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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. If boundaries mean you can’t feed your wife’s family on one occasion, you got no business being married. You need to take your toys and your food and go home... This is especially true in high context culture that we are family and family relationships and personal relationships are especially important to daily life. And WTF Karine is supposed to ask Pole permission to entertain and feed her family on one occasion? He did not say this is happening every week. As an adult visiting your parents house, you should ask oermission to eat the food. It’s not your household anymore. However, Pole and Karine, by virtue of being married, are supposed to be equal members of a shared household.
  2. Puhleese....there is always casual, under the table work available. Tutoring , editing, proofing papers etc. Never underestimate the power of a native English speaker anywhere. And let’s be real....TLC checks are on the way. And while not huge, in Brazil they will keep a roof over their heads and food in the fridge for Karinees and her brothers...
  3. However bad Pole’s money problems are, I am sure Katine’s family has way bigger financial problems. If Pole is so concerned about $$, he could get a job teaching English. Those schools will hire anybody… Trust me. Any native speaker with a pulse qualifies.
  4. So I know I’m being all Captain Ovious and all, but damn, Big Ange is so unbelievably vulgar. Micharl, Michael, Michael, anyone who married for money a green card is going o earn every last bit of it. Jesus Chrystal Paul, her family was probably just really hungry. Man up and feed them once in a while. Anyone notice that Paul may not be able to speak Portuguese, but his accent when he pronounces Katineees name is totally going native. :-) Ooh snap, Karinee wants a divorce bc now he is on the he hook for child support.
  5. I won’t jusge Marta fir being a stripper. Work is work and bills gotta be paid. BUT I will judge Marta for calling her daughter a mini me and relishing the fact that her child looks up to her. Am I the only one who thinks that’s weird and totally egotistical? Why not be inspired by her wonder personality? I will also judge Marta for finding some rando guy online and bringing him into the orbit of her children when they can’t rven talk to each other and don’t share religion when it is important to each of them. Recipe for disaster . AND I will always judge Rachel for NEVER putting s hat on baby Lucy in cold, damp blustery England. Bitch, Baby Lucy has no hair. Time to mother up, Rache!
  6. Take comfort, Tarik, if Hazel eats a duck fetus out of a shell, she will probably eat anything. ;-) And with that, boys and girls, I am cut off before I take it too far. Good night and good luck. :-)
  7. Jesus Christ, Barbie has bigger balls than Jesse... I’m embarrassed for Jesse and I don’t even like that blond bitch...
  8. Angela, Angela, Angela, Your hillbilly instincts are spot on. Time to start trusting them, girl, and go the F home. Cut your losses, scrape what’s left of your dignity up off the floor, and go back to your tent bar in your hometown to have a smoke with all your friends and laugh/drink it off...
  9. Um, I am no expert in Portuguese, but I think the translator made a boo-boo when he/she translated Kareenees saying she was happy. I think what the translator meant was she was really RELIEVED. Not only did she trap a father into marriage for her baby, but she also scored a green card, too! Jackpot! Cha-Ching!!
  10. Five minutes after Melissa, the love of my life, dumped me, I realized that Ximena and I had a deep, personal cinnection because she has been my back burner chick for likev three weeks and we are meant to be. But my daughters are my priority. ( And this is why I am in a beaver hunt in Colombia.) Sure, Ricky, let’s talk to Ximena to make sure she’s in it for all the right reasons … Just like you are into it all the right booty reasons... Ricky, do you even hear yourself? You are So. Full. Of. Shit.
  11. Girl, me too! So glad I is not alone. ;-) Misery loves some company.
  12. Rachel, baby Lucy needs a hat. She doesn’t have a full head of hair or the garbage gnome’s face tufts keep her head warm. Try getting your head out of the clouds and actually parenting your wee one. Rachel crying about leaving....the pickings in NM must be way slim...
  13. Way to reel a man in with your witt and charm, Angela. You could give Shahrazad lessons on how to captivate a man and hold him in your thrall. *eyeroll* Yuck. Just yuck.
  14. So, I have a couple conspiracy theories about these crazy kids. I think Jon has suffered some form of traumatic head injury. I’m not sure if it came before the fight while he was at the “unis” or after, but head trauma would account for his “slow” moments, possible anger issues aand his inability to handle almost any kind of stress, ie, gurgling baby...WTF?!? This might also explain why a man who was at uni is now a garbage sorter. Getting into university in Europe is generally more challenging than it is in the US. Now, garbage sorting is good honest work, but it is quite a fall from qualifying to be in an academic environment. As for Karine, girlfriend is def preggers. She is paunchy, bloated and full of pregnancy acne. I don’t care what she TOLD Paul about the pregnancy test, that stick was positive. I love how Paul is so determined to catch Karine out for possible cheating because he doesn’t trust her, and yet the dolt doesn’t even know how to read the test!! He takes her effing word for it?!?! Paul doesn’t want to know the truth. He just wants to be led down the primrose path. Also in support of my Karine is PG theory, we see Paul is n the previews Skyping Mother to tell her that he wants to marry Karine and that she wants a baby right away!! Girlfriend is setting the stage for a wedding night conception and a “premature” baby 8 months later. As for Melissa, braces dont mean she is a kid. I know a lot of adults...some even in their 40s who are getting their teeth fixed. And I even know a few adults who have homework. Now we know where Ricky’s money is probably going. The last schmo or two probably paid for her boobs and butt. ;-)
