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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. Evelyn is not a fundamentalist. One can figure that out the instant they open her IG account. And Evelyn was never taught sex was shameful...her mother never said anything like that. Catholics aren't sexually repressed Yeah, see, I didn't say that though, did I? A review of my post above in bold says, a very strict Catholic. I even elaborated further in a follow up post that of course not ALL Catholics are like this. As someone who was raised Catholic and remains a practicing Catholic today, I know of what I speak. I have over 40 years in across an array of dioceses on two continents. And I am always careful in all my posts not to paint any group with one broad brushstroke. But this a moot point, and we can all move on because a quick visit to the David and Evelyn thread is very edifying on the subject of religion. Whatever David thought about her IG account or did or not did not hear her mother, David certainly got a package he was not prepared for.. Whatever was clear to you or me was obviously not so clear to David. And thank Jesus for that because that is where are the delicious DRAMA comes from.
  2. I was one of the ones upthread who mentioned this. I am a practicing Catholic and did all the prep you did to get married in the church...dragging my poor Lutheran husband behind me. I have mentioned that he is a great guy, right? My point was not that ALL Catholics can't discuss sex or ALL Catholics don't get down and do the nasty before marriage, but there are many flavors of Catholicism, just like there are of Protestantism. Hell, one diocese to the next can be very different. My husband and I were living in Maryland and did our Pre-Cana there before getting married in my home state. Someone in MD told me I was lucky my future husband and I weren't living in the Baltimore diocese because we were living together (in sin) and no way would they allow us to participate in Pre Cana there given that. We dodged a bullet on that one.:-)Plus think of all the conservative splinter groups like Opus Dei or that group/cult Mel Gibson's dad belongs too. My only point was that if he is that flavor of Catholic, his views on sex are going to be pretty medieval. On a side note, it is totally possible to plan a formal wedding in 3 months. We did it and had 150 guests. The secret is getting married on a Friday night. No one does that or did that 20 years ago. Everyone was free...photog, country club, florists. etc.
  3. or who has nothing to compare him to? My take on this is different. I think David went scouting for someone who he hoped would have the same aversion to sex that he has. 18 year old fundementatlist virgin would ahve seemed to to tick all the right boxes. I understand not wanting to talk about sex on camera, but his reaction was so intense and reeked of fear and revulsion. He has been able to handle every other confrontation calmly and with cool calculation. Straight up dysfunction junction when it comes to the sex talk. David sounds frigid to me. If his parents are super conservative, they may be very strict Catholics and that means sex only for procreation. Evelyn better master that rhythm method and brush up on her embroidery skills so she can embellish the hole in the sacred sheet of passion that David will insist on. She seems to have a healthy appetite for sex, something David was not banking on. I almost feel sorry for her and the vortex of awkward disappointment that will be her wedding night. But see, this is why we can't have nice things. Do your research and get to know someone before pledging your entire future to them.
  4. Yep. This really is a case where coloring in the lines is absolutely preferable. ;)
  5. "Oh, look at all the cabinets. That's a lot of great space." And David, that is so important because you have precisely nothing to put in them. Bahtman should have just taken his bride to directly to Louisville. Totally self defeating to to take her to LA and Chris's pad so Annie can see everything she will never have with David. Libby's sisters are vile shrews to try and sabotage her relationship with Andrei. Jesus, who plots shit like that IRL? Someone's been sitting around watching too much daytime TV. Methinks those harpies are jealous of their sister and her hot alpha male. I think Andrei and Libby are such a cute couple together. That venue was beautiful, and they were both so happy with it. They are a really good match. I think Andrei is going to help give Libby a backbone to stand up to her nasty family. He really seems to want her and them as a couple to stand on their own two feet. The irony is that while he may be a tad domineering, he is probably the most liberating thing that has even happened to her. Sexual dysfunction much, David Spain? I think we now know why Daivd Spain chose an 18 year old fundie virgin. He was hoping to buy some time in avoiding sex for a few years. I just love how Evelyn has no education, not skills, no life experience and wants to be a home maker - a home maker who can't cook at all and pouts on her bed when her mom asks her to fold laundry with her. That girl brings absolutely nothing to the table. Loretta Lynn was the same way when she got married, but she was 13 and she could sing and write songs. Evelyn has nothing to recommend her.
