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Everything posted by Rap541

  1. A) They were on the show in 2018 which means Jeremy probably hauled in a healthy wage B) While I think such success can be fleeting, Auj is pushing the MLM lifestyle of Young Living Oils and if she is currently at the platinum sales level and likely to go "diamond", then she is making a good wage pitching the essential oils. I don't know if the YL website info is you know, valid, but if she is platinum, edging towards diamond and they aren't lying about the compensation, she's the breadwinner. Now, is the YL website prone to exaggerating? Sure but Auj is actually in a good place to be productive in this sort of MLM so I can buy it. The nanny talk tells me yes they do plan to have more kids, they're just getting staff in place. But seriously, the interesting point I took from this is that Auj needs a nanny because she she's spending all day with the baby doing her work and her writing and it's really not conceivable to either her or Jer for Jer to pick up the slack. Since she's the one pulling in the cash these days and the driving force behind the book, the website, the clothes, the oil selling.... If Jer wants to continue to putter at carpentry, and also wants several children, I guess he better agree to the nanny. The "omg we're working so hard, we forget to eat, thats HOW HARD WE WORK OMG" stuff was a bit much particularly when some of that hard work is playing with their damn kid. I doubt it was their intent, and I do think they love their child but damn they made her sound like a huge drag on their lives. Hopefully not because its kind of asshole to not fulfill on a challenge. I would forgive it if he matched what was raised with his own money as a donation to save his hair.
  2. Episode 10 – Our Very Special Winter Break AKA OMG WE WORKED SO HARD GUYS! This is about their holiday! For Christmas, they spent the day with each other, and then went to her parents, while Jeremy’s family got Christmas Eve and of course they were able to hold to all of their sacred traditions, especially watching the Lego Movie. Like, ok, my family has a film tradition as well but out of all the traditions they cited previously, this is the one they are proudest of achieving? Auj notes that Jeremy made her a rack for her oils (which ok but I am certain he’d already done this so how many racks do you need for essential oils, Auj? Maybe you have a *problem*.) Jer also made her a charcuterie board – essentially a fancy cutting board. Auj notes he is super talented and he agrees. Auj got Jer two journals, one which is essentially for both of them, and matching typewriter mugs, and a calendar. Jeremy concedes he basically needs his face rubbed in a schedule. Ember got Carhartt crap from Jeremy and Auj got her cute lil girlie things. Then they went to Bend! This is btw Auj’s childhood tradition as well, and its increasingly clear that Jeremy doesn’t get in the way of her family traditions, and spent four days there, and then went to Sun River? Renting a big house with Zach, Dan and Mueller with their kids. Everything was great. There was champagne. And a hot tub. Then they went back to Bend! They did a podcast with their friends but that’s next week. But now its time to talk about goals! One of their goals is to get a house in Bend. It’s not stated formally but this would be a second house. Because having a vacation home is a pretty standard financial goal these days. And now we’re on the “rhythms” that they need to implement to make their goals. Jeremy also wants it understood that in 2018, they worked. They worked so hard, they were burned out from work and need to figure out how to work less. Honestly, I had to stop the tape at this point because fucking really? You were still cashing reality show pay checks, kids. You know why most of us don’t give or receive handmade charcuterie boards? Because we don’t have time to make gifts. Most of us did not get a full two weeks off *just for Christmas*. I swear, Jer and Auj would be on their knees begging for mercy if they actually had to work. Anyway… Jeremy says they are going to hire a nanny because they are always working around Ember and her incessant needs. Basically, the tone here is that Jeremy leaves all the child rearing to Auj and she now needs a break from that and tending him. They plan to have family fun day on Thursday – BECAUSE THEY WORK ON SATURDAYS OMG THEY WORK SO HARD – and of course maintain Sunday Sabbath of no cell phones although Jer wants to make it better. Apparently, he has a flip phone for Sundays? Honestly, they make this so hard. Auj wants to meal plan better and they are working SO