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Everything posted by Adiba

  1. And I forget which poster said “Kodouchecanoe”, but bravo!
  2. Of course, because no one has filed legally for it--though they could. However, the things are different in theory and in practice. Kody does not treat Christine, Janelle, or Meri like his wives at present. Notwithstanding their agreement that they are spiritually married--I, as an observer, do not see anything "spiritual" about it. Just because one says it doesn't make it so, imo. He doesn't treat his children by them the same as he does his legal wife's. He treats all of the not-robins and children as if they are distant relatives.
  3. It could just have been an agreement to help pay for costs that weren't covered by insurance? However, I think you are right, that it was parental permission to perform the surgery. Christine likely was going to be looking at a big chunk of change for costs that weren't covered. The surgery is said to cost between $150,000 and $175,000. So even with insurance, she needed money to help pay for Ysabel's treatment.
  4. Ugh, a pet peeve of mine re: Mother's Day, too. Pick a favorite restaurant of my mom's and make reservations only to find out they have a "special" holiday menu and aren't offering what she would have wanted.
  5. And Kody supposedly met with Janelle to discuss marriage without Meri knowing. Kody and Meri were also recently dumped by an 18 year old that they were hoping would become a sister wife. Meri and Janelle started off on the wrong foot.
  6. Kody really disgusts me with his treatment of some of his children, particularly the ones with Christine— namely Truely and Ysabel. I was thinking that when he expressed fear that a wife would divorce him if a child died, he was really thinking of his two youngest with Robyn. That if Sol or Ariella got sick and died because he exposed them to covid, Robyn would leave him. Because who else does he really care about leaving him? Also, with regards to kicking his sons out— during the initial months of the pandemic, many governors issued temporary bans on evictions. Don’t know if that was the case in AZ. Here in PA, one couldn’t kick strangers out of rentals, much less their sons.
  7. Yes, by that time, wiping down groceries and packages was found to have little effect and unnecessary. Changing clothes was also not on the guidelines. Kids here in my neck of PA were back in school with masks by that time. As you said, it was easy for Kody and Robyn to follow those rules. Robyn does not work outside the home, and Kody, well we’re not sure what he does, but he was able to stay home. Robyn had ALL of her kids at home, too. Many people had to go out to work. Obviously, healthcare providers, first responders, etc. had to go to work. Grocery store workers had to go to work. If one ordered anything online— food, clothes, etc.— it took people going to their jobs for those items to be produced and delivered. Not everyone could work remotely. In divorced parents cases, custody and visitation schedules were not changed simply due to covid (in most cases)— even if the other parent was not following the same rules as you were.
  8. Why does Meri’s hair always look dull and stiff, like there’s tons of product in it? It looks like there is no movement in it. Does she have naturally very curly hair that she is trying to tame?
  9. Say it, Gabriel! If Kody doesn’t like that his “boys” are young men who are calling him out on his crap, tough. Nine months exclusively at Robins, when testing was widely available and he could’ve taken turns quarantining at other wives homes. But he didn’t want to, plain and simple.
  10. Of course. My point and peeve is the blame and shame game. Does nothing but make opposing sides dig their heels in deeper, in my opinion. You will never have 100% cooperation on anything if that’s the tactic used— without actual physical coercion. I am not advocating against vaccination— far from it. But if one thinks the virus will just go away by doing so— wrong, since there are animal hosts. We can slow the spread and hope that it becomes less virulent in our lifetimes.
  11. I do get frustration over people not wanting to vaccinate, as my husband's business partner does not want to-- but I can't get too angry about it. Vaccinated people are getting breakthrough cases and shedding the virus, too. My niece just tested positive last week with no symptoms (her mother tested her pre-Christmas in an abundance of caution)--and she (a teen) has had both shots. Also, microbiologists have said that there are likely animal hosts of the virus that will also cause mutations as well as keeping the virus "alive." The H1N1 pandemic of 1918 didn't end until the virus mutated to become less virulent form of the seasonal flu, eventually. Let's hope that happens with this one. My peeve is the "othering" of people that has run rampant in the last couple of years. I hope for less blame and shame in the coming year will lead to a more unified cooperative stance in taming this virus. Happy New Year, everyone.
  12. You make good points. I do not like Meri, but I do have some empathy for her as a human being. One thing about Meri, though, I think she is very stubborn. When she was warned that Sam wasn't real, she doubled down. I think she is staying with Kody for the reasons you stated, but also--she's stubborn and doesn't want to admit defeat.