  6. Totally. But then again, that is what constant tablet and fries get you. May needs more mental stimulation, physical activity, and better nutrition. At three, she should not need to be changed at night. Three years olds have occasional accidents, but she should be able to make it through the night. Naturally, I blame Nicole. Parenting is hard. And Jabba the Blond don't have time for that. She has a rigorous sleep schedule to maintain. It's really hard, don't ya know?
  7. Elizabeth's dad looks like a barrel on top of two toothpicks, and he sounds like a petulant bratty barrel at that. "You didn't ask me or follow my tradition of asking my permission to marry my 27 year old adult daughter, so I am not going to help pay for her wedding." Talk about taking your toys and going home. I have to say that Andrei handled the barrel like a boss. Father Elizabeth was expecting some kind of heated confrontation and Andrei resolutely refused to feed the troll. I just love how he is speeding up the timetable to get married quicker so he can work. Ha. Flip the script on Libby's dad, much? Whisk her out of daddy's orbit even sooner. Her dad also seems to have an over inflated sense of his little girl's value on the marriage market. She is a cute girl, but she is hardly an oil painting. She doesn't appear to have much education or a great career. Hate to break it to you, Father Libby, but Andrei is a fine catch for your youngest issue. Seems like the gene pool was shallowing out by your last spawn. I do like Libby, but Andrei is a fine catch for her. And they are really cute together. Loved how he complimented her after their run. I love how Annie said with such confidence that Chris would have to take care of her if David couldn't. Girlfriend, you CAN get a job, too, and support yourself. Nikki has every right to set some ground rules on that score. And wow, Chris is a real prince. "I didn't lie to her, I just didn't tell her everything. " Ugh! Nikki you are far too pretty and together to put up with that bullshit. Luis is picking on Kensley like that bratty motherfucker he is. And there is that fucking Molly making excuses to her daughter for Luis' shitty treatment of her. It really makes me sad to think that Luis is going to have a blast needling and bullying those girls. It's sport to him. What a sad sack.
  8. A thousand times this. As it was stated in the quote above and upthread a few times: if Azan were the one treating Nicole like this, all hell would break loose. Donald Trump might even be moved to tweet about Muslim violence against women. Abuse is abuse. The double standard here just blows my mind. And let's keep in mind that this Nicole on her best behavior IN FRONT OF CAMERAS! I mean, OMG, what is she capable of when no on is looking and she on her home turf with all the control? This is not the first time we have seen her behave aggressively towards Azan. And it wasn't just one incident this time. She kept coming back at him with no shame or shock at her behavior. Azan didn't even look shocked. He crouched down and put his hands up ...like he had seen this all before and knew the drill. I don't know why Azan is with her or why he may still be with her. Lots of DV victims have personal reasons for staying. Even though they may not have broken bones or reasons that we can understand, it does not negate their suffering or their status as victims of abuse. Nicole's attitudes, her emotional state, and frankly, her size make her a very dangerous person to anyone who gets in her way and does not give her exactly what she wants when she wants it.
  9. At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)... Who needs education or talent when you have God on your side? He will provide for and protect that special little snowflake that is Evelyn. I truly believe that is her plan for life. She and her whole family seem to think that good things will just fall into her charmed lap. Ha! Brilliant reference. And this may just be the reason that Evelyn is just so certain that God will provide...and why she must not leave Claremont ever, ever, ever. ;-)
  10. This. All of this. Plus, I have some sympathy for David Spain. Don't get me wrong - David Spain is a raging asshole. However, I am going to give him a pass for some of Claremont hate and bitchiness. Moving countries is HARD. I love Europe. I get Europe. I have been to Europe a lot. My mom is French. However, when my husband and I moved to Germany, I HATED every minute of my first few months. I had no job. I had no friends. It was a lonely adjustment period - and my husband was a great person who did his best to help, unlike Princess Raging Asshole. However, adjustment is just hard. You miss your old life and how comfortable you were doing even the tiniest things. David doesn't even have his own space. You get homesick for your comfort zone, for your sense of control over your own life, for that sense of belonging. I never love America more then when I am living away from her. Distance and homesickness add a glossy sheen to all your memories and experiences. I am the first to poke fun at America and and American culture, but God forbid some poor German would try to take the piss in front of me while I was in Germany, and I would have a go at them. You get over protective of YOUR home. Evelyn and her parents have NO sympathy and very little respect for anything other than Claremont. "There is no European dream." They are so tone deaf and self absorbed. that they don't realize that by proclaiming Claremeont the bestest place ever, they are slighting David's home and his feelings. Solomon's too busy feeling sorry for himself that he might lose his sister and the precious band that he can't even see beyond his own self absorption to have 0.000002 ounces of sympathy for David. Evelyn and her whole clan are always me, me, every day all the time. I can't blame David for wanting to push back a little.
