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Everything posted by Rap541

  1. You know the problem with this? The real problem? Ramona is so untouchable, so Teflon coated, I bet this would and could actually happen!
  2. I was just going to say - isn't right now, in the custody hearing, a great time to reveal how Bethenny has been dishing out the abusive texts as well So far all we have is Bethenny's *response* to his message on how it was her fault Bryn didn't get into a private school. Wouldn't now be a good time to prove the point that she's not so innocent?
  3. I just checked the book launch website they whored out on the podcast. While the team leader application process is now closed, the team member application was supposed to open March 9 and still has not opened. And Jer and Auj per Auj's Instagram are at some Christian parenting conference this weekend. I wonder who will catch hell for this?
  4. I finally got a chance to watch. I think this was a good opening. The only moment that sparked my ire was Luann publically blaming her children for her relapse. No, Luann, your children didn't put a kibosh on your lovely plans because they didn't want you to move, they sued you because you were spending assets that were always supposed to be saved for them. You were stealing from your children and got caught with your hand in the cookie jar in a very public way, and you were embarrassed so you jumped back on the sauce because that's how you cope. That's you. That's not your kids wrecking your rehab. I've always thought Luann was the worst of the housewives and this just clinches it for me.
  5. Maybe she doesn't feel a "credibly accused rapist" includes people who have never been arrested for or charged with rape or convicted of rape. Because at the end of the day, thats what Michael Cerussi is - a man who does not have a rape conviction, and who was never arrested or charged with rape, and whose alleged victim did not go to the police. Even though I am not sure the man is entirely innocent, I am certainly not sure he is guilty. Its interesting to note that if Jason raised any objection to Michael Cerussi being around his daughter, it would be shot down by a judge because Michael Cerussi - supposedly credibly accused of rape - has no history of arrest for rape, no charges of rape, no convictions for rape, and not even a record of a victim filing a police report. Technically, Jason has more of an record of violence towards women in the legal sense and the idea that Bethenny doesn't want her daughter around him and doesn't want to deal with interacting with his anger is not considered a valid reason for a change custody request.
  6. I believe the term used for Cosby, Weintstein et al was "alleged rapist". (although Cosby, various Catholic priests etc have moved into the category of just "rapist" by dint of prosecution) Which btw means Bethenny really should have called Jason's incarcerated cousin "an alleged pedofile".
  7. Well, I also know from perusing articles on line that Michael Cerussi was never charged with rape, arrested for rape, or put on trial for rape and his accuser never went to the police. If I am going to call someone a credibly accused rapist, with all the negative connotations that contains, I need him to at least have been formally charged. I mean, this is actually pretty similar to Bethenny calling Jason's in carcerated cousin a pedofile. Apparently the cousin isn't incarcerated for pedofilia. Michael Cerussi has never been arrested for rape.
  8. Talk about "marking the moment" - I just wonder if they later tied some shoes together and hung them in a tree at the very spot they peed together to "timestamp" the moment. More seriously, I thought this rather pointedly revealed Jeremy's condescending views on women, that they are super dainty and unwilling to do manly fun things and its so very startling to him that a woman didn't collapse in horror at the idea of peeing in nature. I think they use the "season of " phrase because its trendy in their crowd and they think it sounds clever.
  9. In fairness, a mortgage is the one form of debt that even Dave Ramsey endorses
  10. How many cars do these people own? Why do they name the car? Why drive a car that they know has problems? Do they understand that most people don't have the option of storing their extra cars on Mommy and Daddy's property? Interestingly, in the podcast, they make it very clear that they stand on their own two feet financially and don't take money from their parents but are they paying for the storage of the jeep, and the BMW? Because they have a two car garage at their house and they both have normal cars and various motorcycles. Are they actually paying for the office they've been renovating for months now on the farm?