HARD, they forget to eat. Frankly as Auj goes over this, it sounds like Ember gets left with the babysitters a lot. Jeremy sagely notes that most of us won’t understand but since he works for himself, he works so hard! And is so dedicated! We may not understand how it is to work so hard that you forget to eat and he accepts that we may not understand how HARD his life is. They also plan to set bedtimes now because again, they are SOOOOO BUSY WORKING SO HARD!!! Auj works SO LATE because she works after Ember goes to bed (also why they need a nanny). They will be traveling a lot but want to have a once a month game night. One business goal is estate planning, but then he goes more into how the business is structured, so I am not sure if he understands what estate planning is. He is a proponent of living trusts, which isn’t a terrible idea so I will give him that. What their business is exactly goes unstated but they are quick to assure us that its growing. Apparently, they did skip occasionally on the marriage journal and their marriage mentors and want to make that more important. They also plan to save a certain amount of money each month and marvel at how it’s called “budgeting”. Auj wants an hour in the morning for herself. Because you know, she’s so BUSY. Also, they both want to work out more. Again, they were SO BUSY WORKING that working out got skimped on. They plan to be very *intentional* about doing this. Also, Auj wants to hit “diamond” in Young Living by May. One of their goals is to hit the NY Times Best Seller List. I kind of marvel at that. Don’t get me wrong, Christian stuff sells but… And there’s a second book coming out, and Jer is launching presets, and he also wants to get more into carpentry. Auj wants to have the Always More shirts end up in more physical stores. Auj’s word, which the Lord is pressing on her heart, and THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE FAMILY Rhythm of goal setting, Jeremy totally cuts into it to make this VERY CLEAR – but Auj’s words are testify, abide, and present… honestly, she is literally babbling at this point but apparently her word for the year is “abide”. And not testify, or being present, even though she went on and on about it. Roses and thorns! Auj’s thorn? She maybe didn’t have any? No, feeling frazzled with the new year. Jer’s thorn is that he’s sick. Auj’s rose, which Jer decides for her, was going to Bend. Auj also says that affirming each other in an organic and natural way was nice. Honestly these people are so self involved. Jer’s rose was Bend, and going skiing. Honestly for the shortest one yet, this podcast was FOREVER.
  3. Probably not really. I'm not a huge reader or writer in the Christian faith genre but when you're looking a millennial self help books with a Christian bent, you're going to see a lot of similarities. Like seriously, I found it rather interesting that this Jeff and Allyssa have a book out on how they met and their very special relationship. They also have a journal they pitch, for him and her. But while it's all vaguely similar, it's also all vaguely different (and potentially more honest and open, it seems Jeff has some sort of 'prodigal son' thing) and when its not a line by line theft, its hard to argue if they "stole" the idea or just had a similar experience.
  4. A quick look at Jeff and Aylssa's book offerings tells me that they have similar ideas and views at the very least.
  5. Yes, that's an interesting question if these are recent photos because - and I know this is crazy sounding but actually scientifically possible - Bethenny's allergy was not until recently life threatening. I mean, I think I could link some articles if it's really necessary but it's generally well accepted by the medical community that allergies can increase or decrease over time. I have a friend, for example, who loves shellfish and in fact was photographed once, by me, eating shrimp. Now, about ten years later, she can't eat shrimp because it makes her throat swell. Is she a lying bitch like Bethenny, making it up? Or did her allergy ramp up over time? I mean, to be perfectly fair, we saw Bethenny ingest fish in the Cartehegna episodes without anaphalaxis. If that's the standard she's held to - that despite scientific opinion to the contrary, when it comes to Bethenny Frankel, unlike other human beings, her allergy reaction can not and will not ever change then sure, the photos from years past indicate she's a liar and faking it. But since it is entirely possible for allergies to increase or decrease in intensity, I'm probably going to need more than Beth eating sea bass in years past. Because I do know people that this has happened to.
