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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. I don't think Donny's afraid to go outside the majority, if he thinks it will work, or that it even has a chance, but he's sensible enough to know that being the lone outside vote doesn't get him anywhere. No reason to make the target on his back even bigger if there's zero chance of a payoff.
  2. Don't even need the "right now", as far as I'm concerned. He is so awful. Constantly looking to see which camera is focusing in and then mugging for it is annoying enough, but his apparent total inability to be sincere in any way infuriates me. I really think he is some sort of sociopath. At the very least, he is a self-centered famewhore, willing to step on anyone and everyone to get what he wants. It's not fun to watch. I still can't figure out why they all hate Donny so much! Sure, if he's a threat to your game, get him out, but why all the personal attacks? Maybe he's annoying to them sometimes, but I'm pretty sure anyone you spend that much time locked in a house with is going to get on your nerves. All the vitriol in Donny's direction makes no sense. Cody as HoH is going to be boring and infuriating. I demand a Cootie Taw!!!
  3. @AndreaK1041, actually, all the guys completely agreed with Derrick, of course. After all, there's no reason to talk any game with Nicole, because either she or Donny are going home next week, and any conversation with Nicole "behind closed doors" will just be that one guy helping himself and betraying the alliance. It's insane that they're all just nodding and agreeing, despite the fact that they all KNOW that Derrick wins a jury vote. It's all just so insane and so stupid.
  4. Surely Zach is going to be seriously hurt when he watches or reads about this season. How does he still call Frankie a "great friend"?? I think that Zach was 100% right when he said his eviction was all his fault - he had no game, and apparently doesn't even understand how badly Frankie screwed him over. And Frankie is the smartest person he's ever met? Oh, Zach, honey, you really must get out more. I'm hoping Nicole is still pissed about Christine's knife in the back comment, and allies with Donny. And I hope one of them wins HoH. But even then, it's going to be damned near impossible for this season to shake out as anything other than Derrick winning, with either Victoria or Cody with him in F2.
  5. So annoyed they didn't start the HoH! Any idea when the feeds will be back?
  6. From the episode thread: Did Frankie even consider nomming Derrick? If so, I certainly didn't see it. And I just do not understand this - you KNOW that Derrick is going to win, and you have a chance to backdoor him right now. Zach and Donny would vote to evict Derrick over Cody, and then you only need to get one more person to flip. Christine sure wants to keep Cody, so she might just do it. But it never even occurred to him? I don't get it!! It would be a big move and get him tons of camera time, which seems to be his #1 motive.
  7. I am convinced that 80% of what Frankie does in the house is an attempt to get more TV time, rather than his real personality or any gameplay. He just keeps doing accents and song & dances and cuddling or whatever else in the hope that footage of it will make the show. It's really annoying as a viewer - I like to see people actually be a part of the house and, as much as possible, forget about the cameras and actually focus on the game. Also, I hate Frankie, and just really wish he would shut up.
  8. Frankie's "British" accent makes me want to climb through my TV and throat-punch him. Just, seriously, Shut up, Frankie. Seems like someone yelled something like "We love you" or "I love you"- from what I could hear before they went all fish-y, no names were mentioned by whoever yelled, but obviously I'm not sure. They were talking about when the end date for the game is, and whether someone might be coming back. It was a pretty interesting conversation, actually - especially for this group. Showed that Donny and Derrick, and to a lesser degree Christine, really are fans and know how the game works. They were discussing the length of previous seasons and when there was a "buy-back" and how many double evictions, etc. I like hearing that kind of talk from the HGs. It's a symptom of Frankie's narcissism - I think he truly believes that the viewing audience and production love him, and that he really is running the game. That, or he doesn't care if he actually wins, but is just trying to milk this experience for as much exposure as possible. Or maybe it's both. ETA: something else must have happened, other than them hearing "we love you", for them to be on fish this long, I think. It kind of pisses me off, because this sort of thing is exactly what I want to see on the feeds. But they always fish-out the good stuff. :)
  9. I've had the same thought (looking at you, Dick Donato), but sometimes the production shenanigans have kept seasons more interesting for me (I'll admit it - Cootee Taw worked for me). So I'm torn. Maybe you meant "They never think these 'twists' through AT ALL"? Because I'm pretty sure all of us realized the downside of the dual HoH twist as soon as it was announced. I cannot believe anyone involved with making the show ever put any thought in to it.
