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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. Dorinda eats and acts like a truck driver wherever she is. And she is entitled to act like a shrew and eat like a pig. I agree totally with you. Where our mileage varies is that you are ok with labeling her as a class act who has manners. I am not. Tins at least has the sense to set boundaries and host a guest to the best of her abilities without devolving into slobbering she devil. And no, her manners aren’t perfect either. It is the heighth of rude behavior to bring a hostess gift and expect the host to open it or use it with you. A gift is a gift. It means you surrender control of the gift and how it is used one you give it away. Tins’ manners aren’t perfect, but she rates better than the rest. I mean, let’s be honest. Anyone with any real money, class, or true social standing would not be caught dead doing some trashy reality series. I love watching these heifers, but let’s be real about who and what they are. Even the socialite Tins has had a major fall from grace with her mugshot and inability to trap a second husband....something she was born and bred to do. It’s why Dale is twitchy and full of not so subtle barbs for her daughter. She hasn’t held up here part of the socialite contract. Ang now she is on TV shilling her “brand” and scraping for reality TV dollars.
  2. But that’s not what Dorinda does. Well, she does for a little while, but the facade cracks and she blows up...usually with a martini or 6 in her hand. She spews invective and rage to all around her...usually with food and spittle in the corner of her mouth. Compare and contrast her behavior with Tins. Tins is treated even more rudely than Dorinda, and she responds with more grace and class. She does throw some low level shade...but she never gets sweaty or has food on her face. 😉 Further, Dorinda sits and eats like a truck driver. Mileage varies, but Dorinda does not exhibit class or manners for any discernible length of time in my book. Frankly, none of these OG shrews has any real class or refinement. Falling into bushes and calling someone a fuck doll are about as vulgar and unrefined as it gets. Plus, none of them should ever let themselves be filmed eating. They shovel food in their mouths and chew like horses. Sonja, Ramona and Beth all have shown themselves to be incredibly coarse, boorish and low brow. In the beginning, Luanne’s behavior was generally more elevated, but her arrogance, snobbery, and entitlent have increasingly revealed themselves over the years to maker her insufferable now. And her drunken behavior have just lowered her down to the level of the others. I’m not a fan of Barbara, but I can’t really see how she is coarser or rougher than the rest of the old timers. Sure, she is not packaged as well as the others, but her behavior is certainly on par with the group as a whole.
  3. Then WHY does Dorinda keep doing it? She is a grown ass woman with enough means and options to set boundaries or not participate. She can organize a trip somewhere else like they all do. She keeps putting herself in that situation and then ends up an ugly drunk on national TV. Why keep doing it? ...unless she enjoys the martyrdom and the chance to rage about how put upon she is.
  4. Well, the weekend ain’t over yet. We’ll see. Dorinda does nice things and acts the gracious host because she EXPECTS a whole lot of gratitude in return. She is a scorekeeper who has a whole list of all the wonderful Things she has done for you at the tip of her tongue. Prayer cards for Luanne, anyone? And when she doesn’t get the gratitude she feels she owed, she goes full on nasty shrew. NutcrackerGate and the Jovani heckling, etc. If she is truly generous and gracious, she would just do those things because that’s what generous and gracious hostesses do - without the expectation of gratitude. Dorinda knows full well what this bitches are like. This is not the first rodeo at her Manor. She can set some boundaries to save herself some frustration and stess. Unless she loves bending over backwards so she can jump on the cross later and wallow in her martyrdom. I just find her shtick exhausting and boring to watch.
  5. So, maybe it’s just me, but I think Dorinda taking the group to the Morgan summer cottage was just a not so subtle way of rubbing Sonjia’s nose in the shit reminder of all she had and lost. Drunk or sober, Dorinda has a real nasty streak to pick on Sonjia. I see her as the weakest and most pathetic of them all. Plus, she really is the nicest of all the harridans. And while we are in the subject of Dorinda, girl needs to set some boundries. She bends over backwards for these heifers and then snaps and turns vicious. It’s a Jekyll and Hyde transformation that just wears me out.