  6. The exact same thing can be said about peanut allergies. People every day can and do bring peanuts on planes despite the no peanuts anymore thing. No matter how hard my church tries to ban nuts at potlucks, someone always brings something with tree nuts because the allergic "can just not eat it". I personally am allergic (not severely to be fair) to pet dander but if someone needs their emotional support animal in a store or a restaurant, I pretty much have to suck it up. Alonzo - I think you're arguing that the airline has the right to tell Bethenny to suck it up and take her business elsewhere, that they won't make accommodations, and if the airline actually had the balls to do this, I'd give you the argument. Instead, she called several times - and once would have been enough - and was told her request could and would be accomadated. And then it wasn't. That's different, and it's a problem.
  7. Ever fly first class? I have, domestically. You get on, you get offered a drink. Soon after take off, the flight attendant will come around and let you know what the menu choices are and which would you like. The meals are essentially pre-prepared and just need heating. They don't pack a lot of extra so it is possible for one of the two offerings to be widely popular so you can get stuck with the other entrée if you're towards the back. If you take the time to call the airline ahead and warn them, it may not occur to you to ask before boarding because you have a reasonable expectation that your request was fulfilled. Once you leave the gate, there's really no changing the meal plan, and they don't pack enough meals that only one entrée can be presented.
  8. And a lot of Manhattan restaurants don't have fish on the menu or are small enough to not have giant menus including seafood. Some Manhattan restaurants are (gasp) even vegan! I'm sure there are safe options. But really the issue is that if she has an allergic reaction at a Manhattan restaurant, she can get medical attention at a Manhattan hospital pretty rapidly while getting that same medical attention while flying in an airplane is much less timely.
  9. She says she was treated at Newton Wellesley Hospital. It's a real place, not made up. I don't expect a *huge* amount of research from People, US, etc etc etc, but I do suspect she was hospitalized recently. If only because Bethenny Frankel is neither so beloved by the media or so all powerful that she can brazenly lie about a medical issue. She's not that pretty and she's not that special. Especially since she's been on her high horse about her allergy needs. As to how she goes to a restaurant? Probably very carefully if her allergy has ramped up. I'm very curious if they start addressing this on the show.
  10. One has to dig - the People article is so vague it does indeed sound like the plane turned around. However, the more accurate story actually paints Bethenny as much more of a victim. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/reality-star-bethenny-frankel-shares-223421814.html Consider - she expressly called the airline several times to advise of the allergy - once should be enough. They're serving bass (which having dined in first class a time or two, I find hilarious in that there's usually two entrees to pick from, one meaty, one vaguely vegetarian, fish is just a terrible airline choice on so many levels) and refuse to not serve the bass. Then as Bethenny complains, the pilot gets involved and tells the passengers he's turning the plane around because of Bethenny's whining. The passengers then insist they'd rather *not have the fish served* versus being punished for Bethenny's allergy by turning the plane around. Like Bethenny or not, consider her an attention seeking media whore or not, she has an allergy that has led to her being hospitalized. She did due diligence in advising the airline of the issue. It's not THAT HARD to not serve fish. The pilot should not have turned this into a "we're turning around because one snowflake is having an issue" - Like Bethenny or not, consider if it wasn't Bethenny - if it was your kid with a peanut allergy and you're in the air and the pilot is letting everyone know their travel plans are now fucked because your child has an allergy. Hell, imagine if you were the one who has to face possible death versus public rage and shaming over something that you can't help the airline could have easily presented. This also isn't fair to the other passengers. They shouldn't have to be delayed because the airline didn't care about the notification they received. The passengers shouldn't have to vote on whether or not the flight turns around or they forgo the first class dining experience in order to save a life.
  11. I am such a novice at modern photography, I am willing to admit my ignorance. Is there any real profit to be had in designing "presets"? I mean, Jeremy and others talk like these presets are highly profitable and I don't understand it. Always More Spelling Errors! Oh wait, pointing out the spelling errors is hating on them. Yes. I believe the bed is there for lounging in jammies. I personally find it a little overly "aren't we cute?"