  13. No, save for Hawaii, I’ve never been west of Austin, Texas. I’ve lived on the east coast all my life (currently PA) so I was going by chilly, but not snowing or freezing— except occasionally. Forgot that Flagstaff is a mountain town. What my intended suggestion for Thanksgiving was inspired by was a November first birthday party we had for a nephew of mine. It was outside in a large tent with space heaters and an outside fire pit. But really, my meaning was that the Browns could have figured out a way to gather for the holiday that mitigated some risks. One year, we did have a Halloween snowstorm here in PA that took down two of my trees, though. So I guess roughing it outdoors for Thanksgiving might be dicey.
  14. The thing about Robyn is, she’s never had to really deal with some of the negatives of polygamy. She never had to share a home with the other wives, nor watch her husband marry and impregnate a new wife. She hasn’t had to watch the other wives children or work outside of the home and contribute a portion of her paycheck to the family. And now she has a large home to herself and her kids —with a nanny. So it’s easy for her to champion polygamy and cast herself as some sort of savior.
  15. For anyone that remembers the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, I liken Robyn’s and Kody’s rules to a game of “Calvinball” where the rules get made up and changed as you go along. Bullshit that it took them six months to come up with these rules, some of which were found by then to be unnecessary by the CDC. Kody and Robyn seemed to sit down and make the most stringent rule list that they knew Christine and Janelle would balk at— thus ensuring no visits. Robyn and Kody weaponized covid to fit their agenda. They must have read about Winston Churchill and his statement, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.
  16. Robyn says a lot of things. I think that her being “fine” with Hunter was akin to saying, “let’s do lunch.” For the money spent on other things, the Browns could’ve rented large catering tents for Thanksgiving and space heaters on the property. They could’ve worn masks when not eating and had fire pits outside. I bet Robyn didn’t want to have to watch her kids and make sure they were being safe, like she complained about in a previous episode.
  17. I have a feeling that once Christine heard about the nanny and her husband coming and going at Kody and Robyn’s, she didn’t really think the rules were being followed by them 100% either and that they were being hypocritical. Kody for sure wasn’t staying locked down. He couldn’t go a few weeks away from Robyn, but expected the rest of the family to go more than six months without any socializing? The virus is out there, sure. But it’s not just going to “ disappear” even with vaccines. What would Kody want, to keep these rules forever?
  18. My mom swore by Electrolux vacuums. I spent many a Saturday dragging that canister along my bedroom shag carpet as a kid. There’re a little too expensive for my budget, but they do last long.
  19. Kailyn is really blowing through her money, isn't she? IF she is still in her new house in two years? Unless house prices drastically increase by then and there is another real estate bubble, she'll likely lose money if she sells that quick. If Kail is unhappy with some of the decor choices, why not replace the countertops and anything else she doesn't like in a couple of years rather than moving again? So many real celebrities go broke with out-of-control spending--people who make/made much more money than Kail.
  20. Yep, he talks about the not-Robyn mothers in a derisive manner on national TV and thinks his kids will be unaffected by it. Or else he just doesn’t care. If I were one of the not-Robyns wives and heard Kody say that he’s done some “crazy shit to get into heaven,” I’d call him out on it. I’d ask him exactly what things did he consider “crazy?” Marrying me? Having our children?
  21. I wonder that, too. Would Ysabel had pain in the ribs as well as pain in the back? I don’t doubt that Ysabel was in pain post-op. Everyone has a different level of pain tolerance, and I hate when others try to minimize anyone else’s pain or compare their pain as worse than another’s. When my daughter had to have a tonsillectomy as an adult, one might have thought it wasn’t that big a deal pain-wise. Wrong. For around a week she was in pain— and a lot of “discomfort” days more when eating or drinking.
  22. My friend had it done in 1978 in Manhattan, I think Mount Sinai Hospital? Don’t know all the medical details of why she had to have a cast. I just remember asking her what did she do if she had an itch.
  23. I had posted before that my friend in high school had the rod surgery many many years ago. She had to be in a body cast for months. Also, there was limited movement even after a long period of time. I don’t know if the rod surgery is easier now or if there are advantages over the tethering surgery. Both surgeries have scars, so I don’t think that would be the primary reason, unless all other things were equal.
  24. I do wonder if the nanny isn't some relative of Robyn's that is living with them--wasn't Robyn's niece living with them in LV? I know that niece did not move with them, but maybe they asked (enslaved) another relative to live with them for free room and board. Not saying that it justifies anything about Robyn and Kody needing a nanny/ full-time babysitter, but maybe that's how they'll explain the COVID issue? If not, I got nothing.
  25. Loved the show, but I wanted to eat chocolate while watching! All of the participants were talented in their own way, and I could imagine any of them making a delicious dessert that I would want to eat—but I think the right person won. He was the most well-rounded in terms of artistry and pastry skills.
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