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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. If LACK of manners is reason enough to label someone 'White Trash’, why doesn’t Schlep look at himself as as such ? He has not only shown ill manners, but also, admitted that he has done so... Geez, i canNOT tolerate that beast.
  2. Shep is a nasty, drunken, jealous, mean-ass wannabe-intellectual snob... Cameron suuure luvs filming with/runnin’ behind that pig. Furthermore, Cameron doesn’t hang out with the women or any other castmates if they can’t provide the stairs for her to climb—social climb—Patricia, Whitney, and Schlep. She avoids while acting as if she’s the good-hearted friend 'round the corner.
  3. To me, Jennifer looks like a young man...Possibly transitioned. That’s the impression I get every time that i see her.
  4. Even with the title -program-headings, the names/couples can get a tad confusing. That is the reason for requesting that couples be listed...i assume. We all realize that the show title threads are listed.
  5. Why MUST Deavan move to South Korea??? Why can’t Jihoon 'move’ to the U.S.?
  6. *I was so concerned about Dumb@zz and Tween-Jihoon suffocating their baby with that freaking stiff-denim toddler jacket. Stressed. Really, I don’t think Dumbazz knows much more about baby-raisin’ than Ji-ha-ha. *The TEEN DRAMA continues— — starring Jenny-on-the-random-India-Block and WHO-done-dunnit-Sumit. Next week, Jenny will receive a promise ring. But, will Sumit’s parents intervene and prevent these lovebirds from their heartfelt goal... *Corey, sell ANY of your money-backed purchases that you legally can then get your ass back to the U.S. of A. ASAP. Now! Really, now. Gooo! Pitiful. *Karine+Paul= {blink, blink} * i don’t understand, can not Laura purchase jiggy-jiggy here in the States? Why purchase it abroad?? Damn! Her poor son.
  7. Good thing that Kathryn helped provide fodder for Cameron et. al. to receive such cushy jobs and MORE than robust payment for doing much of nothing. This gig in which Kathryn[and Thomas] became the flashpoint that carried that particular season and others continues to pave the way to connections in which Cameron and others gain additional income and inroad into their desired social/economic groups. During the 'snub’ season, this Bravo™️ presentation could have survived without Cameron but not without Kathryn DUE to her sad messiness. Kathryn wasn’t going to harm puir wee Cameron at 'Ye Ole Coffee Shoppe’. Snobbery is not limited to Shep; Cameron shells out quite a bit herself.
  8. Yup. This prompted one of my first feelings of distaste for her as a person while firming my disgust at her crass 'social-climbing’ ways.
  9. Yes. Indeed, yes it most happily does. And please, NaomiE, do so...all of the damn time. Remember, per Shep, ... “I don’t suffer fools, gladly.” Well, guess whut, SCHLEP ...huntin’ season is now open.
  10. 9:25? + Smoke unfurling throughout the galley? + June= { blink , blink...wtf[?] }
  11. 'Love 💕 Tap’ ! Truly, "IS this the world we live in”* that a drunken slap is considered such? Drunkazz - POS. Jack has never been cute/adorable to me. Both he and AEshA can get the blank out with their 'everyone is taking THiS too seriously Travis slapping Anastasia’. Disgusting. Captain Sandy once again praising a kizz-azz who suddenly decides to finally perform a modicum of his expected duties. Really, she is The Lamest ... *(from The RealHousewives)
  12. Sooo, Paul truly is in the doghouse now. Apparently, Paul did not graduate from college nor attended college for any significant period of time. Seemingly, he did take one or two Spanish classes conducted at a college. Portuguese, however, was eschewed as unnecessary(?). Every time that i hear Deavan speak or see her give that slow witless look, i just wanna ... Karine IS workin’. That’s the reason she protectively cradles that phone. The one with pictures of all of her 'friends’. Tiffany! TiFFANY! What. The. H _ L L is wrong with you? {sigh} Jenny...just go home- - The USA.
  13. I used 'social-climber’ as part of a moniker for Cameron NOT that she was using Metul FOR social climbing.
  14. ... i dunno ... methinks social-climber-Cameron has more in mind than just sniffing Metul. Why did Jason agree to be filmed and attend this particular party ? Really, why?
  15. Ole Buzz (and, Danielle, apparently - - mightily a grinnin’ in that Target🎯 Commercial) sure know how to utilize child-family-members in order to make a buck or two or three or...
  16. Per the photo: BRAssieres are needed for some. Core workouts are needed for others. FASHiON-schooling needed for several.
  17. The crew wasn’t protecting Katherine. Some made a comment here and there... Cameron’s aura of Ashley-mocking was reminiscent of the manner in which she formerly treated Katherine. Within the framework of Bravo™️ programming, Katherine behaved maturely—listening, brevity in her to-the-point-questions-and-responses, quelling further pointless 'discussion’, acknowledgement of Ashley’s- -(dishonest)- - apology, and a 'fine day to you, suh’ Thank You and Goodbye.
  18. Boring, boring, boring. And, the two highest paid actors are the most boring of them all...
  19. Don’t like Cameron...never have liked her. Lotsa folk believe Katherine to be boring this season. She is. However, Cameron has always been boring. Leave, now, puh-leaze! The men are all uninteresting, lame, sad-sacks, uncouth, and possess varying layers of misogyny and/or disgusting snobbery. Leave, NOW, please! Glad Madison enraged Schlep. Not particularly pleased about the manner in which she maddened him.. However, this is Bravo®️ REALity so... Patricia’s scene was pointless and strangely aggravating as usual. Why is NaomiE still on this show[?]- - however vapid it may be. Hmmm. Don’t feel like expressing opinions about the remaining cast of lunacy right now.
  20. Exactly. It’s not The Accent; it’s ⬆️. And, it is virtually unbearable. But, if i wanna watch the show... People with American accents can have the same or similar type of irritating cadences, timbres, and pitches. For me, the accent is not THE factor.
  21. No one knows the amount of money with what Katherine is comfortable. Ole Thom knew the score very well. He’s been around the block after block many a time for MANY YEARS. He needs to cease using the children in order to stick it to Katherine. Grow-the- _ _ _ _ - up, Gramps.
  22. ...however, all of This may be fake...news.
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