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Everything posted by buttersister

  1. Congrats, President Grant, my loathing for you continues unabated, you self-righteous, lying, murdering, cheating, two-faced 12-year-old. I think I'll put $5 on Rowan for the leak---out of sight but never out of mind.
  2. I was laughing myself silly when Stephen emptied the Oreo bag. Somewhere Anderson Cooper and that CNN All Trump All the Time Gang must have been spitting! Welcome back, Stephen. Your first guest was an actor with a fake movie. Some demon makes you pimp Sabra. (Not the best bit, but he did fully commit to it.) Les Moonves flips the Mentalist switch (felt like a Letterman homage to me). Stephen kicks the shit out of Jeb's Veto Corleone "joke." Reportedly the taping went two hours and they had to cut it down to this show, so there were some rough edges, but who cares? Was that Alabama Shakes with Mavis Staples, Buddy Guy, Ben Folds and Jon B. and Stay Human? I'm in. Seeing Jon, Jon's photo and Jon's exec producer credit was gravy.
  3. Taraji and Jussie join Jon Batiste for a fashionable You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'.
  4. Ha! and *sniff*---Steven thought Jon would walk out during his speech. Best ever is Stephen's comment about his favorite thing on TDS.
  5. I'd watch Eddie because Eddie is so watchable. This stupid network decided that personality was the main ingredient in a show host, rather than cooking chops, and this bunch is the result. Part of me hopes Dom or Jay win because then there won't be any temptation to tune in. Not to their shows nor to the upcoming Dom Joins Giada in Italy special or Jay Jokes with Food Fryers on The Cooking Channel.
  6. It doesn't get any better than that. Adore you, Jon. Thank you for also getting me through the Bush/Cheney years. I want to see "if you smell something, say something" everywhere. The memory I'll take with me is seeing Jon dancing with his kids while Bruce sang Born to Run. *sniff* And Max giving him the sticks. *sniff* (And here's something I never thought I'd say--I found Chris Hardwick comforting.)
  7. Somewhere Babs was sitting, feet up, gin and tonic in hand, choking out a BWAHAHAHAHA. Geez, how many calls did she get today?! Kelly's a mess. A racist mess, from the sound of it all (including her "apology"--which contained the dreaded "I take full responsibility...but" trope. Maybe she'll appear tomorrow to try that one again? This episode belongs in a university classroom--21st Century Shit Culture 101.
  8. Heh, because the Queen of Belgium had so many friends, being a stranger in a strange land. Same deal, as you point out, for the rest of the ex pats so concerned about throwing grand parties for who TF?
  9. Hee, on the Food Rip-off Network, I can't imagine they'd mind. There's also a great Dorie Greenspan stuffed pumpkin recipe that's excellent, but maybe these two aren't so well-known among this bunch. Dom's a little too bro for my taste anyway and I was fearing a Bro Food show/Italian style. (Spelling counts!)
  10. WTF Giada? I'm SO SORRY, Dom, I TRIED to save you but the mean bosses wouldn't let me. The last 5 minutes of this show are a laugh fest.
  11. I always thought Bobby was one of the reasons Amy walked away--not just him, but the Tush, Suzie and the rest of the personality-over-cooking crowd. Heh, is Dom buying into Giada's fantasy that he has a chance? Or is this Giada's season to pick a winner, sts?
  12. I enjoyed the set decoration very much. Wondering, though, if Ross' increased profits also means Ross' increased shirt wearing?
  13. How do they keep it? Living paycheck to paycheck isn't fun even for people with big paychecks who live above their means (meaning they're spending it all). In these cases, it just a (bad) choice, not because they're working for what used to be middle-class salaries. I want a new season where we can see those appliance finishes that are taking over from stainless! (I'm in the market and this show has ruined me for ss.)
  14. Congratulations, Ben! I'm so relieved and happy that you escaped. I can only hope that any bad feelings you had were encouraged by the producers who knew they had a sure-thing, drama-bs finale in the making with an airhead drama queen, scary guy and whatever Nick is.
  15. Oh, goodie. Monday, revisit Belize, East Sussex and "dream jobs in Johannesburg"; Tuesday, Costa Rica, Germany and Ireland; Wednesday they're in the U.S. in Las Vegas, Destin Fla and Wilmington, N.C. (Did I loathe the Destin people?). That's as far as my Comcast guide goes at the moment. Aw, I guess nobody demos any of Adrian's places in Paris (she's already handled that, merci).
  16. Didn't that loon sign a contract stipulating that she wouldn't put up any wunderbar signage for a year? Sign's up (not just that little crayon drawing in the window). Jon, call your lawyer!
  17. Shawn weird. Kaitlyn boring. Nick odd in some way I can't put my finger on just yet--sorry, my first ep of the season--and likely last until the final 2 (minutes). Ben has so many track coaches here I hope he does run for his life--although it seems likely Kaitlyn will give him his non-psycho walking papers next. ETA: Funniest thing for me was the torture cell at their faux dream date hangout--meta!
  18. LOL! In an earlier season, a local place (whose bones were made on triple D) got themselves an ep--they have no liquor license and one of their "employees" was driving thirsty customers (who hadn't thought to bring their own beers) to a van parked a block away to buy some. The over-acting on the part of the two owners was adorable (they're sweet and the place is great) and beyond any proof needed that this show was the fakiest fake that ever faked. Bon appetit!
  19. Emily and Jason moved from Austin to Tortola because she got a teaching job at "a international school." Lord help them all.
  20. She was artistic in her head. Good luck adjusting to Arizona!
  21. Comedy hospice. Oh, Jon. (Supplying the fuel for that one almost gives Trump a reason for existing.)
  22. it's not. We can go after the assessments if the unit is foreclosed on or when it's sold, as well as put the owner in collection, but can't instigate a foreclosure. Any chance the producers futz with voices in post-production? Or is this show a magnet for the country's most annoying voices?
  23. Maybe, but to me, she's also not as annoying as the others. She's the one I'm pretty sure I could have lunch with without wanting to jam a face into the dessert plate. Also not surprised to see her out first. Still, this is a great gig for this bunch--not anyone's top tier of chefs but thankful, one could surmise, for the ka-ching.
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