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Everything posted by candle96

  1. I couldn't figure out where that school principal story was going. The thing that stuck out to me is how different the attitudes about the whole thing were back in 1977. NO WAY any of that would fly in 2017. Nor should it. Creepy and inappropriate! But a lot of the adults dismissed it or just weren't sure what to make of it. A minor quibble with this show: Debbie supposedly goes to the University of Virginia, which is about 2 hours from D.C./FBI headquarters and Quantico. I went there, did that drive many times myself. UVA is in Charlottesville, yet Holden and Debbie seem to be local. The writers clearly know Charlottesville is a bit of a drive, because Tench's wife mentioned the drive when discussing taking their son to that music therapist. I can't figure out why Debbie is with Holden. She doesn't seem to really like him at all.
  2. Um, yeah, as a woman with size 11 shoes, this seems unrealistic in 1977. It's hard enough for me to find my size now! I also was thinking "pregnant!" when the girlfriend's shoe size went up.
  3. Completely different genre, but I just finished a 3-episode podcast/radio musical that he stars in, called 36 Questions. It's just him and one other person, so it's definitely a lot of him talking! (and singing) It is taking me a bit to get used to his voice in this serious role, having just heard him in something so different. But I agree it's a very lilting, lovely voice.
  4. Interesting point. Perhaps to give Vicki an ally? I wonder if the producers were surprised how much Lydia went after Shannon. Shannon, as she's been the past few years, will not be out. She's authentic, she blows up easily, and when she's not in super Debbie Downer mood, is pretty funny. Plus she seems legitimately rich, which for me is part of the voyeuristic fun of the show. Shannon seems exactly like what they're looking for in a Ho'Wife. Unless something changes (single Shannon shall be interesting . . . ), I can't see her being out.
  5. Thanks for the clarification about the timeline. So her father's death is more recent, so there may still be some sensitivity to Kelly's joke/reference. (not that she understood it anyway) I swear half of my problem with Peggy is how badly she articulates her point of view and what's going on with her with the ladies. I think the ladies jump on her because they're confused as to what she's upset about. That, and her seeming too dumb to get any jokes/references. I don't find her likable, but if she could actually coherently articulate her argument with others, she'd be a much better cast member. Kelly, for example, is a good example of someone you may hate, but still knows how to put on a good show. I really have to wonder if Peggy had ever watched this show or knew what she was getting into. If she really didn't understand, there's a part of me that does feel bad for her.
  6. Peggy's excuses and timelines seem to be off in general. She keeps saying she "just" went through the cancer scare, but then it seems other times when it's been brought up, the whole diagnosis/surgery process started quite some time ago. Also with her father and taking offense at Kelly's joke. While I would never minimize the enormity of losing a parent, didn't he die like 2 years ago? I could be wrong. I'm sure it still hurts a lot, but it's not something that "just" happened. I'm thinking it you're in enough pain to be on heavy meds for a surgery, you're not flying off to Iceland. I'm not buying it.
  7. Yeah, it seems strange to me that people are getting caught up in whether the baby was making noise, considering these women stayed up all night on several occasions, and spent a good chunk of them screaming and laughing. The baby's crying would be the least of other guests' worries. Plenty more OC Housewives have made loud scenes in public than baby Aspen. OMG yes! What WAS that?!? That made no sense, and I literally thought I was witnessing Vicki have a stroke.
  8. I liked this episode, although I can certainly understand why people wouldn't. El is such a tremendous screen presence, that I'm always "in" when she's onscreen. I thought it was necessary for the growth of the character, and I'm hoping this means she can learn to have a little more of a normal life eventually. I think seeing how Kali lives helped her realize how lucky she was to end up in the company of people who cared about her, as opposed to this ugly ragtag group. That mohawk guy and the Madonna-wannabe were way too over the top to be taken seriously (perhaps intentionally from the Duffers). I do love how much this show has no problem being derivative of 80s movies and stereotypes. I had also heard the Duffer brothers intentions with Season 2 were to make a sequel, much like Empire Strikes Back, and this episode certainly was the most direct reference to that, similar to when Luke went to find Yoda. Although, ha, Kali seemed to telling Eleven to give in to her "dark side" to move that train car. And the vision of El seeing her friends and deciding to leave, was very similar to Luke leaving to save his. Plus the whole separation of the ensemble, always my least favorite part of that movie. I'm hoping El reunites with everyone soon, and they don't wait until the end of the last episode.
  9. I'm still not convinced Max's story to Lucas is the full deal. Remember how they were fighting about "whose fault" it was that they had to move away from California. And why is he the one always driving her and being concerned where she is? Where are the parents? Something's amiss. Not the least being his receding hairline. . . Although I also like the idea of just a tribute to an over-the-top 80s villain. If that's his role, I'm hoping he also gets killed by a Demogorgon. Soon.
