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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I didn't like the way he pitched a fit over the phone when one of the burger ladies went to her own choice of stylist instead of using the stylist he had sent over. Granted, the dresses she liked were not practical, but it was just the way that Tim had a hissy over her not using HIS stylist irked me.
  2. Just when I thought I couldn't hate Stinky and Sourpuss more! I thought Sourpuss would pull a muscle with all that eye rolling! Everything Bill said made sense, but all Brooke could do is shed that trademark single tear and give him that "how could you look." I'm sick of how Stinky has gotten away with all his manipulative crap, but Bill gets pilloried for one impulsive act. I like Ivy. Finally someone who doesn't think Hope walks on water! Quinn probably killed him and forged his will.
  3. I thought "handy with his fist" referred to Eddie getting into a lot of bar fights and such. I can't see Alan standing by while our Gillian was abused.
  4. A Pome to Ridge (apologies to EBB) How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways. I loathe thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I loathe thee to the level of every day’s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I loathe thee freely, as men strive for right. I loathe thee purely, as they turn from praise. I loathe thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I loathe thee with a loathing I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I loathe thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but loathe thee better after death...your death!
  5. Poor Laurence. I wonder if he decided to walk home. At least we now know that Eddie wasn't just a lad who liked to drink too much. He sounds as if he was a rotter. Gillian must have hidden the abuse from Alan. I don't see why Caroline would go to the police.
  6. Yeah, NJ. I watched that one at the diy website tonight. I love that it said the friend who had helped him was no longer returning his calls. I just started watching this show online and am hooked. I love the snarky captions!
  7. They forgot "UnKoneventional" and the "Konevenience Store." ;-)
  8. When Bill was telling why he did what he did, between Katie's eye rolling and Ridge's smirking, I wanted to reach through the TV and smash their heads together. I think Bill gave a good explanation of why he did what he did-- that shmuck Ridge sucker punched him and abducted his bride, so he acted on impulse and told Justin to "cool him off." No attempted murder, unlike Ridge's premeditated actions. If the writers ever paid any attention to us, Brooke would kick Sourpuss and Stinky out the door and go with Bill to Catalina.
  9. The waffle cone filled with food was indeed not practical. I could see that from Tim and Joe's first tastings. Why was the daughter so insistent on blue? I find Waylan's nose distracting. It screams "Nose job!" :-D
  10. It doesn't make any sense that Stench plead guilty. Any half way decent defense attorney could raise reasonable doubt if what he described happened.
  11. Yay! Love me some Chilton/Raul Esparza!
  12. I laughed when Eric mentioned getting past all the problems (paraphrasing) he knew about at least. Myrna acted as if she was ready to blow Eric. Carter's expression was too funny. I like Othello. Didn't know he worked for FC. I would love to see a bunch of cop cars on the tarmac, the copse ith their guns drawn and ready to arrest Ridge because Justin called 911 about a kidnapping and attempted murder, plus various other felonies.
  13. I like this house: http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/products/loring/ I might could live in the one bedroom.
  14. I hated that the wife gave away the cats without blinking an eye. I was teary eyed watching it because I have 2 cats and would never give them away like that. And they were older cats because they had had them for at least 8 years! Cats would be more suitable for a tiny house than a big dog like that. As someone already posted, train your dog not to chew up stuff instead of locking her in a crate all the time! Also dogs and cats can coexist, even love each other. They really ruined that back lawn! Again I wondered about the utility hook- up.
  15. I wish someone would steal the Dope diamond which Wyatt just leaves in a messenger bag on a desk in an unlocked office. I want Justin sucker punch Ridge's punk ass.
  16. Great post, RuntheTable! Sadly, we all know that smug bastard Ridge should be arrested, but won't be. He was flying over concrete pavement with Bill who had no seatbelt because Ridge removed it. Bill would have died if he had fallen out. How is that not pre-meditated attempted murder? What he did was far worse than anything Bill did.
  17. When the bleep did Ridge become a helicopter pilot? How can he "put Bill behind bars" for stuff he allegedly did in a foreign country when he has committed several criminal acts within the jurisdiction of CA? I hate Ridge.
  18. I wanted to reach through the tv, put a pillow on Miss Piggy Lexi's face and press down hard. Then I would grab Lourdes and snap her neck.
  19. Amen! I would pay to hear Katie say to Hardy Boy Ridge,"F**k this! None of this shit would have happened if you hadn't jetted around the world to stop a grown-ass women you say you no longer have any romantic interest in from marrying the man of her choice, a man who is no saint but isn't a criminal or a pervert. Take this shitty red ribbon and shove it, Poetry boy!"
  20. Add to Ridge's talents that he can pilot a helicopter (according to the previews on TV)!
  21. I wanted to see Cher walk in and bitch slap Cali!
  22. Didn't the sister have to go through her brother's space to get to hers? Yeah, privacy issues looming!
  23. Spencer Publications has great security, huh? Ridge can not only get into the building after hours but can waltz right into the executive suite. Oh, and then there is the 24/7 open house that is Brooke's villa!
  24. Add me to people finding Alan's attitude toward Gillian at odds with his in season 1. Now he thinks she is a murderer? WTF!
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