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Everything posted by KaleyFirefly

  1. Yes, that's what I thought of too, especially along with Aneela's special ability to bring people out of the green.
  2. "Oh, Queen, eh? Very nice. But I didn't vote for you."
  3. What's to stop the Night King from just riding that dragon over the Wall, then opening the gates to let his army through? Or is there still magic that prevents him from crossing the Wall?
  4. The Hound throwing rocks at the wights….not a great idea. Poor Viserion, I felt so sad seeing him slide into the water (that was a really cool special effect though). And we all knew that his eye would be blue at the end. Sansa & Arya -- ugh this plotline. Both of them were annoying (Sansa being mean to Brienne; Arya being awfully mean to Sansa). Every time the scene left the Wall and went back to Winterfell I thought Nooooooo! I want to see the zombies instead! So glad Gendry survived! I guess he sent the fastest raven in Westeros, because it covered that distance in no time! Loved Beric with his flaming sword and I was glad to see the Hound rescue Tormund because I thought, it would be just like this show to kill him off after he talked of his love for Brienne. (Although now Brienne is going to run into Jamie again...)
  5. Now the Night King has a way to get over the wall -- fly over on a dragon. Then open the gates & let his army through.
  6. I enjoyed the season mostly but didn't really like this episode. Holding a baby underwater for that long would kill the baby. He looked like a psycho. It was the preacher's own actions that got his wife killed, so he can shut up with calling Marty the devil. I don't like that wife and kids came back. It was a stupid decision. Didn't Wendy see the eyeballs in the jar and hear about what happened to the preacher's wife? These bad guys don't fuck around. But she is still OK with putting her kids in that kind of danger? Also the kids were being so annoying and whiny at the end I just wanted them off my screen. So Blue Cat lady just took off with un-laundered money? Which apparently you can't use or put in a bank because the IRS will smell a rat? I was disappointed that the Snells are still OK. I so much wanted them killed off, especially Darlene that psycho. I guess there's a lot for Season 2 -- Ruth's dad, the casino, the Snells, FBI, etc. I'd still watch I guess, it's a good show for a binge-watch and I love Jason Bateman.
  7. It does seem scary how easily someone can buy a rifle, if it really is as depicted in the show. I like how Wendy told off the black FBI agent (sorry, I don't remember his name). Buddy screwed with Jonah's hidden gun! You know that is going to be a problem. I suspected that Jonah was going to have to use that gun to save his family. Now, who knows? I love the plot twists on this show! The scene with Ruth & Marty at the end was nice. She liked Marty because he was one of the few people in her life to trust her and believe in her (we saw that her father was pretty much the opposite). I actually felt a little sorry for Russ finding out about his boyfriend, until I remembered how he had smacked Ruth in the face. Bye, Russ. That giant money wall scene reminded me of Breaking Bad.
  8. Now we know where the creepy eyeballs in the jar came from! This episode was a bit confusing, since the scenes were out of order. It confused me at first, but then I kind of figured it out. When I heard the Buddy Holly song again, I knew that was a flashback to the conversation at the beginning of the episode. Jason Bateman is so good in this series! It's great to see him do a dramatic role, which he can do just as well as a comedic role. He's very talented and I've had a crush on him from way back.
  9. I know! The teen girl is super annoying.
  10. It's interesting to see Laura Linney play such an unlikable character here, usually she plays good characters. But she makes her cheating seem like her husband's fault, and has never actually thanked Marty for making sure she was not thrown over the balcony along with her lover. She's awful. I hope he dumps her and ends up with the nice Blue Cat lady.
  11. Oh, that's true :-( I guess I just wanted to believe that they were in love. Rhaegar dumping his wife & kids like that still sucks though.
  12. I like Boone (and Three, and how they are different). The actor plays this well.
  13. Jon didn't seem that happy to find out Bran & Arya are alive! LF outsmarted Arya! Jon patted Drogon on the head! I liked when Gendry had the longer hair, but he is still hot! And with a big hammer! We finally have confirmation that Jon Snow's parents were married. Lyanna Stark was not carried off against her will. I'm happy about that. I wish Sam had asked Gilly for a bit more info there, but I guess he still has that book. Sam finally left the Citadel! I hope he picked the right books to steal. I wonder how sad he will be about his father & brother. I know he never got along with his father. Cersei's pregnant? Ugh. I'm glad Jamie finally got around to mentioning that Olenna killed Joffrey. Gendry smacks the guards with his hammer….Tyrion: "He'll do." I liked Tormund asking after Brienne. Still shipping them! I loved when Dany hugged Jorah! The poor guy, he's been through so much, it made his day. Operation Kidnap White Walker: all those guys better make it back alive! I don't want any of them to die!
  14. The Iron Throne seems to go to whoever can take it, anyway. Robert Baratheon had no real claim either, and Cersei certainly doesn't, but they took it anyway. And even further back, Aegon the Conqueror took it (well, created it actually) from whoever was ruling Westeros at the time.
  15. I still have to read the First Law series! Especially since Red Country is in a way a sequel to it. I also want to read Best Served Cold. Abercrombie's books are dark but there is so much humor in them, and great dialogue, page-turning plots, and he writes great battle scenes. HBO needs to start on that after Game of Thrones is over, but everyone is missing their weekly fix.
  16. Jamie swam across a lake in heavy armor and with a gold hand? Humph.
  17. I'm a big fan of Joe Abercrombie too. I wish they'd make some of his books into movies/TV shows...I really liked Red Country and also the Shattered Sea series – Half a King, Half the World, and Half a War.
  18. Jon is not the nephew, he is Rhaegar's son. Rhaegar was Mad King Aerys' son. So Jon would be next in line for the throne after Aerys and Rhaegar are dead. Maybe what you're thinking of is that Jon is Daenerys' nephew.
  19. Hmm, I didn't think of that. According to Maggie's prophecy, Cersei would have only 3 kids. So I think that baby is not going to be born. Miscarriage, or Cersei dying, or something.
  20. I missed the first seven minutes, what happened? How did Jamie and Bronn get out of the water?
  21. That was so awesome! I loved Jon even more in that moment. And I think Dany respected him for that. She likes him more than she is letting on. She didn't want him to leave so soon.
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