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Everything posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. So I'm looking at Marjorie's bio and apparently she's worked for Thomas Keller, Jose Andres and Marcus Samuelsson, so I'm wondering who would have showed up if she'd made it into the final. I presume Emeril would have stepped in if Isaac had won.
  2. Spelling With The Stars. You bring in former Scripps National Spelling Bee contestants to coach celebrities and them have them compete in spelling bees, started with a fixed relatively small word list in the first round but expanding over time. Doctor Jacques Bailly who is the pronouncer at the National Spelling Bee is your host. Contestants would include Food Network Star winner Justin Warner, television showrunner Shondra Rhimes, and requisite Jamaican Usain Bolt.
  3. I would have Quentin Tarantino show up scouting for a movie location on the island in the flashbacks on Arrow, because then at least when you were trying to remember anything that happened on the island you could go, "Well, Quentin Tarantino was there." Oliver would think QT is his means off the island but then Tarantino would leave him stranded there a la Gilligan's Island.
  4. I hope she finally gets together with Agent Doggett.
  5. Are we supposed to think Annabeth Gish's character is out of the picture now? Was there an implication of her being photographed last week that Fitz wouldn't see her anymore that I didn't get?
  6. Wes Anderson on the new Star Trek series pilot, with Bryan Fuller already appropriate attached. The bright-colored uniforms, the starship cutaways, the obviously stop-motion space battles.
  7. How To Get Away With Farting
  8. Spaaace. I am incredibly obvious, but set in it in the Star Trek universe. The crew of the U.S.S. Princess Di (a Starfleet diplomatic and recreation vessel) would include Michael Dorn as your frustrated with his crappy assignment Captain Worf, Robert Picado as your lothario Doctor, and Armin Shimerman as your bartender Quark.
  9. Zolomon is alive and sitting on a bench. Jay says Zolomon's mother died in childbirth and then he was eventually adopted by the Zolomons. Caitlin then asks why Zolomon can't help Jay and Jay says it's because Jay was mutated when he because a speedster and Zolomon's wasn't. But if he was dead Caitlin wouldn't have needed to ask. You can see a screencap of Caitlin and Jay looking at the bench and a description of the scene in the episode 2-11 recap.
  10. Fuller was a junior writer on Voyager so it's impossible to really extrapolate how much the end product of the episodes he worked on were actually due to him. Even when he's the credited writer there will have been rewrites done by the showrunner. If you listen to the Nerdist Writers Panel podcast he did from February 15th 2014, Fuller talks about how he would have preferred to be hired on Deep Space Nine as they had a more supportive writer's room and tended to be more character driven.
  11. I think turning your models into Ancients would be a great challenge.
  12. On the Frontline Special they made about Subway, James Yoshimura says that Taxicab Confessions was where he got the idea.
  13. DC Universe-wise the daughter who sounded like Kim is spelled K'hym. I think the other name might be a show invention.
  14. When Davies left we got the specials rather than a full series that year. This is basically just a 6 month delay.
  15. I love Children of Earth but Chibnall was gone to Law and Order UK at that point.
  16. I would prefer boring to Countrycide or Cyberwoman. But maybe Mr Chibnall will surprise us.
  17. Also I wonder if TV people worried if Naomi and Ade were both black that casual TV viewers wouldn't realize they were different characters.
  18. Holden being reluctant leader, hiding the fact that he releases distress call, not being respected by a crew who are openly rebelling and fighting amongst themselves really felt to me like a writer's room trying to put in more of a character arc where Holden becomes leader and the crew comes together and just bugged me because it feels so unsubtle. Naomi as suspected OPA agent however felt like a natural enough possibility given what we eventually learn of her backstory.
  19. Also I finished the podcast this morning and ragging on Vampire Diaries while waiting for Skype to clear-up is the greatest thing ever.
  20. Ok, I've made a first draft pass for those interested. I think it will be viewable with Comments at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e_6vXmdsKVvDRnZFuFtdIcts5t-c3u7ueFIALW3xYss/edit?usp=sharing Ships are there. I think there are enough Children/Pets by themselves, so Love Interests are in with Significant Others. "Embarrassing and Long Lost Relations" are in a thing, and I'm probably missing a bunch there especially from later series. I just added Theme Songs though I wasn't sure exactly how many people would hypothetically be drafting, so right now there's enough that you might not necessarily get stuck with Faith of the Heart. Anyway, if anyone is really interested in filling in beyond what you can leave me in comments message me your e-mail and I'll send you a link for editing.
  21. Another Star Trek category- "Pets and Kids"
  22. Also if movies count, do the versions of characters portrayed by different actors there count as different picks?
  23. Fukui San- I'd agree Recreation/Mental Health is a good grouping. Ezri Dax was also a counselor. Neelix was Morale Officer on Voyager. I'd also put in Vic Fontaine and Leeta from Deep Space Nine. David T Cole- 1. Ok. I can create it and share it once I get some it filled in some. Should I include movie only stuff? For example, do I want William Decker or the Enterprise-A?
  24. Do you need someone to organize categories and make picklists for Star Trek? I'd volunteer. I think you're going to want Ships, Captains, First Officers, Engineering Officers, Doctors, Helm/Conn, Security and I'd lump Navigation/Ops/Communications together. Also Foe/Individual, Foe/Species, Love Interests. What else?
  25. Really improbable speculation based on comics-
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