  10. I just do not understand these houseguests at all. Frankie wants camera time? I had no idea... When the houseguest videos were first put up on CBS, I knew I was going to hate Frankie. He is a horrible person. And I think this whole thing with Zach is shameful - Frankie loves the attention from a younger good-looking guy, and so has made Zach think that he (Frankie) feels the same, even though I suspect Frankie never liked Zach. It is, to me, no different than pretending to be friends with the rich kid, even though you hate him, just because that kid's dad can get you in to concerts and he buys you dinner or whatever. Actually, it's worse, I think. It's so mean and hateful and sick. And sad, because Zach really seems to think that he and Frankie are friends. Cody and Christine, cuddling up together. Again. I'm a straight woman, and I have close women friends, close straight men friends, and close gay men friends. I do not rub on ANY of them the way that Christine rubs on Cody. Sometimes after we've had some wine, any of my friends and I might hug a bit more than usual or share a bed (for sleeping) or something, but never ever, in all my years, have I consistently caressed a "best friend" the way Christine does Cody. I suppose it's different when you're locked in the house and starved for any and all non-game-related stimulus, but.. still. Especially after they've now been called out by other houseguests and Zingbot - it's not just friendly affectation amplified by being in the BB house anymore. ETA: (Sorry it's such a long post) I have never heard of the Renom Rule before, but I'm pretty sure that nominees, even replacement nominees, have frequently known they were going on the block. Hell, even this season! Is the "rule" so loosey-goosey that the HoH can just say "You're going up, but maybe possibly I will change my mind"? Or is this a "rule" like most of the other BB rules, in that production enforces the rule only if it furthers their desired outcome?
  11. If you are in a competition to win money or prizes it falls into that catagory. Actually, the FCC ruled that Big Brother is classified as entertainment and not a game show, and so Big Brother can manipulate the game, influence players, rig comps, etc. They compared BB to pro wrestling: "Section 73.1216 of the Commission's rules governs the broadcast of licensee-conducted contests, Le., a contest conducted by an FCC-licensed station in which a prize is offered 'to members of the public.' Since the show 'Big Brother' is conducted by a network programmer (vs. an FCC-licensed station) and does not offer a prize to members of the public, it is not regulated by the FCC. A "game show" in which 'selected contestants' (vs. 'members of the public') participate is governed by Section 509 of Title 47 of the United States Code (USC), and regulated by the Department of Justice. However 'Big Brother' does not appear to meet the definition of a "game show." Rather, it is a 'for entertainment only' program, somewhat similar to professional wrestling in that it is a pseudo-contest in which the outcome is fully, or in some measure, predetermined." (Complaints about BB start at page 5, I think, and FCC's answer is after that.
  12. Caleb can stay awake 3 or 4 days without any sleep. Doesn't want to, but he could do it.
  13. The cluelessness of these houseguests was highlighted by their willingness to draw freaking Skittles to see who went up on the block. Everyone else had to nominate two players when they were HoH and risk "blood on their hands", but not one of them thinks to say "Hey, Derrick and Frankie, you need to just decide", and force them to show their real alliances? Just so dumb. Sure, you risk going on the block by not playing along, but you also risk going on the block by agreeing to let them choose freaking candy out of a filthy hat! So happy for Donny. When he fell to his knees after winning, I almost cried. I had no idea I was that invested.
  14. When Christine was so upset last night, Victoria was reminding her about Tim's letter and how much he loves her and how much he's supporting her and how happy he is for her, and that seemed to make Christine feel better. I couldn't help but wonder how different his second letter, the one she never received, was than the first one. I get why BB held it back from her, not wanting what Tim sees on TV to affect gameplay, but doesn't Zingbot affect gameplay by telling them how they're being perceived outside the house? Frankie is a dummy. I think that getting rid of Zach at this point destroys any chance of Frankie winning. But I am totally okay with that.
  15. I can't believe we still have this ridiculous dual HoH "twist" going on. So dumb, and so game-ruining. @ShutUpFlanders - I think you're right about the nominees. It's in Derrick's best interest to keep Zach and Caleb, and to get himself dethroned as HoH. And narcissistic Frankie will want to keep HoH for himself, so he'll go along. Although, I would love to see one of them nominate Christine. Maybe Derrick will convince Frankie to do Donny/ Christine, b/c "Victoria isn't a threat"? @AndreaK1041 - It would be amazing if Zach can get Frankie to put him up and then throw the BotB, setting up the backdoor. Ah-Mahz-ing. Now that I think about it, that might be exactly what Derrick wants, so it's likely it will happen!
