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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I think Rose and Tom have chemistry. I can't stand the actress playing Bunting.
  2. Couldn't they have had just one annoying host rather than two?
  3. Bill discovers another child? WTF? That man was spraying his seed back in the day! Myrna and Pencil Dick disgust me. I wish someone with a telephoto lens would video them in their tub o' nasty and send it to TMZ. Wow, Carter looks like the Incredible Hulk! Eww.
  4. Someone mention an Eric/Taylor redux? More like an Eric/Taylor reflux!
  5. Every time Maya would throw it away, it would appear back on the wall.
  6. Don't you know that cats suck the breath out of babies!! ;-)
  7. Yeah, that outdoor cat playground was awesome! BTW, that idiot wife needs to STFU. Someday Finn might chase off a vicious dog attacking her kid like the cat in the now famous video!
  8. Finn the Bengal was in no way, shape, or form a "cat from hell!" He had no litter box issues or aggression. He loved his human baby brother. Finn was just being a normal cat! That woman was nuts, making up problems where none existed. I have had a Bengal for 11 years. Sashi is loving and intelligent, like Finn.
  9. Please have Caroline quit groveling before Pencil Dick Rick the adulterer! I am beyond sick of it. No self-respecting woman would behave like that. Oh wait, soaps don't have self-respecting women, do they?
  10. That poor woman! Lobotomized and sterilized. I was confused by the scars on the scalp. I thought lobotomies were done via the eye sockets.
  11. Oh, I loved, loved, loved this finale both for Amy and Maya winning and the wrestlers being the eliminated racers. Good times! :-)
  12. I saw Naomi Grossman on a Food Network a couple of months ago (she was a judge on a Halloween themed series). I was amazed when they said she was Pepper. She is an outstanding actress and AHS has some great make-up people. I can't wait until Stanley gets his amazing dick cut off and shoved down his throat.
  13. Amen! I am so sick of hearing Caroline apologize and grovel to her adulterer husband. I want her to find out the truth and dump his sorry ass. I don't know what Pencil Dick Rick thinks he will accomplish if he becomes the Fuehrer of Forrester. Ridge and Caroline could quit and start their own fashion house or get a job anywhere. I doubt his kept woman could fill in for them.
  14. Are Bill and Justin using the same can of black shoe polish on their hair? Um, Ridge, you should have just let Bill marry Brooke. Back to Bitie? Seriously?
  15. I loved the nuns, especially Sister Beth Ann. Agree with the rest of you about Francesca (apparently a corn field and a forest are interchangeable to her) and Eseni (I can see her running around in one of those sexy nurse costumes with her stripper nails and heels!). I ended up liking Christie a lot!
  16. Eric needs to go to a home for people with dementia if he signs that paper. Who the eff would sign a document irrevocably making someone CEO? What if the "CEO for life" became schizophrenic, for example, and ordered his employees to dress up like flying monkeys and launch themselves off buildings? Pencil Dick Rick made me want to barf whining about being betrayed by Caroline after he had sexed up his pop tart in her new fuck flat. And wasn't said Concubine so proud to be a kept woman? BTW, that beard makes Rick look like the star of a high school production of "Gladiator."
  17. Back in the day, soaps were a stepping stone to bigger things. Kathleen Turner, Ray Liotta, Julianne Moore, Meg Ryan, Marisa Tomei, to name a few, all started on soaps. Not so much anymore.
  18. Guess Nick and Hank had never looked at the "Weekly World News" while standing in the grocery check-out line if they didn't know what a Chupacabra was. I wish they would have a Wesen that looked like the legendary Bat-boy!
  19. Bill was robbed. All of his baked goods were delicious while Erin's were awful and still she won! Remember when she was in the bottom two in the past yet slid on by because she was "ambitious" or took a risk? Bill sure didn't get that edge for going big with that chalet, did he? This sucks just like Courtney winning Masterchef did.
  20. No! I was too! Plus there was the dead fox. I always get more upset when an animal is killed on screen. If I see a pet dog or cat in a horror movie, I usually quit watching because I know it will get killed.
  21. Or that she had already put so much money into it. When she said that she was successful at everything, I thought,"well, everything accept marriage, I guess." :-p
  22. Claire, the Gibson Girl called and wants her swim costume back! That swim suit was hysterical. Even Sister Beth Ann thought it was weird. On the other hand, WTF with bringing a tiny bikini on a discernment trip? Well, that was Eseni who got a set of stripper nails just before going on said trip.
  23. Regina was as dumb as she looked. A homicidal murderer lets her flee with her life, and she returns with ONE cop instead of leaving town without looking back!
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