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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Donny made me so sad. I hope he has a nice time in the juror house. And I loved the look on his face when Julie told him about appearing on B&B! And I *really* loved watching Frankie make an ass of himself over apple pie and then getting Julie's response of "overwhelming (pause) no." If we can't keep Donny, at least we got that.
  2. Season 7 starts Sept. 9, and FX has been replaying Season 6, so it seems like a good time to get this forum moving! I just watched the last 2 eps of Season 6, and I have to say.. I think they stand up. The tension was still there, even though I knew what was going to happen. I still hate Tara, and nothing will ever change that, and so I don't really care what happens to her, other than how it affects Jax. Mostly, I am very interested in seeing the fallout from Clay's death, and how it affects the individuals and the club going forward. That said, I'm also glad it's the last season. I've enjoyed the ride, but I think doing any more seasons would only make this show more ridiculous than it has been.
  3. When he said that, I almost became a full-on crazy person, yelling at my TV "YES WE WOULD!!!" Loved that. Speaking of Caleb..he is a nut job stalker, for sure, but that whole conversation about how smart Donny is had me in stitches. Caleb brings the unintentional comedy gold like nobody's business.
  4. Seriously. Apparently, he is able to hoodwink 95% of the houseguests, without any trouble at all, but he seems to forget that we've seen him trying to get Donny out for weeks. And that we know he is running the house. Even if I wasn't predisposed to hate the "play" because I want Donny to stay, that whole thing was awful. Well, not the whole thing - Donny and Derrick were actually pretty good at their impressions, but everyone else was really terrible. And it wasn't much of a task, because it involved no challenge and no adversity. Not very "challenging", you know? It'd be like saying "Hey, our challenge is for everyone to have a nice dinner!" So stupid. And I got the feeling that they edited it to make us all hate it. I will be voting No 20 times a day for as many days as possible. Might even get 20 ghost email addresses to vote an extra 400 times a day. Because I haven't said it in the last day or so, Shut up, Frankie.
  5. I agree - Donny was really happy to be chosen for TA, and thought that it would be his main alliance going forward. I was hopeful for that too, because Donny had had trouble making any real inroads in any other alliance. The three of them working together until the end would have been interesting, especially if they kept their alliance a secret and the rest of the house had no idea what was going on. Alas, instead, we got this boring mess. I wish I had some inkling of why Derrick and Frankie were so adverse to Donny.
  6. Me too! But that video was not journalism - it was just hilarious. ETA: I didn't mean to that be snarky, just saying I thought it was more entertainment than fact-finding.
  7. After I posted that video, I re-watched it. A couple of times. Not proud of it, but there it is. And this is the thing that stuck out to me the most too. Most often, the borderline touching was instigated by Victoria, and Derrick was more passive in it, but that scene, of him moving his leg like he just needed to be touching her, seemed really..questionable. And to be clear - I wasn't saying that I think they're just friends. I actually *do* think they are at least pushing up against inappropriate, and *not* just friends - but I can understand how it happens in that environment. Obviously, though, opinions can and do vary! Soooo curious to see what they're building. And it better not be some stupid set-up for the ice bucket challenge. It better be something to save Donny!
  8. I think in part Derrick recognizes that Victoria has a major crush, in part he's attracted to her on some level, in part he's encouraging her feelings to help his game, and in part these folks must get really lonely and bored, and start craving human contact. They have spent two months with only a few people, no books, no TV, no internet (!!), no music, nothing. They just have each other, and they have to fill 24 hours a day. I can understand how, even with the constant cameras, relationships get a little weird.
  9. Here is a perfectly hilarious video some genius put together about Derrick and Victoria. The song really is the icing on the cake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJiz4EZtDEc
  10. You know, it has never occurred to me how easy it would be for production to fudge the timing on these. HGs have no clock, and so only a vague idea of how long it took them (and I'd guess their perception of that is not very accurate), and viewers never see the comp in real time. It would be so easy for production to shorten or lengthen times by a little bit to get the outcome they wanted. Very interesting.
  11. I think you might be right, especially considering how physically affectionate his family seemed to be in his intro video. I mean, I think he KNOWS he's touching all these people, but that he is used to a fair amount of non-sexual touching, and he likes touching people (not an unusual thing for a human), and so he goes with it. There doesn't seem to be a lot of conscious thought about it, whereas when Christine is rubbing on him, it seems like a much more focused act. Cody just seems to be a total toucher, without a lot of intent behind it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Cody snuggled up to Julie during his exit interview.
  12. I hope he's talked himself in to some deeply delusional paranoid scenario. It will be hilarious to watch.
  13. So funny. That was sort of weird, though, especially Bunchy bringing that SNAP guy. These people are all so awful that I find it kind of fascinating. I mean, we can all be real assholes occasionally, but these folks are consistently the absolute worst. It must be exhausting going around treating everyone like shit all of the time. I loved Ray and Conor drunk dancing at the end. The best bit was when Ray first started moving to the beat a little - don't know why, but it was hilarious.
  14. Well, well.. Christine is now rubbing Derrick. And the cameramen are doing a great job of focusing in on it. This girl may have issues.
  15. Hey, assholes: you're so happy about it being 6 against 1 next week - have any of you thought about what happens the following week? BB is not the Top Six Win! Only one wins, and you stupid lemmings are not only handing the win to Derrick, but you're making it really freaking boring to watch along the way. And by the way, you can't all win - time to start thinking about jury votes and late-game comps. Assholes.
