tinsley is gone. I think she has acted horribly and somehow thinks she should get a pass for it. I'd like for Bethenny come back, team up with Elyse and put the beatdown on Dorinda. Elyse doesn't get much air time but she seems to be quite sensible. Hmmm.
  9. I'm one of those laughing and laughing at her. Not so sure about her ready-made market but I'll enjoy seeing footnotes of her in People magazine. Looks like Lisa and Andy abandoned her (and rightfully so) and good luck with her new PR firm.
  10. And, see? I'm loving it. This is just about the best ending to a reunion show I've seen. As in THE BEST ENDING!!! I hope I never see her or Katie again on TV. Someone upstream thought VPR should evolve to a TomTom spinoff and I think that might be fun. They don't even have to fire Jax/Brit/LaLa or the new remaining cast, they just don't have them on. Works for me.
  11. Beg to differ. I think she was a threat to herself and others. Post-filming is no way to diagnose that she didn't have a problem because she didn't end up killing herself. I believe Leah has a huge problem and production has a responsibility to step in. This isn't Sonja, this is someone with a diagnosed mental health issue. A serious mental health issue. YMMV and obviously does.
  12. Nope, only roomier. Every flight begins and ends at the same time. 🙂. I only brought this up because I fly on AA and the premise was meals are really good. Seriously, everything is fine. Let's have a QF for fun, not for real.
  13. Scratched my head at Gregory's broccoli rabe as either a salad or an appetizer. It was neither; it was a side dish but he got a pass on that. Also scratched my head at "airlines food is now good." Nope. MY husband and I have enough frequent flyer miles with AA that we only fly first class. Sorry, Jonathan Waxman, the food isn't all that great. BTW, we've eaten at his Adele's restaurant in Nashville a couple of times and the food was great. We've eaten at Tom's restaurant off of the East River (River Park?) and we thought it was also great. Interesting to know Jonathan was an AA consultant.
  14. Thank you. I understand "et al" but must have missed it in your point. Didn't see it. Still not correct because a state isn't a territory so it isn't "et al." My larger point is everybody knows we have 50 stars on the flag because we have 50 states. You yourself said you'd guess 52. Moving on. I really want to hear everybody's thoughts about Leah not being rounded up and taken to the nearest ER. That is the most provocative issue about this episode.
  15. You realize we have more territories than PR. Guam, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands come to mind. I believe Dorinda deserves a big stink about that slip up. Wasn't her husband in charge of all of them at one time or another. 🙂 I'm upset with Bravo over Leah's behavior. We've seen Scary Island and we've seen Leah melt down at Ramona's house. At some point in time, they need to reel her in and take her home/get help/take her to an ER or whatever. It stops being entertaining. Could you imagine being at that nice dinner setting? I think I'd go up the wait staff and ask to be set up somewhere else away from all of the antics. I'm not sure I could have eaten in the midst of all of it. Crazy. I'm not very familiar with the Northeast so I appreciate people's thoughts about Newport. If we can ever travel again, I would like to see it.
  16. I try so hard with this show out of curiosity, boredom, and FOMO. I've tried so many episodes of this show. Every episode feels incredibly scripted from the first minute to the last. This season and last. Yep. Just watched this sober and I don't care. I try but nope. These are episodes about nothing. How about we hear about all of the lawsuits these wives are engaged with? That might be good.
  17. ^^^So much this. YOU won the internet today.
  18. Because I"m bored, I googled VDP Rules news and there are several sites suggesting this franchise be refocused. They don't like the new people and they don't like the old. The ending music sounded like a finale to me. Please, please, please, no Stassi marriage. We really don't care. Really. YOU made us sit through the Jax/Brit crap (and Katie/Tom). We've done our penance. Enough. I watch a lot of Bravo but I think I can be done with this show. None of these folks are admirable and if this goes by the wayside, I'm good. Stassi will be in People magazine for a couple of years and then she is a footnote in history until her divorce. And not a good mention. Same with the other completely entitled asses and their divorces.
  19. Please don't kill my buzz. 😁 I loved the young woman with the port wine stain; it must have been very difficult to grow up with that. I had acne and I'm not sure I'm over it (I'm 61). I am completely buying what the queens are selling. I really like them very much.
  20. I really loved the show last night. I wish I could think of a reason for the queens to visit me but I don't have one. Ooooh, perhaps they could help me run BolderBoulder on Labor Day? Nah, don't even think the race is going to happen..... Anyway, I love this show and I consider this a palate cleansing after watching Bravo train-wrecks. Love these folks.
  21. Dorinda, I don't think many people care if your late husband went to Yale or Harvard. I don't know where your ex-husband went to school. Don't care. Where did you go to school and where did you get your advanced degree? I'm now off to chew some Trident, an ADA-approved gum, but you know that because you know everything. Dumb ass.
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