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Everything posted by Chickabiddy

  1. Ok, but why wouldn’t that have come out in conversation along the lines of “Oh, Hannah, are you sure you are feeling up to coming along? We were afraid to ask directly because we know you were unwell yesterday, but that’s great. We wanted you all along.” The guests also didn’t rush to her defense on social media either. So rather than producer manipulation, I’m sticking with Occam’ razor on this one. The guests asked for Brooke and Hannah jumped in and took her place. The guests didn’t care that much, so they just went with it. Similarly, they still don’t care that much or are too busy to comment on social media.
  2. Hannah’s shenanigans are catching up with her. She boxed herself in by finagling her way on the boat and lying about to to Sandy. The guests wanted Brooke and Jwow to go with them, but Hannah invited herself and Conradon the trip, while at the same time telling Sandy that the guests were pushing for her to go along with them. Sandy relented based on her understanding that it was a guest request - but was clear it should be a one coke trip and not last hours and hours. Had the guests really wanted Hannah that badly, she could have explained she could come along for one drink, but needed to be back soon per Captain’s orders. Conrad could have run her back while they were at the bar. She chose to have a smoke break with Conrad while the guests were hanging on their own and ignored Sandy’s order. Later, she couldn’t really ask the guests to interrupt their outing and drop her back to the boat because they didn’t really want her in the first place. Had they really begged for her presence on their outing, it would have been easier for her ask them to accommodate her need to make an exit. Sandy has every right to be pissed that Hannah ignored a direct order, especially after Sandy had been very accommodating and understanding. Doing this only makes Sandy feel like Hannah is taking advantage of her, which she is. I will say that Sandy did not handle things well once Hannah got back, but that does not negate the fact that Hannah disregarded a direct order. Captain Lee would have been pissed as hell had that happened on his boat. Hannah didn’t even bother to check in and say, “Sorry, we’ve been gone longer, but the guests wanted to have an impromptu sightseeing tour.” Hannah is getting so sloppy that she can’t be bothered to cover her tracks or even pretend to be concerned about disobeying a direct order, or informing her captain/crew about a schedule change. Again, this shit storm could have been avoided if Hannah had complied with the guest request to have Brooke go along, and then her life on ship would have been easier as well without the guests around to cater to.
  3. Ooh, Kenny throwing the shade...”They all seem too young for you, Hannah.” Oh snap! Game, set, match to Mr. No Onions!
  4. Jesus Christ, Hannah, five minutes out of bed and gossiping already. At least Kaci is wise enough to see through the b.s.
  5. You know what upsets me about your income, kail? The fact that you have one at all for making questionable life choices, being a raging bitch to everyone, and thinking thst you actually have some talent or something worth saying. Cory and Leah are in such deep denial about Ali’s condition. “She’s just tired. She is just not feeling well.” Well, kids, if that’s all it is, does she really need an aide? Your denial is working against you. When Corey and Keah were complaining about the loss of Ali’s aide, I had to wonder about how they vote regarding tax policy and school funding. Nobody wants to pay taxes until the services THEY need are axed due to funding cuts. We should all have a moment of silence for Jace’s emotional and psychological well-being. How does a kid recover from being exposed to thst kind of crazy?The bloody cop showed more concern for him than Janelle...and this is the shit show when the cameras are rolling!!! Brianna is a big fucking whining baby!!! Maybe next time try the gym and a little portion control.
  6. It’s been 5 minutes and Devar looks a lot drunk, a little bit fat, a whole lot over it already, and on the fast track to being a domestic abuser.
  7. Olivia is so slender and pretty and comes out on stage wearing s dress that looks like she is wearing a smock from the hair salon. Livie, no, just no. And Shaun, you can shut it with Livie about how you never talked to your parents the way Olivia talks to her mom, cuz Olivia is the mom. And, Molly, honey getting knocked up at 22 and having a kid to support does not make you a hero or saint. It makes you a moran who doesn’t know how birth control works. You are just hurt hurt w jealousy thst Anfisa knows how to use the pill and have a good time while 22. And, Molly, honey child, maybe you could actually be the responsible parent at 43 instead of your teenage daughter, if you had been able to get that shit out your system then and not now.
  8. I used to sort of feel for Russ and like him a little bit. BUT NO MORE!! Russ is nothing more than Pao’s little bitch. Jesus, Russ, did you give Pao your balls to trade in for her Louboutins?