  16. So true - that was spectacular. One of the few examples of really great editing we've ever seen on this show.
  17. I cannot believe how upset I was by Donny talking about being an outsider in the house. That made me so sad. I'm glad he stayed, but really sorry that he's so sad. I hate myself for thinking Caleb is looking good. HATE myself. God, Frankie's posing and preening during the vote - Shut up, Frankie. Also, pointing at himself during the pink hair dye questions? Seriously, SHUT UP FRANKIE. And what was with Derrick's "Team America" while voting? Trying to show some loyalty to Donny? Stupid. They haven't even attempted the last two (three??) challenges. Shut up, Derrick. This HoH duo is the worst thing that could have happened to me. Yes, it is about me! Sorry for the screaming, BUT WHY THE EFF DO WE STILL HAVE DUAL HOHS????​
  18. I'm not saying it's okay, but I can understand how being in the house, away from everyone you know and without email or books or anything else, over time, you might start to cuddle with people who you either a) wouldn't cuddle with normally, or b) know you probably shouldn't cuddle with. The boredom, the loneliness, the constantly feeling on edge, the way things must seem like a much bigger deal - I can see it leading to behavior that might not happen outside the house. After all, that's kind of the point of the BB house, right? Perhaps a character failing on my part, but I feel that Christine's marriage is her responsibility. If she doesn't respect it, I have a hard time being too angry at Cody about it. It's not like he's pursued her, from what I've seen. Again, not saying his behavior has been 100% cool, but I just can't really muster up any outrage at it. That opinion is possibly colored by the fact that I remain convinced that Cody is gay. I'm torn on Caleb. The statements he made on social media before going in to the house suggested he was a real racist/ bigot, and I was ready to go on full blast about it, but really, I haven't seen much of that in the house. Yes, he's said some ignorant stuff, but I get the sense from him that there isn't really a value judgment made with some of his more ignorant comments. Like, he says them, but he doesn't really think black people are inherently "worse" because they're black. He's just a dumb-dumb, and he says shit, often just parroting. Now, he is a crazy ass stalker, for sure. But he has also been a little amusing, and is kind of looking good. Not proud of it, but there it is.​ Like I said, torn about his deal. I am sure Derrick does not want HoH. Unless maybe the dual HoH twist is over. If there are still 2 HoHs, I think he's in pretty good shape to stay in the house without any "blood on his hands". At the end of the day.
  19. I can believe it. MY eardrum is probably busted, and I wasn't even in the room for all that screaming and screeching while the HGs were "scared"...
  20. I bet Christine was pissed hearing Cody say "I never cuddly Christine the way I do Nicole!" I loved Zach & Caleb during that, but that one sentence by Cody was my favorite. I'm sure they tell the HGs to play it up for this "scary" stuff, but Oh. My. God. The high-pitched squeals of, I believe, Nicole and Victoria made my ears bleed. And Frankie's overacting only made me despise him more. Shut up, Frankie. Caleb really has slimmed down, hasn't he? I hadn't really noticed it until last night, but he looks so different, and not just b/c of the shaved head. Wow.
  21. But why did the two of them stand there chatting for so long before going back out to the rest of the group, where the armed criminal was about to marry their friend? I know, I know - those were some really good knots! I mostly liked the show today. I thought all the three-way talk was kind of amusing, and that the actors did a good job with it, although the brother/ sister sex talk was little awkward. And I always enjoy seeing characters that don't usually share scenes interact, even if they are Felix and Franco.
  22. At first, I found Janelle really annoying, but as the season progressed, I liked her more and more. She was scrappy, and seemed like a decent person, and was surrounded by some people that were so much worse. But I agree with @marsha that she was best in her first season. I think that season was the first one I watched in full, and I will never forget the shrine to Cappy. I could not understand why everyone was so torn up. And then to reminded of it all again when Jesse was evicted in whatever season that was - with all the sobbing and rending of garments and hysteria. Just hilarious. And very confusing.
  23. @UniqBlue69, can you elaborate on this? I really don't remember what went down. @Brian Cronin, I've only been paying close attention for the last couple of seasons, and I'm really curious about this. What did Dan do in BB10 that was so impressive? Honestly asking. I have watched some of the Nakomis season on YouTube, especially everything leading up to and right after the "five finger plan" - that was really fun.
  24. Well, this reminds me of another name I should have put in the title of this thread - Janelle! Why did everyone hate her so much? I may go back and re-watch that whole season, because people (and by "people", I mean "all my fellow BB board posters) talk about it a lot, and I just really don't remember what happened. I have a vague memory of hating something called The Friendship, and people maybe rending garments at the loss of someone or something called Cappy, but otherwise I remember nothing.
  25. Started a new thread: Big Brother Past: Dr. Will and Maggie and Dan and Dick and Whatnot. I'm open to new headings - that was the best I could come up with for now.
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