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Everything posted by KBrownie

  1. Wooowww, the show just did a total hatchet job and total regression on the characters of Jack and Jennifer today. `Neither of them has made ANY mention of their other child. It's disgusting that neither has said a word about JJ but finding out how Gwen is doing is priority. You'd think JJ didn't exist, hell maybe RC killed him too, in the world of Jack and Jennifer Deveraux. Nor has either gone to see Chad or their grandchildren. There was much too much propping and setting up of other characters' stories to do. Jennifer especially is nothing more than a glorified extra in the story of her own daughter's murder. CM's version of Jennifer picked up right where she left off: an empty vessel who is nothing more than Jack's "yes" woman, okaying all his Gwen bullshit no matter how stupid he sounds. NO perspective of her own, nothing about how she's coping, just there to parrot Jack's bullshit. It's as if nothing that happened the last time they were in town occurred. This isn't who Jennifer is. Jennifer is kind and forgiving, yes, but she's not a doormat. Or a fool. Not when it comes to Gwen's bullshit. Not when she KNOWS it's not what Abigail would have wanted. No wonder Missy Reeves didn't want to come back for this bullshit. Jennifer's only other purpose today was to further cement Lucas as suspect. Trot Jennifer out to remind viewers that Lucas may have killed his sister's child. Those scenes weren't about her at all. The less said about Jack the better. He continues in death as he did in her life to utterly fail Abigail as a father. Disappointing to say the least. He has to make a super special trip to tell Gwen about Abby's death. WHAT ABOUT JJ JACK! Have you told him? Have you or the Stepford version of your wife made ANY attempt to get in contact with him? Fuck Gwen. He spent more time grieving and expressing himself with her than he has with Jennifer. The forcing of this fake relationship between Jack and Gwen is disgusting. Of course, she has to start with presenting herself as the perpetual victim in telling him she had nothing to do with it. He didn't even think she had anything to with her murder. Really, Jack? All she's done for two years is try to murder Abigail. They really have to make him look like the stupidest fool ever to prop Gwen. She put on the performance of her miserable life. She's sorry? Give Jennifer her condolences? The audacity of this wench when it hasn't even been a day since you were plotting to stab Abby in the heart. Nasty sociopath. Bet she won't tell Jack all she knows about the night Abby was killed. RC should have taken out Jennifer and Jack along with Abby. It's obvious he doesn't GAF about either of them other than to serve his pet or his murder mystery. They've been twisted and mangled to an unrecognizable state to fit the plot.
  2. Couldn’t even get a full episode before Jack had to leave his real family to go and prop the retcon. No time for more between him and Jennifer. Or them trying to get in contact with JJ. Go check on your grandchildren Jack. Or Chad. ANYONE who actually loved Abigail. NOPE. Got to make sure there’s time for the retcon. We’ll get to see him (inexplicably) grieving with and doubling down on being a good “father” to the unapologetic wench who made multiple attempts to do exactly what Jack is crying over. She will give the performance of a lifetime and pretend to GAF about Abigail being dead and Jack’s feelings. Never mind it hasn’t even been 24 hours since she was last STILL plotting to kill Abigail. She’s a disgusting person. THIS we’ll get a lots of scenes of, but NOTHING about JJ. The sibling who we saw love and bond with his sister. At the very least he never tried to kill her. Or UNDERSTOOD why someone else killed her. No conversation with him. Just the retcon. I might understand if it was setting up Jack seeing the light finally about the retcon, but it’s not. Hey Jack? You are STILL failing Abigail as a father in your continued association with Gwen. And JJ. But I guess viewers are seriously supposed to pretend he doesn’t exist anymore now that Gwen is there. Jack can now focus totally on her now that Abby is out of the way. And Stepford Jen will stand back and silently approve. Although I can’t WAIT for Jack to hypocritically go after Lucas when he’s investigated as a suspect. Hell, that goes for anyone who’s a suspect. Except for orphan Gwennie of course. Can’t be mad at anyone who killed Abby when you’ve brushed aside everything Gwen did Jack.
