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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. The candles for romantic interludes on this show make me roll my eyes! I need to check the credits to see if there is a "Candle Wrangler" on staff. Is TK gone back east again? Putting storylines involving him on hold every couple of weeks to fit his schedule is a bit much IMO.
  2. Yeah, the look on Myrna's face when Rick said he had told his wife she had hit on him was priceless.
  3. I want the Bride to have that hairdo from the old movie! ;-)
  4. I don't want the vampires to be impossible to kill, just not that easy (I read read Dracula, too). And, as I said, the easy killing doesn't jibe with what Van Helsing said.
  5. Those vampires sucked (pun intended). I have never seen vampires that were so easy to kill. Bullets? Seriously? Van Helsing said he drove a stake through his wife's heart and cut off her head to kill her so why did bullets and a sword work? And why did all of those female vamps have long straight white hair except Mina? They looked like those villains on Stargate Atlantis.
  6. The Medieval Times scenes were funny. I looked at their website and saw that they are in several cities. Ugh, I hate Myrna more and more. I wish she had been fired. Again with Quinn calling Liam spoiled and coddled. Bitch, please. Your son is the spoiled Mama's boy.
  7. I don't blame them for wanting to elope! What crazy families.
  8. Shouldn't Wyatt and his mother be out drumming up new business since they lost the FC contract? I mean, think of all those Quinn Artisan workers who were hurt by that loss. Aw, screw them! Obsessing over Hope is much more important!
  9. So she goes narc on him? Myrna could have taken Oliver aside and let him know she still has the recording. Instead she runs to tattle. And not out of concern for Aly.
  10. Oliver wasn't trying to get Maya fired. He was just talking to his girl. Maya is a lousy model if she can't put on her game face and do her job instead of pouting.
  11. I loathe Maya even more for tattling on Oliver. He said that a while ago when he didn't have real feelings for Aly. Now he does, and that bitch Myrna (ha) is going to mess up their sweet relationship. Agree re: taking Quinn too far. It's fun to watch her craziness, but it's a dead end for her character. When she first appeared Quinn was interested in Eric, but that was just dropped.
  12. I like when Quinn said that Liam was driving her crazy, and Deacon said "Short drive." Deacon is a trouble maker, but he isn't stupid so I don't know why he would want to get mixed up with a clearly disturbed woman who has expressed the intent to kill someone.
  13. I'm tired of the "Devil in Miss Ives" stuff. I've seen enough of Eva Green writhing around and growling to last a lifetime. Let's move on.
  14. It cracks me up how they do these high fashion shoots in front of some cheap-ass drapes!
  15. "Landry" seems like an odd name for a Latina woman. As someone mentioned, was dad a big Tom Landry fan? ;-)
  16. Ragosa and Scott look like (fraternal) twins! Paul was sweet with the kid.
  17. Oy, I was hoping for the 2nd Mass to go out into the hinterlands and do some guerrilla warfare. Nope. More blasted cityscape stuff. Lexi should have been smothered at birth.
  18. I think Wyatt is the ass. I remember when Liam invited Hope to his house for lunch (when they were engaged), and Liam crashed the lunch on the pretext of having a work document for her to sign. He was incredibly rude and wouldn't leave. Of course, Hope ate it up.
  19. Yes, Ridge and Katie are a "frumpy couple." Just compare them to hot, attractive Brooke and Bill. Aside from being obsessed with her son's love life, I don't think Quinn is like Stephanie. She is a flat-out nut job. Liam needs to lock his doors, get a Rottweiler, and get a gun!
  20. I'm getting sick of her smirking, mugging, and head bobbing. She and chicken head should open up a motel on a rural highway.
  21. I think he is a hottie. However, I'm annoyed that they have him swanning around in public in an open necked shirt. That is very anachronistic. Even avant garde guys like Whistler and Wilde wore cravats.
  22. One of the few things I liked in the latest episode was when Sembene came in, while Vanessa was trashing the room with her mind, and slapped her twice, then picked her up, giving Malcolm a look that said "Why do I have to do everything around here?"
  23. IRL, that pencil at high velocity to the eye would be fatal, I'm sure. I want Rachel to be dead after destroying that marrow, but this being OB we can't be sure.
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