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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I really agree with the post about Kristen, Midnight Cheese ( indicated above by my, once again, flawed QUOTE ability.) I find it peculiar that Kristen is seemingly held to a harsher review in general, and, oftimes, is ridiculed for rather innocuous 'whatevers'. _______
  2. I agree with the idea that the rioters en masse viewing numerous deaths, and, then viewing the arising of The Dead would lead to a horrific awareness of True Dead Man/Woman Walking. Yes, some well crafted energetic scenes depicting the emotional, psychological, and physical impact of the impending chaos experienced by the police and those at the medical center(s) would be great. ------------
  3. ScoobieDoobs, I am SO with you on this--the tortuous voice, the depth of Andy's hypocrisy per significant others Ugh!
  4. *talula So true! Fantastic point! Josh is the jackhole AND the asshole. ATTENTION! Please do not pummel Heather! Pummel Sonja instead for her deliberate mean-ass hypocrisy. -------
  5. Ryebread, I would like to give to you an extra credit grade of 100 as the originator of The Gospel According to Holla, and the absolutely brilliant, Hollalujah. Ingenious! I do believe that if Heather had stated, "No comment" or anything similar, she would have been stabbed, drawn and quartered, then set aflame by the horde. However, her response was too emphatic in support of Josh. Heather's comments should have indicated her general support of them as a couple whenever needed. Also, the comment(s) should have been brief and crisply delivered to any media format. Although, she is defending her friends, Heather's wording appears more supportive of Josh than is warranted, frankly. She doesn't KNOW the extent to which Josh is embroiled in this situation. If Heather desires to be stalwart in support of Josh(ugh!) AND Kristen, then she needs to present an unflappable demeanor cloaked in brevity of speech. Despite my recommendations, I want Heather to be fierce in support of her friends. That is one of her strong character traits, and I heartily doubt that her comments will negatively affect her credibility. Unless, someone holding antipathy towards her decides to deliberately malign her, needlessly. I do not want Heather to be soiled by Josh's filth. I like her. And, I want The Gospel According to Holla to be spread throughout ALL OF THE LAND! Hollalujuh!! Hollalujah!! ---------
  6. Super post, yuggapukka! Thoroughly agree! I wasn't saying Alicia was the burden, but is burdenED...with Nick and Madison's RELIANCE on her to AID in the care of Nick Oh my gosh, that one guy! You and others are ON FIRE with your comments. This is GREAT!------------------
  7. http://www.allabouttrh.com/sonja-morgan-backpedals-after-comments-about-kristen-taekmans-husband-i-have-egg-on-my-face/ I guess that showing your ass(es) is part of being class(less).
  8. http://www.allabouttrh.com/sonja-morgan-backpedals-after-comments-about-kristen-taekmans-husband-i-have-egg-on-my-face/ Once again, oh, the irony!
  9. Okay. Kelly BensiMAN is clearly still delusional (and still using the exact same stance in all of her poses). Why does she think that her kids have been hurt by Bethenny? Did they write her a note? Is this the working of The Giggling Overlord of Evil, Andy? Oh, well... #nomoresatchelsofgoldforyou #puh-leasegotosleep #bethennymayhaveformerlybeenacookbutisnowafrackin'multimillionairebitch
  10. Well, first let me state that I am able to DISCUSS what I wish. And, will continue to do so whenever I wish. I am not writing a persuasive argument paper. I do not care if you agree with me, nor am I attempting to alter your opinion. Once again, THIS is MY perspective and opinion. Since, I am not COMPLAINING about ANYthing, I have no idea about what you are talking. If you don't care for MY OPINIONS then you may ignore them or disengage from any of my content. I never indicated that other minority groups were not given short shrift. They were. However, I am not penning a treatise. *My discussion centered on ONE aspect of these specific episodes within this particular program.* I do not believe that I or any one poster is required to discuss any and all sides to any and all topics under discussion regardless of its initiation. You appear to obsessed by my OPINION. It's not going to change-- about THESE TWO episodes. I have not seen any additional episodes, so I have not proffered statements on upcoming episodes. Therefore, I fail to grasp the relevance of you stating that I haven't viewed them--No, I have not nor have I opined,... about them. Are you saying that I must view all episodes before I am able to comment on what I have seen thus far. I cannot comment on CURRENT episodes but others can? I most certainly do believe those characters were integral to each individual in the FAMILY. * Personal (be it positive or negative) life and *Job life=THEIR LIFE. 1. (The Boyfriend--->Daughter) 2. (Cal---->Well-known to family and main drug dealer to Son) 3. (Principal---->of school wherein Mom worked as counselor and "Dad" worked as teacher) This is My party and I can discuss whatever I want to... If you don't like it, the door is but a keystroke away. ETA: to 'clean up' the wording in one sentence which was bugging me. ---------------------------------------------
  11. Haha! The first few sentences are funny as...(well, you know). (lol!!!)----------------------------------------------
  12. ----------------------------------------------- *You and me both, NewDigs. *Why Forbes, whhhyyy... . *Deep breaths, deep breaths. And, Do NOT give Celebrity Apprentice to her. Can you imagine the ego. The mania. Andy! ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- *Thanks for giving me precious hope, zoeysmom! ------------------------------------------------
  13. That is utter rubbish. I am discussing THIS series. The NON-LITERAL comparison was utilized as a mode of emphasizing the apparent trivial and dismissive use of Three specific black characters whose histories and current stories were integral to and intertwined with the central family's life. YET, ALL THREE were vanquished before the end of the 2nd episode. So, in response to your question about a tangential topic to mine, no, I do not consider Michonne(not a Fear...character) as garnish. She is more of a delicately spiced yet robust main course, REALLY. ---------------------------------------
  14. Yeah, right it's fine if they're sprinkled a bit here and a bit there--kind of like black garnishes.
  15. Somebody, please tell me why, why, why can't Madison exhibit ANY facial expressions! This is so very irritating to me that if she is NOT killed, I may not be able to continue viewing the show. Conversely, in a bizarre twist, her expressionless countenance is riveting. I kept wondering, Is she sad, scared, ill, what?! Obviously, it was a futile query because she has worn the. same. frackin' damn. expression for two fecking episodes. They should hire me. Even I could convey emotions better. --------------------------------------------
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