  3. But they've already been down this route with Jack in regards to Gwen. There is no shock value. The shock is just how much his character has suffered in service of trying to prop the flailing dud. She promises him that she's changed and will do better until she doesn't, he swears he done with her and he really means it this time, but just can't walk away because she's his daughter and he loves her, she does something even worse and the cycle starts all over again. We're currently in the "she does something even worse" phase. We've already seen how this plays out. There is no shock value. Gwen does what she wants, cries some tears, and Jack laps it up and he's once again Gwen's fool.
  4. I just can't believe how stupid and idiotic Jack is going to look crying about Abby to fucking Gwen. This should be Steve. Marlena. John. Any number of people that it would make sense he would share his grief about Abigail with if he felt he couldn't with Jennifer. There ARE other people that matter to Jack besides Gwen. It reeks of desperation to force people to believe there's some great bond between them and there's just NOT. Jack just looks like a blubbering fool whenever he starts going on and on about Gwen.
  5. JJ? Who's that? JJ doesn't seem to exist in RC's Salem. He certainly hasn't been on Jack's radar since the retcon appeared. I will be SHOCKED if there's a mention of why he doesn't show up to grieve with his family. HE should be the one his parents lean on and he them. But there will be plenty of reaction and focus on the retcon to be sure. She's going to console and be there for Daddy when just today she's ordering someone to stab Abby in the heart. Abby is dead and JJ is MIA. Just what RC wants. The retcon front and center.
  6. The destruction of Jack is really something. He's crying and holding hands with the person who only luck saved from killing the very person he's crying about. This for sure won't be about him. Just Gwen's supposed "guilty conscience." But she surely won't reveal any of her latest plotting though. Make it make sense . . .
  7. Spoiler pics for next week And so it begins. Fuck all the way off Jack. Abby dies and one of the first thing he does is go crying to fucking Gwen!? The bitch who only got lucky in her MULTIPLE attempts on Abby's life? Seriously, go straight to hell Jack. You really are starting off on the right foot as far as honoring Abby's memory aren't you? The audacity of this bitch Gwen. Last week she was plotting with Leo to destroy her and then today once again it was more threatening, but she's going to play it up with Jack like she really gives a shit. Somebody please get rid of this wench. Jack is done. Completely ruined as any believable version of himself for this bitch. He can't do this same scene with Steve? Justin? Couldn't bring JJ back for him to grieve with. Nope. He's going to go sniffling to fucking Gwen. Why? To build tension because Gwen MAY have murdered Abby or helped the person who did? They won't pull the trigger and have Gwen ACTUALLY be the one who did it because they obviously are still trying to prop her and force the audience to care about her. Jack wouldn't care any way if she did. He'd just excuse it like he's done everything else. Option B: He'll get mad and think she did it for a minute and then come crawling back later apologizing for doubting her innocence. But I guess Gwen will the only one who cares about Jack in all of this. That he has NO one else besides her. Utter foolishness . . . More for next week So this will be ALL about Gwen it seems. This will be her big redemption ya'll! Abby dying will be her latest and greatest wake-up call that will spur her to be a better person. She will cry to daddy that she wishes she would have done things differently and that she will be his bestest favorite daughter now. You WILL love Gwen. RC had to take Abby out to force it, but you WILL love her. She is Jack's only surviving child so you HAVE TO LIKE HER.