  6. Well, he did helpfully point out that his tent sleeps two. 😉
  7. I fluv Harry Hamlin explaining propaganda to Rinna. Dumb and Dumber share a TED Talk. 🙄
  8. If Jennifer wants Bill home more, maybe she should downsize and spend less money. Sure, plastic surgeons make bank, but that tacky mausoleum has to cost a bloody fortune in upkeep...not to mention all the crap she is constantly buying for her litter of miscreants. Stay at Home women with lavish lifestyles crack me up when they complain their husbands are never around. How else is all that “designer” shit and tequila supposed to get paid for? Maybe Dr.Bill could cut out a couple rhinoplasties and a few liposuctionsa week if you he house had “only” five bathrooms and a movie theatre OR a basketball court.
  9. So, I’ll keep it brief tonight No really!! 😜This shit show has just worn me out!! It’s taken me two martinis to wade through all the bullshit. So let’s get started beforecmartini 3 starts to get warm. 😉 First, there were a whole lot of people in glass houses throwing a whole lotta stones. Hope no one one is walking barefoot on set. Yikes!! Kalani really had her full rack on display for the reunion. I hope the girls got an appearance fee for that night out. Eric and Leida are trash...the worst kind of hypocritical trash. The only thing keeping me calm, besides the gin, is that Karma has their number and will be making a house call soon enough. Oh, and Tasha needs a hug...and a makeover ...but I digress. I blame the gin. Christ on a cracker! Steven is sounding like a wise man beyond his years. His arguments are wise and cogent. Just as I started thinking people in hell must be drinking ice water, I realized that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. 😉 I see Steven gone brunette. What? No GoFundMe for bad bleach jobs? Taking relationship from Johnny and Fernanda would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad. Oh, and I love Fernanda accusing Larissa of what she is doing....marrying for a green card. 🙄 Larissa is right. They are all boring and jealous....maybe not of her relationship....but they are sure as shit jealous of her ability to hold an audience. Frankly, of all these losers, Larissa and Colt seem to have the most real relationship.....as messy and as fucked up and as unhealthy as it is.... Oops, my post got a little longer than I planned. I blame the gin.... And these people. These fucking people. (I may now need therapy after weeks of these crazy people...but thanks for the fun ride, everyone.) 😘
  10. Just need to share that I found Delores’ whole Lady Bountiful act gag inducing. She really seemed to enjoy prancing around the event a little too much, pointing out “this one” and and “that one” as props in her personal pantomime of “See How Generous and humble I Am.” As others have posted, there was nothing particularly useful or helpful in any meaningful way about the services or goodie bags provided. The whole event was just one long hand job for Delores’ ego. 🤮 As for Joe Gorga, methinks he is just a lithe bit jealous of Melissa’s business success. Remind me again who had to sell his restaurant because of a “dispute” with his business partner? Loser. And Nonno certainly came off as s randy old goat this episode. He may be a pain to have around the house, but Theresa needs to stop complaining as if he some added burden to to her schtick of “Working Single Mom Of 4” He helps her cook and is there to drive the girls around so she can hang out with friend at home. Jackie lost me when she caved in to Theresa. Jackie is no tough girl. She tried to play one on TV but gave up after 30 minutes. 🙄 Forgot to add that Jennifer’s new SiL is no mail order bride - in that she didn’t actually arrive in the mail. ;-) But otherwise that marriage is totally transactional. They should have tried for a spot on 90- Day Fiance. Something must be really wrong with the brother to have to resort to importing a bride from the old country. In a “traditional values” culture, any man with a stable job should be able to find a wife by 45. I don’t think Marge’s comment was egregious. Seems pretty accurate, actually. And she said it in “private” Theresa has to run back to Jennifer as fast as she could (Thanks cardio!) to blab to her. It’s not like Marge was running her mouth like that at the wedding...or ya know...disparaging her hostess in her in own home to her own face. .