  9. Ooh, Anfisa looks about ready to cut a bitch Pao better watch that big painted on clown mouth of hers. Shit’s about to get real in a way that Mama Chantel can only fantasize about. Pass the popcorn! I’m in. ;-)
  10. I don't want to think of myself a horrible person, but I just may be a horrible person because 1) I had 0 sympathy for David when he started blubbering on camera. 2) I think Chantel should just divorce Pedro and marry River. There is something about those two that just ain't right 3) When Winter declared her desire to beat down Pedro and Nicole some more, I just thought to myself, "Just sit on them, that should take care of it w/o the need to throw a punch. 4) I was delighting in Pao's exasperated look when she was unable to turn everything around on Roos and blame him bc he was actually fighting back a bit. 5) I wanted to throat punch Libby for shading Andrei for not working when he can't do so legally. Heifer, just go work your part time gig for your DAD and get off my TV w/ the BS 6) I am praying Karma gets to giving Jorge an ass kicking ASAP with all his schmarmy lying about how the kid is not my child when he admits he bought the little girl gifts..AS A JOKE? Because, oh, yeah, that is real convincing. That is all. Everyone else is just to dramatic, too boring or too over wrought for me to deal with. ;-)
  11. Adam is a complete and total shit heel of a human and a chef. What the fuckety fuck is he on about bitching because an unwell guest requested some fucking chicken soup. It's not like he had to make the broth form scratch (actually quite easy, but time consuming). It takes like 10 minutes to dice some carrot, celery, ONION chicken and let that boil for 20 on the stove. He literally spent more time bitching about making it that it took to actually, ya know, make it. And what a miserable bastard for saying that chicken soup was the wrong thing for the guest, that ginger and whatever would actually help. Yes, we know, asshole, ginger is good for nausea. But here's the thing, let the fucking guest decide what sounds good when she is not feeling well. Adan needs to take his subpar cooking skills, his stank attitude, his camp stove and drive off in his van forever and ever. Ugh. And what the fuckety fuck were those two doing putting on those masks. I mean, I threw up in my mouth watching that. Those masks cover the whole face - mouth and nose. Talk about getting up close and personal with some stranger's leftover germs and DNA. And then there is the fact that we don't know and probably don't ever want to know what the group gets up when wearing those things. And I am surprised there were no complaints, comments, discussion about how truly shitty the tip was. I guess fawning praise is enough now.
  12. Funny because I have the very same issue with what Pedro sees in Chantel. She does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking, or affectionate. She doesn't even get points for knocking River's ears back when he is being over the line rude to her husband. The theory I posted a while back was that Pedro and Chantel both deserve each other - and that is why they are both so miserable. ;-)
  13. Dying!!! This was fabulous...a little unfair to poor Patrick, but so fucking on point fabulous.
  14. I commented on their home upthread. I thought it was perfectly fine, but rather tiny and modest given the airs they all like to put on. It might explain their obsessive jealousy over the three bedroom apartment that Mother and Sister Pedro share. ;-) What I think is that The Family Chantel are just as money grubbing and graspy as Pedro's family. Its probably the main reason that both Family Chantel and Family Pedro hate each other so much. We usually despise in others our own traits. The Family was expecting the beautiful, sexy (barf) Chantel to marry some rich man whose money and connections could elevate the whole clan. And what did Chantel do? She went off and married a labourer. And now they are all furious that the best laid plans have been torn asunder, and they are trying to get rid of Pedro ASAP. It's like something out of Middlemarch or Thomas Hardy, or Jane Austen set in 21st century Atlanta. I think that deep down, Chantel is already planning on husband #2. It would explain a lot about her investment in those dirigibles attached to her chest. I forgot to add how charming and sweet Azan's mother and sister are. They do seem thrilled that he finally has a woman who wants to marry him. I'm sure no local girls wanted Azan because. like a few of us here, they all suspect he is gay. I was struck by how conservatively both his mother and sister were dressed. They are going to lose their hijabs when Nicole starts prancing around in that god-awful tent that lets it all hang out in the most unflattering and inappropriate in any country way. I would not be surprised if Azan faints the first time she models it for the family. And watching Nicole pawing at Azan with her simpering grins and mooning eyes is really revolting. It's right up there with the commercials for Dr. Pimple Popper. I really rather hear about the sex fetish clubs of Thailand than watch Nicole make doe eyes at the increasingly skeeved out Azan. That is just #MeToo moment waiting to happen. Oh, and on Annie's detailed description of her outings with David, I think she went into such excruciating detail about the Dave's fetish clubs as a "fuck you" to Ashley for getting all sanctimonious and judgey while trying to out Annie on camera. Annie was all "I'll see you your prostitution accusation and raise you one perverted and disgusting father, bitch." ;-)