  8. Plus he couldn't take a chance on viewers not liking a recast other than Kate, but you have all these recasts coming in for Beyond Salem? Stephanie, Andrew, Joey, etc. And some of them coming back to the main show? Now would have been the best time for a recast since you have all these other ones, plus the success of recasting before. But he can sure find a reason for Gwen to still be around. Whatever . . . So much for MM not wanting to play Abby anymore and all the spec about the details of her personal life that all these "insiders" were so sure of. She wants to continue. RC just doesn't want to accommodate her like he does others for whatever reason. In addition to the Ciara actress working part-time, you have Will, Sami, Eli. He really is just gutting the core of the Horton family. The ones remaining are firmly planted in stories involving more favored families. Soon, there will only be Doug & Julie to trot out for Christmas and gather the remaining 3 or 4 Hortons to hang the ornaments and claim the family for that day and then return to wherever they were. They should just discontinue the whole tradition all together. What a way to honor Tom and Alice. Eliminate almost their entire line from the show. And no offense to CM, but I'm not really interested in her take on Jennifer right now. This should totally be MR. SHE has been Abby's mother for most of the last 30 years. More than Jack has been around as her father. Especially this latest weak and foolish version of Jack as a father. I'm especially NOT interested in his tears. The emotional impact of this is severely limited w/ CM. Her Jennifer didn't even interact all that much with Abigail. After the affair stuff, all she did was pat Jack's back and follow along with all his Gwen bullshit. And no JJ. Not that I expect there to be any real focus on their grief. They will be used to hype Lucas as a suspect and of course to prop poor Gwen. They'll then disappear. Gwen will surely have lots of time to proclaim her innocence to Daddy and whine about how she tried, but Abby was just SO mean to her and broke her mug! This is probably RC's big chance to get rid of them as well. At least Jennifer. She has no reason to be in Salem anymore. Jack and Jennifer have only been coming back to deal with any Abby and/or Gwen related crisis. Abby's going to be gone, so Jack can do Gwen propping duty on his own.
  9. The whole mess today was sooo stupid. It's very obvious this was all rushed because all these scenes with Gwen were just non-sensical. I agree the breaking of the mug was out of character. Abigail should have just walked out when Gwen started in with the fake bullshit about Jack's birthday. Like she really cares. After two plus years we FINALLY get a reason for Gwen to hate Abby. After all the poisoning, lying, manipulating, kidnapping, etc. the retcon finally gets a real, tangible reason to hate Abby. Poor, poor, POOR, orphan Gwennie. That mean ol' Abby broke the super special birthday mug she made for Daddy. How dare she! Stupid plot holes all around. First off, call Jack yourself Gwen. You JUST said you know Abby hates you and Jack doesn't, so why not CALL JACK YOURSELF to come and get your 1st grade art project mug? She all of sudden can't get in contact with Jack without Abby's help? Please. Although, I will happily believe to myself that Jack is perfectly happy celebrating his birthday wherever he is with Jennifer and that if he wanted to be with Gwen on his birthday he would have. Also, a mug that says "Dad" on it?! Really, show? That's the best you can come up with? I thought she was joking at first, or had some ulterior motive, but then she was totally serious with that nonsense. You want to give Jack a birthday present Gwen? Write him a letter or something apologizing for the hell you've put him and his family through the past two years. Go longer than a couple days without vowing revenge against his daughter or aiding and abetting someone else's revenge against her. Do something mature and reflective of your almost 40 year old self and not some grade school art project. She should have put "#1 Bestest Dad" on it to really put the cherry on top of how juvenile the whole thing was. Show really needs to stop pushing that there's any actual relationship there. It's so forced and unnatural. Never mind that Gwen keeps trying to kill Jack's child. But she just cares about Daddy oh so much that she just HAS to get this mug to him for his birthday! Bullshit.
  10. Honestly no offense, this is still all just speculation. It may or may not all turn out to be completely true, but none of this is anything concrete. What anyone else chooses to do as far as raising their kids is an individual choice, MM may choose the same or not. Her business. But all this long, drawn out spec about her parenting choices to make the spec about her leaving fit is going too far. Not saying that’s what the original post was doing, but others have weirdly crossed some lines when the actress has said nothing about any of this. TP could have been referring to anything, but people already having the rumors about MM leaving in their heads decided one plus one must equal two. “People in the business” really doesn’t mean anything either as it seems everyone and anyone has their own “person they know” or “an insider” who somehow never has a name or knows anything specific, but nevertheless whatever they report spreads like a game of telephone. I did expect SID and any other mainstream press to report on her supposed departure last week since this all takes place this week, but still nothing. This week should be a different story, but we shall see Again, it may all turn out to be true, but I’ll wait for better confirmation or it playing out on screen. Speculation is fine and part of the fun, but is IS just that. I’ve seen people attacking others as delusional and being in denial for DARING to suggest something different from the established narrative. For example, it’s been reported in an actual source that Leo encounters Thomas in the DiMera hidden room. It’s pretty safe to assume that isn’t going to be some little innocent event, but people want to shut that down as insignificant because it doesn’t fit the “MM IS leaving narrative.”