  12. Maybe but now I really like the idea of Angela's birth mom turning up with an adorable twin demanding her baby back from the dastardly Turners who she believes stole the baby! There could be a kidnap! :D Trixie could talk the bitter mother to her senses! Then Sister Mary Cynthia could stab the bitch because Sister Mary Cynthia is craycray. Then we all head back to Nonnatus House for tea. Oh and Fred, or Reggie, or both, do something cute while Tim Turner professes his undying love for his parents again.
  13. Personally, I doubt it as it would make good story but this is where I could see the Kennedy connection finding it problematic.... The narrative of John John's friend the prince and his lonely grieving widow takes a big hit if she's munching carpet. I think a little of choice a and b. I think Bravo definitely wanted her to be dating *someone* because these shows thrive on dating but I doubt they cared that much who (I mean, Adam aint no prize). And honestly, subtle whining about refusing to be someone she's not... the bisexual thing is currently not officially true. Maybe Carole wasn't ready to be the show lez, and dated guys like a horny teen complete with bragging about loving her morning fucks because she wasn't comfortable coming out on tv? Or you know, maybe the rumors are wrong and she's not bisexual - this is just a theory. But frankly if she made the choice to not reveal this on the show, I would say its not really fair to blame the reality show for forcing her to live a lie - thats a choice she made in my opinion.
  14. I think it might be an allusion to the rumors going around that Carol spent her time on the show deeply in the closet sexually and portraying herself as something she wasn't. *I personally have no idea if this one is true but I have definitely seen the rumors on this one.
  15. They didn't even shove her out into the street, thats the thing! They offered to let her wait for the ambulance! For the record, I am also a lil done with the obligatory "Fred or Reggie or both do something cute and sweet" plots. A little goes a long ways. Tho I did wonder, the way Fred was eying one of the young blonde girl orphans and then they kept cutting to the Turners and Angela, also young and blonde, if they were going to reveal a secret twin or something....
  16. I liked this episode but I really felt the birthing in the street was kind of asinine. I get the idea of no beds, no room in the inn, and I think we all knew the prego was going to have some sort of horrific birthing as soon as she got snotty about how awesome hospitals were but... I've never been pregnant but.... You're in labor, not heavy labor but you're at the hospital because the baby is on it's way. You're presented with the choice of walking for miles on a cold winter's night to the other hospital that has a bed... or waiting an hour for an ambulance ride while in an actual hospital what will probably kinda *have to deal with you* if the baby suddenly amps up the labor... I mean, I know the women of Poplar are constantly depicted as too dumb for words but who really would choose the long cold walk? Where your baby might plop out on the street with no one but your idiot man to help? While I liked that Sister Winifred found some purpose, I did wonder if there was a storyline that got hacked in there, with the little white girl in the orphanage who was so desperate to attract a parent. I really feel like the Turners need some actual conflict in their lives. Loved the acknowledgement of Barbara between Trixie and Phyllis. This is how you reference characters who died tastefully without letting it overwhelm the story (eyes Downton Abbey and it's hamhanded refusal to even say "Matthew" which only made it more obvious that they were refusing to speak his name). I also really enjoyed Sister Julienne's dread of the position of Mother Superior. And aren't we entering the era where nuns started to move away from the penguin suit? Oh look, Sister Monica Joan is back to being wily and totally cognizant. I don't *need* a graphic depiction of progressive dementia but honestly, they need to make a decision with this character.
  17. Not to get all "in the books" but....this storyline, the elderly couple who were really brother and sister was really meant to be a shocking incest reveal. There wasn't any quibbling, it was incest.
  18. I think it's as simple as "my parents did it so I do it".
  19. Hehe maybe I have listened to too many ranting customers who aren't poor but if I was taking this as a call to the credit card to dispute the charge? It's not entirely unreasonable. A lot of people without trip insurance will ask for, and get, credit on their card or the charge pushed to a future reservation. And pretty much all the consumer websites soundly encourage people to make a big public stink if they don't get satisfaction from a vendor. If she was in the hospital during the time she was supposed to be at the hotel, it surprises me the hotel isn't just writing it off. Now, if the planned stay was more than a week after the hospital incident, then I think they're right to say no, as Bethenny clearly is well enough to travel.
