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Veruca Assault

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Everything posted by Veruca Assault

  1. "The competition heats up when the chefs cook in head-to-head battles in a Quickfire Challenge with guest judge Jamie Bissonnette, where the victor wins bragging rights and $10,000. For the Elimination Challenge, the team of Quickfire Losers gets a chance at redemption as they cook off as a team against the Quickfire Winners. In another head-to-head competition, the chefs strategize the best dishes they can make on a lean military budget with Revolutionary War-themed battles that take place at the historic Watertown Arsenal."
  2. This is a general Boston thread, but let's try to keep it generally related to the show. The Newsroom has it's own forum.
  3. Reminder-before posting in the episode thread, ask yourself "is this regarding the episode?" If no, find the thread that it in relation to. Thank you!
  4. Time to steer all of the general Boston talk to the Northeast and to the general Boston thread. Love it? Hate it? If it's not specific to the actual show (and making general statements about the city or people are not specific to the show) go there.
  5. I just picked it up yesterday, but can't read much until I get my book club book read first. Stupid book club, keeping me from hanging out with my BFF Amy!
  6. Please focus on the episode and not how we should be viewing the roles of police and firefighters. Thank you!
  7. We need to stick to discussing past cheftestants, not nitpicking each other's likes and dislikes. We also have a specific thread for Richard. When discussing him, keep it in his thread. He would like it that way.
  8. Hey everyone! I've started a new topic to focus on Richard Blais-- let's move all future talk on him to that topic and keep the episode threads focused on the individual episodes! Thanks!
  9. Topic focused on Richard and his ever expanding role with Top Chef.
  10. It was a preview of tomorrow's show, I believe. I like Blaise, but I know I'm one of the few and he does annoy me part of the time.
  11. One if my favorite parts of each EHG has become Sarah's response to the game time description.
  12. Didn't Denay above? My guess was going to be "chicken cutlets", listening to Dave die at the description made my walk difficult. Thanks, EHG!
  13. Liv can NOT listen to any part of this episode other than her segment, for sure! Way to go TCS on guessing the secret phrase. Fun addition to the podcast!
  14. With the new season starting soon, I'm removing the Spoilers tag. Let's keep this thread to previous seasons and any Season 12 talk in the Season 12 thread.
  15. I merged the separate thread created about the "Romantic Gifts" as it was specific to this episode.
  16. I also really want to like the show, but I fell asleep about 10 times in this episode. I woke up when my husband kept pausing it as he saw I was asleep. I should have enjoyed this one more than the others with the WWI flashbacks.
  17. I'm with you, @nygirl. I would watch just about any contestant over Guy. I don't understand why Food Network keeps giving him more and more shows. I really want him to go away.
  18. Loved the movie, I think it's my favorite Marvel movie yet. No way would I have guessed that when my husband explained the concept a couple of years ago. Loved that there was so much humor and heart. I was really expecting a Footloose sponge to show up on the Awesome Mix.
  19. I thought I had given up on the show after Richard Harrow's death, but watching Chalky say, "baby girl, Jesus was wrong" looks awesome. I'm sure I'll be disappointed. Again.
  20. We had girls, including my sister, play snare in our marching band. Everything else in Tara's list, though, spot on.
  21. I'm with @radishcake liking the longer episodes=using up more of my work day. Not that it matters, but didn't Tara use "winter" for "Winterfell"?
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