  15. Love this. You got Pao described to a T. And I can't help but feel that she is using her miscarriage to her utmost advantage to excuse her shitty behavior, garner as much sympathy and good will as possible, blame Russ yet again for everything, and as an excuse to not get pregnant again. Did anyone get the feeling from Pao that she was little disappointed that her "bad blood" and babies with deformed limbs story kind of fell apart when the doctor was so reassuring that miscarriages happen all the time and that her RH negative blood was not the cause - and is really no big deal. Her story changed real fast to "I can't even think of having more children because it's all about me and my cuh -reer to I can't possibly get pregnant any time soon because I am so devastated about my miscarriage. And of course, she is blaming Russ for her suffering because he is not understanding enough. Bitch please, based on his reaction to your abuela and yours, I know full well that Russ has more heart and tenderness in his little finger than you do in your whole silicone infused body. So much this! I just loved it when Winter jumped in the pile on to correct her mom's comment about Pedro's sister to Pedro's SKANK ASS sister. Girl is just loving the family's new fixation on the Golden Sister's fuck up of a marriage. I just love hate watching River try to string his thoughts together. He always looks so vapid to me. On another score, was anyone a little skeeved out when River and then the clan jumped on this idea that Pedro and his sister sharing a hotel room was automatically something lascivious? When I hreard Pedro say that, I just thought they would have two beds. What kind of dark, kinky space does this whole family dwell in? Pot meet kettle, indeed, RIVER. Yuck. And Chantel is just a shit stirring drama queen who THRIVES on all the emotional turmoil she creates. That bitch LOVES it. It's like air to her. She did not have to immediately freak the fuck out with Pedro's sister about the couch and she sure as shit did not have to go over and get The Family spun up about her problems with Pedro. If Chantel wanted to avoid drama, she could have just stayed with her parents wile Sister Pedro was here. Let them have some time together in that tiny apartment and just just do her own Chantel thing. She loves being up The Family's collectie butt anyway. However, did anyone notice how tiny her family house seems to be? It seemed a little modest for the airs that whole family tries to put on. And if her parents' house is that modest, isn't Chantel suffering from delusions of grandeur by complaining about her own one bedroom? Girl, you are a full time student and you married a very blue collar guy who works in a warehouse. Jorge has to be the most emotionally stunted Man-Baby who has ever taken the breath of life. "If we had money and could be on a permanent vacation, the marriage would work." Asshole, everybody's marriage would work a whole lot better if they were all rich and living a permavacation. That's not how real life works, you sack of shit. Your marriage, asshole would be a lot better if you had money because it would mean that you hadn't been a pathological liar spewing unending bullshit about the lifestyle you could provide Anfisa. Let's not forget that this psycho had Anfisa trying on 50,000 USD wedding dresses and looking at 5 bedroom houses in LA just to try to keep the charade going. He is just a pathological liar that he kept lying about seeing the lawyer when he knew if would be revealed on camera.. There is not enough money in the world to save a marriage when one partner is that pathological. David is just such a shameless, sleazy, snake oil salesman of a con man. And that's all I got. He is just too gross. I also got a bone to pick with Ashley for judging Annie for working in a blow job bar when her dad met her. I mean, why the fuck you think David was in the BJ bar in the first place? He wasn't hanging in there for the drinks. Why does she deserve more moral judgement than the sleazy guy coming in to get one? Ashley needs to stop taking her daddy issues out on Annie. Someone with her three kids and different baby daddies at such a young age should be a little more sensitive (and self aware) to how people can judge you unfairly for mistakes or circumstances beyond your control that led you to where you are in life. And while Ashley and Sister David are totally right to have that conversation with David they should do it privately -and not subject Annie to their ire. After all, she is a victim of David's con jobs just like Ashley and Susan are. They should not judge her any more harshly than they judge themselves for falling for his bullshit.
