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Everything posted by Jadzia

  1. I really miss the original music - it such a dramatic crescendo in the middle of it that has been missing from the other versions. I am already bored with Pirates of the Caribbean Outlander. I hope this part of the story doesn't last very long.
  2. Did anyone watch the Oscar Pistorius movie? It was so bad but I could not stop watching. They made a 4 month relationship seem so long and kept going back and forth in the timeline. The worst part was the over-dramatization of him walking on stumps in the courtroom.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there is no value to it. I have also tested with multiple companies (Ancestry and 23 & Me) as well as uploaded my raw DNA to a few others (FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage) and the overall picture of my ethnicity is the same - 100% European. But the percentages of different countries within Europe look much different depending on how each company lumps them. I just see a lot of people looking at the ethnicity part of DNA as the be-all and end-all and there is so much more to it than that. I am in a lot of DNA groups on Facebook and I always see people posting how they are concerned that their percentage of German doesn't match some other test they took. And because DNA is not passed down equally through all of your great-grandparents, they wonder why they aren't a higher a higher percentage Italian or why their sister has a higher percentage etc. It seems like a lot people test for the ethnicity and just look at that part but don't really work their DNA matches. I have been able to solve so many family mysteries that way.
  4. I'm not disappointed they aren't focusing on the ethnicity percentages, because really, those are just estimates and sort of a crapshoot depending on which algorithm the testing company uses. The ethnicity part of DNA is an inexact science. What I would instead want to see on this show is where genetic genealogy really shines: researching your genetic DNA matches and determining the common ancestor. The DNA part of this episode would have been much more interesting had they shown that Gumbel matched the white descendants of Cornelius Gumbel (he did have another white family, after all) or matched some of the Gumbel cousins in Germany. A lot of traditional genealogy research can sometimes rely on hunches and a preponderance of evidence, so DNA is really useful at verifying these connections and making sure you have found the paper trail for the "right" ancestor. They could have used DNA matches to prove that Jack and Cornelius Gumbel was the same person.
  5. New season started tonight! Thoughts: Wow, was that woman's bio dad that much of a player in high school that he didn't even remember the girl knocked up? That was kind of sad. Although he seemed like a nice man, if a little overwhelmed by how enthusiastic his new daughter was. I actually thought she looked older than him or at least they looked like the same age. Definitely did not look like father and daughter! She was pretty likable although I thought it was weird how at first she talked about what a bad childhood she had with her adopted mother and then she said she wanted to find her real mom so she could tell her everything was ok. It was sad that her mother died so young and had such an unhappy life. The other story was just too sad, with the mother abandoning her children and never coming back. Did they ever mention the other sister, or did the mom ever ask about her? I was wondering if the sister was estranged from her for some reason. It was kind of weird how the woman talked about how she wanted to go back for her daughters when she had a job and got on her feet "but she never did". But she said she stopped working in 1996 when she became disabled and seemed to be living in a pretty nice house. So she obviously got back on her feet at some point.
  6. Thanks - I think I felt that way because it seemed like he had no way out and was essentially cornered after the tapes came out. I figured he would do himself in rather than being ruined. That whole time I was yelling at the TV "Upload it to the cloud before he can destroy it!" LOL One thing I did not understand about the finale is why didn't Mia recognize Laura as Andrew's accuser. I thought that story had been all over the news and social media. Unless maybe she did and she actually wanted Andrew to be caught? There seemed to be a look between her and the old lady before she allowed Laura to go to the shed.
  7. God, I am so dumb. Until I read this thread, I thought he had killed himself!
  8. I have only watched the first episode so far but I was just coming here to post that I was really bothered by the kids using metal spatulas on non-stick cookware. It was the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, ha ha.
  9. I thought it was interesting because I always thought she looked a little like Steven Tyler and he also recently discovered an African-American ancestor when his daughter Liv was on this past season of Who Do You Think You Are.
  10. I thought the same thing at first, but they did use DNA to prove the connection with the other people on the ship listed on the ship manifest so the hunch proved correct. I loved Fred Armisen's story! But I was surprised that even though he had met his grandfather before and knew he was a Japanese dancer he had no idea he was famous. I was surprised he had never Googled him or anything before.