  16. I just watched the part where folks apparently yelled over the fence, but I could not make out what they said at all. Mind you, I hope it was that Frankie is the saboteur or something else that will inject some conflict in to this season, but I'm just curious how anyone heard it. And I think it's interesting that Cody and some other HGs were so pissed off about it. In the past, didn't HGs think it was funny or at least interesting when people got a message through? Cody's immediate reaction was "Fuck them". Found it odd.
  17. Derrick and Caleb have been talking for a while about Dan and Dr. Will and BB strategy. Derrick clearly is a fan and has been describing strategy in detail - I'm hoping that Derrick has over-talked, and maybe paranoid Caleb will realize that Derrick knows BB strategy too well and is a threat. Caleb turning on Derrick could be fun to watch.
  18. Is it wrong if I'm really enjoying Christine having to watch Nicole rub all over Cody? If it is wrong, I don't want to be right. Did I miss something? Why are Caleb, Derrick, and Frankie cleaning the kitchen, REALLY cleaning, but not speaking at all? OH MY GOD. Christine is now talking about how weird it was when Victoria touched Derrick. She said it was almost sexual, and seemed so awkward for them to be touching like that. Talk about lack of self awareness!!
  19. It's kind of fascinating to me that Derrick can lay down the law about who his alliance members are allowed to speak to, and no one in the alliance bats an eye. Instead, they all just agree with him that anyone talking to Donny or Nicole is betrayal. I just do not understand how all of Caleb/ Frankie/ Cody/ Christine/ Victoria are so totally clueless. I mean, I get how each of them is that dumb on their own, but you'd think that, just statistically, one of them would have gotten a clue at some point. Caleb is everything, has done everything, is the best at everything, and is, in fact, everything. Either that, or Caleb is seriously delusional.
  20. Sexual orientation aside, I do not want ANYONE touching me without my permission, or in ways I did not invite. Man or woman. I do think it's interesting, though, that this group of men is taking it fairly well. Us lady-folk deal with men feeling like our bodies are public property pretty frequently, and it's not often it happens to men. I've been pretty surprised that the guys haven't had more of an issue with it. Because I know that I absolutely hate when it happens to me. Maybe it's because they don't see Frankie as any sort of threat to them, whereas I (and many women) sometimes do feel threatened by men's unwelcome touches? Just spitballing here, sort of keyboard-rambling.
  21. I love that Donny tells these idiots that Derrick is working with everyone, promising everyone loyalty when it's obviously not possible, and then Derrick is like "Oh, I'm working with everyone, according to Donny", and they all just go "ha ha ha, so funny!" Doesn't occur to any of them that maybe Derrick actually IS working with everyone. Can none of them count?? Do they not realize that they cannot all be in a F2 deal with Derrick? Does it not occur to any one of them to even wonder why everyone else is so loyal to Derrick, if Derrick's true deal is with that first person? The idiocy - it astounds. I've said it before, but I think it bears repeating. Shut up, Frankie. So over him hamming it up All. The. Time. I wonder how many takes Victoria and Caleb have to do in the DR before they correctly read their scripts? That segment about Derrick "being undercover" in the BB house was interesting, I thought. And it explains a lot about why he's doing so well. I guess it should have been obvious, but I hadn't really thought about him changing his appearance and speaking style and whatnot to fit in with the other HGs, treating it like an assignment. I suspect that these people sleep a lot, and sleep at odd hours, so it's probably hard to know if someone is asleep until you're in the room.
  22. My thoughts exactly! I never understood how he pulled that off, and I remain in awe of the fact that it worked. A bunch of them are on YouTube. I've been watching season 2 there, and it's pretty fascinating how different it is. A much more low-budget version, but it's kind of more interesting to watch because they were figuring out the strategy on the fly instead of just following previous seasons' strategies. And, I'd never seen it before, and I needed to see what Dr. Will actually did in his first season to get such a great BB reputation! I'm such a hypocrite with this show. I was happy when they broke out the cout d'etat to save Jeff & Jordan, because I liked them more than the other side of the house. And I was happy with the apparent attempts to save Janelle and Kaysar and the rest of their group, because I hated The Friendship (what a stupid name). But I was furious at the rigging for Dick and what I think might have been the help given to Frankie this year, because Dick was such a, well, dick, and Frankie is the absolute worst. Just something I noticed about myself - I only mind production manipulation when it helps players I don't like, but I really like it when it saves players I do like. So, hypocrite! Brings up a question - what do you guys think was the best/ worst/ most egregious/ most obvious case of production interference or manipulation or rigging?
  23. I'm hoping that they use the boner/ kid in his lap thing with Bunchy as a catalyst for him starting to figure things out in that regard, rather than as a "Bunchy thinks he's a pedophile" thing. I imagine he'll struggle with it, and honestly, I would think that any guy who had a medically-induced hard-on while a kid laid on his lap would have some concerns about it - it's a little awkward at best. But I hope he realizes that he didn't have any sexual feelings toward the kid, and it helps him in some way to move forward with the relationship. Poor guy - he's had a rough time. I don't mind the kids too much, actually, but Abby works my very last nerve. She seems more like a teenager than her kids. Of course, every person on this show is completely messed up, so I guess her ridiculousness is par for the course.
  24. I really hope someone in that house comes to their senses and points out to the rest of the HGs what a ridiculously stupid idea this play is. Barring that, I really hope Frankie gets all excited about it and puts a lot of effort in to it, and then it gets absolutely zero TV time, not even a mention. Because the whole idea is just mind-numbingly stupid. Although, I guess since they want this to be a TA task, they'll air it. For some reason, I am really pissed off about the whole play idea.
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