  16. @Spiderella2 I really enjoyed reading your explanation of family expectations and interactions from a cultural perspective similar to Pedro's. I see a lot of "It's not his culture." and "He needs to get over his culture." on this board, and I think it is really helpful and important to have a detailed personal perspective added to the mix. With that said, I am surprised at the tolerance for Pao given the criticisms of Chantel. Pao doesn't stand by her husband any more than Chantel stands by Pedro. Pao is happy to sit back while her family blames him for HER decision to leave Colombia. Pao sits back and let's Juan treat her husband abominably. If she is really having such a hard time choosing between her best friend and her husband, she should not be married to Rus. I noticed a lot of sympathy and understanding for Pedro's machismo culture, yet very little understanding for Russ's conservative values. I don't really see Russ trying to control Pao. I see him trying to find a middle ground to please her and yet be true to himself. Russ can't help that he is form OK. And he did change jobs to stop traveling so much to be with Pao. Pao wanted Miami and got Miami. Russ went along with it - even though it was not what he wanted. Pao could have tried for a middle ground. Russ has also acquiesced about how racey Pao's photo shoots can get. And how much money are Pao's "professional" endeavors really bringing in? I have not seen any real good info on that. And if family and family obligation is so important, Pao sucks in this way too. We saw scenes where Pao's family was very upset that she was not in contact at all and did not bother to visit. If Chantel's beauty regimen in Atlanta is costly, we can safely say that Pao's kool aid hair and extension in Miami gotta be costing a good $500 a month. Skipping one month is an easy plane ticket home. And all this blah blah about how she was so sad etc...Pedro put his family first at great cost to his marriage. Family obligations come before feeling sorry for yourself, right? Further, I was really shocked at Pao' selfishness in spending so little time with dying Abuela - who raised her and sacrificed for her. Raising kids takes time, effort, money and energy - energy that can be very challenging for an older person to muster. And where was Pao while other family members were taking care of grandma in the hospital? Well, she was out riding motorcycles, partying at Andres Carne de Res with Juan the bitch, having coffee with photographer friend, and doing the sexy photo shoots she loves. Frankly, Russ had more tenderness and emotion when talking about Pao's grandmother than Pao did. Why isn't Pao sending money home to buy flowers for her grandmother's room? There is a whole lot more she could do for her family than she does because it's about Pao every day all the time. And I am not impressed.
  17. Michelin ratings for restaurants only go up to 3, and that is rare. I think there are far less than 100 woldwide. Le Bernadin, French Laundry and Per Se all have three. It’s pretty special to even end up eating at a 1 Michelin star establishment. I was surprised to see that group go to a place like that, and glad to see Adam somewhat humbled by the experience. I did snort, however, when he complained that Hannah’s descriptions were not on par with what the waiters were doing at the restaurant. Mr. Chef Chez Applebee’s lacks some serious self awareness about how far out of his own league he was eating. Sauteed white fish as a paragon of creativity and inspiration....try Tuesday night after work. SMH.
  18. If Pedro is so far below Chantel, why is he the best SHE can do? Surely, by 26, with her looks, family background, and bourgeois aspirations, she could have nabbed a dentist or optometrist with his own little business by now. Maybe her personality and insufferable family prevented her from punching at her weight or above. Maybe those things forced her to seek out love a thousand plus miles from home, and in a foreign country where the language barrier helped to obscure her true character. Maybe, just maybe Pedro and Chantel deserve each other....and that is why they both seem so unhappy. Just a thought. ;-)