  11. Census records aren't primary sources though, so it's entirely possible that the census taker either wrote the name down incorrectly or perhaps got the name from a neighbor who had incorrect information. Sometimes you just find things that don't add up or are reflected in any other documents so you have to wonder if it was accurate. Many of my ancestors seemed to change the order of their first and middle names every year and unless I found a birth record I was never certain which was the their correct given name. I have been doing a lot with my own DNA genealogy lately and I wished the show would have told us how close a match David and Larry were (in shared centimorgans). So I had to assume it was a pretty small amount.
  12. Perhaps I am confused from the way the 1960s timeline has been jumping around in this show, but I had a hard time understanding both Brianna and Claire's motivations in this episode. Didn't we just see Claire trying to find Jamie so she could go back to him? And Brianna was helping out, wasn't she? But now Brianna is all distraught over her father not being her father and resentful of Jamie? And Claire didn't think she wanted to know where Jamie was now when Roger first told her? I didn't think their change of heart from when they were last in Scotland made any sense. Aside from the ending, I thought this was a really boring episode and seemed like mostly filler.
  13. I have been having a hard time getting in to this show so today I told one of my friends "I think I am going to drop The Deuce". Then proceeded to giggle like a 10 year old.
  14. It's unfortunately in my nature to hold a grudge, so I had a hard time reconciling the happy reunion with the mom with her earlier abandonment. I did'n't believe her side of the story at all and I found it lacking in details that would make sense. If she wasn't guilty of abandoning her kids, then why would the daughter feel weird about telling her the twins found her? If it had been a situation where the mom always talked about missing the boys the daughter would not have hesitated. And if she thought the boys were with a grandfather, why did she never try and contact them? I think she was a horrible mother who got out of a bad situation and never looked back. I thought it was interesting the twins weren't reunited with the mom. I wonder if they just refused.
  15. One thing that bugged me on the Sunday night episode was when the birth mom exclaimed "How could I have a child so beautiful?" I wondered how her other kids felt to hear that. The young adopted woman who met her grandmother in last night's episode seemed very educated and well-spoken, which dare I say it seemed in contrast with her half-sisters. I noticed when she answered the door, she seemed to have a very nice house as well. One thing I wish this show would do more is give us more context and tell us more about the people they find. What do they do they do for a living? I think it would be interesting to see the contrast in how they grew up and if they had more opportunities.
  16. I thought they said that at the beginning of the war there were no black soldiers (they were only allowed to join later) so that is why they figured he must have been passing as white since he was enlisted in the beginning of the war I really enjoyed this episode and Liv Tyler was very sweet. By doing her dad's side, we also got 2 celebrities for the price of one - ha ha. One thing I thought strange was that while Liv seemed very empathetic to her black ancestor she never seemed to really make the connection that she was part black as well. I thought that was a neat discovery and she seemed a little distantly removed from it. I loved Steven's reaction to it, instead. He seemed to really grasp that it was part of his blood too. I would have loved if they gave her a DNA test and found some living black relatives to meet.
  17. I loved this episode and I wish they would do this more - find living relatives and reunite them. It's heartwarming to see and I always wonder if these people with famous relatives have any clue who they are related to. Also, I think doing this more would help address some of the criticisms I have read of the show, that is "why help only famous people with their genealogy?" By tying in the celebrity's genealogy with living people it would show how this research helps not just the rich and famous but ordinary people as well.
  18. The guys seemed like he had a lot of rage issues. He seemed really upset when he discovered his son never knew about him, which is understandable but he should realize that given the circumstances of him being in prison it would be to protect his son. I just felt if he really loved him, he should have accepted that. And also I didn't like when he met his son how he asked him "Are you mad at your mom?" That just seemed like he was trying to stir shit up or something. I really enjoyed the other story. I could not get over how young the mom looked. I know she gave birth at 15 but if the adoptee was 46, she must be at least 61. They looked more like sisters than mother-daughter! I do wish the show would give more details on the people they find. I had no idea if her adopted parents were still alive or what they thought about her reuniting. I'd like to hear more about their lives.