  11. Totally this. She could have gone to Goodwill with Larissa, for example. :)
  12. I love how remorseful Jay seems now that he is caught and he sees that green card slipping away. Love Jay’s claim that at least he didn’t have sex...it was just a few messages...because he got his ass busted before he could seal the deal. And Eric never fails to disappoint. When he said he wanted to let the girls know how important......how important it was for the girls to support him on his wedding day. Silly me I thought he was going to say he wanted to let the girls know how important they were to him. When will I learn??! 🙄 I will say I am fucking elated that Eric is no longer charged with providing for any aspect of our national defense because if his wedding day is just another mission for him - and he forgets his fucking pants - let’s just breathe a sigh of relief that we are all safer for the fact that Sergeant Stupid is back in civies. Jesus Jones, what a douche... And it looks like the lion’s share of the flower budget went towards Eric’s ginormous boutonnière. 🙄 Leida seems a lot more in love with living in America than living with Eric as his wife. Can’t say that I blame her. What a schlub. So, while Olga seemed truly sad to say goodbye to Steven, she didn’t let that baby out of her arms for a hot second. It’s like some deep seated maternal instinct wasn’t going to give Steven the slightest chance to try and make a run for it with baby in tow. Good for her. And Colt and Debbie wearing matching pinks...and Colt wanting his mother to give HIM away?!?! You just can’t make this shit up. Holy Hell...it’s like Colt is the blushing bride who really wants to marry his mom. And she has never seen him in a suit?!?! He never had to wear one for a job interview...not one time? And Cousin John wears the same attire for a wedding that he wears to a backyard barbecue. Why am I not surprised? And why am I not surprised that he and wifey showed up for the wedding? She is so thirsty for camera time. And John just wanted to rage watch and fantasize about giving Larissa the discipline he thinks she needs. What a sad little ragtag wedding and crew. Colt invited John just to antagonize Larissa. He really gets off on antagonizing her. And then he fucking called the police on her for a fight. A fight with no mention of someone laying hands on someone else. If he called the police on her for yelling and scramming, than he really is a feckless, useless sack of shit. He certainly had no problem with John’s raging temper tantrum. Klassy Kalani chomping on a wad of gum in her wedding dress and bright red lipstick right before the ceremony. 🙄 Truly, I just don’t understand the fashion choices and esthetic philosophy of any of these fucking people....because of course long, loose hair is the perfect choice for a wedding on the windy deck of the “Titanic.” 🙄 I’ve done so much eye rolling tonight that they just may get stuck in the back of my head. These people. These fucking people....
  13. Umm, yeah, Eric, you are not between a rock and a hard place, asshole, you are between your daughter and a psycho bitch wife to be. Despite all your protestations to the contrary, you have total control of the situation and can make a choice in favor of the girls you claim to love so much. Oh, but wait, you tearfully informed us that you’ve been doing for your children for 20 years, and now it’s time to do for you? Newsflash: parenthood doesn’t just stop when you’re ready for it to end; it’s an ongoing commitment. Just ask your dad, he seems to have given you money several times during your adulthood. I don’t want to throw shade at Eric’s girls. They have enough going on without that, but why the fuckety fuck does Olga from a “poorer country with fewer opportunities” look cleaner and better groomed than all three of those girls? Although, I got to say the Tasha looks way better with the lighter hair. Talk about 110% improvement. I hope everyone who thought Fernanda was an immature brat and totally unready for marriage last episode is now eating crow after listening to her very mature, responsible apology letter and discussion with Jonathan. I was impressed by her ability to be humble and take one for the team for both of them. And for the record, I was impressed by Jonathan’s ability to see things from her perspective. His realization deserves a gold star, too. 🌟 And why the fuck is Kolini bawling like a jilted lover when she found our Kalani is pregnant? It’s like she was holding out hope that Kalani would leave Asuelo at the alter for her....and now the pregnancy makes that wild dream impossible. And again with the “Asuelo did this on purpose just to stay in America.” As if he fucking sneaked up on Kalani with a fucking turkey baster under the cover of night. Something in that family just ain’t right.. And I am so over the blaming, shaming and hating of Asuelo. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, once a player, always a player. Girl, you should know better at your age. I bet the smug-o-meter at Natalie’s house broke the minute Ashley knocked on the door. Maybe next time Ashley won’t be so quick to throw her friends overboard for a hot piece of ass... Colt and Larissa - Don’t care and can’t be bothered. Though Debbie did admit he was a Mana’s Boy. That surprised me. For now, I really hope Steven and Olga work out. That little bit of unexpected pleasantness between them let me forgo the second martini. ;-) Maybe Christmas did come early this year.
