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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. I actually tend to think that Bethany is jealous of Heather. Bethany likes to put on the poor mouth and act like she pulled herself up by her own bootstraps, but let's be serious. He dad was a well known horse trainer who cared enough to make sure she was able to attend boarding school. She has been able to trade on her last name and connections. She also had the help of Bravo fame to launch her business. I think Heather's background is definitely more modest. She built her business herself without the fame and connections. She also is a happy wife and mother in a marriage that appears to be solid. Beth's business may be worth more in dollars, but I think the award for all around accomplishment goes to Heather. Bethany has easy targets in the other wives who married their money, are divorced, verbally weaker, past their prime, or certifiable. Heather is not such as easy target and the uber competitive Bethany knows that. She is seems desperate to me to try to tear Heather down. I had to laugh as Heather's response to the "it's only a hand job." comment by saying that you still come with a hand job. I thought that was well played. I think Beth just feels threatened by the other alpha bitch in the room. As for Dorinda, she is a nasty piece of work. That she tried to force her coat on the only black patron in the bar shows her latent racism at work. She then had the gall to blame it on the man's white shirt. That man was nicely dressed in a way that could not have been mistaken for the help. She deserves the sweaty fugly boyfriend she has. I did want to slap her for her rudeness at lunch. Bitch, how do you think he makes the money to take your nasty self out to lunch? It does not grow on trees. It has to be earned and that may happen when he gets a lunch time call from a business associate who does not know what time you eat. She needs to get over herself posthaste.
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