  11. This credibly and publically accused rapist is Michael Cerussi correct? Who actually was never arrested or charged with rape, let alone put on trial. The accuser never went to police at all. The school that had some sort of internal aka not exactly public (point - the potential victim's name is not public) review of the situation, later overturned their verdict upon appeal) I just want to be clear, never arrested and the crime never reported to the police by the victim is "a credibly and publically accused rapist" here. This also was a case in the early 2000s, so not exactly back in the day when young college coeds were deemed to be "asking for it". Why is this so impossible? Considering that lives are ruined by these accusations? Its entirely possible to support rape victims without condoning false claims. False claims actually make it harder for women to get justice. I know this gets bandied about but has anyone ever cited any actual facts on how often Dennis Sheilds, a guy with an actual career (and apparently a loving wife and "young children" he saw every day) was Bryn's designated babysitter, alone with her? I mean, no one seems to know he even had a problem until his death. I actually don't think it's impossible he was alone with her but I am genuinely going to question whether that was a) dangerous considering how publically functional he was and b) if it happened more than a rare one off and also c)If it's such a concern, isn't Jill Shields a monster for allowing her young children to spend time with him as well? The dog and the "invasive" picture? I hate to be judgey about pet people but Bethenny's hysterics over her dog are pretty minor compared to my mom's hysterics over her dog. It's unfortunate Bethenny reacted so poorly but frankly if you think this is unusual behavior, I'd suggest trying a job in a vet's office. As for the picture? I've seen much worse from both more famous and less famous. I'm far more disturbed by people posting pictures publically of their kids covered in feces after blowing out their diapers. Oh, I do think Bryn should be wearing a life jacket on a boat. I just notice CPS isn't investigating.
  12. I would simply point out when it was a mark against Bethenny, it sure seems like it was a really big deal to point out how wonderful the Hoppy family was and how at least Bryn could spend time with the Hoppy family and see how normal not awful people live. Now that there's some critical issues over Jason's family, now it's not big deal to have criminals and drug users in Bryn's contact chain.
  13. While I doubt Bethenny will gain sole custody (I just don't think she has enough to make her case) I am pleased that we're finally getting some legit "this is what Jason did and apologized for in court" info on the content of the emails and his behaviors. Add in the dish about the marvelous Hoppy clan that includes someone incarcerated (But NOT for pedofilia heheh) a cousin who does identity theft, an uncle with a drug problem/overdoes. Add in Ma Hoppy's culpability in Jason's attempt to take the apartment and gosh, is spending time with the Hoppy family really in Bryn's best interest? I'm teasing a little, obviously but Jason and the Hoppy family do seem to be... not so perfect a contrast to awful Bethenny who is awful.
  14. I'm also going to question the marketing plan of "Lets simulcast a bunch of surgeries to make this look cool". I mean, please don't tell me that's an actual thing because that just seems exploitive to the patients.
  15. Oh I get your point, but I am looking at it from more of a personal happiness standpoint. Ramona was running a successful business when she became a Real Housewife (the clothing resale business that did actually make her some serious coin, it just wasn't terribly glamorous) She had a marriage and a child and a really nice life and seemed to be living pretty happily. Even with the divorce she's managed to move on and be happy. Whereas Bethenny, for all her success, seems increasingly unhappy and can't seem to find happiness in her business success. I could be wrong but when I consider which seems happier with their situation, I have to go with Ramona.
  16. I admit, the thing I find amusing about Bethenny's missive to Jason about the scool is that let's see, theres a cousin with identity theft concerns, an incarcerated cousin, and an uncle that overdosed... and the only denial by legal folks was that the incarcerated cousin wasn't a pedofile. Perhaps the Hoppy clan isn't as lovely as some think? For the record, I am sure that Bethenny being a wee bit too much of a reality show skank had a lot to do with the school turn down but I can see Jason's family figuring in as well.
  17. I don't really think bethenny is allowed to set the court dates.
  18. I'm wondering if Daddy's charming emails to Mom - that Jason has admitted to sending and has apologized for in court - just might ALSO have an impact on how Bryn views her family now that she's old enough to understand Daddy's cutting comments. I'm not applauding Bethenny btw, but the truth seems to be that saintly Jason dishes shit out hard and isn't entirely the innocent victim of Bethenny. Or is it ok to email your ex hundreds of insults in a day since you've decided your ex is a bitch? I think Jason's game of reading Bryn stories about witches and then asking Bryn if she thought Mommy is a witch is kinda sorta shitty. Oh wait, take out that kinda sort, thats Jason being a great dad and doing everything he can to ensure Bryn has a good relationship with her mom, right? Good daddies tell their daughter to compare their mom to witches? Frankly, that Jason is conceding in court that he needs to apologize for his behavior, is a big indicator that the behavior actually happened. If it happened to me with an ex, I'd be calling the cops and letting the world know how poorly I was being treated.