  11. Where’s all the evidence that MM wanted out? People keep posting all this spec about the ACTRESS’S motivations to try and justify the presence and actions of the dead weight character but provide nothing other than Twitter gossip. It’s one thing to do that with a character, but quite another w/ a real person. At this point MM, nor anyone official representing the show, has said anything about her supposed exit. Anyways, to say that Gwen is part of the character Abigail’s demise because MM wanted to leave doesn’t even make sense. Just more desperation to try and make the Gwen character more relevant than she actually is. The quoted post makes it seem like Gwen’s been off in her own successful story completely separate and distant from that of Abigail and MM leaving forced the writers to pluck her from her own story to take one for the team to be a suspect in Abigail’s murder. Yeah, not what happened. Gwen has done little else for the past two plus years BUT plan for Abigail’s demise in one way or another. The retcon becomes even more pointless WITHOUT Abigail as her entire existence for most of her run has been centered AROUND Abigail. Who’s she going to direct her sad story and all her irrational blame to now? Sarah? Ava? Xander is done with her, so her lapdog Jack and degenerate BFF Leo are the only ones left to care a bit about her. Two. Out of however many characters that exist on this show, only two have any other feelings for this dud other than neutral. But, who knows? Maybe this will be the story that leads to the end of Gwen as well. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽. The actress and actor who plays Leo can take their schtick back to Y&R where it originated.
  12. What adds salt to the wound is that if it is Abigal that dies, not only will it be the THIRD close family member that Jennifer has lost in just over two years, GWEN, the utter failure and dud of a character, will have been responsible or played a role in in TWO of them. She murdered (or not depending on the day or who she's lying to) Laura and will have played some role, big or small, in whatever ends up happening to Abigail. But Jack will defend the wench and give another speech where he ends up looking like a clown. Jennifer needs to cut him loose, and I say this as a big JnJ fan, if he continues to try to play both sides. If he wants the retcon, he can have her. But, hey, maybe that's the goal. RC is obviously invested in the dead weight that is Gwen, so maybe he's freeing Jack up to be her full-time supporter and cheerleader. Both his other kids are gone, and he'll alienate Jennifer if he continues to try and "save" what can't be salvaged, so little orphan Gwennie will have Daddy. All this carnage and destruction of history and characters for someone no one gives a fuck about. If anyone deserves some sweet revenge, it's Jennifer against the useless retcon. It's so ironic how much time Gwen spends whining about how she's been done wrong with NO self-awareness of how much damage she's inflicted but expects absolute acceptance. I would think Lucas is obviously being set up. Or maybe not. RC seems to have something against Jennifer and wants to eliminate any reason for her to be in Salem, so why not have her brother be somehow responsible for the death of her daughter? Him being a suspect just further shows how stupid it is to try and set up a murder mystery around Abigail. They had no suspects other than the obvious Leo and Gwen, so they had to drag Lucas into it with her sudden interest in what happened to Sami. Killing off either Leo or Gwen would have made too much sense, I guess. Everyone hates them and there would have been no shortage of suspects and a mystery, but no, let's force a mystery and kill Abigail. Stupid.
