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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Oh yeah, that's it! Truly awful fun. Mark Margolis played the old man. He is a renowned character actor. I figured he was a family friend of the director and appeared in the film as a favor.
  2. I watched a really cheesy one recently in which a bunch of teens (of course) who are rowing across a lake get attacked by a giant man-eating catfish/piranha hybrid. Said fish is so phoney looking it is hysterical. Lots of fake blood too. If Hope actually used her head she wouldn't be involved with two brothers. I frankly wish both would dump her. I'm sick of the Princess Hope worship.
  3. When TC and Topher were working on that guy and the other guy was waving the gun around, I kept saying (yes, I talk to the TV) "You have scalpels! Use them to incapacitate bad guy!" They had him get shit for them like the clips so he was distracted at times.
  4. I like watching cheesey and/or low budget horror films online, and I found one titled "Animal." Yeah, creative title! Guess what? Credits roll at the start and I see...Thorsten Kaye! Basically the plot is a bunch of people hole up in an abandoned cabin in a forest because there is an Alien-ish looking creature wanting to eat them. TK gets to be all heroic. Derivative but not a bad movie. Next time Ridge is at Big Bear, I'm sure I'll think of it!
  5. Hey, they play racquet ball all the time!! All the time! They are known at the racquet club as "the Cartridge" because they are so tight! Haven't you been watching? ;-)
  6. The android kid acted like a real(spoiled) kid when he threw a tantrum over the ice cream. I'm just so happy to see Goran again. He is the reason I am watching this. The guy from Helix is bonus yum!
  7. I want to drop kick Maya and her cow eyes into the Pacific. Hey, dummy, your pics look bad because you were pouting the entire time Oliver was taking them! Oliver is right. She is so jealous that she doesn't have a Forrestor.
  8. I can't see Hope and Wyatt getting married now. It wouldn't make sense (I know, this is B&B!). I read that he gets involved with Ivy.
  9. ::doing slow motion, falling to my knees, clutching my head action movie shot:: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not Topher! They just better not! :-( The local affiliate pre-empted the first 20 minutes for weather coverage (unnecessarily since it was just a severe T-storm warning. None of the other locals did this, and this is a market where the stations get into dick waving contests over who has the most cutting edge radar and shit). Anyway, what was the deal about the drug money? That guy wasn't really DEA, I assume. And was that girl dumb enough to gag herself with a fork and not a spoon? I'm still amazed at swallowing a scalpel!
  10. ITA about skanky Steffi, meow. I still can't stand her after all the crap she did to Hope. I was hoping Ridge would draw a stick figure with a smiley face head!
  11. I just want to see the head Hitler Youth wanker's head blown off his shoulders with pieces of meat and blood flying everywhere. What a dick. Maggie should have shot Lourdes. Hate her. And Low Rent Khaleesi with her Miss Piggy nose. Pope rocks.
  12. Good scenes today between Wyatt and Quinn and Wyatt and Liam. I actually felt sorry for Wyatt when he was talking about his childhood dealing with his crazy, obsessive mother. Of course, IRL the police would have been called , but this is B&B, not real life!
  13. Yes, Gillian has every right to know about her dad's condition. BTW, she cracked me up catching herself before saying the F-word, then saying "bloody." I always heard that bloody was a strong oath in the UK. Is it still?
  14. Raff's possible baby mama sure is a liar. Get a paternity test ASAP! Wow, Gillian is still taking John's calls. She shouldn't be stringing Robbie along.
  15. I agree. If Liam had physically put her out of the house, Quinn would have cried "Assault!"
  16. I wonder what Quinn has boiling in that cauldron of hers? Eye of newt? Blood of a Spencer?
  17. Re: that "disgraced employee," dare I hope it is Maya? Since 7-14 is my birthday, that would be a nice gift! If it is Quinn, I will be pissed. She was not an employee, but, unfortunately, the writers aren't bright enough to know that.
  18. I think Cersei and Quinn could bond over their obsessions with their sons. Cersei would also admire Quinn's ruthlessness and vice versa. Anyway, wonder if Quinn will end up wounding Wyatt instead of Liam?
  19. Bill is right. They just need to go down to the courthouse and tie the knot. Brooke has been married a dozen times, but, oh no, she has to have another big ceremony. All the better to be called off or interrupted. Looks as if nut job has made a large, deadly version of the Spencer sword pendant.
  20. Those jousts really were professional wrestling on horses, weren't they? One guy was falling out of the saddle almost before he was touched. Do they have hero and villain knights?
  21. I've been meaning to mention this all season: the Theatre du Grand-Guignol was in Paris. Was the one in London a franchise? ;-)
  22. I cried over poor Wilson. I knew something bad would happen to him. I hate that Rick lost his leg, but at least TC didn't perform yet another miracle. I was cheering on Scott about what he said about TC. Only 2 more episodes? :-(
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