  11. The Green Books ceased publication because of the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Sundown towns and discrimination continued in spite of this. A town doesn't have to be on a register of sundown towns to be/have been enforcing de facto segregation. Restrictive covenants, steering and white flight were a quiet way to maintain a racially homogenous community - without the direct threat of violence. Real estate listings on Facebook this year have been using a method of steering to target buyers. White supremacists have marched repeatedly in Charlottesville and killed a woman this year. 2017, 1926 and 1966 really aren't all that different. Plus, there's that attempted lynching in the predominantly white and small population town of Claremont that keeps getting swept under the rug. What were the total populations of these towns that saw "massive" increases in black populations? Those numbers look small for an almost 50 year period. 6 million black people migrated throughout the US in a similar number of years during the Great Migration. 2010 census shows a 1.1% total black population in New Hampshire - 0.6% for Claremont. Bragging rights are not in order. Cosign all of this. Not all that much has changed in a lot of places. My family and I stayed in a mountain town in the Smokies of East Tennessee. We had a great time and I remember telling my best friend at work that our families should all travel there the next year. She looked at me and said, "Yeah, but could my family and I go there?" It made me realize that I had not seen a single black person during our whole trip. That was 10 years ago and the first time I had white privilege hit me straight on the nose. My friend even told me there were some camp grounds in our home state where she would not feel safe or comfortable staying. Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  12. Right?! And it's not like her parents didn't offer beg to have Mae stay with them while Nicole went traipsing off to Morocco. I wouldn't be surprised in least if Nicole has done similar to her mother or other family members. She seemed totally comfortable with her actions...not the least bit surprised or ashamed after she realized what she did. And let's all remember how she body slammed Azan into the van during her last trip. Nicole seems like a classic abuser in my book...right down to the "You are making me act this. You bring this out in me." That is some scary mind game bullshit.
  13. Every week it just gets harder and harder for me to process these train wrecks that are called relationships. I just may need therapy by the time we get to the reunion special. While I think a lot of this is producer driven, (all the relationships seem to be imploding at the same time) these are truly some of the shittiest people I have ever watched on TV. Molly and Luis need to just call it a day. He is a slimy motherfucker with a real mean streak. Who talks about a 6 year old like that? And never mind that he is telegraphing signals all over the place that he does not want to get married. And WTF Molly, why are you harping ad nauseum about how Luis needs to parent and babysit YOUR kids. Girlfriend needs to hire a nanny and just keep the boy toy for the weekends and party time. His comments and behavior at the strip club were mean, manipulative misogynistic and controlling. Once he is married, he is going to rip through that family like a wildfire and leave it and Molly a scorched wasteland. He may not even bolt after the three years are up because if you have your cash cow right where you want her under your thumb, why leave? His mean streak means he will stay around long enough to toy with Molly and her kids for his own sick amusement. David and Evelyn and FAMILY- Watching David go at with Evelyn, Evelyn’s brother, Evelyn her brother and her parents is like watching dueling factions of assholes. And there is some stiff competition for the title of supreme asshole. I have some sympathy for David because he is not on his home turf, he is not communicating in his native language, and it is often times an unfair fight with four on one. I can kind of forgive David for coming off as a douche because dealing with the Clampetts of New Hampshire has to be exhausting. David may be an elitist, but Evelyn’s whole clan are just ignorant elitists. They think that Claremont is the bestest place in whole world – and have NEVER lived anywhere else. How do you work with people like that? I loved Evelyn’s Mom’s argument – If you think Claremont is bad now, you should have seen it 10 years ago when it was a real shit hole. If you had, you would be so totally impressed with the apples, the one Mexican restaurant and all the for sale signs now. I mean, does she even listen to herself? She should totally do the marketing for Claremont. “Come to Claremont. It’s less of a backwater than ever before.” The whole family is so fucking self absorbed by their wants, needs, comfort level. And how stupid