  14. So because Johnathan has the economic power in the relationship, he can disregard and ignore his wife’s emotional needs and psychological vulnerabilities? This isn’t a corporate merger where the weaker partner has to bow down to a he dominance of a partner with more valuable stock. It’s supposed to be a marriage. Johnny better watch out. The next recession or credit crunch could wipe out all his economic power with Fer paying the bills. And with the age difference, there may come a day when he has to rely on her for a lot more than an Amazon bill. Power balances can shift in a split second. As for Fer calling her dad, it’s not like she can call up her bestie and go to the bar for ladies’s night to blow off some steam. 🙄
  15. Amen to this. And just to add- My husband and I each give each other a very long leash. It’s been key to our 20 year marriage. We trust each other. We would never dream of sharing or asking for cell phone passwords etc. For us it is unspoken trust and respect. BUT - It was a dick move for Johnathan to go out and leave Fernanda because she IS stuck at home with no real options to go out with her own friends to blow off some steam. For 90 days, I would hope douche bro could just hang out with his fiancé. After she is more settled and has more of a support system here, he should feel free to go out for the occasional drink. But for right now, he should be gracious enough to appreciate the power imbalance and just be there for his future wife when she is feeling weak and vulnerable. We saw one scene where she was freaking out. Is no one allowed to have a bad day or a weak moment ? And I think it’s rich to say that Fernanda needs to act like an adult when we have seen plenty of “adults” far older than she is who acting like unhinged brats and making loads of bad decisions. Yes, she has social media and the Internet, but that is a poor substitute for actual human contact, especially for a vibrant extrovert. Fernanda has been in the US less than 90 days. Has anybody here ever moved to a new country and had their social network and new life in place by week 8, particularly if they are not working and meeting peoples that way? If so, I would love to hear about the magic formula. As for using Uber/Lyft to get out to the library or wherever. That can be an expensive outing. American suburbia is known for its never ending sprawl of boring tract housing. Walking the neighborhood everyday could get pretty boring. and walking your way to to a strip mall or coffee place is in impossible. Most places don’t even have sudewalks. Ride services ain’t cheap either. 10 bucks as a lowball average each way is a 20$ ride to the library or Starbucks. Three rides a week adds up to $240 bucks a month. And we already have Johnacthan throwing Fernanda’s Amazon bill and her boobs in her face. Who wants to add an Uber bill to his munitions pile? I have been in a very similar situation to all of he foreign fiancés, albeit in the opposite direction, and with a way better spouse. 😊Having walked in n their shoes, I have a ton of empathy for them. Try to imagine your last move to to a totally unfamiliar town or city. Now, layer on culture shock and a language barrier. Add to that the pressure of a new relationship, no job, and no wheels. And just think what a camera lens might have caught if you were having a bad day. And yes, I get it. They all made a choice to come here, and can always go home. But are you always thrilled with your daily life? It is, after all, the sum total of all your past choices. I just think a little empathy goes a long way....and it’s free! No monthly fee or down payment whatsoever. 😉
  16. This is actually a US rule no matter you live or are. And it goes for renewals as well. It’s kind of a pain, but I totally understand why they do it. My husband and I have had to both be present when submitting our son’s passport application/renewal each of the four times since he was born. However, someone posted upthread that US embassy security protocols in Moscow prevent non nationals from entering the premises. So, there must havevbe some work around. Regardless of Richie’s status as a freshly minted US citizen, he is still also a Russian national, and ain’t no way the Russian bureaucracy/regime is gonna let punk ass Steven slip over the boarder with a Russian baby. Especially with the current political climate, Russia is hyper protective of its citizens’ rights, particularly in the face of what they see as American Hegemony or cultural imperialism. You know like when Steven claims that America is soo much better than Russia. As in the jobless, feckless couch surfer,who has no idea what an SSN number is, has a better future than the independent, bilingual college student who has her own apartment and is an international traveler. 🙄 In retaliation for the sanctions put in place by the Magnitsky Act, the Putin regime halted all US adoptions of Russian children...even adoptions that were in the final stages were halted. The reason given was that the Russian heritage and identity of those children needed to be protected from Americans swooping in to deny them the their cultural birthright. So, with all that said, I could even see Steven getting his ass detained if he tried to pull a fast one and smuggle the baby out of Mother Russia. Now, that would an episode I could enjoy....maybe a crossover show with “Russia’s Toughest Prisons.” Vodka, anyone? 😉
