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Everything posted by candle96

  1. I never said they got rid of them, i said I feared they did. Excuse me if I don't follow her on Instagram. They show her with all her animals, including the ponies and the swans, so it seemed odd to me that we never see the goldens.
  2. What happened to those golden retrievers Ken gave to Lisa a few years ago? I know they were sent away for some type of training, but that's the last I've heard of them. My fear is that they were too big and hyper for her, even with training, so they were given away. I do believe Lisa and Ken are devoted to rescuing dogs, but if you buy them yourself and then don't keep them, I'm giving you some side eye. And do the other dogs besides Gigi get any attention? I'm always worried the other dogs, while certainly living a pampered life, get ignored by their humans.
  3. Did you notice Bruce's face when Tom mentioned LCK? He looked less than thrilled. Understandably, I think Bruce's head has been out of this game for awhile. Plus, I think the pressure of being so well-known by the judges got to him. I get it. He also did the DOUBLE of "never" dishes in this one episode: panna cotta AND "risotto." It's like he's never watched an episode of TC! I'd be happy with anyone but Mustache Joe winning in this final four. Carrie's rise from underestimated to one of the best has been fun to watch. Adrienne seems to have been lacking confidence, so it's nice for her to finally find her own voice. And Chris just seems like an all-around nice guy with an inspiring back story. I know some people have questioned his leadership skills, but he reminds me a bit of my favorite boss of all time, who was more of a "lead from behind" type, by conveying faith in others. It can work with the right people, although maybe a food competition isn't the ideal setting for it.
  4. Interesting twist! Perhaps those high school students were more perceptive and prophetic than anyone realized. Yikes!
  5. Kyle needs to learn simple is better for her. Last week when she wore her hair down and that pretty floral blouse, out to dinner with Teddi and the husbands, she looked gorgeous. She looks best with straight hair, just down and parted in the middle. There's a talking head where she's wearing a sort of blush colored top, and she looks good in that, too. I think as women get older styles where one's hair is pulled back get harder to rock, even though I think Kyle looks very young for her age.
  6. Uh oh, you hit on the one food I'm not crazy about. Outside of gyros and the flaming cheese, I've always been a bit underwhelmed by Greektown. I actually just went to the Athenian Room this past weekend, which was serviceable, but your husband's favorite place might still be there. There are literally like 8 or 9 Greek restaurants in a few blocks, somehow they all stay in business. Sorry I can't be of more help! If you're going to be in Greektown, my suggestion is to hop a few blocks north to Randolph St, which is kind of like restaurant row. That's where all the hot restaurants are, including all of Stephanie Izzard's, Fabio's (Bar Siena, amazing!), and even white glasses himself, Graham Elliott. I know this because I accidentally walked into the wrong place a few weeks ago and he was standing there. That's how I knew it was the wrong place. You really can't go wrong over there, and it's changed a lot in the past 5 or 6 years. I especially love The Publican.
  7. I heard an interview with Darren Criss where he said AC was voted "most likely to succeed" in his high school class. So, at some point in his life, he charmed at least some people.
  8. Nope those were girls. Sadly, that's what models looked like in the early to mid 90s. The pale, androgynous waif look was in. I also wasn't a fan of the clothes in that fashion show, but they struck true to me as 90s - lots of black and neutral colors, the crosses. That gold slip dress was pretty iconic.
  9. Interesting, his restaurant, Spiaggia, has actually been around for a long time. I'm almost positive another TC contestant (Sarah? Overweight, short hair, everyone hated her. Was that Texas TC?) was EC there when she was on the show. I haven't eaten there in years, I assume the menu changes when the EC changes. But I was not particularly impressed. Fancy, yes, but also expensive and small portions. As far as Top Chef, Stephanie Izzard is still queen of this town, and I can attest all her restaurants are really good. She really does nail that "depth" of flavor in her food.
  10. You know what they say about people - No matter how nice they are to their friends, how they treat wait staff, etc. reveals their character. And then Dorit defended her behavior at Teddy's party by saying she didn't yell at Teddy, she just yelled at the wait staff. As if that's an excuse.
  11. Ah yes, that old reality show chestnut of blaming the editing. Say what you will about Bethenny Frankel, but one thing she's said multiple times (particularly in regards to Jill Zarin) is that blaming the editing is bullshit. Your behavior is your behavior. Own it. The thing that makes the angriest about her offense to the Hitler remark is that this thing that is just so unforgivable didn't seem to affect her until about 2 weeks after it was said. If she felt that strongly about it, she would've felt something in the moment. It was a careless and dumb to say by Margaret, for sure, but no one is buying your months-long act offended act, Siggy. You were mad because the women clearly like Margaret more than you. That's really all it is.
  12. Except they didn't question Carrie's decision to be a line cook at all. Frankly, I found it a bit sexist. When Tom came to visit them, he said nothing about it, but then when he went to visit the Common Place team, he immediately questioned Chris. I didn't like that.
  13. Rowan tells Quinn there's a soundproof door, so no one can hear her, but then she can conveniently hear his conversations with Olivia through the air ducts?? Wouldn't it stand to reason she could ALSO shout into them to have someone hear her???? Come on, writers, don't be THAT lazy. I say this from experience - my sister and I spent a good chunk of our teenage years communicating with each other via air ducts in our house. Rowan is ridiculous, but I can't but like Joe Morton. He's a really good actor, and yeah, it's over the top, but he's clearly enjoying it. It's also ridiculous that at this point I'm rooting for him over Olivia.
