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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. People may be irritated by Chantel et. al. People may make merriment of all things Family-Chantel BUT as i stated in an earlier episode thread portion, 'Familia de Pedro' is DEFiNiTELY worse than Cee Air’s Family ... 'más mal’ . Madre-Pedro is a selfish thug. Period. And, does hermana-Pedro `go to school’, work, what[?]... Really, other than incessantly scoff at Chantel, creepily insist that Pedro divorce HiS WiFE, Chantel(so sorry sis-Pedro), and grace us with The-Teeth-Braces that Pedro purchased for her, what the evah lastin' bleep[!] does she do? Anyone {blink,blink}?
  2. Interaction within the console, player, and game can extend/encompass/do more than simply playing a game.
  3. No, you’re not alone. Katherine looked fantastic in that ski-outfit and the flamboyance of it suited HER. Along with the infused wine, the meal was to gradually increase in 'ganja juice’. In this manner, the chef’s work- -meal would be appreciated with a small buzz increasing in increments balanced by an increasingly full belly. But nooo, Schlep and Austen just had to get blitzed and behave like immature azzholes. Based on their actions, really, it was purposeless to have a chef come to the dwelling and prepare a several-course-meal. It wasn’t appreciated...seemingly by anyone. Katherine ‘s behavior was no more irritating than Shep and Austen’s behaviors. ole Shep was downright salivating while L👀King @Madison. Good. Suffer, Schlep.
  4. No way in this galaxy would i want to view a program that holds Patricia and Michael at the center. Nope. Shep looks just...nasty.
  5. Pretty much believin’ that both families working together for this creation...
  6. ...yeah, Chantel is going to need a lift or reduction...soon. Chantel’s family is no worse than 'All in the Family’ Pedro and his mad family. His sister is a jealous semi-lunatic and his mother is an angry strange wannabe thug. They interfere just as much as The Family Chantel. However, The Familia de Pedro is nastier, vindictive, and revels in Chantel’s discomfort and misery. Chantel’s family is irritatingly intrusive, and, oftentimes, plain silly but doesn’t display that Pedro Family level of being querulous, peevish, and emotionally barbaric- - they are schadenfreude. All of the above being said, the show falls within the parameters of TLC’s recent years’ programming.
  7. ...Yeah, Aeisha’s constant laughing-singing voice is relentlessly grating. I mean, REALLY irritating. Otherwise, she’s...
  8. Cap’n Sandy must have decided to shed a fairly large portion of the responsibilities, common-sensibilities of captaincy and decided, fu@# it...be a vacant REALity star, buffoon, fame'ho, whatever...cuz something is not _____ .
  9. I didn’t see anything wrong with Katherine’s bathin’ suit either. It had a regular[ish] bottom and an elongated top rather than midriff like Austen’s friend. It wasn’t old-fashioned nor FASHIONed for the 'OLDer’ woman. She just needs to tone and Core-exercise. However, i don’t think that Chelsea nor NaomiE have particularly attractive figures. They are skinny and appear fit but the actual shape of their figures is not particularly interesting or 'good’. One can be both tiny and shapely- -they are not.
  10. ...These 'Cuts’ may even occur in areas wherein the number of students demand an increase in teachers.
  11. RIF(Reductions in Force) occur sporadically across the nation’s various districts. This may or may not encompass certified teachers.
  12. ...i dunno, Blayke has circles underneath her eyes and looks constantly drained and exhausted. Sure, she giggles sometimes, but... if you note, at the presentation, she was quick to offer The Excuse for her absence in the video (sad, no one cared) and to state what she received as recompense. Girl knows what’s what...
  13. This was my original thought about Parker’s 'dire situation’ — attention seeking especially from always-whining-self indulging- baby speaking Daddy. Once again., i query: if Adam wants to work from home so badly [and to 'help out’ with his own kids] but doesn’t want to be disturbed, build a small detached office and shut the heck up...
  14. Really? Congratulations, Adam on using your children for your egotistical-financial advancements...incessantly. I. Can’t. 'Stand'. That Man.
  15. Oh, 'Mindthinkr’ , you used such an amazingly spot-on-apt description of Wendy’s entrée - - onstage/audience ➡️walk/gallop-while imagining that she’s a lithe sprite. She LOPES. Exactly.
  16. ...however, WHY both Cameron and Shep are the highest earners is a downright baffling phenomenon...
  17. Hot tubs especially public tubs give me the HEEBiE- JEEBiES [shudder!].
  18. Why must Cameron always insist upon sitting near SHEP and Whitney, traveling with SHEP and Whitney ... all The Time - - SCHLEP and Whitney [esp. SHEP] ?!
  19. I am SO glad that you wrote the above. He’s been irritating from the onset. Never thought that he was cute physically nor behaviorally...just lax and slack...He IS a 'right wanker’ ...uggh.
  20. I’ve never cared for Patricia. 'Classy’— i dont think so....She is mean, self-agggrandizing, and oddly pretentious. Why all of the genuflecting(?)... it’s baffling TO ME.
  21. Camden is such a small area and about a 40 min. drive from Columbia. I don’t know that Camden would be best for outlay of pillow-spending-pennies. Perhaps, Columbia, Florence, and Orangeburg(?).
  22. Hey, you guys, "Don’teventalktome!” {compliment from Ashley} Ha! L😂L !
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