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Scout Finch

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Everything posted by Scout Finch

  1. Romeo is in a DKNY ad, with Rita Ora no less. Was leafing through Elle magazine and noticed him because of the tattoos. Wasn't totally sure because he has dark hair now but after comparing his tattoos in the ad to the pictures linked above, it's definitely him. Why couldn't it have been a different ANTM? It doesn't seem fair. Gee, I bet he's convinced that his magic spells got him there. Too bad that the harm you do to others comes back to you threefold. http://www.bustle.com/articles/31574-dkny-wearenyc-campaign-is-here-but-does-it-do-the-city-justice/image/31574
  2. Hey, watch it! I resemble that remark! Well, with the exception of being fragile and having overly dramatic, occasional rage-aholic tendencies.
  3. A few thoughts... I thought the cake maitre'd needed to seriously lay off the tanning and remove the stud from her face (don't like face piercings). Here in Portland, they just started doing the parklet thing in one of our trendy neighborhoods, although in this case it's for extra outside dining spaces. I haven't gone there in ages because parking is extremely limited, so it seems like a bad idea. Also, why would you want to be right next to all the vehicle exhaust? I am a picky eater and was grossed out by all the weird combinations and ingredients on the sandwich menu. Did not see one single thing that sounded appetizing!
  4. If I were close by the compound, I would gladly pay $20 to go distribute printouts of live feed viewer comments to everyone. It would be very enlightening to those who haven't been controlling the computer and might actually finally do some real damage to the "ur just jellus haterz" contingent. I reckon it would take at least a little while before production could round up all the copies. Bonus points for any sudden gusts of winds that make it impossible to find them all. The Topes have sucked their thumbs and are back in their self-righteous hazes--and then they start stumbling upon those little paper landmines of reality from time to time.
  5. I covet Monica Potter's wavy hair! Does anyone know what the song was that was playing when Crosby was driving to the retreat? It kind of sounded like Mike Doughty's voice.
  6. Not sure why Mirjana suddenly breaks into a "street" (not sure how to describe it) accent when she's angry but the affectation is annoying. Any other time you hear her talking calmly, there is no trace of it. On the DNA topic, I highly recommend geneticist Spencer Wells' fascinating documentary, Journey of Man. I've seen it several times and am still incredibly moved each time at how it really ties us all together and makes the world seem a little bit smaller. He begins in Africa where it all started and then travels around the world tracing those DNA trails to learn about how all the different populations came to be and finds direct links in every country. He and National Geographic partnered years to do the Human Genome Project where your DNA is mapped and becomes an integral part of their research.
  7. ~small voice~ I think she's really pretty. Although I find the majority of the McGraw's shilling annoying ("did you know my son, Jay, runs a publishing company?"), I have to say that I am very impressed with her work against domestic violence, especially the Aspire Initiative. Just the phone app alone that allows you with one touch of a button to discreetly send selected people in your life an emergency text letting them know they need to come NOW, seems like an excellent, life-saving tool.
  8. I can just see them wanting to do a viewer contest to name the baby.
  9. Like my dad, unfortunately. His most recent purchase was colloidal silver. We had the chemtrails discussion years ago. I follow alternative liberal media and told him that chemtrails were even debunked there. He's a smart, sensitive, liberal guy but spends too much time alone listening to conspiracy talk on AM radio. ETA: I just saw the cutest video of the calf on YouTube ("Fast Cash"). Chris is feeding it and every once in a while it takes off running around playfully. I have a hard time understanding how most people aren't spending a ton of time around it. If I were there with a baby animal around it would be hard to pull myself away from the cuteness. Of course, I also would gladly have taken on the animal care overall. One of my dreams is to someday have a small hobby farm with animals that aren't for food.
  10. I keep wanting to listen to the commentaries but I get so involved in the episodes that I kind of don't want to keep getting interrupted by comments. Maybe after I finish my third viewing...
  11. We don't know for sure if her boyfriend still is. She told Kristen that they had been together for four years and was very perplexed as to why he hadn't written her any letters. As someone on the live feed thread said, she needs to buy a clue. Unless they have an open relationship, I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a Dear John(Jane?) letter. If I were him I'd feel humiliated by being associated with someone who has displayed nothing but negative public behavior.
  12. Consider yourself very, very lucky. I can only attest to Evel Dick, though.
  13. As I posited in the animal thread, since Bri claimed that animals should be treated the same as humans, based on her apparently twisted definition she shouldn't mind being equipped with a shock collar then. It'll activate every time she tries to go near the barn.
  14. Perhaps we should turn the tables and make her wear a shock collar that activates when she gets near the barn.
  15. peachmangosteen said: Although it was an error, I think duos twits is also a perfectly good description!
  16. I went to the show's website today and sent an email telling them to either remove the animals NOW or have a legitimate veterinary student intern full-time onsite. If not, I will be contacting all of the sponsors to tell them that I won't be buying their products in the meantime. I also added a reply on Facebook where Bri was being discussed and I flat out said that she is a fucking sociopath! Since I had been waiting for Big Brother to wrap up, I didn't watch any episodes of Utopia on my TiVo until Friday night. Got caught up on it and then read the entire live feed discussion after that. I was used to checking the BB one throughout my work days but quickly discovered today that reading Utopia's during the day is a bad idea. I just felt so sick after reading about what happened with the cows since Sunday night and I had a difficult time focusing on work after reading the latest. I was absolutely livid with anger and also felt like crying at the same time.
  17. I saw that too and was wondering the same thing when the song started.
  18. From People.com: Explaining that her hair was destroyed from years of bleaching it and dyeing it red for her Nickelodeon show Sam & Cat, Grande said, “My actual hair is so broken that it looks absolutely ratchet and absurd when I let it down … As annoying as it is for y’all to look at the same hairstyle all the time, it’s all that works for now (and I’m comfortable for the first time in years).”
  19. He was hilarious in the stage play, One Man, Two Guvnors, which I saw twice. It was at the National Theatre in London but luckily they do hi-def broadcasts to U.S. theatres. In one part he gets into a physical fight with himself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcJM1Z3Trfo I'll check him out when he takes over but, yeah, there's no one like Craig. ~sniffle~
  20. Irritable, can we sue CBS for the severe trauma that caused? In the meantime, I'll be in a fetal position, shuddering.
  21. Completely off-topic and it's not that I don't love hanging out with you all. BUT, due to me spending all my Internet time at work today in this forum, I didn't check my email at all until about an hour ago. Only to discover that I am apparently the only U2 fan on the planet who didn't know that they completely surprised us all by releasing the new album on iTunes today. Even more embarrassing is that I'm a member of the all-volunteer staff on the largest U2 fan site! We've been very impatiently waiting for it since the last one (which sucked) came out five years ago and have gotten nothing but vague possible years/months it would be released. Just wanted y'all not to miss me too much tonight because once it's downloaded I won't be doing anything except listening and squeeing! I know you'll be crying yourself to sleep over my absence. Just like you'll do when Frankie gets evicted. Oh, wait.
  22. "I have a message for the American people: Frankie is a jackass." (He did call Kanye West that, and I'm pretty sure that for once there was an overwhelming agreement from people on both sides of the political spectrum!)
  23. At the end of the day, both dimo and Nashville cracked me up! ETA: It was missing an important "the."
  24. Watching a bunch of men cooing over a dog and baby-talking to it just warms my heart. Men with babies do nothing for me but I love a guy who's not afraid to be mushy about his furry companion. Izzy has definitely given certain people a little likability and increased others'. Well, until she leaves, that is.
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