  19. Count me in as one who thinks production picks up the tab for all the bullshit props, costumes (wedding dress) and plane tickets. No way can Family Chantel afford that HUGE swank cabin. That's gotta be at least 4- 5 Gs a week. Pedro's sister is batshit crazy and I am not on her side in this at all. Let me just get that out of the way. Her maniacal cackling was driving me nuts. From the dialogue with Pedro, it seems that Chantel insisted on the couch - Pedro said something like "we should have gotten the bed like I wanted" or something. This does not surprise me because Chantel always gets her way, and seems perfectly happy to get rid of Pedro's shit to make room for hers. His gaming shit is obnoxious, but he is allowed to have something that is his. There were cheaper, smaller sofas available, and other possibilities to accommodate his sister. They did not need a huge ass sectional for 1,000 US in that box of an apartment. Ikea, anybody? Loads of cheap solutions for small spaces. But Princess Chantel had a vision and wanted to go with that, no matter what Pedro said or how impractical it was. I will add that when my German inlaws came to town when we were first married, I would give them our bed and take the sofa bed so my guests would be more comfortable. But that is just me. ;-) And while Pedro's sister is a total maniac, Chantel tried real hard to be drama free for about 30 seconds before losing her shit completely. Pedro put up with a lot of crap for a lot of days before drinking his frustrations. And Pedro was one against 4 because Chantel is no fucking help. If she were smart, she would have just planned to stay at her parents' house. And once of prevention is worth a pound of the cure. And for the record, Chantel IS a TOTAL PRINCESS. At 26 and with reasonably well off parents who seem to love to be involved in her life, she should already have earned her degree and be out working. She could have earned her BSN by 21 and have about 5 years of work under her belt by now. The fact that she is still farting around in school trying to find herself and wanting a swank apartment at the same time --- PRINCESS. And instead of a sofa, she insisted on two weddings, a diamond engagement ring, a new set of boobs that looks like dirigibles attached to her chest -- PRINCESS. As for all the pearl clutching and hand wringing about Pedro sending home 300 US every month, how much y'all think Chantel is dropping on her her monthly beauty maintenance between hair, nails and eyelashes. My monthly haircut and one tone color to cover my roots is $130 with tip in my small beach town. You can be damn sure that Chantel's beauty regimen in Atlanta is at least the same amount that Pedro is sending home. And as I have said and others, when you let your parents bust in on your marriage and insist on a prenup to protect YOUR money, it kinds sets up the rules for how things go. With PRINCESS Chantel, though, her money is her money, but Pedro's money is also her money. GTFOH. And as for all the pearl clutching and hand wringing about Family Pedro and their THREE bedroom - The sister is living at home sharing a living space with her mom. It's not like that apartment is for the mom alone and Sister Pedro is out living in her swank digs. Also, did anyone think that maybe the third bedroom is there in case they have to move Abuela in from the country if she gets too frail to care for herself? Again, not really a fan of Pedro's family, but let's at least be a little bit fair. Chantel could have stayed living at home to save money while in school - and put off marriage for a little while til she got her professional and financial life together. But, no, the PRINCESS wants everything she wants when she wants it right away, and nobody else should get more than she does. Does itstrike anyone as weird that Chantel is so crazy jealous of Pedro's single mom and sister sharing an apartment and living in an extremely poor, developing country? I mean, shit, it sounds like Chantel would be jealous of anyone and anything they might have that she doesn't. SPOILED PRINCESS.
  20. Because ‘it’s a klassy photo shoot. Not vulgar at all. It’s artistic. ;-)
  21. What are Jorge’s good qualities....and....crickets. Based on her descriptions and the footage from the reunion, Jorge a total sociopath. Wow, Jorge, it must be super degrading now to have to live off your wife who does “those things” to keep a roof over her head and yours. Jorge is a dangerous sack if shit, and I hope he doesn’t end up with his own ID special. Team Andisa all the way. Yeah, Chantel, it’s calked taking a tape measure out furniture shopping with you. Adulting is hard . I love how “The Family” thinks Pedro has a fake identity. I mean II know guvment work gets a bad wrap, but Jesus Christ, I think even a government hack could figure out if Pedro had a fake identity during the visa vetting process. So glad her parents have the hayseed Nancy Drew to get to the bottom of this.
  22. I just love how the WHOLE Family Chantel rode along to meet the PI. Are they that thirsty for camera time or are they just that dysfunctional? Shnikies! That PI sure knew how to prime the pump and get the Parents Chantel all spun up with suspicions. She just secured herself a whole year of billable hours. She is gonna bleed them dry. Also, does Mother Chantel’s face look like its perpetually drrooping...like the mask might slide right off?
