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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. He looked rather exasperated. I just wanted to hug my sweetie! Then again, I always do! 😏
  2. Serbians. I had on the cc and it said they were speaking Serbian. BTW, Mob Insurance is the best insurance! 😏 Yeah, Choi is still a dick. His father being in the closet isn’t surprising since his dad was military and considering the times, but Choi has to make it all about him. And yeah, dick move regarding the patient and his daughter. I hope Steven Weber will become a regular now. I didn’t get the deal with the big baby. The dad’s facial expressions made me wonder if something was wrong but then nothing. Nice to see Rusty Schwimmer. Asher took the apartment without asking about the rent, how many bedrooms, etc. Yeah, right!🤦‍♀️
  3. I don’t see why Adam can’t live in the same house or apartment with Kim and Makayla. He’s a good dad and Mak loves him. I’m glad Daniel got to see that his parents loved him.
  4. The decision to want to be a member of Squad was Gallo’s, but Stella made it all about her. I would like to see an accountancy themed bar. 😆
  5. When Perry jumps bail, he really jumps bail!
  6. I was so glad when Royal killed Billy the Singing Cowboy! He was so annoying. How can Amy and Autumn have met in the same timeline if they are the same person? Wouldn’t someone explode? The bison repopulation program was awesome. 😆
  7. So Helen, if you hadn’t resuscitated a brain dead child his parents wouldn’t have gone through that additional trauma. And I must have missed something: why was she trying to get him sent to NA? Who was going to pay for his treatment there? The treatment in Britain was, according to Helen, a one in a billion shot. 🤦‍♀️ Non-compete clauses in the medical field are generally to keep docs from taking patients with them. In that case, why would NA care if Max went to the UK to practice? How could Bloom just take over the ED again? Not her decision to make. On a positive note, nice to see Karen again.
  8. I’m glad Matthew gets to be more that Trixie’s arm candy. Damn, that man is hot! 😏 It appears that Carole and Dean will have a new family to give them support as needed. That whole storyline was so touching. I love Sister Frances!
  9. Eric just loves to bury his head in Donna’s pillows, I’m sure! 😏
  10. I thought Utkarsh looked hot (should I say hotter?) with the long hair. 😏
  11. Me too! And I wish Trevor had hit Iggy in the face with that badge he threw. Iggy threw Trevor under the bus for his own lack of self-control. So is UMI like the Illuminati? 🙄 Stupid Max could have been done with Veronica when she said she would resign, but, no, he had to insist she never ever be in charge of a public hospital again! BTW, how was UMI money laundering? WTF was that with Sharpe and her mother? Who was imagining the terminal cancer thing? I wasn’t paying attention because I don’t give a phück about their relationship.
  12. I bet some wouldn’t have tapped if they had had the mosquito nets from the start. I’m thinking about Stephen’s partners especially.
  13. I said after watching the first episode that each team should have been given a mosquito net. In that environment, that is an essential item. I was afraid Rod hadn’t cooked that fish enough.
  14. Atlanta: The house they picked had a perfectly nice kitchen that didn’t need to be gutted. They could do something about that island if they wanted. The husband’s haircut looked ridiculous.
  15. I learned that a “kang” outranks a “king.” 😂 I’m glad that lady found that poor bunny. Someone probably dumped it. 😡 Clove oil is a fish anesthesia. Wow. I liked how Dr. Hodges included the girl studying to become a vet in the procedure. The docs with the inner city kids on the farm 🥰
  16. I watched “Free Guy” tonight, and Utkarsh Ambudkar has a decent sized role in it. Hilarious movie! 👍🏻👍🏻
  17. Again? 🙄 Didn’t watch it. Watched “Free Guy.” 👍🏻
  18. The only thing I see when I see Paris now are those extensions. I wish they would get caught in some elevator doors. I would love to see Carter tell Paris he just isn’t into her.
  19. I missed what she did in the film industry. WTF is “social media management?” On a shallow note, the wife has put on a lot of weight since getting married. Hubby was already a bit chunky.
  20. I think it’s karma that Eric and Donna are back at it since Quinn demanded Donna be exiled from Forrester yet her once and future lover got to stay.
  21. So are knickers. Whatever. British humor is known to have a bawdy streak.
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