  10. Both the cast members AND medical team. I don't know for sure in Iceland, but in some countries the team that comes out to the patient does most of the stabilizing aspect of the treatment there in the field, as opposed to the American style of getting them to the ER as quickly as possible to do majority of the stabilizing there. (I remember reading about that when Princess Diana died.) So it's possible she didn't need as long at the hospital. Also, as someone who has spent a fair amount of time waiting around in ERs (for my job, not my personal life, thankfully), waiting with a friend or loved one is overrated. Most of the time, you can't be with them (certainly not more than one or two), there are minimal food options, and there is A LOT of waiting. Hours and hours. And siccing that group of ladies on the poor folks waiting at the hospital? Those poor folks were spared! The first half of this episode was some version of Lucy and Ethel and their equally crazy friends have a medical emergency. It was alternately hilarious and head-shaking.
  11. My thoughts are that Max and Billy have to somehow be related to the same project Eleven was a part of, especially since we saw evidence of "Eight" out there in the world, not doing good things, either. Max's line about "well, we're family now," made me think they were thrown together by some event not of their choosing. Plus the lack of showing their parents/caregivers cannot be an accident. Another random, probably wrong thought. Billy's hairline is a little off for a teenager, like he's already balding a bit, and I have no idea if that's a deliberate choice. Just made me wonder if he's actually older, and spying on the kids who were a part of the events last year. Not sure why that would lead to him antagonizing Steve, though.
  12. Damn, I was wrong. My bad. It's a silver Pontiac Fiero. Getting my 80s cars confused! It's right after Mr Robot agrees to work with Tyrell, and gives him the gun back. Around the 6-minute mark. Having seen and heard this show's allusions to and theories regarding Back to the Future, I think I got a little too enthusiastic. I am squarely in the camp of hoping time travel of any type does not happen, other than in Elliot's mind. I like this show existing in the "real" world.
  13. ITA. I was pretty excited to have an episode about Tyrell's disappearance, but was a bit disappointed to find out he's just as helpless/powerless as Elliot. I was hoping he was more of the mastermind he appeared to be when he showed up in Elliot's cab the first time around. If this whole thing is being controlled by the Dark Army and White Rose, I'm a little let down. Here's hoping there's more to it than that. Mr. Robot is one of the few shows where I don't mind being confused or lost and just go along with the beauty of it all. But I also realize that's not exactly a formula for successful commercial television. I'd watch Rami Malek read the phone book. Did anyone else catch the Delorian outside the arcade before Irving and his goons busted Elliot and Tyrell?
  14. The mineral is cobalt, and it's sitting in every smart phone right now. Whomever controls the cobalt will wield a lot of power in the future.
  15. I live in Chicago, heard a radio interview a few years ago with a woman who I guess is a rich socialite here. Apparently, Bravo tried filming a Chicago version, and this lady was one of the potential cast members, but they didn't pick it up. I guess not enough drama, something Midwesterners aren't exactly known for. (I include myself in that. I'd be the worst cast member ever because whenever drama shows up, I leave!)
  16. Good lord! In addition to the terrible "pants," the rest of the look reminds of the "before" look of some wallflower/awkward girl in a movie where she gets a makeover halfway through, only for her classmates to discover she's actually beautiful. The hair, the shoes, the glasses?!?
  17. Yeah, when the doctor asked, "what did she die of?" I'm thinking "being 83 years old?" Also, I sometimes confuse Tamra and Vicki's mother, but am I right in thinking she seemed like a smoker? Or ex-smoker? I'm sorry she died, yes, of course, but 83 is not young. When Vicki said, "my dying would leave a huge void in their life, " I said to my sister, "A financial void!"
  18. Am not a fan of Kelly in general, but I loved her calling out, "Oh, you mean tabouli-EEH!" as Peggy was presenting what she assumed to be extremely exotic dishes to the Ho'wives. I agree with people's assessment of Vicki's bad style, but I will give her this: her hair has looked really good this season, as opposed to a few seasons ago, which I was reminded of when they showed those old clips of her and Tamara. It used to be too long and kind of frizzy, but now it's shorter and sleeker. Plus generally nicely styled. As someone who has very fine hair and can't do anything with it, I'm jealous of hers. Lydia, oh Lydia. If you think God might not approve of a young boy being exposed to a belly dancer, you might want to look at what the Bible says about wealth and greed. That shopping trip was awful. I can't stand her fake, judgy brand of Christianity. Shannon continues to be her own worst enemy. Shannon, I really want to be on your side, but stop making everything into some 5 episode drama! I think Diko was clumsingly attempting to air things out, and you know, being on this show, Shannon should know that's going to happen. Just say ,"Okay thanks" and move on. Of course, neither Diko nor Peggy have done themselves any favors in their terrible (confused?) explanations of Peggy's cancer/pre-cancer. IMHO, David seemed legitimately confused, which stupid Peggy jumped all over. Ugh. Enough already, producers, with this cancer business!
  19. You should watch the documentary. There is a particularly heartbreaking storyline with one of the nannies who: I think the whole storyline was a just that, a storyline. I don't think Jeff was ever in danger at getting involved with those trashy grifters.