  17. I have a load of sympathy for Fernanda. I moved to Germany with my husband when I was 28. I speak German. I love Europe. I get Europe - but Jesus Christ, those first couple months in country were really hard. I left behind my family, my friends, my vibrant career, my whole social support system…just like every other fiancé on the show. I know. I know. 😉 But, man, those first few months when you are trying to make a life from basically scratch in a new place are hard. I remember one time when my husband went out with some colleagueson a Friday night, and he stayed out till after two in the morning. It was a work thing, and I understood, but I still wanted to kill him. I had been home alone all day, and at the end of a long week, felt so lonely and isolated. Now, this was about 20 years ago, so communication options were a bit more limited, but I had 10 years on Fernanda, and was still so lonely and isolated after a long week alone. All these years later, that moment of lonely isolation is still with me. I am willing to give Fer a pass for this freak out. Maybe she was just having a bad day at the end of a long week. Nobody is 100 percent strong 100 percent of the time. And let’s be honest, Johnny, you bought Fer’s bewbies for you, too. 🙄 Leida, Eric, and Steven are just terrible awful fucktards, and each one deserves to have a piano fall on his/her head. And now when fat Kardashian Kalani shows up on my screen, I just see red, and my heart begins to race in rage. In addition to all her other contraception and “Asuelo got me pregnant by staring at me too hard from across the room” bullshit, I have to now watch her sit like a mute blob, unable to make eye contact whenever she converses with her family on difficult topics. She did again last night - just sitting there, eyes downcast, saying fuck all, and making the non native speaker break the tough news to HER mother. It’s like she thinks sitting there like a dumb, sobbing tub of lard will absolve her of responsibility for her actions, and garner her pity for the poor, poor overgrown baby she is. It’s the coping mechanism of a totally weak and ineffectual person, which I could forgive if she weren’t simultaneously such a smug, arrogant know-it-all who just loves shitting all over Asuelo ( the magical impregnator of innocent waifs) every chance she gets. Ugh, these people, these fucking people. P.S. Can someone please explain to me how Eric can sit back and claim so sanctimoniously that Tasha is 19 and needs to grow up when she was the one who took in his broke ass after he was living in HIS CAR for several weeks? Whoever said that no good deed goes unpunished was so spot on. I just hope that Tasha has learned her lesson and leaves her dirt bag dad in his car after Leida bleeds him dry and dumps him....because we all know she will. I hope to hell that next time Tasha’s relationship math vis a vis her dad is just as cold and viscous as her dad’s was about her.
  18. It may well be the case that what Olga is saying is true. And I don’t have a problem taking her at her word because we all know what those editing monkeys are capable of. HOWEVER, we also can’t deny the fact that women defend and protect their abusive husbands, boyfriends, SO’s all the time. They refuse to press charges and return to men after each successive beating or act of violence. They make excuses for the abuser and blame themselves for not being good enough, kind enough, understanding enough, and on and on. Not so fun fact - The number one cause of death of pregnant women is homicide at the hands of her partner. I am not saying that Stephen is currently violent with Olga or that he will kill her, but pregnancy and the high stress of having a newborn at home are more dangerous for women than a lot of people want to acknowledge. Olga’s denials may be believable, but we also have to be open to the possibility that she is in denial. Given her upbringing and the general attitudes about DV in Russia, Olga might think that such maltreatment that we all saw on camera is normal, and that it is her job to manage Stephen and his temper. For me, the jury is still out. And whatever the reason for Stephen’s disturbing behavior on camera, be it editing monkeys, normal stress related to a new baby, poor upbringing, or serious personality disorder, the salient point is that the behavior was disturbing.