  13. But hasn't she supposedly already told them all the truth about this? Didn't she JUST swear to Jack in her latest round of "I'm so sorry, it wasn't my fault, my mother didn't love me, YOU abandoned me dad, Abigail LIED to me, I'm a changed person" that Laura dying was an accident and that she only said that she killed Laura at the wedding to hurt Abigail? This shouldn't be in dispute anymore based on the retcon's promises and protestations to Jack and the rest of them. But now today, what happened is between her and Laura and maybe one day between her and Abigail? Soooo, she did, in fact, kill Laura on purpose? It's not like she isn't capable, but I'm not sure what the show is trying to do with repeatedly going back to it. If it was truly an accident, why wasn't that shown from jump? If it was an accident, why keep going over and over it. Is the wench STILL lying to Jack's face about it? Well, so what? Jack happily is nothing but her fool to lead around on a string, so he won't care. He'll be outraged for a minute and then give another tearful speech and she'll lie to him and the cycle starts all over again. Why the need to keep revisiting it? And for the record, it will forever be disgusting and an insult that the character of Laura is reduced to being nothing but bait that this nothing of a character gets to use to hurt Laura's family.
  14. There's other spoilers from this same source that Thomas finds Leo hiding in the DiMera mansion earlier in the week. Link: Spoilers for Week of 6/6 More for Week of 6/6 After all the baby talk between Leo/Gwen and Chad/Abby today, I'm starting to think that Leo snatches Thomas and makes it look like he's dead or something. I wonder how Gwen will manage with Sarah to do her usual deflection from the nasty things she's done by turning herself into the victim. She can't pull the "Our Daddy loved YOU more than me," or "You had a nice life with daddy and I didn't." Maybe she'll go with the more general and all-purpose, "Poor me had a rough life and my mommy didn't love me." Regardless, there will be lots of big, fat tears. Pointless wench. Ugh.
  15. Gwen continues to make Jack out to be a total fool with his long speeches about having faith in her. When is it enough Jack? The bitch doesn't care about you ONE iota. You only exist to serve her emotional needs. These writers care nothing about making him look utterly stupid and gullible every time he gives his long speeches about her. She proves him wrong EVERY time. But I guess she doesn't care because he comes back like an abuse victim even after every disgusting thing she does to him and his family. She knows she can do what she wants and Jack will come back with a long speech and she can promise to be better and he will swallow her bullshit until the next time. I agree that with all the baby talk today that she's going to take things to another level and target either an unborn Chad and Abby kid or go after Thomas or Charlotte. I loved how she admitted, despite all her denials at the time, that she would have basically used her kid to come between Abby and Chad. That baby knew what it was doing when it decided it didn't want her for a mother. Will going after the innocent grandchildren finally be enough for Jack? Sad that they continue to ruin him to prop the nasty dud Gwen. Is the audience supposed to be rooting for her or Leo? Whiners who wallow in their own victimhood when those who they victimize dare to stand up for themselves against the sociopaths. And they keep bringing up Laura for some reason. Either Laura is alive or she killed her. Pick a lane. I'm #TeamLaura when it comes to Gwen. Yeah, they might be paying for it now, but at least they had all that time without the nasty wench in their lives. I can't imagine Jack would have protected a baby Abigail from the sociopath if this is how he acts now. Poor JJ might not exist as the jealous wench probably would have killed him so she didn't have another sibling to compete with for daddy's affection. They really need to cut her tie to Jack. If she wants to be full-throttle villain out to get Abigail, then she needs not to be related to Jack. It kills his character that he can keep defending her no matter how she hurts everyone else he's supposed to care about and protect and who can ever buy her giving a shit about her "father" when she keeps going after people he loves? Why would anyone ever root for her? How is she viable as a character? She's just a nasty, irrational, illogical, petty bitch.
