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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I wish a shark had eaten Chicken head and Princess Dope. Liam ought to realize that, for Dope, he and Wyatt are interchangeable, and that he should move on. Dope knew what Quinn has done in the past, and not once did she ask Wyatt if his mother was still in the hospital or call Liam to find out if something strange had happened to delay him. As someone already posted, the Princess just wanted to get married regardless of which brother was the groom.
  2. Gordon said he would pay the chef salary for one year, then expected that the owners would be able to pick up the salary by then.
  3. Wyatt is the dummy since once again his mommy has orchestrated his life for him. I just despise him, lurking around to grab Dope when/if Liam didn't show up.
  4. Yep, I'm Team Livey, too! Agreed that Hope gets character propping big time. Everyone talks about her as if she is a combination of Audrey Hepburn/Mother Teresa/Helen Keller, yet all we see is a spoiled Princess who loves having two brothers worshipping her and will switch to the other when the current chosen disappoints her (read "does something about which she jumps to the wrong conclusion"). Excuse us if we can't worship her, too.
  5. Liam, you dodged a bullet, honey. Let the fickle airhead have her stalker and his crazy-ass mother.
  6. Nice that the Princess always has a backup guy. As I noted before, this whole storyline does not work in the age of instant communication! Why have neither Hope nor Liam used their cellphones? The writers are treating us like idiots.
  7. His cameo in "Baron Munchausen," like most of his work was pure comedic gold. Good night, sweet prince.
  8. Mississippi State is the largest university in the state, plus it's an SEC school so I can see no problem with that beer garden doing well, especially during football season.
  9. I tried to go to the Hotel Chester web page right after the show, and it was so flooded with hits that I couldn't get on. This was a good episode. I loved the wife, but sushi with strawberries? Ay-yi-yi! :-)
  10. Liam is a couple of minutes late so the Princess leaves? Yep, just what we all expected! BTW, I thought it weird that nobody bothered to help Liam and Ivy or just check to see if they were okay. Guess the Parisians are too jaded and the tourists are too busy gawping at the Eiffel Tower.
  11. Or they could have done the photo shoot in the US, in some gorgeous wilderness setting. Why go to a polluted urban area like Paris if your message is Eco-friendly and about "empowerment" whatever TF that means.
  12. I had a crush on Derek Jacobi when I was a freshman in college and he played Hamlet then later Richard II in BBC's "The Shakespeare Plays."
  13. I call Hope a Princess because everything was just handed to her. She doesn't even design her line, yet gets all the accolades. And everyone is constantly talking about how beautiful, inspiring, wonderful, etc. she is. I'm also tired of hearing about Hope and HFTF's inspirational, ecological, empowering message. WTF? All I ever SEE her do is bounce between to brothers. I'm just fed up with the twit.I like Ivy. I would rather see Liam with her.
  14. Glad you got the sauce-sitting problem fixed, Brian. Even if I have problems with people on the show, I never want anyone to fail. Good luck.
  15. Hope deserves to have Quinn as an MIL if she marries Wyass just because he is there and she can't be arsed to use her cellphone to call Liam to confirm that he won't be there to marry her dumb ass (yes, Liam could call her but those cell signals run both ways).
  16. I hate how the writers make characters do the absolute stupidest, most unrealistic behavior in order to service the storyline. If this were in the pre-cell phone era, this scenario would work. BUT IT ISN'T, YOU IDIOT WRITERS!!
  17. Am I the only one that thought Quinn looked like a terrorist? Dark glasses, black clothes, scarf, backpack? You think she would be stopped at the airport. Well, there she goes again. She could have killed Ivy, but doesn't give a damn.
  18. I would have some respect for her, if the writers would have had Hope say to Wyatt, when he began dissing Liam and macking on her on the plane,"Excuse me, your crazy bitch mother would be facing attempted murder charges if Liam, out of regard for you, hadn't decided not to call 911. So why are you talking about him like that? You are some poor excuse for a brother." That is what a decent person would say, but Princess Hope is a twit who likes the world to keep revolving around her.
  19. Of course, Derek Jacobi was "Brother Cadfael" for many years.
  20. I detest that most specialest snowflake evah Hope. I would rather have seen Liam and Wyatt become brothers in more than name than watch Wyatt backstab Liam to get the Princess back.
  21. This seemed like a product for "Shark Tank." I didn't like the brothers much either. They couldn't even cook! I thought originally they said that the people sampling would get a custom dish. Instead they had pasta sitting in sauce (which over cooked it, it would seem) dished out to them.
  22. I just watched an episode in which a married couple who were both in wheelchairs (she could stand up and walk some) renovated the master bathroom to make it wheelchair accessible. Their son-in-law helped them. He did the plumbing with the results you would expect from someone who wasn't a plumber!
  23. Oh God, I know. These people should have multiple gold medals for "jumping to the wrong conclusions"! So now if Liam is a minute late, Hope will turn to Wyatt. Get me a barf bag.
  24. Why are humans fighting against an invaders trying to kill them all evil? And nobody asked Miss Piggy (no reference to weight, to nose and hair) that? WTF!
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