  15. Not even an hour in and Jesse is...completely and totally insufferable. That is all.
  16. Why should any man be expected to fund a woman’s lifestyle? Hannah is grown and should fund her own lifestyle. Maybe Hannah’s grabbiness for cash and prizes from the men in her life is the readi she is always flying solo. As pretty and physically attractive as she is, she could have surely found a decent man by now....unless they see straight through her. And wealthy men rarely, if ever, end up marrying the help. Sure, maybe a secretary or a nanny who is in their path and can build a report over time....but a glorified maid in yacht...no. They normally choose other women of means to keep all that lovely cash in the family. We saw her throw herself at Adam and Ben, and neither man was buying. So Hannah’s desperate man hunt continues as her expiration date is fast approaching. The cigs don’t help with that either.
  17. And yet, she is still single, despite all her best efforts. The M3 she was bragging about/trying my to shame Conrad with was a gift from an ex. He probably considered it a good parting gift to buy his freedom....and worth every penny. Hannah, honey, all this name dropping with YSL, Alexander McQueen, and Chanel just makes you look petty and stingy for raking Conrad over the coals for 5O Euro. I don’t get the purpose of all the name dropping. I mean, we all see you, Hannah. You are a glorified maid and cocktail waitress. Spare me the delusions. You aren’t going home to some family estate. It’s probably some shabby bedsit way out in the burbs where you have to take two busses and a train to get to those fancy shops you love to brag about. *eyeroll*
  18. Um...Pedro works and can spend his money on himself or or how he choises with no qualms. It’s still a free country, right? I mean whst’s good for the goose is good for the gander. But it seems that Chantel’s money is hers to do with what she wants, but Pedro’s money is also hers. ;-)
  19. In ‘98, my husband was able to travel several times out of the country while adjusting status. He filled out additional paperwork through our lawyer and got a letter from the gov authorizing him to travel within certain dates w/o affecting his status. Pao wants a baby so she can blame Russ for knocking her up and then blame both Russ and kid for ruining her cah-reer. It’s her only way out because she is obviously a failure at that. It’s a he only way she can get out of it without owning her failure. 20 years from now she will be in a satin bathrobe and heals with a vodka tonic at 2 in the afternoon and her clown mouth painted on to harp to her kid how he/she ruined Mommy’s fabulous career. In most parts of Europe, a civil ceremony is required for a marriage to be legal. A religious ceremony is not legal. So, many couples have two weddings - and don’t consider one of them to be “Theatre.” Each ceremony satisfies a different need. Not sure how it is in Moldova, but maybe that’s why Andrei is cool with two weddings. Different cultures do different things. I mean Jesus H. Christ, if he wants a wedding at home with a family who actually likes/loves hin, he has a fucking right to do that. He is obviously a hard worker, and he brought savings with him for his move to America, so I think he will figure out how to pay for this without asking Libby’s dad. He is no dummy, and he knows damn well that taking any money from Libby’s dad means he will have sold his soul to thst hayseed of a devil for the rest of his life. Further, if Libby’s dad wants to play the traditional family values card and delight in the all powerful role of paterfamilias, than he was rightfully on the hook for paying for her wedding. That’s the TRADITIONAL WAY. I can’t believe that I missed last week that all this hullabaloo over the money Pedro sends home to his family is all over a measley $150 a month. We are actually moving to Atlanta next month and real estate to rent or buy is an easy $2 a square foot. So Pedro’s princely sum would garner Chantel another 75 square feet. I was looking at apartments in Decatur - about 8 mikes outside of Atlanta but still with train access. Three bedrooms ranged from 3,000 to 5,000 a month. No joke. So, let’s be honest, the pittance he sends home is hardly hurting them in ATL dollars. And I am damn certain that Chantel’s beauty regimen is an easy $150 a month. Chantel needs to get over herself and realize she married a blue collar guy who will never provide her with the lifestyle she feels entitled to. And maybe Pedro’s English would be better if he weren’t working two labour intensive jobs. I just don’t get all the Pedro hate when he obviously works hard to support both his family in the DR and his wife here. He also puts up with a huge, never ending ration of shit from her family, and manages to hold his temper most days. Again, if Chantel were such a prize, she could have done way better. I have no doubt Mana Chantel is thrilled that her little jewel is going into nursing. Excellent way to trap a doctor, if not for her first marriage, than for the second.
  20. Ugh, the coven of Libby’s sister witches is back and all are ready for their close ups, Mr. DeMille. I think I totally hate Libby’s family way more than Family Chantel, for what it’s worth. ;-)
  21. I didn’t think it was expensive either. Um, ok, but it be average salary in Morocco is between 400 and 500 USD a month. So almost a month salary per table. Methinks that is a bit pricey. I think someone somewhere (looking at you Waafaa) is padding the numbers just a bit.
  22. Nicole needs to be on a leash...preferably with a muzzle.
  23. I HATE the way Nicole talks to her mother. Her rude dismissive tone just makes me want to throat punch her. Azan’s cash cow beluga does not have enough cash for a wedding and Azan’s business plan. Holy fuck. Azan put the biz on his name. Either Nicole is the dumbest mark ever or Azan is best con artist ever. Mohamned must be kicking himself for not having Azan’s con man magic.
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