is Solomon lecturing David on how evil he would be to take his sister away from him when that is exactly what his sister did to David. Again, can these people get out of their own assholes to actually listen to the shit they are spewing. “I have been to Switzerland. The airport is gorgeous.” I mean Jesus Christ, there would not be enough vodka in the whole of New Hampshire to keep me from going Nicole on these people. And one last item before I go, the previews from next week show David getting all prudie when the talk of sex comes up. I think some serious sexual disfunction may be behind his decision to marry an 18 year old fundie virgin. Stay tuned. And speaking of Nicole, maybe the reason that Mae is up half the night is because she is not getting enough physical or mental stimulation. We never see her outside or running around. And as others have noted, all she seems to have is that stupid tablet. No wonder she doesn’t sleep through the night with all that excess mental and physical energy pent up. Annie and David – Antonio just needs to fall back. He had me up until the point that he started attacking Annie in the kitchen. Maybe he needs to spare me that righteous indignation and have a talk with his sister Nikki about the golden cage she got herself locked into with a guy whose money seems a little shady, a guy who moves his loser best friend and his wife into her house, a guy who is funding said loser’s never ending Magical Msystery Tour, and finally a guy who asks the 25 year old woman to give him Thai massages by the pool. Maybe Antonio should lay off Annie and help his own sister take a hard, appraising look at her own life. Andrei and Libby - Her whole family is just so pissed off that Libby found someone else to control her, and they no longer get to tell her what to do all the time. Girls tend to marry their dads. And Andrei does seem to a take charge kind of guy with a controlling streak. With that said, he seems like the perfect match for Libby. He offers her that bit of control that she is used to/comfortable with, but he also seeks to empower her in the sense that he tells her they are in it together, and it is about the two of them and not her family. People all have different needs and Andrei and Libby seems to be a good match. I do like Libby. She seems emotionally mature in the sense that she understands compromise and she is the only spouse on this shit show who seems to consider her SO's feelings and sacrifice. With that said, I have to crack up when one of her sisters said that Libby has her own goals and aspiration. Um, really, working for your dad part time at 27 does not really show you to be a hard driving go getter whose dreams could be derailed by some Boris Badenov caricature straight out of central casting for evil Eastern European dude. Aika can shoot a gun! I am so ready for her to get her green card, dump Josh and start fresh. I’ve said if before and I’ll say it again, Aika needs her own show. Talk about an hour of some fun, crazy straight talk about life and great target shooting at the range.
  14. “Azan, if I act llike this, it’s your fault. You bring this out in me.” Said every abuser ever. Azan is already displaying the body language of a DV victim. Nicole is already getting physical with him ON CAMERA and grabbing his face! He better think long and hard because he and Darcy will both end up on s 90 Day Fiancé special of Forensic Files. I also love how Nicole is whining and crying because Azan is mistrustful of her because of her actions. Welcome to adulthood, Jabba the Blonde, grownups have consequences for their actions.
  15. And his sperm count. ;-) Just to be sure. Girl's got no time to play.
  16. I think Evelyn is so determined to stay in Claremont because deep down She knows she has just about enough talent to eke out a “career” in a town the size of Claremont, with gigs at the local church, school functions, the county fair, etc. She knows she doesn’t have the sand or the talent to even try any place bigger than a one stoplight town.
  17. Fuck you, brother Molly. Balance out all of the estrogen in the house?!?’ How about all that estrogen pays for the roof over your head and the food in your belly, you unemployed vagrant! Feel free to get a job and move out to balance out all that estrogen, especially since it doesn’t seem to bother you too much how Luis talks to your nieces
  18. Frankly, father Elizabeth needs to take his hat off and take a seat. Whst an ignorant hayseed. (Apparently, my word of the night.) I can tell that he thinks the man is the head of the household as long as he’s the man in charge. Apparently, he thinks he should be head of Elizabeth’s household too. I have to own it and say that I really like Andrei. He was sweet and complimentary about their empty apartment when he arrived. He handled Dumb and Dumber with a lot of grace under pressure at the restaurant. He really seems to be in it for the girl, and only the girl. So far he gets my vote.
