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Everything posted by Jadzia

  1. I felt bad for the never-mentioned other daughter. She was there but the mom only seemed focused on Hunter. She never mentioned her other child and I don't even recall her name. I kept thinking there must have been more to the story with her parents. Why would they uninvited her to the wedding after leaving a tearful voicemail? Why turn around at the door when they saw her? All because she sent a bad email on Christmas Eve? Something didn't add up. It was strange that the woman who shook her son was nicer to her coming to her door than her own mother. I agree that the "lose as much weight as you can goal" wasn't really a goal. That said, I thought she looked great at her weigh-ins. Even her skin seemed to go back nicely. She only really looked like she needed a tummy tuck, not the full on skin removal that most of the contestants need at 9 months. [Edited typo]
  2. Heidi: I promise I won't judge your house Mitzi: Heidi came into my house and didn't judge. Heidi (alone to camera): OMG! I couldn't believe how terrible her house was! I did love Mitzi and really enjoyed this episode.
  3. I may have misunderstood, but I thought the road was named for the Woodard slave owner, not the slave who took his name. I thought that scene was near where the slave owner's land so I figured it was a prominent family in the area back then. And I was so disappointed at that clip show. It seems like the season just began, and it is already ending on August 30th. A clip show is such a rip-off since we don't have many new episodes left.
  4. Why did Karen keep insisting that she conceived the baby with the wife as well as the husband? She is a doctor, she should know how biology works. The wife may have been there but she didn't get her pregnant! This episode was so weird because of Joss's dream sequence/what-if storyline running in parallel with the storylines that were actually happening. They should have either had made up stories for all the characters or just made this a Joss episode. Too random cutting from storylines to dream sequence.
  5. I missed where they explained his name, but I was really hoping he wasn't called Panda because of some racial thing. I couldn't help thinking that during the episode and it made me cringe.
  6. I also liked the fact that she did not operate on her father, which is how it would happen in real life. On every other medical show she'd probably be in the operating room dramatically saving his life or something.
  7. The guy who played the dead cop's partner was a horrible actor. His line readings were so awkward and wooden, I thought he was going to turn out to be the killer. It didn't help that he was required to deliver all sorts of important plot points in a clunky, rushed over way. I actually thought the murder story was interesting but I practically had whiplash at the end when the cop was all "Oh yeah and I used to work at a fast food restaurant too and I remembered those guys had keys like that and oh yeah, her manager was the last person who saw her alive so I went to talk to him and gee, I noticed he had a key like that, so I went and got a search warrant, and oh yeah we found dried blood. And yep it was the dead girl's and also the other dead girl's. So we arrested him and the case is all wrapped up now!" Phew. He certainly had a busy afternoon. On most procedurals that would be the entire last 15 minutes of the episode and he threw it out there in 30 seconds of clunky dialogue. He also went from being convinced the cop killer did it, to suddenly fingering the fast food manager (a character we never even heard about, much less ever even saw onscreen). Did the writers miss the "show, don't tell" rule of writing?
  8. About 15 minutes into this episode, I decided to delete it and my season pass. Summer is too short to waste it on this dreck, and I am still kicking myself for sticking with American Odyssey until the end.
  9. I liked the detail about the blood because that is one thing I had no idea about before I had a baby. I had to wear those big pads for something like a month because it took that long to stop bleeding. I had no idea beforehand. What I didn't understand was why Jill had to go to the corner store to buy adult diapers. When you have a baby, they give you these huge pads (plus ugly mesh panties to hold them in place) plus they send you home with a good supply of them.
  10. I think Sutton is really pretty and in her scenes with Carly, I was surprised to notice that they actually look alike despite not being blood related. Then I realized that Carly and Suzy actually looks alike so that is not surprising (and makes me wonder if that was part of then-Charlie's attraction to Suzy.) Suzy's sister Jen was really bitchy at the wedding about Carly. I understand Suzy is hurt by Carly, but Jen just came off as really catty. I know this show is mostly fake, but I thought the scene with the finance's parents meeting Carly and Suzy was really well done. You could really see the hurt in Suzy's face when the parents were asking about Carly's surgery. I really like Danielle's dad (blanking on the name) but I am confused on why he (she?) still dresses like a man. In the dress shopping scene, he was wearing male clothes. Has he not transitioned yet? I am admittedly ignorant of trans culture, but I thought if he identified as a woman he would want to look the part. He seems more like an occasional cross-dresser than a woman. I was also confused by Lathan coming out as trans in the last episode. I thought he was was an effeminate male, so learning he was born female surprised me. I kind of thought if you are identifying as male, you would want to avoid wearing things like puffy shirts and makeup. And I was really confused at why he didn't tell his new love interest he was also trans. That seems like a pretty big thing to hide in conversation when someone is telling you that. (Why wouldn't you say "Me too"?) Later he was going on about this person being "the one" and all I could think is how hurt he is going to be to find out Lathan didn't tell him when he had the opportunity. Seems like a pretty big lie of omission at the start of a relationship.
  11. This couple was pretty likable and seemed like they get along well which was nice to see. I thought it was weird how they started counting down to the wedding before the guy even proposed. What is the point of a proposal if you already know you're getting married anyway? And I am sure the proposal would have been more romantic without Chris and Heidi and a bunch of camera people there. It was also refreshing to have an episode where skin surgery wasn't even mentioned. I guess a free wedding is the new carrot they dangle in front of these people. I also thought the "no seeing each other for 3 months" rule was stupid. And I did not get how that jibed with their reason not to have one person stay on the ranch. They said he couldn't go because of his son, and she couldn't go because she needed to see his son too. So how was she seeing his son without seeing him? Was she visiting the son when he was with the ex-wife? That's awkward. As far as him shutting down his business, didn't they say at the end that they were going to open a gym instead? Although it is weird he wouldn't have that planned out before deciding to shut down his business.
  12. I thought it was just the muckraking journalist who thought this. She had been investigating that company so when the lions attacked she leaped to blame them for the food. I thought by showing what was happening to the African lions, they were showing she was wrong about that. But I could be wrong, I was kind of watching this in the background. I too would like a cat tree. I thought it was funny that was the "big reveal" at the end of the episode. Sure there were a lot of them, but kitty cats in a tree aren't that scary. They weren't doing anything scary. Yet.
  13. I probably watch too much TV, but I think I recognized Jill's friend's house as the same house used in The Slap. The outdoor deck and steps was oddly similar. I thought it was a goof that the friend who said not to call kids "pretty" or "smart" later called her kids "bossy". I guess she didn't read those recent articles who say that is a bad thing too. I am enjoying this show but I still wish they had gotten a "real" actress to play Jill. Jill is just not natural or charismatic enough to carry this show, even though she is playing herself.
  14. It was refreshing that for once, someone on this show didn't *need* skin removal surgery. I nearly fell over when Chris said that the woman's skin went back nicely. The way this show presents it, every single person who ever loses weight is going to have to go under the knife.
  15. Zoila is only supposed to be 41? Yeah right...
  16. Actually, it was After the Fire's cover version on "Der Kommissar", which was recorded a year later, in 1982. I've always loved both versions and it was very cool how they used it in this scene.
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