  16. While this may be true, although I wouldn't agree she is "floundering," even if she was that description plus way more similar ones all apply to at least 5-10 other characters, who do not have nearly as many ties, or as much history and potential as Abigail, so why her? If you need to kill a character off occasionally for story purposes or budget or whatever, it's understandable, but what doesn't make any sense in this case is that with so much other, more egregious dead weight (if you're one, not me personally, who thinks the character is dead weight) that will still be around. Abby's out, but Jake is still there? Ava? Leo? Clyde? Bonnie? What's Gabi done lately other than sleep with Jake and trade off as CEO w/ a DiMera and then repeat? The Tepid Twins who are more interesting when possessed by the devil than their normal selves? If Abby's gotta go, then why are these and others still around? But even worse than the previous examples of characters who are better examples of dead weight and floundering where a murder mystery would actually make sense because literally NO ONE other than two people either hate or simply don't give a fuck about them is the abomination of a retcon Gwen. This epitome of "floundering," who will have even less of a reason to be around once her main source of conflict is gone, gets to stay and eat up screentime with her repetitive tales of self-pity and woe? They won't bring JJ back to at least have one of Jack and Jennifer's children around, never mind it would actually make sense for him to come back to be with his parents, but fucking Gwen gets to still lurk around as there's no way they are going to keep her off-screen for long. This won't even mean much in terms of story or screentime for Jack and Jennifer. They won't get much time to grieve. Gwen will need seventeen minutes to whine about how it wasn't her and how Abby deserved it, and now Jack can give her the life she never had because no one ever loved her. If you want an actual murder mystery, GWEN is the one they need to kill. There are enough characters that actively hate her with good reason that it would be a guessing game as to which person she's fucked with that finally got their revenge. Plus, there's just no need for her to exist. None. They've bounced her all over the place to find a place where she fits and . . . nothing. At the end of the day the only one person who gives a fuck about her is Jack and they've had to contort his character so much to the point he's unrecognizable to justify the fuck that he gives. Just him (Oh! I forgot about her BFF Leo who also likes to assault people by drugging them. What a pair!). And the fake and over the top blubbering that ensues every time the characters come into contact to try and play up the bond and relationship between the two is grating at this point. If you still need to do all that after two years to try and play up Gwen as someone important to Jack that the audience cares about, then it isn't working. It could cause some organic drama and conflict to get rid of her if it was someone like Jennifer that finally got fed up with Gwen toying, literally and figuratively, with the lives of her family and snuffed out the wench. What would Jack do? Sell out his soulmate of 30+ years for the retcon who repeatedly tried to kill one of his other kids and done nothing but lie to his face for 3 years? Would he act somewhat in character and realize that he isn't all that upset that she's dead and all he felt before was guilt? What about Sarah? Will Sarah get to be pissed at Gwen for what she did to her? Maggie? Abigail would obviously be another suspect? Xander too. Maybe he thinks Sarah, still not fully recovered, killed Gwen. SO much more story potential to killing Gwen than Abigail. And yeah, yeah, yeah, no on this show is ever dead, but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy this. Especially when there's already so little to enjoy and so many other characters whose death would make more sense. This is just RC freeing up space for even more focus on his favorites.
  17. Bingo. Lots of talk from Emersyn and Mason and blaming of her mother (who isn't handling things 100% the best), but no real alternative plans or actions either. Kylen is obviously being abused, but I do find it really interesting that she manages to find her voice when it comes to defending Jason. I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby. Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?
