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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. I was thinking today that, if I made a spreadsheet with two columns--"Evidence Pointing to Ramseys" and "Evidence Pointing to Intruder," they might just be even in the end. There's practically no need even for a middle column with this thing! Also, regarding Ol' Smilin' Burke: this is, of course, just my opinion, but I feel like the smile never seems to leave his face; to me that seems less like deception than one that comes and goes. Like, it's not a "tell" because it's always there, and not present only during the difficult stuff.
  2. That's the thing though--I feel like someone holding onto some sinister info would do exactly that (meaning the bold part). I wonder if his parents' efforts to shield him from media and public scrutiny created a social anxiety for which he developed a coping mechanism that manifests in weird shy smiling. Maybe he has no idea he is doing it. I definitely think the killer was at least somewhat familiar with it too. But that Christmas house tour could point away from a family member.
  3. I wish--and I'm a good cleaner too (though I have to constantly remind the fella that there is a HUGE difference between "I like to clean" and "I like things to be clean." He thinks he's all slick using the former in a spat).
  4. If by "they" you mean cops, and if by "someone who was already in the house" you mean the immediate family, they don't actually "know" much. Cops locked in on that theory early on and there is debate as to whether they properly pursued other leads. But, if you mean that a possible intruder was already inside the home when the Ramseys returned from a party, that does seem to be a pretty popular consensus (though if someone had entered that window after the family got home, it's likely that no one would have heard and clanking or banging or whatever due to that house's size and crazy layout). There's also debate over whether the small amount of snow would show footprints. And an adult could--and has--proven that an adult can fit through the window since the murder. Yeah, plus one cop suggested that John Ramsey, along with a friend, search his own home without a police officer accompanying him.
  5. I get annoyed at this commercial too, but these are good points you're making! However... These people could conceivably just gradually introduce the baby to the dog by not forcing it; allow the baby to do its thing and the dog to do his, and sooner or later that baby will be used to the dog's presence and see that he is not scary. And I'll add that at least the people aren't rehoming their pet or leaving him at a shelter because the baby arrived.
  6. NOTHING DOES! I swear, we must look like dirtbags at my place and we are not, I promise! Dark waterline rings accented by a pinkish hue! The tablet things do nothing other than make it harder to see (until the blue fades, that is). The only thing that works is cleaning it.
  7. Seriously! If I hear "soon there will be nobody left on it but you" one more time from that Martin Mull-looking Alex Hunter, i don't know what I'll do... probably sit there and continue watching just as I have been doing for a week now.
  8. I agree that the smiling was strange. But "strange" is not an indication of anything nefarious--and Burke probably is strange. I have always found his parents a bit strange (and as I mentioned in another thread, have always found Patsy to be off-putting in general), as have many people as evidenced by the many instances of the "they just weren't acting like people whose child was found dead" opinions* swirling all over the place ever since. Further, I have no idea if Burke was "like this" (with the awkwardness and smiling) prior to the murder, but I find it plausible that growing up like he did after it could have had an effect on his social skills and demeanor. Lots of people smile when nervous about far less somber issues than this. If he were a calculating person hiding a huge secret and/or guilt, I'd think that he'd probably try to get that smiling business under control before going on TV (that is, if he even agreed to be on TV in the first place). Also, just the fact that he agreed to appear on this show tells me nothing will come of the interview. Call me jaded but I was never under the impression that Dr. Phil would be the one to facilitate some big break in the case, haha! I don't think Burke is responsible for this murder. And if he were, I don't think that he'd be talking to Dr. Phil about it. I also have a hard time believing that in all these intervening years--about half of which he was still a kid--he's never slipped up (that we know of), committed another crime, turned to substance abuse, etc... * I was talking to my BF (who doesn't care about this case at all, and who's probably being driven crazy by the fact that I care too much about it) about all the examples of this--Patsy putting on the same clothing the next morning, no one knowing who put the pineapple out, bedwetting rage, etc... Anyway, while I, like many people, do find some of that stuff strange (and really zeroed in on this stuff way back when), it's not like I ever knew anything about these people before this happened, you know?--maybe Patsy does rewear her clothes. Until this murder, we as the general public knew nothing about these people, so today I can't use those instances to gauge their (alleged) roles in this crime.
  9. I am going to devote days and days of BS TV...knowing I will not find the truth. Oy vey.
  10. Oh, I know what it is (I employ it daily in my own dealings with family); I just don't know if I agree with that of the original post being the reason for Teresa concealing her whereabouts from the kids. To be honest, I don't find it that weird, outside of the fact that it's crazy to believe that at least two of the four (and most likely three) fully know the deal.
  11. If that's true, then I'd think a book in large part about her experiences in prison (along with Twitter photos of her smiling in prison garb) was not the best course of action.