  19. To be fair, there was a camera crew set up in the living room to record Bentley’s homecoming. It’s not like he got dropped off at 5:15 pm on a Wednesday to a dark house, and the droper offer wasn’t sure if Maci and Taylor were held up st the office. Ha! Maci and Taylor working late at the office. I crack me up sometimes. 😂
  20. Stop?? What?? Getting a visa to visit the US can be very challenging. For years, I managed executive MBA programs with partner schools in Latin America. I wrote countless letters in support of my students travel plans to attend week long intensive courses at our uni, or for the students’ family members to attend graduation ceremonies over the weekend. These were well-off students who had executive level jobs and good connections in their home countries, and even then, they were often denied for reasons the consulates never have to explain or justify . Oh, and they all had proper documentation, too. I know because I reviewed it. ;-)
  21. Ok. I appreciate Sephen’s past trauma and lousy upbringing with no role models...well except Gran and Gramps, who seem pretty decent and seem to care..right? But Olga has had her own lousy upbringing. Hello, Russian orphanage,anybody? Where are Olga’s role models? Where are her grandparents to take her to the hospital/airport? You have two people with traumatic backgrounds. And you just have to look at how Olga and Stephen have managed their personal lives, and how they treat each other to see who is fundamentally a better person. Olga is getting an education, Olga is bilingual, Olga is not couch surfing or mooching off friends, Olga packed up for an adventure to the US and held down a job. Olga has handled Steven’s petulance stoically, and still manages to be kinder back. Lots of people have trauma and tragedy in life. The difference in how they handle it comes to quality of character. Olga has it, and Steven just doesn’t.
  22. I think we all, mothers and fathers have these “dark feelings” from time to time with a new baby. We all feel frustrated with the stres and lack of sleep. We all have an inner child who wants to feel more help, more love, more security, have more fun. However, as mature, well adjusted adults, we know not to voice these petty, petulant sentiments or take out our frustrations on our partners, or our newborns. We know that doing so is potentially hurtful and damaging to the wellbeing of our families. What sets Steven apart is that he does not have the maturity or well adjusted personality to control those feelings and needs when his partner is under the same stress, which is only exacerbated by her recovery from major surgery and need to nurse to the baby often. Steven has no concept of time place. He has no concept of other people’s needs or frailties. As a narcissist, he just doesn’t care. He feels entitled to vent his emotions and frustrations anywhere and anyhow he wants. His needs are paramount, and he accepts no responsibility for those feelings. As an empty vessel, he holds everyone around him responsible for his feeling good about himself and when he doesn’t feel good about himself. This bottomless well of emotional need combined with his lack of empathy is a perfect storm.That storm leads to urestrained frustration and wounded entitlement that will always make him dangerous to those In his orbit- be it emotionally, psychologically, or physically. As an aside, a new mother can end up nursing every 30 minutes to an hour with a newborn, depending on how hungry a baby is. Breast milk does not have the staying power of formula. Those first few weeks are a relentless cycle of nursing and diaper changes. I doubt Olga’s constant nursing scenes are producer shenanigans.
  23. Yeah, so Leida, how did that $300,000 wedding work out for you? Two year marriage? That’s like a thousand guests per year. Oh, and sweetie, if you need to tell people you are classy, you probably aren’t. Just an FYI. Ooh, and Leida is blaming the child support for her sad flower budget. That girl is going to wage a war of attrition with Eric about that. Mark my words, she will wear him down over time. He will end up giving up visitation as a small price to pay for freeing up that cash for Leida. This is hardly a stretch for a man who is happy to send his 19 year old daughter to a budget motel...the very sand daughter who gave his homeless ass a place to crash. Leida and Eric really deserve each other. They are a match made in hell. A cash bar?!?! Jesus wept. You are having a wedding with 25 guests and can’t even spring for their bar tab? Then just offer soft drinks and sweet tea, but please for the love of all that is holy, don’t expect your guests to pony up for refreshments. I suppose I should just be thankful the ceremony isn’t at a courthouse with Arby’s afterwards. Kalani feels that trying on the dress makes it real...and having the baby didn’t?!?. When she says she wants girl time with her sister, what she really means is time to talk shit about Asuelo. And why the fuckety fuck does she always call Oliver “my baby” Honey, if you could have made him all by yourself, you wouldn’t be in the situation you are. But hunan reproduction being what it is, Oliver is actually half Asuelo’s. I know that grosses you out, but thems the breaks when you have unprotected sex with your vacation fling. Live and learn, and then get a condom like the rest of us slut people. 😉 She and her family really have a superiority complex. Guess it’s not a surprise why not one of those siblings is married and still living at home with mom and dad. They are so fucking insufferable. Steven is fucking scary. Poor Olga. Steven is a fucking ID Discovery crossover episode in real time. I could see him turning into a family annihilatir because neither Olga nor the baby will ever be appreciative enough or loving enough for him. He is so toxic. Poor, poor Olga. Never in my whole crusty life have I ever wanted to reach through my TV to try to rescue a reality TV participant. Seriously, I want start a GoFundMe to help fund Olga’s escape from that psycho. I find their scenes so gut wrenching. It’s too much reality for a Sunday night. I’m off to go jump in a bottle of vodka...
