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Not fleshing out the motives of the perp made me really question the victim. It wasn’t until the flashbacks during the trial that I totally believed her. Plus I thought she was acting really strangely. But maybe I just think that because she was so different than most of the other victims portrayed on this show. Overall, another good episode.
I got the impression that only her husband would be moving to the country. Hopefully she can stay in their city house. I think Eliza did love William, but I get the sense that there is no man that she would be willing to give up her career for. Luckily, Blake seems fine with her working. Eliza probably has some regrets on how things ended with William. If they both hadn’t dragged their feet for so long, who knows how things could have progressed. Maybe William would have changed his tune. So I see her as being more bold now and shooting her shot with Blake. The relationship between Eliza and Ivy is so odd and interesting. Ivy works for Eliza and gets a wage, and Eliza seems to pay for all the household bills/food. Yet Ivy is basically a mother figure, and can boss Eliza around (like a mother would, I don’t mean that in a bad way) and feels comfortable enough to invite Potts to move in without checking with Eliza first. I just hope that Potts is going to pay his fair share once he moves in. When they move out, I wonder if Eliza would move into a nice boarding house? She doesn’t really need to be spending money on all that space and doesn’t seem to spend that much time at home anyway.
I have a lot of thoughts about the unnecessary sexual violence and nudity in this show, but I’ll just say I think it’s overdone and I’m really over the whole debauchery plot with Timothy Dalton. We get it. He’s a bad guy. I don’t think they did a good job of recasting Pete. The previous actor looked young enough to be a teenager but the new guy looks way too old. I looked up the actor and he’s 36. Alex made a comment about the temperature in Montana. She’s in for a big shock. They’ll be no romping around outside in her lingerie. I think she’ll hate it there, at least in the winter. Did Cara forget to tell Elizabeth that there’s a mountain lion hanging around?!
I’m surprised so many people thought this was the best season. For me, nothing can beat season 1 and no one can replace the Duke. Not to say that I didn’t enjoy this season, because I did. I’m glad they’re not dragging out the romance. I think they learned from the slooooow burn of Eliza/William.
I agree with what others have said. This was one of the more enjoyable, well-rounded episodes that we've had recently. Can someone please explain the meaning of the episode title? Also, I don't understand why when the victim was being interviewed in the hospital, she turned to her father and asked "Should I tell them?". I was expecting her to give some twist about what happened that affected her family, but I guess she was just getting his permission to answer their questions. Felt clunky.
I think it’s interesting that this season they seem to be showing all of the contestants out of their costumes. I guess it helps with guessing because you can see their body type and mannerisms a little better.
Expedition Unknown - General Discussion
pezgirl7 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Expedition Unknown
I still watch Expedition X, but I don’t why because that bothers me too! The new lady, Heather, is worse than Jess when it comes to freaking out over any little thing that happens. And all the tools they use are just ridiculous, especially the box that says random words. And why do they go to foreign places but then ask the “ghosts” questions in English? Even Phil has been less skeptical recently. I’m assuming he’s just playing a role and going along with the narrative but I would like it much better if they researched spooky mysteries to try to find a logical explanation. -
The special needs guy didn’t even know what a condom was, which I think helps prove that there was no intent, yet Silva never mentioned it! And did the detectives really show the nude photo of the girl to her classmate right outside their school?! It pissed me off that Olivia was willing to charge the admissions officer instead of giving him a deal that would give the detectives a chance at catching a bunch of bigger fish, just because the girl was upset her photo might get spread around? That doesn’t even make sense. How does she know it hasn’t already been sent to others? Other than a few other minor annoyances, this was a pretty good episode. I’m glad the charges against the guy got dropped in the end.
Not sure how I feel about the new Inspector yet. What does it say that I can’t even remember his name? He definitely was more likable in this episode though. I just get the feeling that the writers knew a lot of fans were unhappy with the slow burn of Eliza and William, so they’re trying to fix that by introducing a William 2.0, who again lets Eliza get away with way more than she should. But this time they knew they had to make him more open to Eliza’s career choice so they don’t write themselves into a corner. Then to speed up their bonding, they threw in a daughter who is growing up the same way Eliza did; motherless with a father who is an inspector. Like others here, I was hoping Eliza and Nash would become a couple. I guess it could still happen! I wonder what the exact type of work Ivy will be doing. She has no clerical/shorthand experience and just learned to read and write a few years ago. I have a feeling she's going to be very overwhelmed. And I'm sure things are going to suffer at the house. Taking care of an entire household back before there were any modern conveniences must have been a ton of work.
I always assumed he was reading everything off a teleprompter. Even if they told him ahead of time, expecting him to memorize the celebrities accolades is asking too much I think.
Yea, I think newer iPhones made the switch to 6 but you can change it back to 4! Just perform the steps to change your passcode and then they’ll be an option.
All iPhones can be set to use a four digit passcode. It’s under settings. Sounds like you turned on the alphanumeric option used for higher security.
Agreed. I don’t remember the last time a victim acted that way. It still bothered me though when she nonchalantly took out her Apple Watch and didn’t think to call the police. Then wanted it back to contact her boyfriend.
Miss Scarlet and The Duke In The Media: Getting A Royal Clue
pezgirl7 replied to a topic in Miss Scarlet And The Duke
Starting December 1, one of my local PBS stations (most cities have multiple affiliate stations airing different programs) will be reairing Miss Scarlett episodes starting with the pilot. So check your local listings! -
Enjoyed this episode mostly due to Bruno, Fin and Carisi. Benson getting on Bruno’s and Fin’s asses because the victim didn’t fully trust them was dumb. Not everyone has her special victim-whispering skills.🙄