  12. Yes! They're insane; it's like: Step 1: Badmouth, badmouth, badmouth, which then somehow turns to Step 2: But why won't she be our friend anymore? Step 3: Chase her her down (preferably in a venue that is not the place for The Talk) and annoy her. Oh, and also by no means simply accept the bland pleasantries she's offering in a civil attempt to not rehash (and also to politely convey that she doesn't care--if coldly, and full of baloney about cellphone issues); instead, by all means, push the issue right then and there. Step 4: Tell on her to her own husband, as if he's gonna be like, "Yeah, you guys, let's get her!" Step 5: Repeat in yet another episode/season. Seems to me like these people's problems boil down to "Teresa doesn't do what we want her to." Haha, I assume parts of the Kathy's kitchen convo were cut but, ooh, man, the show made it look like she went from quiet Kathy to banshee very quickly! Also, Teresa: your kids know how to read. Your kids visited you at the correctional facility that presumably had a sign. They also go to school and talk to other people in the world. They also understand the recording on the phone when it says when a call comes from a prison. Therefore, it is probably a given that they know what was up. OK, maybe the little one has only a hazy idea, and maybe pictures prison like a cartoon version, but likely knows as well. And I'm sure Teresa knows all of this, so I wonder if Bravo thinks the idea that the kids don't know is interesting? I don't know but it's boring. Also boring? Joe Gorga's pretend old-schoolishness. OK, I do believe he is like that in some ways but I don't believe he can't manage to assemble a sandwich, cook a dinner, or "babysit" his own kids. I feel like it's just a story line. I'm a normal thinking person (i.e., not an idiot) and I like her just fine in the context of this show. (Sadly necessary preemptive strike, which should go without saying: that does not mean I don't think she deserved her prison time.) I saw that Manzo show afterward; don't know why--I just left the channel on. And lo and behold, they're still talking about Teresa on that show too (not tons from what I saw, but a little bit in a TH). I wonder if that pisses Caroline right off. I do admit that someone said something in the haunted prison episode that actually made me laugh though.
  13. I don't care about any of that--I meant the commercial itself is ugly, stupid, and one of the most low-tech things I've ever seen in my life. And why is his mouth still moving at the end when there's a voiceover? Does dumb-ass Dwight have two voices? I hate 'im (I also hate that extra line break in Dwight's stupid pull-down screen)!
  14. Yup. I repeat, my people. Unrelated: when my BF and I adopted two kittens, one set of my name suggestions was AFIS and CODIS.
  15. And if we do get fired up, it's just our true-crime nerdery bubbling over!
  16. You guys, let me get a bit corny here: you are my people, even if we have different ideas as to whodunnit! Rarely do I get to talk to anyone (anyone who cares, at least) about stomach pineapple or shady police procedure or broken paintbrush handles! Thank you all!
  17. Haha, now I am wondering if there are button factories, or if buttons are just made in facilities that make other things as well as buttons out of whatever material. (See, this is how I operate, and it's not always easy! And it's how one falls into a Wiki spiral.)
  18. Oh, all good points, ghoulina--and I think you are right about Fleet White (so your memory is good!). At the same time though, if you're not a criminal, and a cop suggests that you search, you might just acquiesce.
  19. I don't recall the note ever being referred to as "almost identical," just "not inconsistent with." Despite their weird and off-putting mannerisms--mostly Patsy--I do not think the parents did this. However, I used to believe that, and that note was definitely a huge part of why. Patsy was pretty heavily sedated during many of the broadcast interview segments released. (Hi, Maha--how are you doing?)
  20. I am about to pull out the Ouija board from our storage closet* and just ask JonBenet my damn self! (* which we call the "Toby closet," after Paranormal Activity 3--which I have now mentioned twice in this thread!) There is something I have wondered about lately, and I admit, it could be a really stupid thought (over the years, I have had lots of thoughts about this case that pop in and out regularly. Bear with me if I've forgotten something or conflated info somewhere along the line; this is so many years' worth of stuff swirling around in my not-a-detective brain): So, if the police (or, just Linda Arndt) did a cursory search of the house and barely skimmed the basement, thus missing the "wine cellar," why would a guilty John Ramsey--after being asked by Linda Arndt to search his own crime-scene home--pretty much go straight to it? I mean, OK, if he were complicit in the murder, I suppose he'd be resigned to the fact that the police would get there eventually (ahahahhahaaaa, or maybe they wouldn't have...but he had no way of knowing at that point just how bad the Boulder cops were at this). Or, guilt could have set in, and leaving his child dead on a dirty floor could have become too much to bear. But as far as everyone was concerned at that moment, this was a kidnapping. So why not stay as far away as possible from that door, and simply continue to perpetuate the ruse that JonBenét's body was not even on the premises at all? Eh...who knows? Maybe I have a more prevaricating nature than I thought...
  21. Thank you! Whoo, it's an onslaught; I told my BF to prepare for yelling and hollering in the next couple weeks--especially when I see that infernal window grate 4,000 times!
  22. I just don't even get that commercial at all. I mean, the family is ordering food. The girl doesn't want that food. Figure it out. Why are they even considering deferring to her? Why is this even a thing?
  23. And yet another upcoming show I hadn't yet set the DVR for is this September 18 & 19 on CBS at 8:30 & 9:00 respectively--is this the one being called a miniseries? So, including the one this thread is about, my DVR's up to...five different shows, I think? WTF is going on?! I am overwhelmed and confused, I tell you!
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