  23. And Morgan is Soja's legal name. I don't care what last name Carole uses. My point is that she clings to that name and even past life as a journalist because of the prestige it brings her. As I wrote, she told Heather or someone she was on a double date with that she would never give up Radziwill - even if she got married again. Why? Because of the prestige it brings her. If her last name were Smith or Toffelmeier or Clapfish she would be pretty happy to revert to her maiden name or take on a new one. She and Anthony did not even have kids in their very short mariage. Yet, almost 20 years later, she still hangs on to it. Further, she has done nothing really noteworthy since her glory days of being a correspondent or writing her book on her widowhood. Weren't we and/or the girls on the show sort of snarking that she was bringing up her correspondence work as a reason why Bethenney should have picked her to go to Puerto Rico? Now, she can't even motivate herself to finish a cookbook with her BF or do a fluff piece for Cosmo. Can't even take a business call without chomping on popcorn. Look, I don't really care why any ofthese women keep or don't keep their names. I don't even really give a fig if they are desperately trying to hang on to someone else's glory, wealth, fame, prosperity. My only bone of contention is giving Sonja shit about it when ALL of them do it in one form or another. I just got no patience for hypocrisy. :-)
  24. Fair point but why the hell is Dorinda the self-appointed "Prestige Police" aka policing how everyone else uses past ties and connections? Any why is she the holier than thou Arbiter of Grief in determining who gets what claim to suffering and grief? Seems to me that Dorinda's widowhood has lasted longer than her marriage. Maybe get out of Sonja's shit and into some therapy about why she can't let go and why she has to turn into a sloppy slurring drunk at every social function? She can work on her problems chewing with her mouth open and sitting like truck driver in short frock at another session. She is just going after Sonja because she can. It's sport, and it's a little distasteful given her own proclivities.
  25. I think the correct term for what Lu dined on while en prison would be un sandwich bologna a la moutartde. ;-) I find Sonja's slavish obsession with her lost glory days to be irritating at times, but it certainly no less delusional than all these other heifers who only have access to "fame", cash, "prestige" to all be off the backs of someone else's labor. Shit, even Old Man Morgan didn't really do anything to make his money or collect his accolades. That was all generations ago. And yes, I get the concept of old money and the "prestige" of not having to dirty your hands to make it yourself. However, if we are going to pick on Sonja for clinging to a past. We should pick on all of them. Bethenney herself is the daughter of wealthy and somewhat famous horse trainer. She like to pretend that she is the little match girl who found a way to market and sell her matches barefoot in the snow so successfully that she turned it into a global branding powerhouse. However, Bethenney went to boarding school and always ran in a wealthy crowd. She had enough connections to get on Martha Stewart's Apprentice - where she had to admit she knew the son of one of the judges. Her name recognition and social connections help get on this show. And this show gave her a platform to launch a product and become successful. You have to be as dumb as Sonja to have a platform like that and NOT make money. Sure, Beth had a good idea, but lots of people every day have good ideas. Beth had enough cash, education and connections to launch her idea Compare her to Heather and what Heather managed to do on her own. Bethenny is no Heather or even a scrappy street fighter entrepreneur like Ramona. She was born on third base and wants to cling to the idea that she hit a home run. All these other heifers struck it rich at the alter. Countess Luann - obvious Carole - almost as obvious - clings to her own prestigious last name like velcro. Only successful book based on her experience with semi famous husband and prestigious connections. She even mentioned once in a conversation that she would never give up her last name as part of a marriage deal. Dorinda - Yes, may have loved Richard, but still seems to traffic in the industry of Widowhood and a monopoly on personal loss and suffering seven years later. She has as not changed name either because the name holds some prestige and notoriety in NY. Beth even commented that Dorinda was trying to hold on to that when she made a fool of herself while drunk with Beth's Puerto Rico contacts. Dorinda won't marry John because deep down she finds him repugnant and can't believe he is the best she can do now. Jill - for old time sake- What the hell would she be without Bobby and his money? Didn't she clerk at a men's store before meeting him? Tinsley - Not sure who Topper Mortimer was or it, Can't be bothered to find out, but she sure as hell is holding on to that Palm Beach name -even now that there is a second Mrs. Mortimer in the mix/ So, after all that, my only point is why give Sonja shit when all of them are essentially clinging on to past names/connections/grandeur/glory that only a lottery of birth or marriage helped them fall into? None of those ladies is really where they are due solely to their own scrappy hard work and grit. I see Sonja as essentially harmless. Why not let spin in her own whirlwind of delusion. If Dorinda is convinced that she has the high ground on personal grief and loss, why not ignore her? Count me as one who sees Bethenney's friendship with Sonja as a calculated move. Not only has she burned through everyone else for the moment, but Beth needs to work on her PR. Being the protector of poor harmless Sonja is a means to an image rehab. Although, notice how biting and cruel she is about Sonja in the talking heads? By being pathetic, B is the alpha bitch and feels secure hanging with Sonja. Shades of Jill liking Beth because she was the underdog...until she wasn't. It's why Beth hated Heather from the beginning. Heather was the real deal - business savvy, success. loving husband, cute kids. Beth could not outdo her on any score. So, she hated her and and had to go after her. Sad!
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