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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I think Jude’s “police record” was phony, fabricated by the cult and put into the system in case Jude got arrested. I hope there is a Season 2.
  2. I wish Paris had heard Carter talking about her as the consolation prize he should hold his nose and settle for.
  3. I must be the only one who can’t stand Trish and her passive-aggressive 💩. I’d rather be around Amber than her. BTW, what did they put on that stupid sign? It looked like “Taj Mazal.”
  4. Jude is hot! I wish Toni had said, “Mom! We can go anywhere in the world, and you take us to Newark!”
  5. I love JK Simmons and Sissy Spacek. This show pulled me right in.
  6. Jeff isn’t being good. He’s stirring the 💩. I hope he has to tap out.
  7. Am I the only one who thought of Plinko every time they showed El with those chips and that board? 😆
  8. The haircut is doing Finn no favors at all. I think he is model gorgeous, too, like Eddie Redmayne.
  9. No, you aren’t! Victor said they moved into the house in 1959. His son looked at least eleven to me, so he would have been born in 1948. What year did the massacre occur? Wasn’t it a bag of Skittles?
  10. I wondered who that smirking guy was! He looked like bad news. I hope they didn’t leave that dog on the planet. ☹️
  11. Amen! I quit watching STD ::snerk:: because of her so I don’t need reminders that that Mary Sue character exists.
  12. Why hadn’t the seven month old dog been vaccinated for Parvo already? 😡 Dr. Hodges’ “sweet tea” story: 😆!
  13. Theo, in the midst of a child custody case, is an idiot for hooking up with a woman he barely knows. To make it worse, she is the mother of a child who was a patient of his maybe an hour earlier. 🤦‍♀️
  14. I loved Robert Englund scratching his nails on the table since Freddy was always dragging his “nails” on the walls in the movies.
  15. Those flying monsters attacking Steve had me screaming! Re: the satanic cult thing, I remember those preschool cases in which peoples’ lives were destroyed because of false accusations, and I remember the West Memphis Three. Suzie’s home life was funny, but why was it so chaotic? I get that there were so many kids because they are LDS. Where was the mother?
  16. Aren’t they already frozen in her ovaries?
  17. On my iPad, you highlight the part you want to quote then get a little pop-up that says “quote selection.” Tap it and voila!
  18. That’s who that is! I thought he looked familiar! Wow! That’s some freakin’ awesome hair! Love his reptile kid, too!
  19. I like Argyle. You don’t have to piss off bullies for them to bully you. All you have to do is breathe.
  20. It’s so sad to see El bullied and powerless. ☹️
  21. Hollywood area: That place with all those mirrored walls! 😬
  22. I didn’t mean walk all the way down. The implication I got was that there was a separate elevator that went only to the restaurant. I assumed one took an elevator to a floor, got off, then got onto the restaurant elevator. No, they never hooked up.
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