  19. I agree that Nic felt uncomfortable in that scene but I suspect it leads to this. Conrad is now free of Henry's mom and resumes his endless love for Nic. He somehow catches Dr. Perfect putting a move on Nic, maybe touching her or kissing her, and immediately assumes the worst. And of course, misses the part where Nic slaps the guy and screams "NOTHING GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH ME!". Nic goes to Conrad for support, he notes how devastated he is by her slutty cheating ways and we end season two with these two glaring. And Dr. Bell meanwhile scores with the orthopedic surgeon after being declared a hero in the Quo Vadis scandal...
  20. Shhhhhhhh don't let logic get in the way of the love story of the ages.... What I will admit curiosity about is that she's so very very proud of not instantly falling in love, and not finding him worth her time for two years as he "pursued" her. What changed her mind? I bet we don't find out. But seriously, I don't know what they think is so unique.
  21. While it wasn't scifi, it was just so ridiculous and stupid that even non medical people have some idea that it's a ridiculous idea that anyone with medical knowledge should be openly questioning. Even if everything I know about VNS was learned on the show, that's still enough to know that a device that stops epileptic seizures (maybe) is not going to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mostly psychological disorder. Everyone involved should have been asking a fuckload of questions on how this was supposed to work. To where it was a glaring problem in making the show seem real or realish. I mean, I don't mind the mental disconnect needed to allow for a hospital with what amounts to an ongoing soap opera being played out, I watched twelve seasons of ER for god's sake but they never did anything this moronic. AND they had the head surgeon loose his arm in a helicopter accident and then later die in an entirely separate helicopter accident. I mean, I WANT TO BELIEVE, DAMN IT! And this show isn't even trying.
  22. Podcast 17 – We Answer More Carefully Chosen Questions To Give The Impression This Is “Behind The Scenes” So, this is the end of the podcast season? My suspicion is that they’re getting bored or something since doing podcasts as the book is out something I’ve seen recommended. Or its just not that popular. I know nothing about podcast popularity so who knows? Jeremy welcomes us to the season finale! Auj promises that season 2 will drop soon! It’s been amazing and PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Jeremy explains in detail how to review the show and how to share things on Instagram and then notes that they offer the bribe of free coffee to five lucky souls who do this. Auj also notes how very very important it is to *subscribe* to the podcast. I already feel like this is going to be a long haul as they go on and on about how desperately they need the public to pump their analytics. Also PREORDER THEIR BOOK! There’s FREEBIES! This is genuinely the first five minutes of the podcast. This is the “Assumptions” podcast – what assumptions do people have about Jer and Auj? Essentially they’re going to run down a list. 1. You guys never fight or argue – This isn’t true, they assure us, they do argue and disagree. 2. You will force your children into playing sports – Auj says this is true, Jeremy says he will encourage sports. Auj says they disagree on this and she intends to force her children into doing sports just like her parents did to her. 3. You’re both disappointed by Jer’s parents divorcing and that makes it hard to be close to them. Jer agrees with that, that it was a big bummer. Auj just seems to nod along as he makes it all about how it’s difficult to do family things when some people are divorced. 4. Jeremy is goofier off camera – Jeremy agrees with this. Auj sort of disagrees 5. Auj got pregnant on the first try – No no no, they were not *trying* to get pregnant. But yes. 6. You all are super healthy eaters and work out. Auj says as kids yes, but not so much as adults. 7. You want lots of kids. Yes, they both say. Auj finds it interesting that apparently a lot of people also assume they don’t want more kids. 8. Audrey had no idea how big Always More would become. Yes, Auj agrees that is true and she loves it 9. Do you guys eat junk food? Auj assures us that they love Chik Fil A and gummi bears. Jer qualifies junk food as snack food and says he doesn’t eat it. 10. Auj wins most arguments. Jer says he wins arguments he wants to win. Auj disagrees in that she wins all arguments that she wants to win. 11. You only dated each other. No no no – Auj had someone she dated seriously, Jeremy dated two other women. 12. You are wealthy from the show and Jer’s family. NO! Jer is firm on this point. He is debt free because the show and he paid for his college with show money. Their wedding was paid for by Auj’s parents (Which I can kinda buy, actually, in that I think Auj’s parents are wealthier than Jeremy’s). They are debt free and that’s fortunate but they don’t mooch off their folks. Also THEY DON’T GET ROYALTIES! They are doing it all on their own! 13. You don’t go to a real church. No, that’s not true sez Jer. They did homechurch in Bend but now they go to a large church called The Gathering and are setting up their own social group. (A quick look on the internet says that it’s probably this church - https://www.thegatheringchurch.com/ 14. You’re really generous! Jeremy says “YES” and that it’s a family pillar and they try to be wise business people. 