  19. “ i don’t want no ‘plantins’ at the wedding. I want something delicious!” Oh, Olivia, no, just no. You have my sympathies on your situation, but please, for the love of Christ, get the hayseeds out of your grammar. Abd Molly, honey, if you are so worried about Kensley’s safety at the playpark, how about having her not wear flip flops to climb and run around And Evelyn, telling David to get used to the fact that he is living In Claremont. Girl, you are going to have a lot of hard facts to get used to. Producer Solomon loves her singing?!?! Solomon must be deaf. And from the look on David’s face while she was singing, it appears that David is not!
  20. I really think this depends on the couple and their individual needs. My husband and I have been married for 20 years and are perfectly happy at the prospect of 20 more. If either of us wants to go out with our pals, we just tell each other - not to ask permission, but to keep each other up to date. Neither of us has ever been into the club scene, but we each totally trust each other and give one another a long leash. We each also like to have a little alone time at home. For us, it's healthy. He is even cool with me taking a weekend trip with my friends on my own once or twice a year...GASP! There is no one size fits all. Married couples may be a unit, but it is a unit made up of two individuals who still have their own free will and right to self determination. With that said, I think it is cool for Andrei to express what he wants from the relationship. I think if Libby could use those big pink lips to make a a reasonable argument, he would listen. All successful relationships involve some negotiation.
  21. All of this above plus the most important fact that no one seems to be focusing on - Olivia was not comfortable with it and made her discomfort known. She did not want him to continue, and Luis promptly disregarded that and kept going. He and Molly did the same thing while sucking face right in front of her at lunch. Luis and even Molly are telling her that her feelings and reactions don't matter one jot. We can argue about the extent of Luis' role as future stepfather, authority figure, mother's new husband ,etc., but the main point is that he is joining the family unit and should show some respect for Olivia's feelings. It doesn't matter if she is more an adult than a child or if some 17-18 year olds are cool with it. It doesn't even matter what word Luis actually used or what his intentions were. If you are making someone visibly uncomfortable, and they essentially ask you to stop, and you keep doing it anyway, you are kind of an asshole. I don't want friends like that, and I certainly wouldn't want to be in a family unit with someone like that - particularly if the topic making me uncomfortable is as sensitive and personal as sex.
  22. OMG! I love this! I can be a petty bitch when pushed to extremes, and sitting back over my box cake while watching the wedding party eat some glorious fancy cake would just about damn near do it. Because we all know that Evelyn doesn't have enough sense or shame to try and hide her bait and switch by having that cake cut in the kitchen. That spoiled moo would probably announce at the reception. "The beautiful people will be dining on the designer cake at the front, and the rest of you peasants will be having Publix cake because my vision, my wedding, my budget, my day..,me. me, me and ME! Because Annie's expiration date is fast approaching and she better make a move to jump start her dream. In the plus column, David Poor doesn't seem like a wife beater. She has been able to get a decent amount out of him so far. Girlfriend also has a long term plan. Three years of indentured servitude and then she is free. Hell, back in colonial days it was 7 years. Let's hear it for deflation.
  23. Which won't be too far considering she needed help to walk in the grocery store. Perhaps another reason Josh wants her wear them:? It's a lot sexier than a bear trap and just about as effective.
  24. Because Nicole has sent him $500 and then another $800 and "doesn't mind paying for things." * She also has a green card. And for now, religion is the convenient reason that he doesn't have to touch her. Dude will move to to America and take some family cash, along with Nicole's, to start a gym in Florida. where he will probably end up being successful after a few years. And after a few more years, he will import his family members to employ them at the gym. And after a few more years of successful entrepreneurship and a few more gray hairs to make him look distinguished, he will find some cute gym bunny and marry her after a messy divorce from Jabba the Blond. Not a bad plan, really. ;-) *Where in the holy hell is Nicole getting $1,300 to send Azan? She lives in hotel room and has a baby to take care of... Tips must be a lot more generous at Starbucks than I ever realized.
