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Everything posted by buttersister

  1. Cut for time and for the public interest--because whatever that whole sob story is, it got to Kevin. So many feels might have caused a national epidemic of weeping.
  2. Hee, the magic gleaming teeth--twice. Well played, Show. Eliminating those hateful, ignorant realtors makes me give Show a save certificate of my own--play it when the dentists get on my nerves so much that I think about not watching. Still love you, Phil. That was a deft turn to body profile at the starting line--and you were working that hat!
  3. I like Kristen and would like to try her food one day. Otoh, yay Stephanie! I've eaten her food, met her and expect her to go all the way. Over Blais' whining body.
  4. Gumbo! Mardi Gras route. Beads. Beignets. Jackson Square. Cemetery # what, 1? Strained accents? Oy. Lucas Black is all grown up and fun to watch. Zoe Pixie Hair Cut with the apartment problem could meet an untimely and avenged death asap. And Scott Bakula makes me wish Dennis Quaid felt like bringing a version of Remy back. May give it a couple more views because seeing New Orleans is always a good thing. (These people and their clunky goings-on have to not get in the way, though. Here's hoping.)
  5. Variation on the theme, stupid things bad guys do (like telling the good guy over and over how they will die until the good guy gets free). My Spader love is strong, I'm still here.
  6. "I know their names." I'd have down a bottle of Cab to decide which of the clunker lines is the worst (no wait, maybe I should just finish off a BOX of wine).
  7. Not sure (how old is he?) even Tim Daly on my TV can get me past the laughably hideous out-of-the-box lines. Or plot lines being telegraphed from miles away. Or going from shoveling shit to jeez, I get it. Not familiar with Barbara Hall, but if this is any indication, I'm not impressed.
  8. The Tuscan couple's insistence on privacy (like no neighbors, way out in the country privacy) seemed a bit odd, considering he's a pilot and so must be away a lot. Was that supposed to be him flying the biplane buzzing the house at the end? Cause it looked like a stunt plane. Molto odd.
  9. I'll give Keo the benefit of the first time in the TV spotlight--and also figure that somebody will demonstrate how to engage the editor that lives between brain and mouth.
  10. Agree that, plot withstanding, Capaldi was clicking. Makes it tough to reconcile companion as caretaker as something he would sign up for. Awaiting Moffat leaving some of this by the side of the road and getting on with Doctor Who. (ETA: *sigh* I know, I'll be waiting a long time.) I cringed at the mention of the Silence, so it better have been a shout out to Eleven & co. derailing their hiding ability.
  11. Show has sucked for so long now, it's hard to get fired up, but Che is funny. Here's hoping the new writers understand that sketches need a beginning, middle and an end (as opposed to stopping when time runs out).
  12. Ok, wait. If you win a Knockout round you can compete to get back in and sit with Brooke and Wolfie? Then why did only Tiffani go sit with them at the end? Does this mean Mike will be sitting there next week when Tiffani battles whoever? (Btw, Tiffani, I've never rooted for you before, but happy Puck chose you.)
  13. Gale also referred to Dale's and Tiffani's chef "empires." WTF? Does she still work at Food and Wine? Has she absolutely no control over the lines she's given to read?? Poor Wolfgang's face right before Curtis announced the winner: I couldn't tell if he was drunk, asleep on his feet or trying to tamp down his enthusiasm/nausea over the outcome. Oh Takashi, come back and conquer all.
  14. The fix was so fast I thought I'd fallen asleep. Couldn't stand any of those posers. Not sure what was the biggest stretch--maybe that the guy in the health inspector's wet dream of a kitchen was a suddenly turned into a chef. And where the hell was the local health inspector? Stay out of that county, people! Their website has a link to the lap dance promo for the show--nice touch, guys. Trip Advisor has an almost even spread from good to awful (unusual) and has some craptastic reviews since Gordon's visit.
  15. Chicago gal who wanted the ranch didn't want it badly enough to live in Skokie--so be it. Part of living in a city center (or popular area) is the ability to walk to work, restaurants, entertainment, etc. (and world-class all that in Chicago). It's frequently a selling point in many cities on this show and its international sister. Chicago has tons to offer in that department--although not where they ended up. She, who will be sending out more holiday cards this year, is currently practicing writing her Chicago address.
  16. I believe I was yelling at the TV, "then stain the closet doors!" Had the aroma of producer shenanigans. As for the Chicago address--good luck, sweetie, I'm downtown in the worst postal delivery station in the country (no really, I think they earned an award at some point).
  17. Trash talk and sob stories. I'm out every time.
  18. I checked out a few episodes yesterday. Now I'm done. Too much botox, too much make up, far too much assholery. Didn't like any of the party people either.
  19. Jacques, you've been chopped. By these TV food game show judges who couldn't sharpen your knives.
  20. I was excited that Capaldi would be 12. But tonight, I found myself switching over to Love Actually, which I've seen more times than I care to say, and forget to switch back. When I did, Clara was all that and the Doctor? Was all over the place. I'll try again at 11.
  21. Draw. The. Blinds. And STFU unless you're moving to the country--what we call the area where homes are miles, not feet, apart.
  22. Somebody should tell Direct TV that the GYM is not in Chicago. And my bet is that Marcus and/or producers were so put off by Michael's b.s. that nobody felt like warm hugs all the way around. Especially when butthead couldn't get the hallway right because he knew better. Just caught this today so might check out those bites at Mariano's. Marcus went far to make them happen. Curious to see if they're that good or a fu to Michael.
  23. At this point, I'm of a mind that they all deserve each other. Big ol' bunch of fame whores. In the promos I've seen, David looks like someone he would have made fun of several years ago. Pass. On this fail.
  24. Ozymandias was an amazing piece of work, so hooray for everyone involved. Jimmy Fallon annoys the crap out of me and speaking of someone who needs to make everything about him/her, get Julia Roberts off my TV and keep her off. She feels sorry for everyone who doesn't hug her in the next 10 seconds? Shout-outs to her movie star boyfriends? Drunk and disorderly is more like it. Also, classless and clueless. Biggest disappointment was that neither Benedict nor Martin were there to accept their awards, but aren't they both in rehearsals for Hamlet? Or Hamlet and another Hobbit? Alas. G'night, Seth. You don't need to host again.
  25. Dr. Jay in L.A. should have held out for script approval--one minute he wants to plant an organic garden, next, he's in a condo saying he has no time for anything but work and his music. Heh, maybe he meant that he'd hire someone to plant and tend the garden? I don't know because his childhood friend would not shut her pie hole about him being in a sleek "bachelor pad" of her choosing. He seemed pretty happy having his humungous family over for dinner in the first house (the one he genuinely liked), so good for him. His realtor was one of the more obvious actor plants, though, he held the paperwork like a prop!
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