  19. I really enjoyed the episode and after all the crying I was doing throughout the show, I found the ending to be somewhat anti-climactic. I liked Mark a lot but he seemed rather uncomfortable by the emotion his bio dad was expressing and it made me feel uncomfortable too. Also, this show has had really heartfelt reunions before with siblings (because the bio mom died) and I almost felt like the sister got short shrift in this episode. Sort of like "hey here's your sister, but wait, THERE'S MORE!" It felt like her reunion with him got overshadowed by the news they found his dad. Something else that is bothering about this show is the lack of details they provide about the newly discovered family. They tell us a lot about the searcher, but I found myself wanting to know more about the dad. Like, did he ever marry or have more kids? What was his life like (aside from being a musician?) With all the talk about the parents being into music did anyone else wonder if one of the bio parents would turn out to be famous? That would have been a neat twist.
  20. I thought it seemed intentional that the panel also included noted conservative celebrities Kristen Chenowith and Leah Remini. I figured that Palin probably made that a condition of appearing, that she wasn't outnumbered as the sole Republican surrounded by Hollywood liberals. She did pretty well and I was actually surprised she didn't go petty or political for the Hillary questions. I was expecting her to say something like Hillary would make "tax dollars", "jobs" or "Benghazi hearings" disappear. I agree that "emails" would have been the obvious answer since that is what she is accused of deleting.
  21. I feel like such a dumb ass! I didn't quite understand the twist until the very last shot with them looking in the bassinets in a 1970s looking room. At first I thought they were just showing that what happened in the past was somehow being repeated in the future with a new set of 3 babies. Finally understanding the twist made me more forgiving of the huge nitpick I had during the episode, which was "why on earth was she delivering premature triplets vaginally?" Nowadays they would have whisked her into a c-section as soon as she got to the hospital. I also thought some of the timing didn't make sense - I am 45 and I was in 9th grade when the Challenger exploded so I wondered how a 36 year old would have been in 2nd grade. Also, I thought the crack epidemic didn't really happen until the mid 1980s so I wondered how Sterling K. Brown's bio mom was a crackhead in 1980 but maybe she was an early adopter? That all said, I loved the show, love Sterling K. Brown and I even loved Milo's ass. I'm in!
  22. And no record label sends a band out on tour without first signing them and recording an album for them to promote. Going out on tour is expensive. I did not get Joss being so bored with her job and her company already. Wasn't it only a few episodes ago that she was starting her business and trying to get clients? Or maybe that was last season, I forget. She sure went from having no clients to having too many awfully fast. At this point, I would not be sad if this show doesn't return. It used to be a fun, soapy summer show and not it is just so boring. They need to bring back Savi or at least have an actual mistress character.
  23. I really don't understand why anyone would pay a full-time live-in maid when they don't even live the house? She's basically a house-sitter and only cleaning up after herself at this point. And since The Circle targets rich people, wouldn't Mother be interested in asking more questions about Zoila and is she has money? Or maybe she already knows Zoila isn't rich.
  24. I was disappointed the show just ended without saying it was the finale and the contestant couldn't finish. Overall, I liked the new host this season. But I laughed every time he said "miss three questions, and you're done" because it always sounded like he was saying "miss three questions and you're dumb!"
  25. I was thinking the same thing about Benjamin! He seemed very nice, but I could tell his bio mom almost felt uncomfortable by the way he kept saying "I love you" to her. I am sure she has those feelings buried, but it would be hard to suddenly be so affectionate with someone you just met. I think she needed time to warm up to him. Even when he started asking questions about his background, she told him he would get all the answers but not at once. I think she may have been more of a private person, so I can understand her wanting to save things for off-camera. The ending follow up just said something like "Benjamin's mom is happy to have her son back in her life. Benjamin hopes to meet his sister soon." Speaking of sister, I almost wish that the sister was not there for the other reunion. I liked how they did it on another episode, where they let the adoptee/birth mother reunite first and then brought out the sibling later. I just think that is such an emotional event that it would be better if they have the chance to meet each other first. I felt a little awkwardness at that reunion, and I didn't think it was just because of the horrible circumstance of her birth. I just felt that the daughter deserved to have a few moments alone with her mother before meeting another sibling. This was their moment and I think it would be uncomfortable for the adoptee to have to share it with another sibling (who was not given up for adoption.) Even their follow-up sounded rather noncommittal. I still cried at this episode but the reunions weren't as satisfying to me as they were in other episodes.
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