  25. I don't even know where to begin with my assorted observations. There was so much to sort through, and the skeeviness factor (that is a technical term) was just off the charts. So, maybe jump in with Molly and Luis to get that out the way. I had to laugh when Molly declared with great feeling at her picnic that they should make a toast, and promptly came up with "To the beach!" Our Molly really is the poet laureate of Woodstock. I laughed less when I swear I caught her sticking that long, hot pink talon of hers in her ear at lunch. And then it was worse when she was arranging her hair coquettishly with her hands after eating chicken with said hands. Yuck. Just no. I thought that would be the end of it, but it got worse. Watching that disgusting display of OTT PDA that she and Luis perpetrated right across from her young daughter, at lunch no less, was enough to make me throw up in my mouth. I am by no means a prude, but jeebus, time and place people. Time and place. I think I was so repulsed because my take away was that Luis was doing it as some kind of dominance gesture in front of Olivia to show who has the most power over her mother, and by extension, over Olivia as well. And Molly just proved him right by making excuses for him and poo pooing Olivia's discomfort by saying that she does not understand because that is what people in love do. Molly should have said firmly but sweetly, "Luis, not now. It makes Olivia uncomfortable., and I know we don't want her to feel that way because she is a member of the family...and we are in the middle of lunch for FUCK SAKE." Ok, that last bit was my imagination running away with me. ;-/ This. So much this. You have summed up that interaction far better than I could. Luis is using sex, sexual innuendo, and lewd commentary to exert some kind of dominance and control over that entire household. I don;t think he is into Olivia per say, but I think he wants to use their secret friendship to control Olivia and to drive a wedge between mother and daughter. And then you have Uncle Useless who just sits there like a sponge and does nothing while some almost stranger is behaving so rudely in front of his young niece and her friend. That also tells Luis that he can pretty much say and do as he damn well pleases. Evelyn and David are just raging assholes. They deserve each other. That is all. However, watching that relationship self destruct in 90 more days might be another spin off that the evil side of me might really enjoy watching. I agree that David is far too old for Evelyn. An age difference is more than just the calendar years. Such an age difference may be no big deal for some people. But for these two, Evelyn is far too uneducated, untraveled, and unschooled in the ways of the world to help bridge that gap of eight years. If David just finished school at 28, i have to wonder what the hell he was doing in his early 20s. A little failure to launch methinks. I still think David is biding his time until they are married and he can start lowering the boom to get and do what he wants. Elizabeth and Andrei - I think I am sensing more than a whiff of producer manipulation to create an image of Andrei as some Eastern European bad boy villain a la Boris from Boris and Natasha. They really seem to be doing their best to paint him as some one-dimensional cave man with an accent. My sense last week was that he was hamming up the part just a little too much. And I think Elizabeth is over dramatizing her take on situations and her reactions just a bit. They certainly ginned up the whole " Will he get his visa or not? Will he attack the embassy officer or will his shady, lawbreaking past prevent him from coming to America?" And in the end, he got his visa with no problem. And then it turns out that Andreii is cool with her spending time with sisters and having a girl's night out...just not in clubs until 4 am. My husband and I don't have issues like that, but as noted before, that request seems like a reasonable starting point for a discussion. As for him getting testy when she kept interrupting him, that IS some annoying shit, It can also be even more irritating when you are trying to express your point in a foreign language and your train of thought is perpetually interrupted. I am a very verbal, fast talking person, and I really try to slow down and chillax if my husband and I are having an intense conversation. He has lived in the US for 20 years and is fluent, but I still have the upper hand in English. I figure it's the least I can do because I sure as hell don't want to argue in German. I lose all my home court advantage. :-) And no, I am not making excuses because I think alpha males are sexy. Jesse scared the shit out of me during the reunion special. I think Andrei has role to play for this show and he is enjoying the role a lot.. As noted upthread, his accent and blunt style of speaking have a way of making what he says sound worse. Cast in a softer voice, I think a lot of women would want to hear that their future husband sees them more as the priority than their family, is wanting to marry them and not their country - and particularly if they are concerned that said man wants them only for a green card. My take is that Andrei is trying to say the relationship is about the two of them first and foremost, and not about where the relationship happens or the opinions of people outside the relationship. I still think he is more of Mr. Right Now as opposed to Mr. Right, but I am not willing to write him off completely. We'll know more in a few episodes.
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