15. You’ll never do LPBW again. Jeremy says that’s true, but they might do different tv shows. Auj interjects that they aren’t actively looking but Jeremy interjects with his “building treehouses” idea and I find myself asking has Jeremy ever actually built a tree house? 16. Breakfast is your favorite meal. Auj says yes! Jeremy is intermittent fasting so no breakfast for him. 17. You want twins. Jer says yes, twin boys especially. 18. All the hate comments you get don’t bother you. Auj says no, she gets bothered by it and thinks people assume they aren’t real people who get hurt. Auj notes she doesn’t read her dm’s because of the nasty comments. Still, they have really thick skins. Jeremy notes that if you’re the type of person who makes nasty comments on line, then he gently understands that something is seriously wrong with you and feels sorry for you. I wonder if he recalls his and auj’s “You know 100% about NOTHING!” response made on line and if he considers himself a sad mentally ill loser who needs pity since you know, he makes hateful comments on line. But be assured, Jeremy thinks people who make nasty comments aren’t *normal*. 19. You two have similar personalities. Auj says they’re more similar than different. There’s minor nattering between them on this. 20. You’re both extroverted and proactive about building community. No, Auj says they are both introverted. Jeremy notes they’ve been told how awesome they are to hang out with. 21. Your house is always clean. Auj says no, but in a mock humble way, and Jeremy notes they do have a hoarder room, but basically they’re relatively neat. 22. Jeremy’s faith was not as strong until he met Audrey. Jeremy agrees with that. 23. You guys want to move back to Bend. Basically yes. 24. You’re against CBD. They say no. They dance around the fact that they are referring to cannabis based extracts and oils. Oh, hey, apparently Young Living is coming out with a cannabis extract… 25. You don’t struggle with budgeting and finances. Jeremy says they struggle with budgeting. Auj says their income isn’t consistent and they babble on separating personal and business expenses. 26. Everything is planned out! Everything! They both laugh at this silly assumption because they never plan anything and never ever have lengthy podcasts on how they plan to plan. Also apparently Dan was hired to plan for them. 27. You never have problems with intimacy. Jeremy seems to disagree and quotes Timothy Keller and this goes no where until Auj sums it up as “yes we do”. 28. You’re excellent parents! Oh guys, we’re so new and we don’t want to call ourselves excellent parents and we struggle and kinda sorta humble brag yeah we’re fantastic. But NO! 29. You were both virgins when you got married. YES! Says Audrey. But then she rambles on about purity versus virginity and says to read the book because its so fascinating and also, in the technical sense, yes they were virgins. I assume this means she gave him a blow job or something and he’s not counting the sex his first girlfriend Sara says that they had. 30. You will never leave Oregon. Jeremy agrees although they both talk about places they like. 31. You spend a lot of money on oils and clean living. Auj says yes but then pitches how YL helps her basically get stuff for free. 32. You are a young couple with old souls. Yes says Jer. 33. You have a fire every night. Agreed, says Jer and they use a lot of wood. 34. You aren’t friends with people who aren’t Christians. That’s nonsense, they both say. Of COURSE they have many many friends who are non believers and they love talking to non believers. I’d honestly just like some evidence of this. 35. You don’t listen to secular music. ALSO FALSE! They listen to country, and blues. 36. You’re both very disciplined. Auj agrees while Jeremy says she is disciplined while he is not, but they argue a bit about whether Jeremy is being too humble. 37. You’re not right brained or left brained but in the middle. Lots of debate but yes. 38. You don’t fall asleep at night because you’re talking about new endeavors. They make fun of the questioner using y’all in the question and agree. 39. You don’t drink alcohol. FALSE! 