  20. I'm feeling philosophical this morning so.... Lets start with the obvious. I'm not talking about people who tickle children as a prelude to sexual abuse because thats really a different beast. We're talking about the parent who tickles their child into a helpless ball because they can. Why do they do it? Because it makes the toddler laugh, because it was done to them as a child and they don't necessarily perceive it negatively, and because children often shriek "NO NO NO" at things they demonstrably enjoy or will enjoy once they get past the objection. I know we're currently in an era where "the children should be listened to" and that there's a lot of people who are against making a child participate in something, that if a child balks then the child must be granted the control in the situation. I'm not going to call that ridiculous but I do think there's a middle ground between screaming at a child to participate in something, and letting a child, sometimes a very young child, rule the roost. Most parents who do this aren't viewing it like "Yay! I get to cause serious health, safety, and hygiene damage to my child and get away with it!!! Woo! A free pass to abuse!" and taking that tone with such parents is why the argument gets divisive. Most parents who tickle their children do it because it's fun, and the child likes it, and *most* parents know to stop if the child starts to appear to be distressed. But it's an art not a science because small children especially can be rather fussy. You know what I mean, crying and moaning like they're being tortured as they're put down for a nap, or offered a treat, or being hugged. If you're not in the school of child rearing where you believe the child should be granted control in all decisions, then you probably force your child to do a lot of things along with tickling them against their will. I'm not against this school of thought entirely but there is a point where a child needs to learn they don't always get their way, and realistically, a two year old isn't necessarily capable of making the best decisions. True story - there was a baptism at my church's services yesterday. The baby being baptized was perfectly fine, but the two year old older brother? Just wasn't happy to be there, and hilariously was shouting "no no NO!" during the part where the family is asked to commit to teaching the baby. Now, did everything stop as the two year old was objecting? Of course not - he's two and has no idea what he's saying no to. The preacher made a joke about how "the church allows for dissent and hopefully Child X will change his mind as he gets older" and ignored it because.... little kids don't know what they are complaining about and often protest when there's absolutely nothing wrong. That's why parents sometimes push kids too far with tickling. It's hard to know, in an activity that provokes laughter, to judge when a not terribly verbal child is genuinely distressed. I doubt the parents who do this are doing it with any malicious intent and sometimes the parent shaming can be really accusatory.
  21. I do wonder. I think Jeremy is a "I'm not a man unless I have a son" sort so I think Auj will have to uncross her legs and let Jer take her sans condom for at least one more child, maybe two if the second is also a girl. But I also think Auj's drama over having a child with her constant "My pelvic bone hurts" and "OMG I had the worst mastitis ever, the nurses said so" means she's not going to be quiverfull.
  22. I'm actually curious if these two are still planning to have four or five kids because honestly, they seem a tad overwhelmed with the one kid.
  23. Good lord, what next, Matt and Caryn in their Christmas PJs declaring how awesome it is to have matching Christmas PJs? I am so not surprised that the Roloffs en masse are devoted to such a consumeristic trend - buying pajamas for a one day holiday just so they match. At the same time, I am intrigued at the idea of a major holiday event where all four kids and their partners show up and Chris is Amy's date and Matt is no where to be found. Hopefully this is a healthier set up for everyone - including Matt who no doubt had his own celebration with the family. For the record, it's increasingly hard to believe TLC writes Chris a check to publically date Amy if only because they aren't going to pay him for non filmed events. I also give the kids some credit, that if they thought Chris was a sleazy loser after Amy's money, that they'd say something.
  24. Eh, personally I am kinda totally over the matching Christmas pajamas nonsense because its nothing more than a ploy by clothing companies to get you to buy expensive bedclothes that you pretty much have to replace every year if you're super hyper about everyone matching. They were posing for a holiday photo. Wild guess? The kid soiled them, the person taking photos had something else to do, so they did a quick photo in matching pjs and then put the kid in his regular attire. The kid is in a house, not outdoors, and I assume they turned the heat on. Jackson probably didn't freeze to death.
  25. I volunteer as tribute for this cheesecake Hunger Games!
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