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Everything posted by louannems

  1. There was an episode where Michelle actually re-cushioned those stools herself. I believe it was around the time of Jessa's wedding. All those people hanging around the house all day, with no one going off to school or work, well, those stools must get a lot of use. Regarding all those constant bare feet, their entire downstairs has heating coils underneath the tiles. But those tiles aren't that clean!
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/_7edx6rs32/ Another skit for Jesus! Converting poor people into Fundamental Christians! https://www.instagram.com/p/_7e50urs4z/ Derick truely appears ill. I've never seen him look so horrible and awful before. I do hope he's fine.
  3. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451630917./754078251392493/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 Josie licking her paper plate New Years Eve feast. Of course, we all know Josie is NOT a Lost Girl, just "the other Duggars"! https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451630917./753963741403944/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 Josie, Lost Girls, and in every photo, Jackson, the boy who won't grow!
  4. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451630917./754080098058975/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 Duggar sisters all wearing matchy stripes on New Years Eve.
  5. I never thought I'd be spending hours reading articles and comments on the Dillard swaddling and blanket T. It's really disturbed me.
  6. How ridiculous to beg for more money so an English teacher can teach her own kids! Derrick's right eye looks infected. Are all the Duggars now missioncationing?
  7. OMG! They did NOT black out the newborns bum during the in-hospital diaper changing scene! But wait! They DID so as not to defraud us!
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/_40XFGjfst/ I guess Jana gets called over each week to dust and Windex all of Jessa's pictures! Really, seriously though, who in their right mind puts pictures on kitchen counters, next to mixers, where food splatters! And just WHERE does Jessa find the room to prep good?!? https://www.instagram.com/p/_4_w-zjfmA/ Spurg's first Christmas stocking.
  9. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451448315./753154121484906/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 A great close up showing Derrick's teeth.
  10. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451447820./753129331487385/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 I think this is Josiah with Meredith. Lots and lots of leg humping comments, except one good one. Now that I look closely, I do believe that it's a twin Duggar!
  11. In the pic of Derick in the orange teee shirt, its the second comment.
  12. I agree, the " show" is highly choreographed. The only thing I saw as unstaged were the Howlers running everywhere and jumping off everything; and the Lost Girls aimlessly looking, well, lost.
  13. I read the comments under motorcycle picture. It was taken in Nepal! They both looked so much better then!
  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/_x1mCLmCXj/ Christmas at the beach. Merry Christmas from the Dullards https://www.instagram.com/p/_phh84mCSt/ Grave's Disease comment! https://www.instagram.com/p/-jXEn-mCR0/ On a motorcycle https://www.instagram.com/p/-xbgSSmCRl/ Funny Value Milk Deal https://www.instagram.com/p/_pgvSZmCQ5/ See, we do speak Spanish!
  15. I read every comment. Anna needs to read them, too.
  16. And wasn't Izzy barefoot? Derick mentioned that it didn't feel Christmasy with sweat on his forehead, so, yeah, wet and humid.
  17. The Mustard Sweater made the rounds yet again! Even on Anna, who has her own clothes rack crammed into her corner of the dorm. During the Baby Name Reveal, I got the very distinct impression that Benessa had fought long and hard about the decision to name the baby Spurgeon. Jessa seemed bitter and even angry when she asked Ben if he was sure he'd made up his mind. Maybe Jessa even had little say in naming her own baby! She seemed embarrassed to say Spurgeon. My take away of the show is all anyone talks or thinks about are babies. Who the hell labors in a skin-tight purple dress???!while being wheeled away on the gurney, I saw that Jessa was soaked in blood around her hips. Jessa must have limited cupboard space. Her kitchen counters were just littered with random items. Anna's super bananad curls creep me out. It's like she's really trying to be ultra Gothard. She never wore her hair in such an extreme style before and we have seen recent pictures of Anna with very straight hair where she looks much more current and less Victorian.
  18. Well, at the VA hospital, I x-rayed a man who weighed 750 lb!!!
  19. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/pb.510067475793573.-2207520000.1451257240./749943821805936/?type=3&source=54&refid=17 Michelle and JimBob bible quoting about Amy's parents' divorce?
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/_x1ZeprsxS/ New sister-moms loving on the big, white baby.
  21. https://m.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/photos/a.518180528315601.1073741828.510067475793573/749943561805962/?type=3&source=48&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.749943561805962%3Atl_objid.749943561805962&__tn__=E Lost Girl Jenny is actually smiling! Meredith is cute. Since the Duggar's had Christmas decorations up for Thanksgiving, it appears they are wasting no time taking them down. I see boxes of green garland stuff.
  22. https://www.instagram.com/p/_uiy3NAbCH/ Amy gets a new car for Christmas, all wrapped up like on a TV commercial.
  23. I still need to know how such a young house looks like its over a hundred years old. Did the previous owner purpose to trash the house and ruin it prior to foreclosure?
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