  18. Catching up on this past week . . . I agree that I wish Eli was more of a focus rather than doing nothing but supporting Lani. I don't find her all that interesting that we need her long-lost mother, sister, father, and supporting cast while there are legacy characters that should be around. She is not the Carver child that should get all this attention. I'd rather know what Theo is doing. In regard to the did Gwen murder Laura or not saga, I don't get why anyone would think killing Laura is somehow beyond what Gwen is capable of. I totally believe she did it. Was it pre-meditated? Maybe not, but I can totally buy she killed Laura in a fit of rage. There's a reason they never showed what actually happened in that moment. Maybe they'll say later or show/prove definitively it was an accident, but right now, it's absolutely possible she did intentionally kill Laura. I mean, despite all her "poor, poor, me" excuses, it's not like she is somehow above trying to kill anyone. Or that it's somehow a step too far for her. Why doesn't any bring up her MULTIPLE acts of attempted murder? She's been trying to kill Abigail from the moment she appeared. She's just been lucky she hasn't so far. Any of her attempts at drugging Abby and now Sarah could have killed them and made her a murderer. And those actions ARE pre-meditated. Her latest clubbing of Abby in the head could have killed her. Would that not have been murder? This wench should have been locked up and off the streets a long time ago. She has no regard for life beyond her own wants and desires and will try to take out who she needs to benefit what she wants. The show just ignores that and plays up all her self-pity and whining. Jack, who I usually love, is beyond stupid and looks like a sad, abused, puppy who just keeps coming back for more. "She swears she didn't do it." STFU Jack. What she "swears" means less than nothing. Jennifer needs give him some tough love instead of continuing to support him in his delusions. She's been more than tolerant and supportive. Enough is enough. How many times does Gwen get to attack Abby? Is he not going to be satisfied that Gwen is a monster until she actually IS successful at killing her? Is that what it takes Jack? Stop engaging with her and maybe she'll get it. Every time he comes back after another revelation of her yet again being a murderous, dangerous, sociopath just says to her that he'll keep coming back no matter what I do, so why not keep trying. And now she's declared war on Jennifer. Jack just likes a total idiot here. Gwen cares NOTHING about him. Why doesn't he point out to her that she claims to want a father but cares not one bit about hurting him by hurting the people he loves the most. What's next, is she going to have beef with JJ too? What if she decided to go after him too because Jack was (partially) around to raise him? Would that be crossing yet another line Jack? She's a nasty wench. It's just repetitive at this point. She does something heinous, cries some tears and "poor me," whines about Abigail, promises to do better, but then does something else and the cycle starts all over again.
  19. I LOVED that Jenn actually got to have a realistic reaction to the Gwen mess this time and wasn't just standing in the background or doing/saying something totally un-Jenn. I thought the background acting (if that's a thing) between MR and MA was just as engaging and important to those scenes as the direct confrontation between Gwen, Abigail, and Xander. In addition to the moment described in the original post, every time the show returned to the confrontation, you could see Jennifer reaching out to stop Jack from interfering. It was some great non-verbal stuff from those two and highlights the natural ease between those two actors. Jack trusted his wife and her guidance. Jennifer was totally secure in how to handle and support her husband and daughter against Gwen's manipulations and didn't blink an eye when Gwen directly got aggressive with her. Not that she needed it, but it would have been nice if Jack put Gwen in his place regarding Jennifer. Those moments said a lot about Jack as well. He didn't get angry that she obviously knew something would be going down beforehand, although she seemed absolutely shocked and appalled at all that ended up coming out, he understood that she wanted him to see everything for himself. The Jack from when Gwen first showed up and Jenn was gone would have immediately been coddling and consoling poor, poor 'Gwen. It was great to see Jack acknowledge that he had tried with Gwen and had blamed himself for how she turned out, but that he was done. Hopefully, he means it this time. Gwen doesn't care about him. It was especially disgusting that she tried to blame him for her actions by telling him that "you were gone." So what? Is he supposed to hold her hand 24/7 and keep her from doing bad things? Gwen is an adult. She still blames everyone but herself for all the nasty things she does. Finally, I was surprised to see how quick she turned hateful towards Jennifer. Again, not a good look if you supposedly love Jack to be a hateful bitch to his true love Gwen. After all they've been through, I don't think Jack would ever risk Jennifer for you Gwen. And she knows it. And it burns her up inside. Never mind Jennifer has never done anything to her other than be MORE than gracious and tolerant of a person who has made multiple attempts on her child's life, is responsible for her mother being dead, trying to ruin her marriage, publicly humiliating her, and just basically being a heinous bitch. Also, I keep seeing people say how Jack is so wrong to be done with Gwen because he is her father and fathers don't do that to their children. Please. Jack isn't any father to Gwen in any way that counts. He is her father in the most technical, biological way only. Any other meaning of father? No. Not to her. It's not anyone's fault, it's just the way it is. Trying to force it will not work.