  24. So, Larissa likes fatty pieces...now we know what Colt’s appeal is for her.... Poor Olga, all she has in the world is Stephen, a nasty petulant shitheel. The look of seething rage on his face when he was behind the wheel looked like a still from an ID Discovery special. Shnikies! Jay and Ashley are just a run of the mill hot mess of dysfunction wrapped up in cheating and all it’s attendant fighting and drama. 😴😴😴 Maybe Ashley shouldn’t have been so quick to throw her best friend overboard for Jay of the Wandering Eye... No way are Leida’s parents rich. No family of financial means would let their daughter, let alone their cherished grandchild, live with with the degenerate slob that is Eric. Either the family is putting on airs or there is an arrest warrant out for Leida. Eric with his nasty gray t shirt, pasty cottage cheese arms and greasy comb over are making me fight my gag reflex at every turn. 🤮 Does he ever shower? He looks progressively dirtier to me every week. And is it just me or do Eric and Tasha look the same age? They are what happens at the unfortunate intersection of bad genes and poor nutrition. Gotta say though that I love how Tasha is handling her wicked stepmother and her miscreant father. I am sort of a fan. I gotta admit. Girl takes no prisoners. Kalani and Nick are such assholes taking Asuelo to learn how to ride bike...laughing, yelling and cracking jokes about training wheels. They suck. I just love how Kalani rolls her eyes at everything Asuelo says. I wish he would crash that bike in those two fat assholes. Kalani, you got knocked up at 30 after having unprotected sex...and just quit your job, so you can live off your parents. Girl, you are no paragon of maturity. Kalani and her judgey, arrogant gaslighting, bossy behaviors make me think two things : 1) That I am thankful for vodka. 2) That even with vodka, I still really want to throat punch her. Sorry...not sorry. Kalani and her shitty family really need to take a breather and realize that if she were really “all that” she would not be in the situation she is. Ugh, that heifer needs to take a hard look in the mirror and stop jumping in Asuelo’s shit. “I love being Oliver’s dad because he is white and his mom is American.” Ooh...so I guess Asuelo is not so good at playing the 90 Day Fiancé Game either. Time to cut your losses and run, Asuelo, run. Jackie has an unfortunate upper lip.....just like her mom...who is a raging, jealous bitch, btw. But I gotta admit that Jonathan knows how to throw some shade... “Mom, you’ve been married a few times....what is your advice for us? That was a master class shade toss. ;-) And that’s all I got. These fucking people are so exhausting.
  25. Hmmm...so a FEW things... I loved Catrlynn’s outfit while in the park in NYC . Yeah but no. 🙄 The whole ensemble looked like a Chico’s sakecrack reject from their new line “Mutton Trying to Pass for Lamb” With all the make up, dye jobs and salon talons, Catelynn still comes off as “Lamb mistaken for mutton.” Never underestimate the power of quality nutrition. I just can’t get over how poor her complexion is. I could almost feel sorry for her, but in her convo with the producer about communication problems with Tyler, she blames him for all of it. This heifer has no sense of responsibility and no sense of just how over it Tyler is. Second baby or no, he is halfway out the door. Anyone notice how he was the one doing the cleaning and the chores at home while they were chatting about their problems, and Little Miss Cate was Chillaxing in a chair while watching Tyler do all the work? He seems to do all the heavy lifting in the family/marriage. Being a single dad might actually be easier without all her trauma and emotional bullshit to deal with. Hey Bristol, here’s a thought: if you can’t get along with either of your baby daddies, maybe it’s YOU that is the problem. Maybe to avoid this thorny problem in the future you should - a. Find better men to sleep with b. Use some form of protection. It is the 21st century for fuck sake. c. Not push out two babies in two years with a guy who is patently unstable d. Once you have moved on from your anointed baby daddies, treat them with a little respect and quit with the dime store manipulations to try to cone off as the long- suffering hero mommy. Despite your half assed attempts at PR via Teen Mon, we all see you, Bristol. The internet is forever and the most cursory of net searches reveals how you and your Wasilla hillbilly family tried to bully Levi and freeze him out of his son’s life. Ugh, these people, these fucking people...
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