  14. Wow, what strikes me about this is how much they got Edgar Ramirez to look like Gianni.
  15. The was Dorit a little late/was she a lot late business is BORING to me. If it gets dragged out much longer, it'll make me long for the days of Panty Gate. Here's my burning question: What in the HELL was Kyle wearing when she went to meet Dorit for lunch, and am I the only who initially thought it was the Maryland flag??? I swear, such a beautiful woman, with such awful taste in clothing.
  16. I didn't say that. There are happy couples that live apart from each other. Rich people also have multiple homes, and if she's spent a long day filming perhaps she doesn't want to drive back to Pasadena. I just was passing along what I thought was some interesting info (taken with a grain of salt.)
  17. Anyone listen to the podcast Bitch Sesh? One of the hosts said they had it on good authority that Erika lives in an ANOTHER apartment building, separate from the one shown on the show as her office. Person has seen her at the mailbox on a regular basis. There was some speculation is maybe she has a "city apartment," since their home is in Pasadena.
  18. I found that to be classic Amy Sherman-Palladino, but not in a good way. It's like character exposition set on ELEVEN. I mostly liked Gilmore Girls, but when this type of thing went too much, I got annoyed. Bunheads was even worse. I'm hoping the moments where it's obvious who wrote this are few and far between. A little goes a long way.
  19. Plus the fact that she's not talented enough to even be chorus girl #5. Those folks work their butts off and are super talented.
  20. I'm sorry, I usually try to go easy on the kids of the Ho'Wives, as it's not their choice that their parents decided to do a reality show. But I could go for 10 more seasons of this show with never seeing or hearing from the Rinna girls. Leaving aside the fact that they do NOT seem like model material in any way (sorry, it's true), they're awful. Spoiled, boring and bored, and way too full of themselves. I could not care less about what they're doing. Talking about being exhausted from flying all over the world on someone else's dime is obnoxious. Just stop trying to make them happen, Lisa, Bravo, etc. Please! Make it stop! I may be in the minority on this, but I kind of loved Erika's Tokyo outfits and hair. For once, her over-the-top looks actually fit in. (for those not familiar with Tokyo, google "Harajuku.") Well, except for that tea house they went to. I thought she looked pretty stunning in the pink wig outfit, but I was surprised to see they were going somewhere for lunch, and then such a quiet and secluded place at that. That seemed like much more of a nighttime/dinner outfit. And then she showed up to dinner looking relatively normal. Go figure. I did appreciate how nice and gracious Lisa and Erika were with the tea house folks, even if they weren't crazy about the food. Dorit's behavior during the photo shoot and Kyle's dinner was beyond awful. Are we really supposed to believe that a BH's luxury magazine's hair and makeup people are inferior to the glam squad who gave her greasy gold leaf hair? Please. Kyle was way nicer towards her than I'd be. If someone repeatedly complained about the setup of my home, especially things beyond my control, I'd suggest they were free to leave at anytime.
  21. Ah, i see. Well, still, having lived in L.A., the nicer parts outside of BH are still outrageously expensive. Teddi still isn't exactly middle-class.
  22. I think their whole house is weird and cold. Has it been confirmed if they own it or it's rented? The whole thing just seems too empty and neutral. Methinks their fortune is a house of cards. I thought Dorit and PK's behavior at that dinner was atrocious and really shit-stirring. Lisa R. seemed pretty sincere in her attempts to make up with Dorit. Not even 24 hours later, Dorit's talking trash. Now, if she had just accepted Lisa's new behavior as genuine and Lisa screwed up again, Dorit would come out on top. But now? If Lisa R goes after her in the future, she has justification. Poor Teddi looked so uncomfortable. The editing of Dorit praising her own cooking and then cutting to her putting store-bought hummus in a bowl was brilliant. I like Teddi, but I'm also over her discussion of money. She lives in what looks like a fairly nice house in BH, where even a "normal" house costs a fortune. Is it as lavish as the Vanderpumps? No, but she's still well outside the norm. And chose to live in BH. I'm confused as to where her money comes from, if she really doesn't have a trust fund from her father. I suspect she's gotten some of his money in some capacity. I swear Kyle looks so much prettier when she's not all made up and wearing some ill-fitting dress. She looks beautiful in just jeans and a t-shirt. That brown dress that showed up in her intro tonight was a travesty. Kyle, embrace your "natural" beauty!
  23. Agreed. I've been using the Bravo app on my Firestick, which, for some reason, is promoting all the LCK episodes and not the actual show. I had to scroll all the way down to the bottom to find the actual show episodes, so I knew who was going home before I even started. Thanks for nothing, Bravo app.
  24. I though Tyler's take, particularly about the farm, was hilarious, but I'm with you. That chef looked like a more muscular version of Phillip Seymour Hoffman to me.
  25. Thanks for this. I definitely remember that episode (that was the episode that was my official "OMG, I love this show." moment), and I vaguely remember the character, but I couldn't recall what he looked like at all. So I was a little confused when they showed his face at the end here.
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