  20. Actually, I'm fairly certain this came up in one of the first seasons of this show. Because they're all working at his house, Jeff highly discouraged his employees from going number 2 when they were at work. Came close to forbidding it, IIRC, if not outright forbidding it. As if that's something people can control!
  21. I was so excited when this show first previewed, and now I find myself, well, somewhat disappointed. It wasn't horrible, just not great. The whole thing felt very. . . basic. Just kind of meh, yeah, going through all the beats of a generic superhero story. I think I would've preferred a plot/storyline that took a little longer to develop or take place over a longer stretch of time. I just didn't feel particularly invested in anything. I was alternately bored and confused by the Hand's plotting. At the same time, I found the plot boring, so maybe more episodes wouldn't have worked. Evil organization with seemingly unbeatable powers wants to take down New York. But the Hand's evil and horror wasn't really fully shown. There was a lot of telling, not showing, which is the opposite of good storytelling. And even at the end I didn't entirely get Elektra's motivations. To die because she felt alive? Mm-hmm, right. Again, very generic and not well-executed. The only real moment of surprise to me was when Sigourney Weaver was killed. But even that didn't have a satisfying follow up. The next episode was our protagonists mostly hanging around the police station, wasting time. And as someone else mentioned, too much fighting in the dark. I gave up trying to figure out who was who after awhile. I also just could not get into the Iron Fist being so central to everything, If this show was an attempt to get more folks to tune into Iron Fist, count me out. That actor may be pretty, but he is terrible with his growly whispering delivery. Jessica Jones was by far the MVP, and I wish she had more of a role in this show other than just being the skeptic naysayer and occasionally kicking ass. Every time she was on screen I wished for more of her. In my fantasy world I'd love to see her snark back and forth with some of the Avengers. Luke was more likable than previously, so I enjoyed him, too. His moments with Jessica and making fun of Danny were some of my favorites. All that being said, if they do a season 2 of this, I'll definitely watch!
  22. I'm trying to think of an actor who can more easily inhabit roles as the villain or the hero with such authority. She walks onto the screen and you just buy whatever she's selling immediately.
  23. Yeah, I think you're right, and I was surprised it took me this long to understand the full extent of it. She's a beautiful woman, easily the most effortless amongst the ladies, and seemingly could fit in with a number of social circles, so it's a bit surprising that she jumped so hard at Tom. I don't know what happened between her and Jacques, but he seemed like a much better fit for her. They had an ease between them that was so painfully missing with her and Tom. Surely there are more Jacques-types in New York? Or in Europe? Her kids are old enough now she could travel back and forth to see them. Other random thoughts about the episode: Dorinda looked fantastic in that pink furry shrug that she had at the party! I wish I could pull one of those off, but I think my shoulders are too broad. I think Tinsley's early/teenage marriage stunted her emotional growth. She went from her parents' house/money to her husband's house/money, and then into one relationship that appears to have been pretty emotionally immature (among other things). It shows in how she approaches the world, how she dresses, and interacts with the ladies. She's never really stopped being 17. It'd be good for her to spend some time on her own, and has she ever held a job of any type? (fat chance, I know). Even a socialite like her could find something useful to do with her time, like charity work or opening a boutique. Instead she's rushed into a new relationship with another rich guy who will take care of her. Sonja betrayed her shaky financial situation in front of that whole crowd by how much she lost it over that $5000 gift card. She also has acted crazy this whole season, all over the place with her attitude towards Tinsley. I can't quite figure out what set her off so much, other than jealousy and some twisted assumptions that Tinsley was going to be some sort of surrogate daughter to Sonja. It never made sense to me. I am one of the few on here who is a Bethenny fan, I generally love her, even when she's being obnoxious, but WOAH, way to drop that "Tinsley drinks vodka at 8am" tidbit with no context! Where has this storyline been all season?? Eh, can't have all the ladies getting along too well or it makes for a boring reunion. So well done, Bethenny and producers.
  24. ITA. As a mental health professional who works in weight management, it frustrates me to no end that Shannon goes to all these quacks and alternative treatments. Who was that guy from last year? Dr. Moon? Please. I wasn't crazy about that couples therapist either, the one who made Shannon "die," so David could mourn her. There are actual, knowledgeable people out there with advanced degrees, who could help her. The treatment will not be easy or quick, but I'm just not convinced she's getting any solid medical advice or real psychological help. Heck, even going to Weight Watchers would probably be a good start, where at least they have some emotional support to go along with making changes in your eating habits. It's obvious a big piece of this is her not addressing the problems in her marriage, and a vow renewal or feng shui expert isn't going to fix it. Is it too cliche to say I can think of a really fast way for her to lose 180 lbs and divorce David? He may not be the only problem, but I have never seen a glimmer of affection between them. All that stuff last year seemed like him putting on a show more than anything real. It's sad, I've always really liked Shannon, I think she can be hilarious, but she needs to not be on reality tv right now. Her emotional state is just too fragile.
  25. I love that the entire impetus for Dorinda movie to NYC was built on a lie. :)
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