  20. Send them both back to Y&R if you want to re-do Y&R Ron. No one wants or cares about these two nothing characters being BFF. Just more winking at the audience like anyone cares. If I wanted to watch Y&R, I'd watch Y&R. But not even Y&R seems to have any use for these two. And hasn't poor, poor Gwen's poor me spiel been that she was just so all alone, but now she has a magic BFF. *RME* These pointless characters w/ no connections that do nothing but eat up airtime while the people the audience actually cares about disappear for months on end really need to GO.
  21. Ditto. She just wants a warm body, any older male to be “daddy.” Writers went way too hard, too fast to sell her. Doesn’t help that the actors have no chem as father/daughter while MA has it in spades with ALL the other actors/actresses that have played Jack’s children. I’ll never forget how seamless and great the scenes were between Casey Moss and Matt Ashford when they did flashback scenes for when JJ was thinking of killing himself. They really came across as father/son who had playing that way for a long time even though, I could be wrong, those were their first scenes together. Contrast the simpering and whining Gwen. All their interactions are forced and not genuine at all.
  22. What exactly is the “so much more” that these two have in common other than their weird, shared desire that Jack be their daddy like he is to his real kids and their irrational resentment of Abigail because Jack will never care about them that way. Before Sarah, they really had nothing else to talk about. Although I’m glad JJ isn’t around this mess and that he seems to no longer exist as Jack’s son to Ron, it would be interesting to see Xander and the retcon react to Jack doting on Abigail AND JJ. Heads might explode. They’d probably try and snuff him out too. Therefore, stay away JJ! Visit your parents while they’re in Boston. Abby and the kids can come too. But don’t let the retcon and her fiancé find out. They’ll accuse you of ruining the retcon’s life because your father loves and adores you.
  23. Yeah, the birth control remark was dumb, but I'm completely with mom when it comes to Mason sleeping over. And to Mason's credit, he had no problem with the arrangement. He seems to get it more than his dumb girlfriend. It's mom's house. If she doesn't want her other kids seeing Mason and Emersyn playing house or if she simply doesn't want Mason getting too comfortable in her home, then that's her right. If it's so important to spoiled princess Emersyn that Mason stay with her and the baby, then she and Mason can find their own place and do what they want. And Kylen can't speak up to tell her stupid boyfriend that it's not about him, but she sure was able to tell her parents that they shouldn't answer the question asked of them by the producer person. THAT is when she chooses to speak up? To be a bitch to her parents who are gently trying to warn her about Jason? Stupid. Kylen knows exactly what's wrong with how Jason is behaving. What's she going to do when the baby comes and Jason decrees something about the baby's well-being that she knows is wrong or hurtful? Just continue to let him get his way? Scary stuff . . .
  24. I don't blame MR for not wanting to come back full time if all they have for her to do is further contribute to the never-ending propping of the failed Gwen. Jennifer can't have a realistic reaction to anything because she's too busy making it okay for Jack to continue to be the clueless idiot he's been about Gwen. She can't be angry about how her mother died, Gwen's multiple attempts on Abby's life, how Jack has mistreated their child, . . . I wouldn't be so eager to rush back either. It would be so great to see Hope, Jennifer, AND Melissa as the heads of the Horton family legacy along with Julie. It would also be nice to see them interacting with their children and their children interacting with EACH OTHER taking the Horton family in new directions. But, no. There's Gwen. Ava. Jake. And others floating around serving no real purpose.
  25. Eh. Xander and his lying wench of a fiancé should seriously STFU. I can't wait until that glass house comes crashing down around the two of them. Just wait until poor Xander finds out who's really been the one hurting his precious Sarah. He'll deserve every moment when he knows just how much Gwen has been leading him around by the nose and what SHE has done to Sarah. He's too stupid to live at this point. NO awareness whatsoever from either twit of why those dangerous drugs were even in play in the first place. They somehow have the nerve to look down their murderous noses at Abigail but will turn around in the next breath and claim to care about Jack. They don't know crap or care about anyone other than themselves. Make sure to keep that same energy when Gwen's manipulations come out, Xander. I hope you drown in the record amount of tears Gwen's sure to shed to you and Jack about it was all mean Abigail's fault and she's had a bad life, just poor, POOR, Gwen.
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