40. You’re not dog people. Jer loves dogs but feels its not a good time to have one. Auj has never had a dog and is open to it but agrees with Jer that its not a good time. 41. You guys don’t work. They both laugh at how stupid this is. Jeremy notes that this question comes from older people who have no idea what the real world of the internet is like. He uses the example of older people seeing young people at a coffee shop on their laptops and assume that isn’t work. Both insist they work and Auj cites how often they refer to working in the podcasts as proof. I think, and this is just me, that maybe this is an area where they could really do a behind the scenes podcast and actually explain what they are defining as work. What is a typical work day for Jer and Auj? The reason people don’t think they work is because their instagrams are loaded with trips and fun moments at the farm etc. 42. You travel every week. No, says Auj, although she can see why people think this as they have been traveling but they very specifically note – they do not travel *every week* 43. You’re early risers but also night owls? That’s a weird assumption but they agree with it. 44. Most of your income comes from LPBW – NO NO NO silly people, and already addressed but it needs to be said again they no longer have money from the show! 45. You hate fast food. Again asked and answered, silly people and they do eat fast food. 46. You think you’re marriage experts. Auj marvels at how stupid it is for anyone to think she presents herself as a marriage expert and Jeremy snottily agrees and notes in a condescending way how wrong people are to think that they are presenting themselves as experts (even though the first two chapters of their book pretty much say their way of dating is best) 47. You want to open an Always More storefront – Yes 48. You’re working on another book! Teehee hee that’s a secret even though we’ve openly referred to it before. 49. It was easy for Auj to lose the baby weight because she worked out so much. Auj is all no, you silly people, I rarely worked out. 50. Your long distance relationship was effortless! Oh you silly assumers! Jer and Auj both note how you need to read the book and see how hard it was. 51. Your relationship was faith based. Yes 52. Auj made the first move in the relationship. Auj proudly notes how she turned Jeremy down 53. You’re glad you left the show. They both agree that’s true. 54. You both grew up in Christian homes. Yes! 55. You don’t watch tv. Auj says they do occasionally watch shows but INTENTIONALLY. Jer agrees. 56. You own a lot of Carhartt stuff. Yeah basically. 57. You forget what day it is. Basically Jeremy has no idea what day it is at any given moment. 58. Jeremy falls asleep first. Yes, basically. Auj notes her night routine is far more involved than Jer’s so he’s usually in bed before her. 59. You never go to bed with unresolved issues. That’s totally true for Auj. 60. You love winter. They agree. And we’re done! Auj notes how they must have proved some of us wrong. Last roses and thorns! Jeremy’s thorn is that his table project was a problem because the wood was bowed, Auj’s thorn is the office issue with a tool chest. Basically auj wants a cute office and Jeremy wants a man cabinet and Jesus Christ how damn hard is it to set up an office. Jeremy’s rose was having community with friends on Sunday. Auj’s rose was having enough time to read the bible. Jeremy tells us the season of the podcast is done and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW!!! Honestly this was like listening to paint dry. It’s also childishly obvious how little thought they put into the podcasts as their list of questions repeated questions multiple times. A read thru would have solved that problem.
  23. I really didn't see this as a heel turn. It's been established that this is what Marshall does - this was exactly what Conrad *thought* he would do to Chastain and boy do I have a feeling that Marshall will point that out when Conrad goes ragey on him. The insights into Bell were interesting but I don't like the rewrite over his surgical flaws. In the first season it was generally accepted that he was a menace in surgery and that he was killing patients and also was a cold monster who barely had a conscience and merrily destroyed careers and lives. Now he's just about weeping as he admits he got the hospital into bed with Qu Vadis and a child nearly died, OMG. It's a little jarring. Don't care about Dr. "I Live To Help The Poor" so I hope Nic moves on quickly. I also was long tired of Mom With Tragic Kids and to be honest, I really can't blame her for taking a really sweet deal considering the nature of Tragic Kid #1's health woes. As someone who had gall problems, on the one hand the actual pain from the gall stone attack was far worse than the surgery. But... I had pretty good insurance and there was about a two month gap from when the doctor said "Yeah, we solve this problem by removing the vice president of organs" and the actual surgery and the time between wasn't a lengthy montage of me screaming in pain. I did get the admonishment to not eat a high fat diet while waiting but trust me, you back away from the bacon a little when you worry that eating it will make you feel like your right side is exploding. My point? Unless you're running a fever, it's not considered emergency surgery even if you have insurance so I didn't see this as some sort of unrealistic or awful display of how the uninsured get screwed.
  24. Try this link to the reddit thread I found it in. It includes the first comment on the thread and it's not mine. But I do agree with it.
  25. https://aloveletterlife.com/files/LoveLetterLifePreview.pdf It's... amusing.
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